615 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Effects and Multisolitons in Metamaterials

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    AbstractIn this paper, we outline a novel class of materials, called metamaterials, with negative refractive index and a high degree of nonlinearity. A brief summary is given on the basic theory of optics to show how this condition arrives for metamaterials to be designed into an antenna with split-ring-resonator (SRR). An example is given on the modeling of such SRR-based metamaterials. On a continuum Hamiltonian, a Klein-Gordon equation was derived which gave rise to both dark and bright solitons that showed interesting behavior against nondimensional time, even to the extent of revealing bi- and tri-breathers

    Sol-gel Synthesis and Characterisation of NanocrystallineYttrium Aluminum Garnet Nanopowder

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    The synthesis of  yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) (Y3 Al5O12) nanopowder was carried outby sol-gel method. Y(NO3)3.6H2O, Al(NO3)3.9H2O in the presence of citric acid as complexing agent were used as starting materials. YAG nanopowder was characterised by FTIR, TGA, andXRD. To get phase-pure nanocrystalline YAG powder at relatively lower temperature, calcinationat various temperatures was studied and calcination temperature was optimised. Particle size,estimated by XRD using Scherrer's equation, was found to be 28ƒ35 nm which was further confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. The particle morphology was studied by SEM.Defence Science Journal, 2008, 58(4), pp.545-549, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.58.167

    Long term impact of different cropping systems on soil quality under silty loam soils of Indo-Gangetic plains of India

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    In a multi-enterprise agriculture model, six different cropping systems have been evaluated at research farm of CSSRI Karnal for nutrient availability in surface soil. All the cropping systems left tremendous effect on soil quality. Among the different cropping systems, sorghum-berseem maintained lowest soil pH (8.14) followed by cowpea-cauliflower-potato cropping system (8.35). Sorghum-berseem cropping system was significantly build-up of soil fertility in terms of available nitrogen, (221.1kg/ha) and soil organic carbon (0.59%) as compared to other cropping systems. However, phosphorus (59.80 kg/ha) availability was higher in vegetable system followed by wheat-green gram cropping systems (48.85 kg/ha) than the other cropping systems. Vegetable system of multi-enterprise agriculture model showed more availability of Ca (3.20 me/L), Mg (2.63 me/L) and S (11.71 me/L) than other cropping systems. Higher amount of Fe (8.44 mg/kg) was observed in maize-wheat-green gram cropping system, whereas higher Mn (6.37 mg/kg) was noticed in sorghum-berseem fodder system than the other cropping system. Zn and Cu availability was relatively higher in vegetable system. Under prevailing climatic conditions of Karnal, sorghum-berseem fodder system was found to be the best with respect to soil quality and ready adaptability by the farmers as it was not much changed by climatic variability over the last 6 years. Vegetable system and fruits + vegetable were more or less similar in accelerating the availability of nutrients. Thus, leguminous crop (green gram) in any cropping system helped in improving the soil health, which is a good indicator of soil productivity

    Molecular markers and genomic resources for disease resistance in peanut-A review

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    Recent polyploidation of peanut genome and geographical isolation has rendered peanut to be a highly monomorphic species. Due to its narrow genetic base, cultivated peanut has been susceptible to various diseases, causing economic loss to farmers. Availability of only a few disease resistance sources in cultivated peanut has resulted in limited success using the conventional breeding practices. Also, scarcity of markers has been the major limiting factor to precisely identify the disease resistance genomic regions. Recent identification of large number of molecular markers using advanced genomic resources and high throughput sequencing technologies has and will continue to assist in improvement of peanut diversity and breeding. This review gives an update on recent discovery of molecular markers associated with major diseases and the available genomic resources in peanut

    Delineating meta-quantitative trait loci for anthracnose resistance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    Anthracnose, caused by the fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, is one of the devastating disease affecting common bean production and productivity worldwide. Several quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for anthracnose resistance have been identified. In order to make use of these QTLs in common bean breeding programs, a detailed meta-QTL (MQTL) analysis has been conducted. For the MQTL analysis, 92 QTLs related to anthracnose disease reported in 18 different earlier studies involving 16 mapping populations were compiled and projected on to the consensus map. This meta-analysis led to the identification of 11 MQTLs (each involving QTLs from at least two different studies) on 06 bean chromosomes and 10 QTL hotspots each involving multiple QTLs from an individual study on 07 chromosomes. The confidence interval (CI) of the identified MQTLs was found 3.51 times lower than the CI of initial QTLs. Marker-trait associations (MTAs) reported in published genome-wide association studies (GWAS) were used to validate nine of the 11 identified MQTLs, with MQTL4.1 overlapping with as many as 40 MTAs. Functional annotation of the 11 MQTL regions revealed 1,251 genes including several R genes (such as those encoding for NBS-LRR domain-containing proteins, protein kinases, etc.) and other defense related genes. The MQTLs, QTL hotspots and the potential candidate genes identified during the present study will prove useful in common bean marker-assisted breeding programs and in basic studies involving fine mapping and cloning of genomic regions associated with anthracnose resistance in common beans

