264 research outputs found

    The effects of preeclampsia on signaling to hematopoietic progenitor cells

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    Background: The role of the microenvironment is important in cell differentiation. The effect of placental disease on the growth and differentiation and hematopoietic stem cells has not been well-studied. Methods: Enzyme linked immunoassay was used to measure erythropoietin and osteopontin in plasma from umbilical cord blood of children born to normotensive and preeclamptic women. Additionally, CD34+ cells were isolated from umbilical cord blood and grown in complete methylcellulose media. Colony types were identified and enumerated. Results: Differences in the concentration of erythropoietin in the cord blood between the controls and the preeclamptics approached significance (P = 0.067) using a Mann-Whitney U test. In the plasma of cord blood from children born to normotensive women, the median erythropoietin was 0.186 mIU/mL compared to 1.986 mIU/mL in children of preeclamptic women. We did not find any significant differences in the number and types of colonies; however, there was a trend toward increased BFU-E in the preeclamptic samples. Furthermore, this trend for increased BFU-E colonies was also seen from CD34+ cells isolated from umbilical cord blood of severe preeclamptics compared to mild. Conclusion: Our preliminary studies suggest that abnormalities in the placenta, such as those found when the mother experiences preeclampsia, may affect the ability of hematopoietic stem cells to grow and differentiate

    Task 2: ShARe/CLEF eHealth evaluation lab 2014

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    This paper reports on Task 2 of the 2014 ShARe/CLEF eHealth evaluation lab which extended Task 1 of the 2013 ShARe/CLEF eHealth evaluation lab by focusing on template lling of disorder attributes. The task was comprised of two subtasks: attribute normalization (task 2a) and cue identication (task 2b).We instructed participants to develop a system which either kept or updated a default attribute value for each task. Participant systems were evaluated against a blind reference standard of 133 discharge summaries using Accuracy (task 2a) and F-score (task 2b). In total, ten teams participated in task 2a, and three teams in task 2b. For task 2a and 2b, the HITACHI team systems (run 2) had the highest performances, with an overall average average accuracy of 0.868 and F1-score (strict) of 0.676, respectively

    Sexual function in 16- to 21-year-olds in Britain

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    Purpose: Concern about young people's sexuality is focused on the need to prevent harmful outcomes such as sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancy. Although the benefit of a broader perspective is recognized, data on other aspects of sexuality, particularly sexual function, are scant. We sought to address this gap by measuring the population prevalence of sexual function problems, help seeking, and avoidance of sex in young people. Methods: A cross-sectional stratified probability sample survey (Natsal-3) of 15,162 women and men in Britain (response rate: 57.7%), using computer-assisted self-interviews. Data come from 1875 (71.9%) sexually active, and 517 sexually inactive (18.7%), participants aged 16–21 years. Measures were single items from a validated measure of sexual function (the Natsal-SF). Results: Among sexually active 16- to 21-year-old participants, 9.1% of men and 13.4% of women reported a distressing sexual problem lasting 3 months or more in the last year. Most common among men was reaching a climax too quickly (4.5%), and among women was difficulty in reaching climax (6.3%). Just over a third (35.5%) of men and 42.3% of women reporting a problem had sought help, but rarely from professional sources. Among those who had not had sex in the last year, just >10% of young men and women said they had avoided sex because of sexual difficulties. Conclusions: Distressing sexual function problems are reported by a sizeable minority of sexually active young people. Education is required, and counseling should be available, to prevent lack of knowledge, anxiety, and shame progressing into lifelong sexual difficulties

    Paving the path for implementation of clinical genomic sequencing globally:Are we ready?

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    Despite the emerging evidence in recent years, successful implementation of clinical genomic sequencing (CGS) remains limited and is challenged by a range of barriers. These include a lack of standardized practices, limited economic assessments for specific indications, limited meaningful patient engagement in health policy decision-making, and the associated costs and resource demand for implementation. Although CGS is gradually becoming more available and accessible worldwide, large variations and disparities remain, and reflections on the lessons learned for successful implementation are sparse. In this commentary, members of the Global Economics and Evaluation of Clinical Genomics Sequencing Working Group (GEECS) describe the global landscape of CGS in the context of health economics and policy and propose evidence-based solutions to address existing and future barriers to CGS implementation. The topics discussed are reflected as two overarching themes: (1) system readiness for CGS and (2) evidence, assessments, and approval processes. These themes highlight the need for health economics, public health, and infrastructure and operational considerations; a robust patient- and family-centered evidence base on CGS outcomes; and a comprehensive, collaborative, interdisciplinary approach.</p

    Paving the path for implementation of clinical genomic sequencing globally:Are we ready?

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    Despite the emerging evidence in recent years, successful implementation of clinical genomic sequencing (CGS) remains limited and is challenged by a range of barriers. These include a lack of standardized practices, limited economic assessments for specific indications, limited meaningful patient engagement in health policy decision-making, and the associated costs and resource demand for implementation. Although CGS is gradually becoming more available and accessible worldwide, large variations and disparities remain, and reflections on the lessons learned for successful implementation are sparse. In this commentary, members of the Global Economics and Evaluation of Clinical Genomics Sequencing Working Group (GEECS) describe the global landscape of CGS in the context of health economics and policy and propose evidence-based solutions to address existing and future barriers to CGS implementation. The topics discussed are reflected as two overarching themes: (1) system readiness for CGS and (2) evidence, assessments, and approval processes. These themes highlight the need for health economics, public health, and infrastructure and operational considerations; a robust patient- and family-centered evidence base on CGS outcomes; and a comprehensive, collaborative, interdisciplinary approach.</p