13 research outputs found

    Spatio-temporal Analysis of Land Use/Land Cover Changes in Urban Forest Ecosystem

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    Hairpin impacted in the duodenum of a 4-month-old child - a rarity

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    Foreign body ingestion is common in children. The accidental ingestion is usually seen in children due to lingual curiosity. Most of the foreign body passes spontaneously through gastrointestinal (GI) tract; hence, requiring no removal. This is a case of impacted hairpin in the duodenum of a 4-month-old female child who accidentally ingested hairpin and was asymptomatic initially for 1 month and later presented with melena requiring surgical removal of hairpin. We failed to find in literature impacted hairpin in the duodenum associated with GI bleeding

    Obesity in Adolescents: Prevalence and Association with Sociodemographic and Lifestyle Factors

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    Introduction: Overweight and obesity has become a worldwide epidemic and is a growing public health concern. The increase in prevalence and severity of obesity among children and adolescents has been attributed largely to behavioral factors such as changing eating habits and sedentary lifestyles. Objective: To determine prevalence of obesity and abdominal obesity among adolescents and its association with sociodemographic factors and lifestyle. Methods: Present cross-sectional study was conducted in the urban field practice area under the Community Medicine Department of LLRM Medical College, Meerut, among 872 adolescents. All localities in the field area were covered and house to house survey was done. Questions were asked about eating patterns, physical activity and sedentary lifestyle. Data was collected and analyzed using appropriate statistical tests. Results: The prevalence of overweight and obesity was 17.43, 6.88%, respectively. Obesity was significantly higher among females, those who indulged in unhealthy eating habits were physically inactive, watched television for a longer duration and ate junk while watching television. Conclusion: In the present study, we found that high junk food consumption and a sedentary lifestyle were found to be significantly associated with childhood overweight/obesity. As a result, timely interventions should be taken to improve awareness about healthy lifestyle behavior to prevent obesity and its complications among adolescents

    Spatio-temporal Analysis of Land Use/Land Cover Changes in Urban Forest Ecosystem

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    Cognitive and behavioral profile of treatment-naïve children aged 6–14 years with neurocysticercosis from North India

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    Background: Neurocysticercosis (NCC) produces a progressive organic brain damage by altering brain function with alterations in memory, difficulties in learning, and behavioral changes. The present study was designed to compare the cognitive and behavioral profile of school-going children aged 6–14 years with newly diagnosed NCC with their age-matched controls. Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among children aged 6–14 years with newly ( 63 as clinical range. Results: A total of 35 cases and 35 controls were enrolled. Baseline demographic characteristics were comparable between the two groups. Verbal intelligence quotient (IQ) scores were comparable between the cases (96.14 [10.23]) and controls (100.17 [10.89]) (P = 0.11). The behavioral assessment revealed normal T- scores (<60) in both the groups. Conclusions: The study revealed comparable IQ and normal behavioral profile of treatment-naïve children with recently diagnosed NCC to their age-matched peers. Further studies with larger sample size and longitudinal study design are required to evaluate the role of NCC on cognition and behavior in Indian children

    Presence of Multiple Impacted Premolars in a Patient Visiting a Satellite Setting in Panchkula: A Case Report

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    In comparison to normal dentition, extra teeth present in the oral cavity are called as Supernumerary teeth with prevalence varying between 0.1% and 3.6%. It is more common in permanent dentition and incidence rate is high in maxillary incisor region, followed by maxillary third molar and mandibular molar, premolar, canine, and lateral incisor. Supernumerary premolars may occur in single or multiple numbers and their prevalence rate is 0.08-0.3%. Huge percentage of supernumerary premolars remain unerupted, impacted and usually asymptomatic. Radiograph plays an important role in their diagnosis. The present paper reports a case of impacted fully completely developed supernumerary premolar teeth along with upper and lower molars

    Antioxidant and Wound Healing Property of Gelsolin in 3T3-L1 Cells

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    Delineation of factors which affect wound healing would be of immense value to enable on-time or early healing and reduce comorbidities associated with infections or biochemical stress like diabetes. Plasma gelsolin has been identified earlier to significantly enable injury recovery compared to placebo. This study evaluates the role of rhuGSN for its antioxidant and wound healing properties in murine fibroblasts (3T3-L1 cell line). Total antioxidant capacity of rhuGSN increased in a concentration-dependent manner (0.75-200 μg/mL). Cells pretreated with 0.375 and 0.75 μg/mL rhuGSN for 24 h exhibited a significant increase in viability in a MTT assay. Preincubation of cells with rhuGSN for 24 h followed by oxidative stress induced by exposure to H2O2 for 3 h showed cytoprotective effect. rhuGSN at 12.5 and 25 μg/mL concentration showed an enhanced cell migration after 20 h of injury in a scratch wound healing assay. The proinflammatory cytokine IL-6 levels were elevated in the culture supernatant. These results establish an effective role of rhuGSN against oxidative stress induced by H2O2 and in wound healing of 3T3-L1 fibroblast cells

    Protective effects of gelsolin in acute pulmonary thromboembolism and thrombosis in the carotid artery of mice.

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    The present study provides first evidence on the role of plasma gelsolin in protecting pulmonary thromboembolism and thrombosis in a mouse model. Gelsolin is the most abundant actin depolymerizing protein in plasma and its significantly depleted values have been reported in metabolic disorders including cardiovascular diseases and myocardial infarction. Though gelsolin replacement therapy (GRT) has been shown to be effective in some animal models, no such study has been reported for thrombotic diseases that are acutely in need of bio-therapeutics for immediate and lasting relief. Here, using mice model and recombinant human gelsolin (rhuGSN), we demonstrate the antithrombotic effect of gelsolin in ferric chloride induced thrombosis in carotid artery and thrombin induced acute pulmonary thromboembolism. In thrombosis model, arterial occlusion time was significantly enhanced upon subcutaneous (SC) treatment with 8 mg of gelsolin per mice viz. 15.83 minutes vs. 8 minutes in the placebo group. Pertinently, histopathological examination showed channel formation within the thrombi in the carotid artery following injection of gelsolin. Fluorescence molecular tomography imaging further confirmed that administration of gelsolin reduced thrombus formation following carotid artery injury. In thrombin-induced acute pulmonary thromboembolism, mice pretreated with aspirin or gelsolin showed 100 and 83.33% recovery, respectively. In contrast, complete mortality of mice was observed in vehicle treated group within 5 minutes of thrombin injection. Overall, our studies provide conclusive evidence on the thrombo-protective role of plasma gelsolin in mice model of pulmonary thromboembolism and thrombosis