98 research outputs found

    Added value of ultra-short echo time and fast field echo using restricted echo-spacing MR imaging in the assessment of the osseous cervical spine

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    PURPOSE To evaluate the added value of ultra-short echo time (UTE) and fast field echo resembling a CT using restricted echo-spacing (FRACTURE) MR sequences in the assessment of the osseous cervical spine using CT as reference. MATERIALS AND METHODS Twenty-seven subjects underwent postmortem CT and MRI within 48 h. Datasets were anonymized and analyzed retrospectively by two radiologists. Morphological cervical spine alterations were rated on CT, UTE and FRACTURE images. Afterward, neural foraminal stenosis was graded on standard MR and again after viewing additional UTE/FRACTURE sequences. To evaluate interreader and intermodality reliability, intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) and for stenosis grading Wilcoxon-matched-pairs testing with multiple comparison correction were calculated. RESULTS Moderate interreader reliability (ICC = 0.48-0.71) was observed concerning morphological findings on all modalities. Intermodality reliability was good between modalities regarding degenerative vertebral and joint alterations (ICC = 0.69-0.91). Compared to CT neural stenosis grades were more often considered as nonsignificant on all analyzed MR sequences. Neural stenosis grading scores differed also significantly between specific bone imaging sequences, UTE and FRACTURE, to standard MR sequences. However, no significant difference was observed between UTE and FRACTURE sequences. CONCLUSION Compared to CT as reference, UTE or FRACTURE sequence added to standard MR sequences can deliver comparable information on osseous cervical spine status. Both led to changes in clinically significant stenosis gradings when added to standard MR, mainly reducing the severity of neural foramina stenosis

    Emotional burnout of specialists in socio-occupational professions: contemporary views on the problem

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    Представлено сучасні підходи до проблеми вигорання у представників соціономічних професій у контексті емоційної праці, емоційного і когнітивного дисонансу. Проаналізовано й узагальнено наукову літературу з питань вигорання, визначено три основні його компоненти: емоційне і/або фізичне виснаження, зниження продуктивності праці і надмірна деперсоналізація. На основі аналізу визначень вигорання встановлено його зв’язок з емоційною працею (регуляцією і вираженням емоційних станів). Обстоюється думка, що фахівці соціономічних професій особливо вразливі до вигорання, оскільки тривалий час перебувають у стані, коли необхідно постійно контролювати свої емоції, брати на себе відповідальність і відчувати невизначеність, працюючи з іншими людьми. Емоційну працю розглянуто як предиктор вигорання у фахівців соціономічних професій. На основі аналізу літератури, присвяченої проблемам вигорання та емоційного дисонансу, висловлено припущення, що вимоги щодо емоційної праці зумовлюють різноманітність проявів синдрому виго-рання (у тому числі виснаження, цинізму, зниження продуктивності праці та погіршення самопочуття), а знання симптомів вигорання дало б змогу фахівцям соціономічних професій запобігти виникненню та загостренню цього стану.This article deals with the modern approaches to the problem of burnout of helping professionals in the context of emotional labor, emotional and cognitive dissonance. The burnout literature is reviewed, compared, and summarized. The definition of burnout is proposed including three components: emotional and/or physical exhaustion, lowered work productivity, and excessive depersonalization. Based on an analysis of the definitions of burnout, the paper focuses on the connec-tion of burnout and emotional work (regulation of feelings and emotional expression). It is also maintained a fact that helping professionals are especially vulnerable to burnout because of the necessity to control own emotions for a long time, to take responsibilities, and to feel uncertainties they encounter while working with others. The current study discussed emotional labor as a predictor of burnout of helping professionals. On the basis of the literature on burnout and emotional dissonance, the author of this article hypothesized that emotional job demands would explain variances of burnout (i.e., exhaustion and cynicism). Knowledge of abovementioned syndromes would help socionomy professionals to avoid emergence and aggravation of emotional burnout.Представлены современные подходы к проблеме выгорания у представителей социономических профессий в контексте эмоциональной труда, эмоционального и когнитивного диссонанса. Проанализированы и обобщены научную литературу по вопросам выгорания, определены три основные его компоненты: эмоциональное и / или физическое истощение, снижение производительности труда и чрезмерная деперсонализация. На основе анализа определений выгорания установлена ​​его связь с эмоциональной трудом (регуляцией и выражением эмоциональных состояний). Отстаивается мнение, что специалисты социономических профессий особенно уязвимы к выгоранию, поскольку длительное время находятся в состоянии, когда необходимо постоянно контролировать свои эмоции, брать на себя ответственность и чувствовать неопределенность, работая с другими людьми. Эмоциональный труд рассмотрен как предиктор выгорания у специалистов социономических профессий. На основе анализа литературы, посвященной проблемам выгорания и эмоционального диссонанса, высказано предположение, что требования по эмоциональной труда обусловливают разнообразие проявлений синдрома выгорания (в том числе истощения, цинизма, снижение производительности труда и ухудшение самочувствия), а знание симптомов выгорания позволило бы специалистам социономических профессий предотвратить возникновение и обострение этого состояния

