60 research outputs found
Strategi Dakwah Salafi Di Indonesia
Pertumbuhan dakwah Salafi di Indonesia mencapai puncaknya setelah tumbangnya rezim Orde Baru. Kemunculannya berawal dari Dewan Dakwah Islam Indonesia (DDII) dan Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Islam dan Bahasa Arab (LIPIA), yang memperkenalkan manhaj salâf as-sâlih kepada umat Islam Indonesia. Mereka didukung oleh lembaga-lembaga donor dari Timur Tengah berupa pendidikan gratis di Timur Tengah serta dana untuk mendirikan lembaga-lembaga untuk menunjang eksistensi dakwah Salafi, seperti pendirian yayasan, sekolah, rumah sakit, pondok pesantren, dan lembaga kursus bahasa Arab. Di samping mendirikan lembaga-lembaga formal, mereka pun mengisi ceramah keagamaan, khutbah, tablig akbar, halaqah, dan daurah.Kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut didokumentasikan menjadi kaset, VCD, DVD, yang kemudian dijual bersama buku, jurnal, dan majalah. Di samping itu, ada pula yang memberikan tausiah, nasehat, dan dakwah melalui media penyiaran, seperti stasiun televisi dan radio, serta dunia maya, seperti website, blog, mailing list (milis), dan jejaring sosial
Analysis on Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO):A Qualitative Assessment the Success Factors for ISPO
ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) serves as the baseline of sustainability standards for palm oil industry and is expected to improve the competitive advantage of Indonesian palm oil industry. ISPO was introduced by the government in March 2011 and currently most of plantations are in process of applying ISPO. The objective of this research is to analyze success factors affecting implementation of ISPO. Using qualitative method of in-depth interview on 20 selected experts representing actors mapped in the value chain of palm oil industry. The results depicted that; very little companies apply sustainable principles hence ISPO is needed for industrial standards, success factors affecting ISPO implementation, and necessary conditions for ISPO implementation. SWOT technique resulting 8 recommended strategies to be applied for ISPO implementation. Acknowledging ISPO applies to upstream industry (plantations and mills) only, managerial implication for this research is the need to develop of a grand master plan for Indonesian palm oil Industry by developing integrated policies complementing ISPO aiming for sustainability, growing and developing downstream industry to add value to CPO product, and for upstream industry to be developed by farmers and cooperatives while big investors to develop mills and downstream industry
Production, Competition Indices, and Nutritive Values of Setaria Splendida, Centrosema Pubescens, and Clitoria Ternatea in Mixed Cropping Systems in Peatland
This research was conducted to evaluate production, different competition indices and nutritive value of Setaria splendida, Centrosema pubescens, and Clitoria ternatea in monoculture and mix cropping system on peat soil land. The experiment was set up in a randomized complete block design with five treatments and three replications. The five treatments were: S. splendida sole cropping (SS), C. pubescens sole cropping (CP), C. ternatea sole cropping (CT), S. splendida and C. pubescens mix cropping (SS/CP) and S. splendida/C. ternatea mix cropping (SS/CT). The DM yield of S. splendida in mixed cropping with C. pubescens increased 43.4% and in mix cropping with C. ternatea increased 15.7% compared to sole S. splendida. The value of land equivalent ratio of SS/CP (LERSS/CP) was >1. The LERSS/CT value was <1. The crowding coefficient value of S. splendida (KSS) was higher than KCP and KCT. The total value of KSS/CP and KSS/CT were >1. The competition ratio (CR) values of S. splendida in both mix cropping were >1. The agressivity (A) values of S. splendida in both mix cropping were positive. The crude protein, NDF and ADF content of forage were not affected by mix cropping system. In conclusion, mix cropping in peatland do not affect productivity and nutritive value of S. splendida, C. pubescens, and C. ternatea. S. splendida is more effective in exploiting environmental resources when intercropped with C. pubescens compared to C. ternatea on peatland
Toleransi 20 Genotipe Tanaman Tomat terhadap Naungan
Low light intensity is a limiting factor in the intercropping system. The aim of this study was to evaluate the production and fruit quality of 20 tomato genotypes under shading condition. This study was conducted at Cikabayan experimental station-University Farm of IPB from January to April 2013. The research was arranged in a nested design with three replicates. The main plot was shading intensity consisted of four levels, i.e., 0, 25, 50, and 75%, while the sub plot was 20 genotypes of tomato. Results of this study showed that the number and weight of fruit per plant under 25% shade were increased for most of the tested genotypes, while under 50% shade showed a high diversity among genotypes. Based on relative production under 50% shade, genotypes can be grouped into four, i.e: sensitive, tolerant, moderate, and shade-ecotype-like genotypes. 50% shade significantly affected total soluble solids and total titrated acid, but did not significantly the firmness of fruit of shade-ecotype-like genotypes.Keywords: intercropping, production, shade, qualit
Evaluasi Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Arachis Pintoi sebagai Biomulsa pada Budidaya Tanaman di Lahan Kering Tropis
Cover crops is widely used as biomulch because of its advantages for land conservation, weed control and increasing soil nutrients, especially in upland agriculture. The objective of the research was to study the growth and development of Arachis pintoi as biomulch in upland agriculture. The experiment was carried out at IPB Experimental Field from February until May 2014. Observation was done everyweek up to 12 weeks with 10 plants were used for each observation. One stolon of A. pintoi with 4 internodes was planted in each 0.25 m2 plot. The results showed that root initiation of A. pintoi was occured at 3 weeks after planting (wap) and produced 42.4 roots with average root length of 17.10 cm on 12 wap.A. pintoi had nett assimilation rate of 0.0023 g cm-2 per day and relative growth rate of 0.052 g per day. With this growth rate, A. pintoi covered 58% of 0.25 m2 plot and produced biomass 10.08 g per plant within 12 wap. A. pintoi produced flowers on 4 wap and pods on 7 wap. A. pintoi produced root nodules through mutualism symbiosis with local Rhizobium. The equation for rate of coverage is Coverage (%) = 5.273 Time (wap)-16.512; 100% land coverage can be reached on 22 wap. Based on the results of this study, A. pintoi is potential to be used as biomulch; however, a denser spacing must be applied for faster land coverage
