97 research outputs found

    Tumor cell migration is inhibited by a novel therapeutic strategy antagonizing the alpha-7 receptor

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    A 14mer peptide (T14) derived from the C-terminus of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) selectively activates metastatic breast cancer cells via the alpha-7 nicotinic receptor (α7 nAChR). This naturally occurring peptide is also present in brain, is elevated in Alzheimer’s disease, and is antagonised by a cyclized variant (NBP-14). Here we investigated the effects of NBP-14 in six different cancer cell lines, primary leukemia B-cells and normal B-cells. All cells tested expressed α7 nAChR, intracellular and extracellular T14. However, NBP-14 showed low toxicity and weak antiproliferative effects in the majority of the cell lines and was even less toxic in normal B-cells when compared to primary chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (P < 0.001). Given the potential role of T14 peptide in metastasis, we next investigated the effects of NBP-14 on tumor cell migration, where it caused a dose-dependent reduction. The extent of NBP-14 inhibition positively correlated with the migration of the cells (r2 = 0.45; P = 0.06). Furthermore, NBP-14 preferentially inhibited the migration of primary leukemia cells when compared with normal B-cells (P = 0.0002); when the normal B-cell data was excluded, this correlation was strengthened (r2 = 0.80; P = 0.006). Importantly, the constitutive α7 nAChR expression positively correlated with intracellular T14 levels (r2 = 0.91; P = 0.0003) and inversely correlated with extracellular T14 levels in the cell culture supernatants (r2 = −0.79; P = 0.034). However, in the presence of NBP-14, α7 nAChR expression was reduced (P = 0.04) and the most migratory cells showed the largest reduction in expression. In conclusion, NBP-14-mediated antagonism of the α7 nAChR offers a novel therapeutic strategy with the potential to inhibit tumor cell migration

    Telomere dysfunction accurately predicts clinical outcome in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, even in patients with early stage disease

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    © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Defining the prognosis of individual cancer sufferers remains a significant clinical challenge. Here we assessed the ability of high-resolution single telomere length analysis (STELA), combined with an experimentally derived definition of telomere dysfunction, to predict the clinical outcome of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL). We defined the upper telomere length threshold at which telomere fusions occur and then used the mean of the telomere 'fusogenic' range as a prognostic tool. Patients with telomeres within the fusogenic range had a significantly shorter overall survival (P  <  0·0001; Hazard ratio [HR] = 13·2, 95% confidence interval [CI]  = 11·6-106·4) and this was preserved in early-stage disease patients (P  <  0·0001, HR=19·3, 95% CI = 17·8-802·5). Indeed, our assay allowed the accurate stratification of Binet stage A patients into those with indolent disease (91% survival at 10 years) and those with poor prognosis (13% survival at 10 years). Furthermore, patients with telomeres above the fusogenic mean showed superior prognosis regardless of their IGHV mutation status or cytogenetic risk group. In keeping with this finding, telomere dysfunction was the dominant variable in multivariate analysis. Taken together, this study provides compelling evidence for the use of high-resolution telomere length analysis coupled with a definition of telomere dysfunction in the prognostic assessment of CLL

    Telomere length predicts for outcome to FCR chemotherapy in CLL

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    We have previously shown that dividing patients with CLL into those with telomeres inside the fusogenic range (TL-IFR) and outside the fusogenic range (TL-OFR) is powerful prognostic tool. Here, we used a high-throughput version of the assay (HT-STELA) to establish whether telomere length could predict for outcome to fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, rituximab (FCR)-based treatment using samples collected from two concurrent phase II studies, ARCTIC and ADMIRE (n = 260). In univariate analysis, patients with TL-IFR had reduced progression-free survival (PFS) (P < 0.0001; HR = 2.17) and shorter overall survival (OS) (P = 0.0002; HR = 2.44). Bifurcation of the IGHV-mutated and unmutated subsets according to telomere length revealed that patients with TL-IFR in each subset had shorter PFS (HR = 4.35 and HR = 1.48, respectively) and shorter OS (HR = 3.81 and HR = 2.18, respectively). In addition, the OS of the TL-OFR and TL-IFR subsets were not significantly altered by IGHV mutation status (P = 0.61; HR = 1.24 and P = 0.41; HR = 1.47, respectively). In multivariate modeling, telomere length was the dominant co-variable for PFS (P = 0.0002; HR = 1.85) and OS (P = 0.05; HR = 1.61). Taken together, our data suggest that HT-STELA is a powerful predictor of outcome to FCR-based treatment and could be used to inform the design of future risk-adapted clinical trials

    Effects of systematic shortening of noncovalent C8 side chain on the cytotoxicity and NF-κB inhibitory capacity of pyrrolobenzodiazepines (PBDs)

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    The systematic shortening of the noncovalent element of a C8-linked pyrrolobenzodiazepine (PBD) conjugate (13) led to the synthesis of a 19-member library of C8-PBD monomers. The critical elements of 13, which were required to render the molecule cytotoxic, were elucidated by an annexin V assay. The effects of shortening the noncovalent element of the molecule on transcription factor inhibitory capacity were also explored through an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-based measurement of nuclear NF-κB upon exposure of JJN-3 cells to the synthesized molecules. Although shortening the noncovalent interactive element of 13 had a less than expected effect upon compound cytotoxicity due to reduced DNA interaction, the transcription factor inhibitory capacity of the molecule was notably altered. This study suggests that a relatively short noncovalent side chain at the C8 position of PBD is sufficient to confer cytotoxicity. The shortened PBD monomers provide a new ADC payload scaffold because of their potent cytotoxicity and druglike properties

