11 research outputs found

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    Aineisto on Opiskelijakirjaston digitoimaa ja Opiskelijakirjasto vastaa aineiston käyttöluvist

    Lätta på gasen och gör skillnad - en kvalitativ studie om uppföljning av eco-driving

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    Sepsis - Når hvert minutt teller

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    Bakgrunn Sepsis er en svært alvorlig infeksjonstilstand, som kan resultere i organsvikt og død. Sykepleiere ved legevakt og akuttmottak står i en unik posisjon til å tidlig oppdage sepsis. Retningslinjer og tiltakspakker har som hensikt å gi faglig forankret praksis, som er både hensiktsmessige og kan bidra til å redusere dødeligheten ved sepsis. Hensikt Formålet er å finne fram til kunnskap om sykepleiers rolle ved tidlig identifisering og behandling av sepsis på legevakt og akuttmottak. Metode Oppgaven er en litteraturoversikt basert på fem forskningsartikler. Én kvalitativ, én mikset metode og tre kvantitative artikler har blitt analysert. Resultater Funnene indikerer at sykepleier har en sentral rolle ved tidlig oppdagelse og behandling av sepsis ved legevakt og akuttmottak. Det kommer også frem at organisatoriske faktorer og sykepleiers kunnskap påvirker sykepleier. Behov for konkrete prosedyrer og tiltakspakker blir videre diskutert

    Lyckoriket: Studier i svensk upplysning

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    This study considers the spread, character and development of the Swedish Enlightenment from the early Age of Liberty to the late Karl lohan period. This is done in six case studies three of them biographical and three of them of a more general character partly concerned with the history of concepts; all six case studies touch on the writers' world in the period. Chapter 1, "Dawn", discusses, after having described how the Enlightenrnent reached Sweden, among other things the meaning of the concepts philosopher and utility. Chapter 2 "The Encyclopaedist", is an account of the librarian and publicist Carl Christopher Gjörwell's attempts to publish a Swedish encyclopaedia in the 1770s and 1780s. Chapter 3, "Time for Citizens", examines the political culture of the Swedish Enlightenment, concentrating on the Gustavian era. Chapter 4, "The Journalist", is a biography of one of the few radical Swedish writers of the time, the Swedenborgian Carl Fredrik Nordenskiöld. Chapter 5, "The Bishop", is a biography of Anders Carlsson af Kullberg, a member of the Swedish Academy and finally bishop in Kalmar. Focusing on his time there (1830-1851), we get an opportunity to see the form taken in practice by the Enlightenment in the provinces. The last chapter, "Dusk", follows the Enlightenment until its complete disintegration which coincided with the fall of the society of the four estates, definitely codified in the introduction of the bicameral parliament 1866. The concept of labour, so important for the Swedish Enlightenrncnt, is also discussed. The dissertation shows: (1) that once the Enlightenment had taken root in Sweden in the first half of the eighteenth century, it proved highly durable. Towards the middle of the nineteenth century it was still possible to find advocates of enlightenment. (2) The Enlightenment was socially conservative in character. Only for a brief period in the 1790s were there a few active radicals supporting it in Sweden. (3) The Enlightenment was scarcely in opposition to Christianity in Sweden. On the contrarv, many of its most enthusiastic representatives were clergymen, and the Enlightenment was seen by them - as by many others - as a continuation of Luther's work

    Ryktet går. Om skvallrets plats i 1700-talets informationssamhälle

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    Ryktet går. Om skvallrets plats i 1700-talets informationssamhälle

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    Carl Fredrik Nordenskiölds förlorade illusioner

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    Performance of sustainable investments : a comparison of sustainable and conventional mutual funds in emerging markets

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    This thesis compares the performance and risk factor exposure of sustainable and conventional mutual funds in emerging markets from January 2012 to July 2017. We use the latest sustainability ratings provided by Morningstar to define sustainable funds, and apply CAPM, Fama-French and Carhart models to control for the market, size, book-to-market and momentum factors. Additionally, we add a dummy to compare the risk-adjusted returns of the funds, and examine if the difference is statistically significant. To expand our understanding of the funds’ performance and behavior we study them during three different economic cycles: Steady development, Recession and Recovery. The results imply there is no statistically significant difference in risk-adjusted returns between sustainable and conventional funds. However, conventional funds tend to outperform sustainable funds during recovery periods. Further, we discover sustainable funds being less exposed to the market and small companies, with difference in exposure to the market only present during the recession period. The difference in exposure towards small companies is consistent during both the steady and the recession period, but we reveal sustainable funds to exhibit a greater exposure to small companies than conventional funds in the recovery period. Our findings suggest there is no additional cost related to investing sustainable in emerging markets, except when the economy is recovering from a recession.nhhma