49 research outputs found
Measuring Public Acceptance Value of Rural Biogas Development through Logistic Regression and Willingness to Pay
The development of renewable energy technologies (RETs) in rural areas requires acceptance of technical solutions by key stakeholders, such as consumers and decisionāmakers, as well as energy providers. This study aims to identify the current status of public acceptance of RETs, especially biogas technology, the associated influencing factors, and the villagerās preference of role to biogas management. Questionnaires were distributed to the respondents in Bendosari village to collect the required data for logistic regression and measurement of willingness to pay (WTP). Bidding game format was used to assess the WTP of three different groups, that is, biogas farmer, nonābiogas farmers, and nonāfarmers. Three regression models were generated from the analysis, describing the factors influencing the public acceptance of each group toward biogas technology. The determinants of one group differed from the other group, reflecting the customer behavior in deciding toward certain goods which is biogas technology in this case. Measurement of public acceptance in percentage indicates the high acceptance and low acceptance of biogas technology for biogas farmers and for other two groups, respectively. This is affirmed by the result of the WTPāATP comparison where WTP is lower than ATP and indicates that biogas technology has no important value for most nonābiogas farmers and nonāfarmers. Furthermore, the preference of role as a consumer in biogas technology development is higher than as provider or coāprovider. Biogas technology in rural areas is more sustainable when most farmers have roles as a coāprovider
Studi Simulasi Model Kecelakaan Pengendara Mobil untuk Meningkatkan Keselamatan Lalu Lintas di Daerah Perkotaan
AbstrakBerbagai permasalahan transportasi yang sering dialami dengan kepadatan lalu lintas yang tinggi salah satunya adalah kecelakaan lalu lintas. Kecelakaan lalu lintas di Kota Surabaya pada tahun 2017 tercatat sebanyak 1.338 kejadian kecelakaan. Jumlah kejadian kecelakaan ini didominasi oleh kendaraan pribadi seperti sepeda motor dan mobil. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat model peluang kecelakaan mobil di Kota Surabaya yang didasarkan pada data karakteristik jalan dan karakteristik pengendara untuk mengetahui tindakan yang tepat dalam menurunkan angka kecelakaan mobil. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis generalized linear model (GLM) untuk melihat model peluang kecelakaan mobil berdasarkan karakteristik jalan dan regresi logistik biner untuk melihat model peluang kecelakaan mobil berdasarkan karakteristik pengendara mobil. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada six ruas jalan yang memiliki tingkat kecelakaan tertinggi dan sedang, serta diwakilkan dengan 348 responden pengendara mobil. Dari hasil analisis GLM didapatkan model peluang kecelakaan McA = 4,5 ā 0,707 Lebar badan jalan yang menunjukkan bahwa hanya lebar badan jalan yang mempengaruhi peluang kecelakaan mobil. Hal ini dapat diintepretasikan bahwa jika lebar badan jalan memiliki peningkatan 10% dari lebar badan jalan sebelumnya, maka model pendekatan dengan GLM memprediksi akan terjadi peningkatan jumlah kecelakaan mobil sebanyak 84 korban. Dari hasil analisis regresi logistik biner didapatkan model peluang kecelakaan di mana perilaku pengendara yang mempengaruhi peluang kecelakaan mobil adalah membawa surat berkendara seperti SIM dan STNK (X3.6), mematuhi lampu lalu lintas (X3.10), memberi tanda berbelok/darurat (X3.11), menggunakan sabuk pengaman (X3.12), dan mengantuk saat mengendarai (X3.13).Kata kunci: Model kecelakaan, pengendara mobil, generalized-linear-model, Kota Surabaya.AbstractSimulation Study of Car Accident Model to Improve Traffic Safety in the Urban Area: Various transportation problems that are often experienced with high traffic density, one of which is a traffic accident. The number of accidents is dominated by private vehicles such as motorbikes and cars. This study aimed to make a car accident model in Surabaya Ciy based on the road and the driver characteristics to find out the right actions in reducing the number of car accidents. The study used the analysis of generalized linear model (GLM) and binary logistic regression. It focused on six road segments that have the highest and moderate accident rates, and it was represented by 348 respondents of car drivers. The results of the GLM analysis obtained a probability model of McA = , ā , which shows only the width of the road body that affects the chances of a car accident. It can be interpreted that if the road width has increased by 10% from the previous road width, the GLM approach model predicts an increase in the number of car accidents by 84 victims. Furthermore, the driverās behavior that affects the chances of a car accident include carrying a driver license and vehicle registration (X3.6), obeying a traffic light (X3.10), giving a turning/emergency sign (X3.11), using a seat belt (X3.12), and being drowsy when driving (X3.13).Keywords: Accident model, car driver, generalized-linear-model, Surabaya City
The Effect of Alternative Energy Utilization from Landfill on Methane Emission Reduction