    CD49d Is the strongest flow cytometry–based predictor of overall survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    Purpose Although CD49d is an unfavorable prognostic marker in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), definitive validation evidence is lacking. A worldwide multicenter analysis was performed using published and unpublished CLL series to evaluate the impact of CD49d as an overall (OS) and treatment-free survival (TFS) predictor. Patients and Methods A training/validation strategy was chosen to find the optimal CD49d cutoff. The hazard ratio (HR) for death and treatment imposed by CD49d was estimated by pooled analysis of 2,972 CLLs; Cox analysis stratified by center and stage was used to adjust for confounding variables. The importance of CD49d over other flow cytometry–based prognosticators (eg, CD38, ZAP-70) was ranked by recursive partitioning. Results Patients with ≥ 30% of neoplastic cells expressing CD49d were considered CD49d+. Decrease in OS at 5 and 10 years among CD49d+ patients was 7% and 23% (decrease in TFS, 26% and 25%, respectively). Pooled HR of CD49d for OS was 2.5 (2.3 for TFS) in univariate analysis. This HR remained significant and of similar magnitude (HR, 2.0) in a Cox model adjusted for clinical and biologic prognosticators. Hierarchic trees including all patients or restricted to those with early-stage disease or those age ≤ 65 years always selected CD49d as the most important flow cytometry–based biomarker, with negligible additional prognostic information added by CD38 or ZAP-70. Consistently, by bivariate analysis, CD49d reliably identified patient subsets with poorer outcome independent of CD38 and ZAP-70. Conclusion In this analysis of approximately 3,000 patients, CD49d emerged as the strongest flow cytometry–based predictor of OS and TFS in CLL

    A novel Cdk9 inhibitor preferentially targets tumor cells and synergizes with fludarabine

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    Cdk9 is a key elongation factor for RNA transcription and functions by phosphorylating the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II. Here we present direct evidence that cdk9 is important for cancer cell survival and describe the characterization of the potent cdk9 inhibitor CDKI-73 in primary human leukemia cells. CDKI-73 induced caspase-dependent apoptosis that was preceded by dephosphorylation of cdk9 and serine 2 of RNA polymerase II. CDKI-73 was more potent than the pan-cdk inhibitor flavopiridol and showed >200-fold selectivity against primary leukemia cells when compared with normal CD34+ cells. Furthermore, CDKI-73 was equipotent in poor prognostic sub-groups of leukemia patients and showed cytotoxic synergy with the nucleoside analog fludarabine. The Mechanism of synergy was associated with CDKI-73-mediated transcriptional inhibition of MCL1 and XIAP that was maintained when used in combination with fludarabine. Our data present a strong rationale for the development of cdk9 inhibitors such as CDKI-73 as anticancer therapeutics

    Mechanically ventilated patients shed high titre live SARS-CoV2 for extended periods from both the upper and lower respiratory tract

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    Background SARS-CoV-2 infection can lead to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome needing intensive care admission and may lead to death. As a virus that transmits by respiratory droplets and aerosols, determining the duration of viable virus shedding from the respiratory tract is critical for patient prognosis, and informs infection control measures both within healthcare settings and the public domain. Methods We prospectively examined upper and lower airway respiratory secretions for both viral RNA and infectious virions in mechanically ventilated patients admitted to the intensive care unit of the University Hospital of Wales. Samples were taken from the oral cavity (saliva), oropharynx (sub-glottic aspirate), or lower respiratory tract (non-directed bronchoalveolar lavage (NBL) or bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)) and analyzed by both qPCR and plaque assay. Results 117 samples were obtained from 25 patients. qPCR showed extremely high rates of positivity across all sample types, however live virus was far more common in saliva (68%) than in BAL/NBAL (32%). Average titres of live virus were higher in subglottic aspirates (4.5x10 7) than in saliva (2.2x10 6) or BAL/NBAL (8.5x10 6) and reached >10 8 PFU/ml in some samples. The longest duration of shedding was 98 days, while most patients (14/25) shed live virus for 20 days or longer. Conclusions Intensive care unit patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 can shed high titres of virus both in the upper and lower respiratory tract and tend to be prolonged shedders. This information is important for decision making around cohorting patients, de-escalation of PPE, and undertaking potential aerosol generating procedures

    Phenotype and immune function of lymph node and peripheral blood CLL cells are linked to transendothelial migration

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    everal lines of evidence suggest that homing of tumor cells to lymphoid tissue contributes to disease progression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Here, we demonstrate that lymph node (LN)-derived CLL cells possess a distinct phenotype, and exhibit enhanced capacity for T-cell activation and superior immune synapse formation when compared with paired peripheral blood (PB) samples. LN-derived CLL cells manifest a proliferative, CXCR4(dim)CD5(bright) phenotype compared with those in the PB and higher expression of T-cell activation molecules including CD80, CD86, and HLA-D-related (DR). In addition, LN-CLL cells have higher expression of α4β1 (CD49d) which, as well as being a co-stimulatory molecule, is required for CLL cells to undergo transendothelial migration (TEM) and enter the proliferation centers of the LNs. Using an in vitro system that models circulation and TEM, we showed that the small population of CLL cells that migrate are CXCR4(dim)CD5(bright) with higher CD49d, CD80, CD86, and HLA-DR compared with those that remain circulating; a phenotype strikingly similar to LN-derived CLL cells. Furthermore, sorted CD49d(hi) CLL cells showed an enhanced capacity to activate T cells compared with CD49d(lo) subpopulations from the same patient. Thus, although PB-CLL cells have a reduced capacity to form immune synapses and activate CD4(+) T cells, this was not the case for LN-CLL cells or those with the propensity to undergo TEM. Taken together, our study suggests that CLL cell immunologic function is not only modulated by microenvironmental interactions but is also a feature of a subpopulation of PB-CLL cells that are primed for lymphoid tissue homing and interaction with T cells
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