63 research outputs found

    The Influence of Organizational Culture and Teamwork on Employee Performance at PT. Bank Sulut, Tbk.

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    Human resource is one of resources that determine the organization success. Because of that, organizations are demanded to manage the human resources well for the organization survival. With a support from upper level management, an employee works confidently in team and increases productivity of the organization. Basically, Bank Sulut is a government regional bank that has a wide network spread across several regions in Indonesia. To serve customers well Bank Sulut has a foundation of organizational culture that existing until today, which includes: fast serving of customers in more gentle way, treat customers as partners by developing better services, and consider about customers way of thinking in developing the services better. The research objectives is to analyze the influence of organizational culture and teamwork on employee performance. Organizational culture is shown by the values, traditions, and behaviors that employees share in their organizations. A team is an identifiable set of two or more individuals interacting within a larger organizational context to reach a common goal through specific interdependent roles and task boundaries. In this research is found that Employee maximum performance is needed in running a good organization, the more maximize employee performance the better the organization will be. Keywords: organizational culture, teamwork, employee performance


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    Penelitian ini diawali dengan latar belakang masalah dimana masih terdapat kesenjangan antara tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam program praktek kerja industri bagi mahasiswa program D3 Politeknik TEDC Bandung, dengan kenyataan yang terjadi di lapangan atau tempat kerja. Kenyataan selama ini aktivitas praktek untuk mahasiswa praktikan dalam melakukan kegiatan belajar sambil bekerja yang dilakukan di tempat kerja belum mendapatkan dukungan yang optimal dalam hal menumbuhkan motivasi belajar, iklim belajar dan iklim kerja yang terpadu dan kondusif, kesempatan untuk mengaplikasikan kemampuan akademik, bekerja berdasarkan standar kerja sesuai prosedur kerja. Aktivitas praktek ditempat kerja belum memberikan suatu aktivitas yang berhasil dan bermakna yang mempengaruhi kepuasan mahasiswa praktikan terhadap hasil pelaksanaan praktek kerja di industri. Permasalahan ini merupakan permasalahan hubungan kausal antara dukungan industri serta motivasi dalam praktek kerja di industri terhadap kepuasan pelaksanaan praktek kerja di industri. Dengan demikian pendekatan terhadap masalah dalam penelitian ini, adalah: Adakah hubungan dan pengaruh yang signifikan dukungan industri yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk kerjasama aktif yang diperlukan di tempat kerja serta motivasi mahasiswa praktikan terhadap kepuasan mahasiswa praktikan terhadap hasil pelaksanaan praktek kerja di industri. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada teori tentang pembelajaran berbasis kerja, motivasi dan kepuasan kerja, serta peran industri dalam pelaksanaan praktek kerja. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa dukungan industri dan motivasi memiliki korelasi positif serta pengaruh yang kuat dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan dalam pelaksanaan praktek kerja di industri.(R2 =0,540 atau 54%) dan e= 1- R - 0,46 atau 46% Berdasarkan hasil penelitian direkomendasikan kepada pihak penyelengara program praktek kerja industri untuk bekerjasama dengan industri dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan perbaikan program praktek kerja industri. Bagi peneliti perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut faktor lain (46%) yang mempengaruhi kepuasan dalam pelaksanaan praktek kerja di industr