Supit Urang landfill is landfill that collected and used methane as an alternative energy source. Methane gas was produced by garbage in dumped in landfill which undergo decay and under certain conditions. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to measure the GHG emission reduction from the landfill through scavenging and distribution methane gas as alternative energy. The reduced waste tonnage was calculated for its GHG emission using methane emission calculation formula proposed by IPCC. Scavengers in Supit Urang landfill contribute to reduce 2, 3 % of paper, plastic and glass for about 0, 23 %, 0, 88 % and 0, 72 % respectively. The fraction of degradable waste sorted by the scavenger contribute to the GHG emission reduction for about 0.12 %. In 2018, estimate of potential methane gas are 5 828,90 ton CH4 and it will distribute to 319 households surrounding Supit Urang landfill as a fuel to cook. Manage the methane can reduce the risk of gas explosion and also can be solution to solve crisis of energy. Methane is a renewable energy, but just 0,7 % from total methane gas from Supit Urang Landfill that used by public. Keywords: alternative energy; garbage; landfill; methane; reduce; scaveng
Evaluation of Energy Self-sufficient Village by Means of Emergy Indices
AbstractThe Energy Self-Sufficient Village is one of the Indonesian government programs where one of the criteria is that every village has to be able to fulfil minimum of 60% of energy needs with renewable source of potential owned. Tegalweru is a village that has potential of the livestock sector and there are 6 installations of biogas management to utilize manure waste. The evaluation of the energy self-sufficient village was conducted using emergy analysis. The emergy analysis is applied in two different scenarios. The first is baseline scenario where is only 37 cattle owned by ten households are treated to produce biogas. The second scenario is the scenario to fulfil the 60% target of energy self-sufficient. The emergy analysis is done to calculate the value of four emergy indices, which are, EYR to measure the comparison of yield and input added to biogas system, EIR to measure the emergy input needed to treat 1kg of manure, ELR to measure the load of the manure treatment on environment, and ESI to measure the sustainability of biogas management. Analysis of emission reduction is also done in this research to find out the best scenario to be implemented in Tegalweru Village
Householdās Willingness to Accept Waste Separation for Improvement of Rural Waste Bankās Effectivity
Waste Bank, a form of public-community participation (PCP) system in managing the householdsā solid waste problems, becomes popular in Indonesia. Waste Bank program involves community and provision of incentives to them and requires public acceptance measured through willingness to accept (WTA). Therefore, this study aims to estimate householdsā WTA compensation in terms of inorganic waste separation adopting the contingent valuation method. It measures also the effectiveness of waste bank (WB) and community adaptability on WB in Gili Trawangan Island (GTI), Indonesia. The community acceptance is measured using Willingness to Accept (WTA) the obligation to separate waste. Fully structured questionnaires are filled in by 94 respondents through random sampling to evaluate the current WB. The result shows that the score for overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), adaptability and acceptance of waste bank is 12.67%, 1.50, and 37.5% respectively. It indicates that waste bank is relatively difficult to be developed, people and waste institution has low adaptability with current waste bank system and only some people want to participate in waste bank. Based on this result, WTA is measured to determine the optimum price of recyclable waste sold to waste bank to improve the WBās performance and to increase community acceptance
Memori Kolektif Kota Bima Dalam Bangunan Kuno Pada Masa Kesultanan Bima
Ungkapan āa city without old buildings is just like a man without memoryā sangat relevan untuk mengungkapkan betapa pentingnya makna sejarah pada bangunan kuno di suatu tempat, terlebih bangunan kuno itu selain mempunyai sejarah, juga mempunyai locus, makna ataupun nilai yang tinggi. Akan tetapi, perkembangan kota secara ekonomi dan dinamika sosial yang semakin modern akan menenggelamkan makna sejarah sebuah kota jika tidak ada momentum untuk menjaga dan melestarikannya yang akan mengakibatkan sebuah proses pelupaan terhadap sejarah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi kawasan sejarah dan bangunan kuno, mengidentifikasi memori-memori masyarakat terhadap bangunan kuno dan mengetahui tipologi memori kolektif yang terbentuk dari keberadaan bangunan kuno sehingga dapat dimaknai proses pembentukan sejarah di Kota Bima di masa kesultanan Bima. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil yang ditemukan adalah bahwa terbentuknya tiga memori kolektif Kota Bima dalam bangunan kuno yaitu memasarkan memori, penaklukan memori dan memisahkan memori
Vitality of Giri Kedaton Site as a Religious Tourism Attraction in Sidomukti Village, Kebomas, Gresik