    An interactive approach for the post-processing in a KDD process

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    Association rule mining is a technique widely used in the field of data mining, which consists in discovering relationships and/or correlations between the attributes of a database. However, the method brings known problems among which the fact that a large number of association rules may be extracted, not all of them being relevant or interesting for the domain expert. In that context, we propose a practical, interactive and helpful guided approach to visualize, evaluate and compare the extracted rules following a step by step methodology, taking into account the interaction between the industrial domain expert and the data mining expert

    Effect of B-site cationic substitution on the structural, spectroscopic, and conductivity behaviour of Ho₂(Hf₁₋ₓZrₓ)₂O₇ (x=0 and 1)

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    Ideally, a solid electrolyte which is a central component of SOFC should exhibit high anionic or cationic ionic conductivity at the proposed operating temperatures. In most cases, the performance is compromised when operating above 1000 °C due to poor mechanical, thermal and chemical stability of selected functional and non-functional materials. In this context, pyrochlores are one of the potential candidates due to their high conductivity, flexibility to accommodate large cations, and high mechanical, thermal and chemical stability. In this study, we report the synthesis of nano-powders of Ho₂Hf₂O₇ (HH) and Ho₂Zr₂O₇ (HZ) pyrochlore ceramics by eco-friendly alginate mediated ion-exchange process also known as Leeds Alginate Process (LAP) and provide further insight into the structure - conductivity relationship of HH and HZ compounds by EXAFS studies. Both the compositions were sintered at temperatures, ranging from 1100 °C-1500 °C at 2 h dwell time to achieve the desired high-density ceramic with stable pyrochlore structure. X-ray diffraction and Extended X-ray absorption fine structural (EXAFS) analysis showed superlattice reflections and complex coordination geometry of these oxides. The coordination number and disorder factor in the case of HZ were found to be more stable than the HH sample, as evident from the EXAFS. Impedance spectroscopy and dc-conductivity analysis showed a better charge transport behavior in HZ ceramics than in HH making HZ as a preferred solid electrolyte for SOFC. The conductivity of Ho₂Zr₂O₇ is comparable with the best-known fluorite oxide-ion conductor such as Sc₂O₃-stabilized Zro₂ at 500 °C

    Benign enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces and subdural collections—when to evaluate for abuse

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    In infants without a history of trauma, subdural haemorrhages should raise the concern for an abusive head injury, particularly when they are associated with bridging vein clotting/rupture or with septations. However, non-haemorrhagic, fluid-appearing subdural collections (also called hygromas) may also be the result of abuse. Subdural collections have also been uncommonly observed in patients with benign enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces (BESS) and a few large-scale studies accurately investigate the incidence and the significance. Currently, there is a wide variation of practices in children with BESS and subdural collections. Due to the social risks associated with abuse evaluation and the perceived risk of radiation exposure, there might be a reluctance to fully evaluate these children in some centres. The diagnosis of physical abuse cannot be substantiated nor safely excluded in infants with BESS and subdural collection(s), without investigation for concomitant traumatic findings. The exact prevalence of occult injuries and abuse in these infants is unknown. In macrocephalic infants with subdural collections and imaging features of BESS, thorough investigations for abuse are warranted and paediatricians should consider performing full skeletal surveys even when fundoscopy, social work consult, and detailed clinical evaluation are unremarkable

    High-density genetic map using whole-genome resequencing for fine mapping and candidate gene discovery for disease resistance in peanut

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    Whole‐genome resequencing (WGRS) of mapping populations has facilitated development of high‐density genetic maps essential for fine mapping and candidate gene discovery for traits of interest in crop species. Leaf spots, including early leaf spot (ELS) and late leaf spot (LLS), and Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) are devastating diseases in peanut causing significant yield loss. We generated WGRS data on a recombinant inbred line population, developed a SNP‐based high‐density genetic map, and conducted fine mapping, candidate gene discovery and marker validation for ELS, LLS and TSWV. The first sequence‐based high‐density map was constructed with 8869 SNPs assigned to 20 linkage groups, representing 20 chromosomes, for the ‘T’ population (Tifrunner × GT‐C20) with a map length of 3120 cM and an average distance of 1.45 cM. The quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis using high‐density genetic map and multiple season phenotyping data identified 35 main‐effect QTLs with phenotypic variation explained (PVE) from 6.32% to 47.63%. Among major‐effect QTLs mapped, there were two QTLs for ELS on B05 with 47.42% PVE and B03 with 47.38% PVE, two QTLs for LLS on A05 with 47.63% and B03 with 34.03% PVE and one QTL for TSWV on B09 with 40.71% PVE. The epistasis and environment interaction analyses identified significant environmental effects on these traits. The identified QTL regions had disease resistance genes including R‐genes and transcription factors. KASP markers were developed for major QTLs and validated in the population and are ready for further deployment in genomics‐assisted breeding in peanut
