102 research outputs found

    Multiple Sequence Alignments Enhance Boundary Definition of RNA Structures

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    Self-contained structured domains of RNA sequences have often distinct molecular functions. Determining the boundaries of structured domains of a non-coding RNA (ncRNA) is needed for many ncRNA gene finder programs that predict RNA secondary structures in aligned genomes because these methods do not necessarily provide precise information about the boundaries or the location of the RNA structure inside the predicted ncRNA. Even without having a structure prediction, it is of interest to search for structured domains, such as for finding common RNA motifs in RNA-protein binding assays. The precise definition of the boundaries are essential for downstream analyses such as RNA structure modelling, e.g., through covariance models, and RNA structure clustering for the search of common motifs. Such efforts have so far been focused on single sequences, thus here we present a comparison for boundary definition between single sequence and multiple sequence alignments. We also present a novel approach, named RNAbound, for finding the boundaries that are based on probabilities of evolutionarily conserved base pairings. We tested the performance of two different methods on a limited number of Rfam families using the annotated structured RNA regions in the human genome and their multiple sequence alignments created from 14 species. The results show that multiple sequence alignments improve the boundary prediction for branched structures compared to single sequences independent of the chosen method. The actual performance of the two methods differs on single hairpin structures and branched structures. For the RNA families with branched structures, including transfer RNA (tRNA) and small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs), RNAbound improves the boundary predictions using multiple sequence alignments to median differences of −6 and −11.5 nucleotides (nts) for left and right boundary, respectively (window size of 200 nts)

    Novel CircRNA Discovery in Sheep Shows Evidence of High Backsplice Junction Conservation

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    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are covalently closed circular non-coding RNAs. Due to their structure, circRNAs are more stable and have longer half-lives than linear RNAs making them good candidates for disease biomarkers. Despite the scientific relevance of these molecules, the study of circRNAs in non-model organisms is still in its infancy. Here, we analyse total RNA-seq data to identify circRNAs in sheep from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and parietal lobe cortex. Out of 2510 and 3403 circRNAs detected in parietal lobe cortex and in PBMCs, a total of 1379 novel circRNAs were discovered. Remarkably, around 63% of all detected circRNAs were found to be completely homologous to a circRNA annotated in human. Functional enrichment analysis was conducted for both tissues based on GO terms and KEGG pathways. The enriched terms suggest an important role of circRNAs from encephalon in synaptic functions and the involvement of circRNAs from PBMCs in basic immune system functions. In addition to this, we investigated the role of circRNAs in repetitive vaccination experiments via differential expression analysis and did not detect any significant relationship. At last, our results support both the miRNA sponge and the miRNA shuttle functions of CDR1-AS in sheep brain. To our knowledge, this is the first study on circRNA annotation in sheep PBMCs or parietal lobe cortex samples.This work was supported by a Spanish Ministry of Economy grant AGL2013-49137-C3 to BMJ; EV-M is a predoctoral fellow from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) [PIF15/361] and received a grant for a short-term scientific mission (STSM) from the Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes—European network (FAANG-Europe) [COST Action CA15112

    WebCircRNA:Classifying the Circular RNA Potential of Coding and Noncoding RNA.

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    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are increasingly recognized to play crucial roles in post-transcriptional gene regulation including functioning as microRNA (miRNA) sponges or as wide-spread regulators, for example in stem cell differentiation. It is therefore highly relevant to identify if a transcript of interest can also function as a circRNA. Here, we present a user-friendly web server that predicts if coding and noncoding RNAs have circRNA isoforms and whether circRNAs are expressed in stem cells. The predictions are made by random forest models using sequence-derived features as input. The output scores are converted to fractiles, which are used to assess the circRNA and stem cell potential. The performances of the three models are reported as the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and are 0.82 for coding genes, 0.89 for long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) and 0.72 for stem cell expression. We present WebCircRNA for quick evaluation of human genes and transcripts for their circRNA potential, which can be essential in several contexts

    Profiling microRNAs in lung tissue from pigs infected with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of non-protein-coding genes that play a crucial regulatory role in mammalian development and disease. Whereas a large number of miRNAs have been annotated at the structural level during the latest years, functional annotation is sparse. <it>Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae</it> (APP) causes serious lung infections in pigs. Severe damage to the lungs, in many cases deadly, is caused by toxins released by the bacterium and to some degree by host mediated tissue damage. However, understanding of the role of microRNAs in the course of this infectious disease in porcine is still very limited.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, the RNA extracted from visually unaffected and necrotic tissue from pigs infected with <it>Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae</it> was subjected to small RNA deep sequencing. We identified 169 conserved and 11 candidate novel microRNAs in the pig. Of these, 17 were significantly up-regulated in the necrotic sample and 12 were down-regulated. The expression analysis of a number of candidates revealed microRNAs of potential importance in the innate immune response. MiR-155, a known key player in inflammation, was found expressed in both samples. Moreover, miR-664-5p, miR-451 and miR-15a appear as very promising candidates for microRNAs involved in response to pathogen infection.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This is the first study revealing significant differences in composition and expression profiles of miRNAs in lungs infected with a bacterial pathogen. Our results extend annotation of microRNA in pig and provide insight into the role of a number of microRNAs in regulation of bacteria induced immune and inflammatory response in porcine lung.</p