    Supportive Care Needs in Glioma Patients and Their Caregivers in Clinical Practice: Results of a Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objective: Supportive care needs in glioma patients often remain unrecognized, and optimization in assessment is required. First, we aimed at assessing the support needed using a simple structured questionnaire. Second, we investigated the psychosocial burden and support requested from caregivers.Methods: Patients were assessed at three centers during their outpatient visits. They completed the Distress Thermometer (DT; score ≥ 6 indicated significant burden in brain tumor patients), the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ)-C30+BN20, and the Patients' Perspective Questionnaire (PPQ) that assessed psychosocial distress as well as support requested and received by patients for specific domains (e.g., family, doctor, and mobile care). In each subgroup, patients' caregivers were assessed simultaneously by a questionnaire developed for the study. Multivariate backward logistic regressions were performed for investigating predictors of patients' request for support.Results: Assessments were conducted for 232 patients. Most patients (82%) had a high-grade glioma and a mean age of 52 years (range 20–87). The male to female ratio was 1.25:1. According to the PPQ results, 38% (87) of the patients felt depressed; 44% (103), anxious; and 39% (91), tense/nervous. Desired support was highest from doctors (59%) and psychologists (19%). A general request for support was associated with lower global health status (p = 0.03, odds ratio (OR) = 0.96, 95% CI: 0.92–0.99) according to EORTC QLQ-C30. Most of the assessed caregivers (n = 96) were life partners (64%; n = 61) who experienced higher distress than the corresponding patients (caregivers: 6.5 ± 2.5 vs. patients: 5.3 ± 2.4). When patients were on chemotherapy, caregivers indicated DT ≥ 6 significantly more frequently than patients themselves (p = 0.02).Conclusion: Our data showed that glioma patients and their caregivers were both highly burdened. The PPQ allowed us to evaluate the psychosocial support requested and perceived by patients, detect supportive care needs, and provide information at a glance. Patients in poorer clinical condition are at risk of having unmet needs. The caregivers' burden and unmet needs are not congruent with the patients' need for support. In particular, caregivers of patients on chemotherapy were more highly burdened than patients themselves

    Recommendations on the structure, personal, and organization of intensive care units

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    BackgroundIntensive care units (ICU) are central facilities of medical care in hospitals world-wide and pose a significant financial burden on the health care system.ObjectivesTo provide guidance and recommendations for the requirements of (infra)structure, personal, and organization of intensive care units.Design and settingDevelopment of recommendations based on a systematic literature search and a formal consensus process from a group of multidisciplinary and multiprofessional specialists from the German Interdisciplinary Association of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI). The grading of the recommendation follows the report from an American College of Chest Physicians Task Force.ResultsThe recommendations cover the fields of a 3-staged level of intensive care units, a 3-staged level of care with respect to severity of illness, qualitative and quantitative requirements of physicians and nurses as well as staffing with physiotherapists, pharmacists, psychologists, palliative medicine and other specialists, all adapted to the 3 levels of ICUs. Furthermore, proposals concerning the equipment and the construction of ICUs are supplied.ConclusionThis document provides a detailed framework for organizing and planning the operation and construction/renovation of ICUs