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    Penelitian ini diawali dengan latar belakang masalah dimana masih terdapat kesenjangan antara tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam program praktek kerja industri bagi mahasiswa program D3 Politeknik TEDC Bandung, dengan kenyataan yang terjadi di lapangan atau tempat kerja. Kenyataan selama ini aktivitas praktek untuk mahasiswa praktikan dalam melakukan kegiatan belajar sambil bekerja yang dilakukan di tempat kerja belum mendapatkan dukungan yang optimal dalam hal menumbuhkan motivasi belajar, iklim belajar dan iklim kerja yang terpadu dan kondusif, kesempatan untuk mengaplikasikan kemampuan akademik, bekerja berdasarkan standar kerja sesuai prosedur kerja. Aktivitas praktek ditempat kerja belum memberikan suatu aktivitas yang berhasil dan bermakna yang mempengaruhi kepuasan mahasiswa praktikan terhadap hasil pelaksanaan praktek kerja di industri. Permasalahan ini merupakan permasalahan hubungan kausal antara dukungan industri serta motivasi dalam praktek kerja di industri terhadap kepuasan pelaksanaan praktek kerja di industri. Dengan demikian pendekatan terhadap masalah dalam penelitian ini, adalah: Adakah hubungan dan pengaruh yang signifikan dukungan industri yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk kerjasama aktif yang diperlukan di tempat kerja serta motivasi mahasiswa praktikan terhadap kepuasan mahasiswa praktikan terhadap hasil pelaksanaan praktek kerja di industri. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada teori tentang pembelajaran berbasis kerja, motivasi dan kepuasan kerja, serta peran industri dalam pelaksanaan praktek kerja. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa dukungan industri dan motivasi memiliki korelasi positif serta pengaruh yang kuat dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan dalam pelaksanaan praktek kerja di industri.(R2 =0,540 atau 54%) dan e= 1- R - 0,46 atau 46% Berdasarkan hasil penelitian direkomendasikan kepada pihak penyelengara program praktek kerja industri untuk bekerjasama dengan industri dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan perbaikan program praktek kerja industri. Bagi peneliti perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut faktor lain (46%) yang mempengaruhi kepuasan dalam pelaksanaan praktek kerja di industri i


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh lingkungan dan stress kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Kantor Komisi Pemilihan Umum di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pegawai yang bekerja di Komisi Pemilihan Umum yang berada di Propinsi Sulawesi Utara berjumlah 242 pegawai. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai yang berada di 7 Kabupaten Kota yaitu Kab. Minahasa, Kab. Minahasa Selatan, Kab. Minahasa Utara, Kab. MInahasa Tenggaara, Kota Manado, Kota Bitung, dan Kota Tomohon. Jumlah sampel 140 pegawai, dimana 20 responden setiap kantor. Penelitian ini menggunakan stratified random sampling. Dari 140 kuisioner yang diedarkan, total kuisioner yang dapat digunakan dalam analisis berjumlah 74 kuisioner. Teknik analysis yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda dengan bantuan program spss 22. Hasil analisis mengidentifikasikan (1) lingkungan kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai, (2) stress kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai, (3) lingkungan kerja dan stress kerja secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai. Kata- kata Kunci : Lingkungan kerja, Stress Kerja, Kinerja Pegawai, Komis Pemilihan Umum Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze environmental influences and work stress on the performance of employees at the General Election Commission Office in North Sulawesi Province. The population in this study were all employees working in the General Election Commission in North Sulawesi Province totaling 242 employees. The sample in this study were employees who were in 7 City Regencies namely Kab. Minahasa, Kab. Minahasa Selatan, Kab. Minahasa Utara, Kab. Minahasa Tenggara, Kota Manado, Kota Bitung, and Kota Tomohon. The number of samples is 140 employees, of which 20 respondents are each office. This study uses stratified random sampling. Of the 140 questionnaires that were circulated, the total questionnaire that could be used in the analysis amounted to 74 questionnaires. The analysis technique used is multiple regression with the help of the SPSS 22 program. The results of the analysis identify (1) the work environment has a significant effect on employee performance, (2) work stress has a significant effect on employee performance, (3) the work environment and work stress together affect employee performance. Keywords : Work environment, Job Stress, Employee Performance, General Election Commission of North Sulawesi Province

    Procedural and physical interventions for vaccine injections systematic review of randomized controlled trials and quasi-randomized controlled trials

