36 research outputs found

    Continuity with the Past and Uncertainty for the Future: Religion in Danish Newspapers 1750–2018

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    The article examines the newspaper constructions of religion in Danishnewspapers in a quantitative longitudinal analysis from 1750 to 2000and a more qualitative analysis of recent news production from thelast forty years. For the longitudinal part, the database of the digitization of Danish newspapers project is used. Using the available toolsfor quantitative data analysis, the article shows that the category ofreligion and world religions has been visible in Danish newspaperssince 1750. The coverage of world religions is often related to thecoverage of international news. Overall, the article documents a remarkable continuity of the presence of religion. Examining the morerecent material qualitatively, the article shows that although manyreligions have been historically visible in the news, they have mostrecently become more frequent in the debate sections than in thenews sections. It is primarily Islam that is debated. This is connectedwith a shift from religious diversity as part of foreign news coverageto domestic news coverage, related to changes in the surroundingDanish society. Nevertheless, the coverage of Islam also displays aremarkable continuity

    Lori Beaman: The Transition of Religion to Culture in Law and Public Discourse

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    Review of Lori Beaman: The Transition of Religion to Culture in Law and Public Discourse. London: Routledge, 2020

    The role of flowers in the personalization of Christian funerals in Denmark

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    Flowers are a common element in Danish funerals. Drawing on fieldnotes, interviews and survey data on funeral practices in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark as well as theories of ritualization, meaning-making and practices, this article shows that flowers are not only a sine qua non in the funerals but are also used to make them more personal and to produce and reproduce social relations. Additionally, flowers are material objects and acquire their social meaning in the right ceremonial context. Outside this context they have no inherent meaning and might even obstruct the ceremony because, as physical objects, they have to be put somewhere in ceremonial space. Paradoxically, flowers are ubiquitous yet invisible

    Religion i Danmark på tværs af 40 års værdiundersøgelser

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    Religion i Danmark på tværs af 40 års værdiundersøgelse

    Tro og livets andre store spørgsmål under corona-krisen

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    Resultater fra første runde af en undersøgelse af befolkningens syn på religiøse og eksistentielle aspekter af corona-pandemie

    Acceleration og mobilitet - To eksterne faktorer af betydning for religion

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    Religion og religiøs autoritet har altid været påvirket af mange forskellige faktorer, hvoraf nogle er endogene og andre eksogene. I dele af religionsforskningen har opfattelsen af hvad der påvirker religion og religiøs autoritet været genstand for meget opmærksomhed. Denne artikel ser nærmere på autoritetsbegrebet og relaterer det til to eksogene faktorer som sjældent inddrages i diskussionen om religion og religiøs autoritet, nemlig samfundets forandringshastighed og individernes fysiske mobilitet

    Folkekirken i Tal

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    ”Det er ikke kristendom, det er religion” – strategier for ekskluderingen af religion fra det offentlige rum

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    Religion i Danmark 2011

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