    A Genomewide Screen for Suppressors of Alu-Mediated Rearrangements Reveals a Role for PIF1

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    Alu-mediated rearrangement of tumor suppressor genes occurs frequently during carcinogenesis. In breast cancer, this mechanism contributes to loss of the wild-type BRCA1 allele in inherited disease and to loss of heterozygosity in sporadic cancer. To identify genes required for suppression of Alu-mediated recombination we performed a genomewide screen of a collection of 4672 yeast gene deletion mutants using a direct repeat recombination assay. The primary screen and subsequent analysis identified 12 candidate genes including TSA, ELG1, and RRM3, which are known to play a significant role in maintaining genomic stability. Genetic analysis of the corresponding human homologs was performed in sporadic breast tumors and in inherited BRCA1-associated carcinomas. Sequencing of these genes in high risk breast cancer families revealed a potential role for the helicase PIF1 in cancer predisposition. PIF1 variant L319P was identified in three breast cancer families; importantly, this variant, which is predicted to be functionally damaging, was not identified in a large series of controls nor has it been reported in either dbSNP or the 1000 Genomes Project. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Pfh1 is required to maintain both mitochondrial and nuclear genomic integrity. Functional studies in yeast of human PIF1 L319P revealed that this variant cannot complement the essential functions of Pfh1 in either the nucleus or mitochondria. Our results provide a global view of nonessential genes involved in suppressing Alu-mediated recombination and implicate variation in PIF1 in breast cancer predisposition

    Transcriptional profiling of HERV-K(HML-2) in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and potential implications for expression of HML-2 proteins

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    Abstract Background Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder. About 90% of ALS cases are without a known genetic cause. The human endogenous retrovirus multi-copy HERV-K(HML-2) group was recently reported to potentially contribute to neurodegeneration and disease pathogenesis in ALS because of transcriptional upregulation and toxic effects of HML-2 Envelope (Env) protein. Env and other proteins are encoded by some transcriptionally active HML-2 loci. However, more detailed information is required regarding which HML-2 loci are transcribed in ALS, which of their proteins are expressed, and differences between the disease and non-disease states. Methods For brain and spinal cord tissue samples from ALS patients and controls, we identified transcribed HML-2 loci by generating and mapping HML-2-specific cDNA sequences. We predicted expression of HML-2 env gene-derived proteins based on the observed cDNA sequences. Furthermore, we determined overall HML-2 transcript levels by RT-qPCR and investigated presence of HML-2 Env protein in ALS and control tissue samples by Western blotting. Results We identified 24 different transcribed HML-2 loci. Some of those loci are transcribed at relatively high levels. However, significant differences in HML-2 loci transcriptional activities were not seen when comparing ALS and controls. Likewise, overall HML-2 transcript levels, as determined by RT-qPCR, were not significantly different between ALS and controls. Indeed, we were unable to detect full-length HML-2 Env protein in ALS and control tissue samples despite reasonable sensitivity. Rather our analyses suggest that a number of HML-2 protein variants other than full-length Env may potentially be expressed in ALS patients. Conclusions Our results expand and refine recent publications on HERV-K(HML-2) and ALS. Some of our results are in conflict with recent findings and call for further specific analyses. Our profiling of HML-2 transcription in ALS opens up the possibility that HML-2 proteins other than canonical full-length Env may have to be considered when studying the role of HML-2 in ALS disease

    Potential therapeutic approaches for modulating expression and accumulation of defective lamin A in laminopathies and age-related diseases

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