    Gender and obesity specific MicroRNA expression in adipose tissue from lean and obese pigs

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    Obesity is a complex condition that increases the risk of life threatening diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Studying the gene regulation of obesity is important for understanding the molecular mechanisms behind the obesity derived diseases and may lead to better intervention and treatment plans. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding RNAs regulating target mRNA by binding to their 3'UTR. They are involved in numerous biological processes and diseases, including obesity. In this study we use a mixed breed pig model designed for obesity studies to investigate differentially expressed miRNAs in subcutaneous adipose tissue by RNA sequencing (RNAseq). Both male and female pigs are included to explore gender differences. The RNAseq study shows that the most highly expressed miRNAs are in accordance with comparable studies in pigs and humans. A total of six miRNAs are differentially expressed in subcutaneous adipose tissue between the lean and obese group of pigs, and in addition gender specific significant differential expression is observed for a number of miRNAs. The differentially expressed miRNAs have been verified using qPCR. The results of these studies in general confirm the trends found by RNAseq. Mir-9 and mir-124a are significantly differentially expressed with large fold changes in subcutaneous adipose tissue between lean and obese pigs. Mir-9 is more highly expressed in the obese pigs with a fold change of 10 and a p-value < 0.001. Mir-124a is more highly expressed in the obese pigs with a fold change of 114 and a p-value < 0.001. In addition, mir-124a is significantly higher expressed in abdominal adipose tissue in male pigs with a fold change of 119 and a p-value < 0.05. Both miRNAs are also significantly higher expressed in the liver of obese male pigs where mir-124a has a fold change of 12 and mir-9 has a fold change of 1.6, both with p-values < 0.05

    Structured RNAs and synteny regions in the pig genome

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    BACKGROUND: Annotating mammalian genomes for noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) is nontrivial since far from all ncRNAs are known and the computational models are resource demanding. Currently, the human genome holds the best mammalian ncRNA annotation, a result of numerous efforts by several groups. However, a more direct strategy is desired for the increasing number of sequenced mammalian genomes of which some, such as the pig, are relevant as disease models and production animals. RESULTS: We present a comprehensive annotation of structured RNAs in the pig genome. Combining sequence and structure similarity search as well as class specific methods, we obtained a conservative set with a total of 3,391 structured RNA loci of which 1,011 and 2,314, respectively, hold strong sequence and structure similarity to structured RNAs in existing databases. The RNA loci cover 139 cis-regulatory element loci, 58 lncRNA loci, 11 conflicts of annotation, and 3,183 ncRNA genes. The ncRNA genes comprise 359 miRNAs, 8 ribozymes, 185 rRNAs, 638 snoRNAs, 1,030 snRNAs, 810 tRNAs and 153 ncRNA genes not belonging to the here fore mentioned classes. When running the pipeline on a local shuffled version of the genome, we obtained no matches at the highest confidence level. Additional analysis of RNA-seq data from a pooled library from 10 different pig tissues added another 165 miRNA loci, yielding an overall annotation of 3,556 structured RNA loci. This annotation represents our best effort at making an automated annotation. To further enhance the reliability, 571 of the 3,556 structured RNAs were manually curated by methods depending on the RNA class while 1,581 were declared as pseudogenes. We further created a multiple alignment of pig against 20 representative vertebrates, from which RNAz predicted 83,859 de novo RNA loci with conserved RNA structures. 528 of the RNAz predictions overlapped with the homology based annotation or novel miRNAs. We further present a substantial synteny analysis which includes 1,004 lineage specific de novo RNA loci and 4 ncRNA loci in the known annotation specific for Laurasiatheria (pig, cow, dolphin, horse, cat, dog, hedgehog). CONCLUSIONS: We have obtained one of the most comprehensive annotations for structured ncRNAs of a mammalian genome, which is likely to play central roles in both health modelling and production. The core annotation is available in Ensembl 70 and the complete annotation is available at http://rth.dk/resources/rnannotator/susscr102/version1.02. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-459) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Cross-species high-resolution transcriptome profiling suggests biomarkers and therapeutic targets for ulcerative colitis

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    Background: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a disorder with unknown etiology, and animal models play an essential role in studying its molecular pathophysiology. Here, we aim to identify common conserved pathological UC-related gene expression signatures between humans and mice that can be used as treatment targets and/or biomarker candidates.Methods: To identify differentially regulated protein-coding genes and non-coding RNAs, we sequenced total RNA from the colon and blood of the most widely used dextran sodium sulfate Ulcerative colitis mouse. By combining this with public human Ulcerative colitis data, we investigated conserved gene expression signatures and pathways/biological processes through which these genes may contribute to disease development/progression.Results: Cross-species integration of human and mouse Ulcerative colitis data resulted in the identification of 1442 genes that were significantly differentially regulated in the same direction in the colon and 157 in blood. Of these, 51 genes showed consistent differential regulation in the colon and blood. Less known genes with importance in disease pathogenesis, including SPI1, FPR2, TYROBP, CKAP4, MCEMP1, ADGRG3, SLC11A1, and SELPLG, were identified through network centrality ranking and validated in independent human and mouse cohorts.Conclusion: The identified Ulcerative colitis conserved transcriptional signatures aid in the disease phenotyping and future treatment decisions, drug discovery, and clinical trial design
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