17 research outputs found

    alyron, an Insertional Mutation Affecting Early Neural Crest Development in Zebrafish

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    Abstractalyronz12 (aln) is a recessive lethal mutation that affects early stages of neural crest development in the zebrafish. alyron appears to be an insertional mutation as the mutation was generated following microinjection of plasmid DNA into one-cell embryos and the stably integrated transgenic sequences are closely linked to the mutation. The insertion site harbors multiple copies of the plasmid sequence that have experienced complex rearrangements. Host–insert junction fragments have been molecularly cloned and host sequences adjacent to the transgene have been used to map the mutation to the distal arm of linkage group 15. alyron function is required cell-autonomously in the neural crest lineage. alyron mutants have a severe but not complete deficit of premigratory neural crest as judged by reduced expression of several markers associated with early stages of neural crest development. Lack of premigratory neural crest is likely to account for the two most conspicuous characteristics of alyron mutants: the absence of body pigmentation and the inability to affect blood circulation. The neural crest phenotype of alyron mutants resembles that observed in mouse mutants that lack Pax-3 or both Wnt-1 and Wnt-3a function, and expression of the zebrafish homologues of these genes is greatly reduced in the dorsal neural keels of alyron mutants. In contrast, ventral neural keel identity appears unaffected. Given our findings that the mutation is unlinked to pax or wnt genes that have been described in the zebrafish, we propose that alyron is a novel gene function required for the specification and/or proliferative expansion of neural crest progenitors

    Early oogenesis in the short-tailed fruit bat Carollia perspicillata : transient germ cell cysts and noncanonical intercellular bridges

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    The ovaries of early embryos (40 days after fertilization) of the bat Carollia perspicillata contain numerous germ-line cysts, which are composed of 10 to 12 sister germ cells (cystocytes). The variability in the number of cystocytes within the cyst and between the cysts (that defies the Giardina rule) indicates that the mitotic divisions of the cystoblast are asynchronous in this bat species. The serial section analysis showed that the cystocytes are interconnected via intercellular bridges that are atypical, strongly elongated, short-lived, and rich in microtubule bundles and microfilaments. During the later stages of embryonic development (44–46 days after fertilization), the somatic cells penetrate the cyst, and their cytoplasmic projections separate individual oocytes. Separated oocytes surrounded by the single layer of somatic cells constitute the primordial ovarian follicles. The oocytes of C. perspicillata are similar to mouse oocytes and are asymmetric. In both species, this asymmetry is clearly recognizable in the localization of the Golgi complexes. The presence of germ-line cysts and intercellular bridges (although non-canonical) in the fetal ovaries of C. perspicillata indicate that the formation of germ-line cysts is an evolutionarily conserved phase in the development of the female gametes throughout the animal kingdom

    Insights into the formation and diversification of a novel chiropteran wing membrane from embryonic development

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    Abstract Background Through the evolution of novel wing structures, bats (Order Chiroptera) became the only mammalian group to achieve powered flight. This achievement preceded the massive adaptive radiation of bats into diverse ecological niches. We investigate some of the developmental processes that underlie the origin and subsequent diversification of one of the novel membranes of the bat wing: the plagiopatagium, which connects the fore- and hind limb in all bat species. Results Our results suggest that the plagiopatagium initially arises through novel outgrowths from the body flank that subsequently merge with the limbs to generate the wing airfoil. Our findings further suggest that this merging process, which is highly conserved across bats, occurs through modulation of the programs controlling the development of the periderm of the epidermal epithelium. Finally, our results suggest that the shape of the plagiopatagium begins to diversify in bats only after this merging has occurred. Conclusions This study demonstrates how focusing on the evolution of cellular processes can inform an understanding of the developmental factors shaping the evolution of novel, highly adaptive structures

    Transcriptomic insights into the genetic basis of mammalian limb diversity.

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    BackgroundFrom bat wings to whale flippers, limb diversification has been crucial to the evolutionary success of mammals. We performed the first transcriptome-wide study of limb development in multiple species to explore the hypothesis that mammalian limb diversification has proceeded through the differential expression of conserved shared genes, rather than by major changes to limb patterning. Specifically, we investigated the manner in which the expression of shared genes has evolved within and among mammalian species.ResultsWe assembled and compared transcriptomes of bat, mouse, opossum, and pig fore- and hind limbs at the ridge, bud, and paddle stages of development. Results suggest that gene expression patterns exhibit larger variation among species during later than earlier stages of limb development, while within species results are more mixed. Consistent with the former, results also suggest that genes expressed at later developmental stages tend to have a younger evolutionary age than genes expressed at earlier stages. A suite of key limb-patterning genes was identified as being differentially expressed among the homologous limbs of all species. However, only a small subset of shared genes is differentially expressed in the fore- and hind limbs of all examined species. Similarly, a small subset of shared genes is differentially expressed within the fore- and hind limb of a single species and among the forelimbs of different species.ConclusionsTaken together, results of this study do not support the existence of a phylotypic period of limb development ending at chondrogenesis, but do support the hypothesis that the hierarchical nature of development translates into increasing variation among species as development progresses

    The Relationship between Gene Network Structure and Expression Variation among Individuals and Species

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    <div><p>Abstract</p><p>Variation among individuals is a prerequisite of evolution by natural selection. As such, identifying the origins of variation is a fundamental goal of biology. We investigated the link between gene interactions and variation in gene expression among individuals and species using the mammalian limb as a model system. We first built interaction networks for key genes regulating early (outgrowth; E9.5–11) and late (expansion and elongation; E11-13) limb development in mouse. This resulted in an Early (ESN) and Late (LSN) Stage Network. Computational perturbations of these networks suggest that the ESN is more robust. We then quantified levels of the same key genes among mouse individuals and found that they vary less at earlier limb stages and that variation in gene expression is heritable. Finally, we quantified variation in gene expression levels among four mammals with divergent limbs (bat, opossum, mouse and pig) and found that levels vary less among species at earlier limb stages. We also found that variation in gene expression levels among individuals and species are correlated for earlier and later limb development. In conclusion, results are consistent with the robustness of the ESN buffering among-individual variation in gene expression levels early in mammalian limb development, and constraining the evolution of early limb development among mammalian species.</p></div