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    Background: This systematic review evaluated the effectiveness of physical and procedural interventions for reducing pain and related outcomes during vaccination. Design/Methods: Databases were searched using a broad search strategy to identify relevant randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials. Data were extracted according to procedure phase (preprocedure, acute, recovery, and combinations of these) and pooled using established methods. Results: A total of 31 studies were included. Acute infant distress was diminished during intramuscular injection without aspiration (n=313): standardized mean difference (SMD) -0.82 (95% confidence interval [CI]: -1.18, -0.46). Injecting the most painful vaccine last during vaccinations reduced acute infant distress (n=196): SMD -0.69 (95%CI: -0.98, -0.4). Simultaneous injections reduced acute infant distress compared with sequential injections (n=172): SMD -0.56 (95%CI: -0.87, -0.25). There was no benefit of simultaneous injections in children. Less infant distress during the acute and recovery phases combined occurred with vastus lateralis (vs. deltoid) injections (n=185): SMD -0.70 (95%CI: -1.00, -0.41). Skin-to-skin contact in neonates (n=736) reduced acute distress: SMD -0.65 (95% CI: -1.05, -0.25). Holding infants reduced acute distress after removal of the data from 1 methodologically diverse study (n=107): SMD -1.25 (95% CI: -2.05, -0.46). Holding after vaccination (n=417) reduced infant distress during the acute and recovery phases combined: SMD -0.65 (95% CI: -1.08, -0.22). Self-reported fear was reduced for children positioned upright (n=107): SMD -0.39 (95% CI: -0.77, -0.01). Non-nutritive sucking (n=186) reduced acute distress in infants: SMD -1.88 (95% CI: -2.57, -1.18). Manual tactile stimulation did not reduce pain across the lifespan. An external vibrating device and cold reduced pain in children (n=145): SMD -1.23 (95% CI: -1.58, -0.87). There was no benefit of warming the vaccine in adults. Muscle tension was beneficial in selected indices of fainting in adolescents and adults. Conclusions: Interventions with evidence of benefit in select populations include: no aspiration, injecting most painful vaccine last, simultaneous injections, vastus lateralis injection, positioning interventions, non-nutritive sucking, external vibrating device with cold, and muscle tension

    Hidden chromosomal abnormalities in pleuropulmonary blastomas identified by multiplex FISH

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    BACKGROUND: Pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB) is a rare childhood dysontogenetic intrathoracic neoplasm associated with an unfavourable clinical behaviour. CASES PRESENTATION: We report pathological and cytogenetic findings in two cases of PPB at initial diagnosis and recurrence. Both tumors were classified as type III pneumoblastoma and histological findings were similar at diagnosis and relapse. In both cases, conventional cytogenetic techniques revealed complex numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities. Molecular cytogenetic analysis (interphase/metaphase FISH and multicolor FISH) identified accurately chromosomal aberrations. In one case, TP53 gene deletion was detected on metaphase FISH. To date, only few cytogenetic data have been published about PPB. CONCLUSION: The PPB genetic profile remains to be established and compared to others embryonal neoplasia. Our cytogenetic data are discussed reviewing cytogenetics PPBs published cases, illustrating the contribution of multicolor FISH in order to identify pathogenetically important recurrent aberrations in PPB

    A National Spinal Muscular Atrophy Registry for Real-World Evidence.

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    BACKGROUND: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a devastating rare disease that affects individuals regardless of ethnicity, gender, and age. The first-approved disease-modifying therapy for SMA, nusinursen, was approved by Health Canada, as well as by American and European regulatory agencies following positive clinical trial outcomes. The trials were conducted in a narrow pediatric population defined by age, severity, and genotype. Broad approval of therapy necessitates close follow-up of potential rare adverse events and effectiveness in the larger real-world population. METHODS: The Canadian Neuromuscular Disease Registry (CNDR) undertook an iterative multi-stakeholder process to expand the existing SMA dataset to capture items relevant to patient outcomes in a post-marketing environment. The CNDR SMA expanded registry is a longitudinal, prospective, observational study of patients with SMA in Canada designed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of novel therapies and provide practical information unattainable in trials. RESULTS: The consensus expanded dataset includes items that address therapy effectiveness and safety and is collected in a multicenter, prospective, observational study, including SMA patients regardless of therapeutic status. The expanded dataset is aligned with global datasets to facilitate collaboration. Additionally, consensus dataset development aimed to standardize appropriate outcome measures across the network and broader Canadian community. Prospective outcome studies, data use, and analyses are independent of the funding partner. CONCLUSION: Prospective outcome data collected will provide results on safety and effectiveness in a post-therapy approval era. These data are essential to inform improvements in care and access to therapy for all SMA patients

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