10,666 research outputs found

    Emergence of a non-scaling degree distribution in bipartite networks: a numerical and analytical study

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    We study the growth of bipartite networks in which the number of nodes in one of the partitions is kept fixed while the other partition is allowed to grow. We study random and preferential attachment as well as combination of both. We derive the exact analytical expression for the degree-distribution of all these different types of attachments while assuming that edges are incorporated sequentially, i.e., a single edge is added to the growing network in a time step. We also provide an approximate expression for the case when more than one edge are added in a time step. We show that depending on the relative weight between random and preferential attachment, the degree-distribution of this type of network falls into one of four possible regimes which range from a binomial distribution for pure random attachment to an u-shaped distribution for dominant preferential attachment

    Efeito de diferentes níveis de irrigação na produção comercial de tomate industrial.

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    Os objetivos do presente estudo consistiram em avaliar os efeitos de 5 níveis de irrigação sobre a produção do tomate, e determinar a distribuição do sistema radicular

    The association of shift work and coronary heart disease risk factors among male factory workers in Kota Bharu, Kelantan

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    Shift work is one of the work hour systems in which a relay of employees extends the period of production beyond the conventional 8-hour working day. It has been found to be associated with various health problems and there is concern that shift workers are at higher risk to develop risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD). The study was undertaken to examine relationships between shift work and CHD risk factors, namely hypertension, dyslipidaemia (either hypercholesterolaemia, hyper-low density lipoprotein-cholesterolaemia, hypo-high density lipoprotein-cholesterolaemia or hypertriglyceridaemia), high body mass index (BMI), hyperglycemia and physical inactivity among male factory workers in a factory in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. METHODS: This study was a contrived cross-sectional study of 76 shift and 72 day workers from one ofthe factories in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Data was collected through a questionnaire on psychosocial and life-style factors, anthropometric and blood pressure measurement, fasting blood sugar and fasting lipid proJiles analyses. RESULTS: The prevalence of hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia and high body mass index (BMO were significantly higher among shift workers compared to day workers. There was no difference in the prevalence of hyperg[ycemia, hypo-high-density lipoprotein-cholesterolaemia, hyper-high-density lipoprotein-cholesterolaemia and physical inactivity. When the shiji workers were compared with the day workers, the aajusted odds ratio (OR) for hypertension, high BMI andphysical inactivity were 9.1 (95% CI 1.4-56.8), 2.9 (95% CI 1.3-6.1) and 7.7 (95% CI 2.1-27.5) respectively. There was neither association of shift work with dyslipidaemia, nor with hyperglycemia. CONCLUSIONS: There were positive association between shiji work and hypertension, high BMI andphysical inactivity which denotes a higher risk of CHD risk factors among shift workers compared to day workers

    Analise da producao de cebola sob diferentes regimes de irrigacao.

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    Usando-se um delineamento de blocos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos e cinco repeticoes, estudou-se o efeito de diferentes regimes de irrigacao sobre a producao e tamanho dos bulbos de cebola, variedade Amarelo Chata das canarias. Por ocasiao da colheita determinaram-se a producao e o peso medio dos bulbos. Para a producao de bulbos, verificou-se a diferenca significativa ao nivel de 5% de probabilidade entre os tratamentos de irrigacao

    New limits on top squark NLSP from ATLAS 4.7 fb1fb^{-1} data

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    Using the ATLAS 4.7 fb1fb^{-1} data on new physics search in the jets + \met channel, we obtain new limits on the lighter top squark (t~1\tilde t_1) considering all its decay modes assuming that it is the next to lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP). If the decay \lstop \ra c \lspone dominates and the production of dark matter relic density is due to NLSP - LSP co-annihilation then the lower limit on \mlstop is 240 GeV. The limit changes to 200 GeV if the decay \lstop \ra b W \lspone dominates. Combining these results it follows that \lstop NLSP induced baryogenesis is now constrained more tightly.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, published in MPL

    Unparticle physics in top pair signals at the LHC and ILC

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    We study the effects of unparticle physics in the pair productions of top quarks at the LHC and ILC. By considering vector, tensor and scalar unparticle operators, as appropriate, we compute the total cross sections for pair production processes depending on scale dimension d_{\U}. We find that the existence of unparticles would lead to measurable enhancements on the SM predictions at the LHC. In the case of ILC this may become two orders of magnitude larger than that of SM, for smaller values of d_\U, a very striking signal for unparticles.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, analysis for ILC has been adde

    Tetramer Orbital-Ordering induced Lattice-Chirality in Ferrimagnetic, Polar MnTi2O4

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    Using density-functional theory calculations and experimental investigations on structural, magnetic and dielectric properties, we have elucidated a unique tetragonal ground state for MnTi2O4, a Ti^{3+} (3d^1)-ion containing spinel-oxide. With lowering of temperature around 164 K, cubic MnTi2O4 undergoes a structural transition into a polar P4_1 tetragonal structure and at further lower temperatures, around 45 K, the system undergoes a paramagnetic to ferrimagnetic transition. Magnetic superexchange interactions involving Mn and Ti spins and minimization of strain energy associated with co-operative Jahn-Teller distortions plays a critical role in stabilization of the unique tetramer-orbital ordered ground state which further gives rise to lattice chirality through subtle Ti-Ti bond-length modulations

    Dijet resonances, widths and all that

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    The search for heavy resonances in the dijet channel is part of the on-going physics programme, both at the Tevatron and at the LHC. Lower limits have been placed on the masses of dijet resonances predicted in a wide variety of models. However, across experiments, the search strategy assumes that the effect of the new particles is well-approximated by on-shell production and subsequent decay into a pair of jets. We examine the impact of off-shell effects on such searches, particularly for strongly interacting resonances.Comment: Version published in JHE