497 research outputs found

    Uganda’s Post-War Transitional Justice Process: Have Housing, Land and Property Rights been Restored?

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    This article examines the existing post-war recovery framework of Uganda, in the light of Housing, Land and Property (HLP) rights’ concerns during the post-war recovery period. It explores the integration of special categories of victims, i.e., Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and Children Born of War (CBW), with a key focus on how HLP rights are integrated into – or left out of – the Transitional Justice (TJ) process. HLP rights fit within the broader pictures of customary practices and TJ, since they enable IDPs and CBW to integrate into the post-war communities. Our findings from the Uganda case study cast some doubt on the current process and aim to influence future interventions by emphasising that progress with securing HLP rights for those affected by war and violence is an integral part of any legitimate post-war recovery process and TJ interventions

    Strain patterns, décollement and incipient sagducted greenstone terrains in the Archaean Dharwar craton (south India)

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    The Archaean Dharwar craton is characterized by two greenstone successions: the > 3 Ga Sargur Group and the 3.0-2.5 Ga Dharwar Supergroup. Examples of both successions are described from the region of Jayachamarajapura where they are also distinguished by different tectonic patterns. The younger greenstones have undergone only minor deformation and are only slightly metamorphosed and so provide a good case study of the relative behavior of greenstones in relation to their granite-gneiss country rocks. A detailed structural analysis indicates two strain fields associated with two deformational episodes: D1 and D2. The D1 episode produced dome-and-basin structures and affected merely the older greenstones and the gneisses. The mapped strain field is compatible with the hypothesis that it is associated with the development of diapiric-type gravitational instabilities. The D2 episode affects only the younger greenstone belt, which has the overall geometry of a complex syncline. It is discordant over a complex of gneisses and older greenstones that was deformed during the D1 episode. The base of the discordant cover sequence is tectonized and constitutes a décollement surface. Kinematic criteria at this surface have opposite sense and converge towards the belt axis. These structural features are interpreted in terms of progressive deformation compatible with the incipient development of a sagducting trough. These results are consistent with those obtained from other parts of the craton, where the tectonic evolution appears to reflect mainly relative vertical displacements facilitated by the reheating of continental crust during two major Archaean tectonometamorphic episodes. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd

    L’improbable État de droit par l’internationalisation

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    En accédant à l’OMC, la Chine a accepté une série d’obligations généralement décrites comme « OMC-plus » et visant à la transformation progressive du paysage juridique chinois. Alors que l’on ne peut ignorer un ensemble de réalisations très significatives tout comme la réelle réactivé politique dont la Chine à fait preuve en réponse aux interrogations des autres Membres de l’OMC, Pékin n’a pas voulu se saisir de l’opportunité offerte par sa participation à l’Organisation pour mettre en œuvre une véritable réforme juridique comme l’espéraient un nombre important d’observateurs mais aussi de dirigeants chinois. Cette révolution normative inachevée crée désormais des tensions entre les Membres de l’OMC comme le souligne le volume de plus en plus important de différends mettant directement en lumière le manque de transparence du régime juridique chinois. Dix ans après la publication du numéro spécial de Perspectives chinoises sur la Chine et l’OMC, ce court article se propose de revenir sur nos constations et prévisions initiales en matière « d’État de droit par l’internationalisation » tout en plaçant la réforme juridique chinoise dans une perspective politique plus large

    Hélène Piquet, La Chine au carrefour des traditions juridiques, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2005, 332 p.

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    Le droit est-il une technologie transférable ? Voici en substance la question posée par l’ouvrage d’Hélène Piquet, Professeur à la Faculté de droit et de sciences politiques de l’université du Québec à Montréal. Si l’entreprise n’est pas nouvelle, puisque la Chine de Shen Jiaben s’était déjà essayée à l’acculturation juridique, elle a pris aujourd’hui une tout autre ampleur et revêt un caractère multiforme qui rend son interprétation délicate. Les emprunts consentis aux cultures de droit civi..

    Randall Peerenboom (Ă©d.), Asian Discourses of Rule of Law, Theories and implementation of rule of law in twelve Asian countries, France and the US

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    Voici un ouvrage tout aussi passionnant qu’ambitieux et qui a l’immense mérite de mettre en lumière les spécificités du monde chinois en usant d’un comparatisme érudit. On connaît de longue date les travaux de Randall Peerenboom, spécialiste et praticien reconnu du droit chinois, qui enseigne aujourd’hui à la faculté de droit de l’Université de Californie. Les lecteurs assidus de Perspectives chinoises se souviendront sans doute que nous ne partageons pas tout à fait les analyses de l’auteur ..

    Randall Peerenboom, China's Long March Toward the? Rule of Law, Cambridge University Press, 2002, 673 pp.

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    If one is to believe the proponents of relativism, any moral philosophy with a universalist claim would be both unrealistic and intolerant. They alone would be able to recognise the irreducible diversity of social moralities and to preserve excellence from Western imperium. This is somehow the impression that we are left with by parts, if not by the whole, of China's Long March Toward the? Rule of Law. In this ambitious 700 page work, Randall Peerenboom, a recognised expert in and practitione..

    Guobin Zhu, Le Statut de Hong Kong, Autonomie ou Intégration [The Status of Hong Kong between Autonomy and Integration]

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    Works in French on the intricacies of Chinese politics and law are sufficiently few and far between that we herald those that are published. Guobin Zhu has a doctorate in law from the University of Aix-Marseilles and is an Assistant Professor at the City University of Hong Kong and is one of the all too scarce French-language specialists in Chinese law. His work The Status of Hong Kong, published to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the former British colony’s handover to the People’s Re..
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