Giri Kedaton site belongs to the legacy of cultural heritage that has numorous historical values, especially the history of the spread of Islam and the government in Gresik since the 14th century. Giri Kedaton Site was a kingdom founded by SunanGiri and served as the Core City II Gresik in 1487 AD. Currently Giri Kedaton transforms to become cultural tourism object in religious or pilgrimage tourism sector. In 2002-2005, the local government conducted preservation and conservation activities at the Giri Kedaton site. The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics as well asto measure the vitality of Giri Kedaton site, and determine the variables that may affect the vitality of the sites. The identification of the characteristics of the GiriKedaton site is explained by researcher by using qualitative descriptive analysis, while the frequency distribution analysis was employed to assess the vitality, and the variable effect was analyzed by multivariate linear regression. Based on its mode value on an analysis of a frequency distribution obtained value vitality giri kedaton site is low, from the results of linear regression analysis multivariate obtained the best method that is a enter methode, where model is as follows : Y = - 2.884 + 0,075 X1+ 0,039 X2 + 0,055 X3 + 0,119 X4 + 0,174 X5 + 0,115 X6 + 0,108 X7 + 0,110 X8 + 0,071 X9 + 0,158 X10 + 0,005 X11 + 0,92 X12 + 0,159 X13 + 0,265 X14 + 0,153 X15. Based on the result analysis of the regression (t-test) variable influence significantly is governments support (0.002), sidewalks (0.005) and housings (0.047). The conclusion of this study showed that the Giri Kedaton site has supporting function as religious tourism but there is still lacks of adequate infrastructures and facilities including parking areas and economic facilities. In addition to the length of visit (1-3 hours) and the frequency of visits (first visit) have a low value which indicates that the Giri Kedaton site has limited tourism attraction; in other words, it has not been recognized by most visitors. For the vitality of Giri Kedaton site is low as the travelers rated the infrastructure aspects not sufficient to support the site as a religious tourism attraction. For the multivariate linear regression model used was the enter model and only three independent variables who is influential significantly to the site that is governments support (X14), sidewalks (X5), conditions of housing facilities (X10). Keywords : giri kedaton, multivariate linear regression, religious tourism, vitalit
Kajian Kesiapan Masyarakat Terkait Rencana Kegiatan Industri Pertambangan Marmer (Studi Kasus Di Kelurahan Oi Fo\u27o, Kota Bima-NTB)
Kelurahan Oi Fo\u27o ditetapkan sebagai kawasan industri menengah berupa industri marmer yang didasarkan pada besaran potensi marmer yang ditemukan di wilayah ini. Namun penemuan potensi ini tidak diimbangi dengan informasi yang dimiliki masyarakat terkait dengan kegiatan industri marmer yang tentunya akan berpengaruh pada kesiapan masyarakatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai tingkat kesiapan masyarakat, menilai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesiapan masyarakat dan memilih alternatif strategi yang dapat dilakukan terkait dengan rencana kegitatan industri pertambangan marmer. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam kajian kualitatif dengan pendekatan metode Community Readiness Model untuk menilai tingkat kesiapan masyarakat dengan mengkaji variabel dimensi kesiapan masyarakat yaitu USAha masyarakat, pengetahuan masyarakat (terkait kegiatan), Kepemimpinan, kondisi masyarakat, pengetahuan masyarakat (terkait issue) dan sumber terkait permasalahan. Metode Multiple Regression untuk menilai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesiapan masyarakat yang menggunakan variabel pengalaman, kemauan, keterampilan, kepribadian, pengetahuan dan fisik masyarakat. Metode Analysis Hierarchi Process (AHP) untuk memilih strategi alternatif dilakukan dengan cara mengkombinasi hasil analisis tingkat kesiapan masyarakat dengan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesiapan masyarakat. Berdasarkan pada hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kesiapan masyarakat berada pada level perencanaan dengan deskripsi kondisi yaitu Pimpinan mulai aktif dalam perencanaan, serta masyarakat memberikan dukungan pada USAha-USAha/ program yang dijalankan. Adapun faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesiapan masyarakat yaitu faktor kemauan masyarakat, keterampilan, pengetahuan dan fisik masyarakat yang dinilai berdasarkan nilai R=0.774 dan nilai signifikan alpha diatas 0.05 Adapun alternatif strategi terpilih yaitu dengan menggunakan pimpinan kunci dan orang yang berpengaruh untuk berbicara kepada kelompok masyarakat dan berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan sosialisasi terutama terkait dengan pemberian informasi cara pengolahan industri pertambangan marmer
Predicting Community Participation of Waste Separation for Informal Waste Recycling Facility using Binary Logistic Regression Model
Waste bank is informal waste recycling facility using the principle of community participation in reducing waste generation. Berkah Bersatu Waste bank was established in 2021 but the number of registered customers remains constant. Therefore, this study investigates participation decisions made by the villager. This cross-sectional study used data collected from 148 households randomly. Through a series of analysis, the impact of 24 influential factors on participation decision-making was explored using logistic regression analyses. The results showed seven variables are positively related to community participation in waste bank i.e. age, residence status, trash bin availability, knowledge of environmental issues, individualās interest, intrinsic motivation, and norm existence. Probability calculation using the model shows the maximum probability is 99% if all determinants play role in the area indicating that most villagers are willing to participate in waste separation and reduction as they become WB member