Manajemen Sortasi dan Pemecahan Buah Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) di Jawa Tengah
Theobroma cacao adalah tanaman tahunan yang bijinya banyak digunakan dalam industri makanan, minuman, dan pengobatan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mempelajari salah satu tahapan penting manajemen dari pengolahan hasil, yaitu tentang kualitas kakao berdasarkan analisis biji kakao basah dan biji kakao kering di kebun Cilacap, Jawa Tengah mulai Februari – Juni 2011. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui analisis biji kakao basah dan biji kakao kering. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kualitas biji kakao basah tidak memenuhi standar perusahaan sedangkan kualitas biji kakao kering sudah memenuhi standa
Keefektifan Konsentrasi dan Jenis Pelarut Tepung Umbi Teki (Cyperus rotundus L.) sebagai Bioherbisida Pratumbuh untuk Pengendalian Gulma Asystasia gangetica (L.) T. Anderson
Cyperus rotundus merupakan salah satu jenis gulma yang berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai bioherbisida pratumbuh. Kandungan metabolit gulma teki Cyperus rotundus terbanyak terdapat pada bagian umbi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keefektifan umbi teki (Cyperus rotundus) sebagai bioherbisida dalam menekan perkecambahan gulma Asystasia gangetica dan mengetahui jenis pelarut dan konsentrasi yang tepat dalam menekan perkecambahan biji gulma Asystasia gangetica. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei hingga November 2016. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 percobaan. Percobaan pertama merupakan pengujian ekstrak tepung umbi Cyperus rotundus terhadap perkecambahan gulma Asystasia gangetica dengan menggunakan metode uji di atas kertas. Percobaan kedua merupakan pengujian ekstrak tepung umbi teki Cyperus rotundus terhadap perkecambahan gulma Asystasia gangetica menggunakan media tanah. Percobaan pertama dan kedua menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial. Perlakuan terdiri jenis pelarut metanol dan aquades, dan konsentrasi 50 g L-1, 100 g L-1, 150 g L-1, 200 g L-1, 250 g L-1 dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tepung umbi teki Cyperus rotundus mampu menekan perkecambahan gulma Asystasia gangetica pada media kertas. Hasil percobaan ini menunjukkan kecenderungan makin tinggi konsentrasi makin menekan perkecambahan gulma Asystasia gangetica pada media kertas. Kedua jenis pelarut menunjukkan keefektifan yang sama dalam menekan perkecambahan pada media kertas. Tepung umbi teki yang diberikan belum efektif dalam menekan perkecambahan gulma Asystasia gangetica pada media tanah
Keefektifan Allelopati Teki (Cyperus rotundus L.) terhadap Penekanan Perkecambahan Biji Asystasia gangetica (L.) T. Anderson pada Berbagai Jenis Tanah
Beberapa penelitian terdahulu mengindikasikan bahwa allelopati pada teki (Cyperus rotundus) berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bioherbisida untuk menekan perkecambahan biji gulma berdaun lebar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai formulasi biomassa teki dalam menekan perkecambahan biji gulma Asystasia gangetica, gulma berdaun lebar yang menjadi masalah di berbagai perkebunan. Tujuan lain dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan konsentrasi ekstrak teki dalam menekan perkecambahan biji A. gangetica pada berbagai jenis tanah. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni-Oktober 2014 di Laboratorium Ekofisiologi Tanaman, Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura. Percobaan pertama menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan 5 formulasi biomassa teki yaitu mulsa basah, mulsa kering, butiran, tepung, dan kontrol. Percobaan kedua menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan perlakuan konsentrasi ekstrak teki 0 kg L-1, 1 kg L-1, 2 kg L-1, dan 3 kg L-1 dan perlakuan jenis tanah dengan perbedaan kandungan liat yaitu kuarsa, regosol, andosol, latosol dan podsolik. Seluruh perlakuan diulang 3 kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh formulasi teki yang diuji secara nyata efektif menekan perkecambahan biji gulma A. gangetica dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Jenis tanah sangat nyata mempengaruhi persentase perkecambahan biji A. gangetica. Aplikasi ekstrak teki menunjukkan kecendrungan semakin tinggi pada semua jenis tanah konsentrasi ekstrak teki semakin menekan perkecambahan biji A. gangetica
Potensi Gangguan Gulma pada Tiga Sistem Budidaya Padi Sawah
Weeds has become a big problem in system of rice intensification (SRI), integrated crop management (ICM) and conventional cultivation systems. The objective of the research was to study the dominancy and potential of harmful effect of weed in these three cultivation systems. The research was conducted at Sukamandi research station of Indonesian Center for Rice Research, Subang, from November 2013 to April 2014 during rainy season. The experiment was arranged in a split plot design with four replications. The cultivation systems was main plot consisted of system of rice intensification (SRI), integrated crop management (ICM) and conventional system. The weeding techniques as subplot consisted of no weeding, manual weeding, mechanical weeding and chemical weeding. The result showed that based on dry mass of weeds the highest risk of weed was exhibited at SRI with total dry mass of weed 51.53 g m-2 (0.5 ton ha-1) and the lowest was at conventional system with 32.45 g m-2 (0.3 ton ha-1). Proper weed control increased rice production by 28.9% for SRI, by 29.4% for ICM and by 14.6% for conventional cultivation systems
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