792 research outputs found

    Transcriptional Regulation of Dendritic Cell Diversity

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are specialized antigen presenting cells that are exquisitely adapted to sense pathogens and induce the development of adaptive immune responses. They form a complex network of phenotypically and functionally distinct subsets. Within this network, individual DC subsets display highly specific roles in local immunosurveillance, migration, and antigen presentation. This division of labor amongst DCs offers great potential to tune the immune response by harnessing subset-specific attributes of DCs in the clinical setting. Until recently, our understanding of DC subsets has been limited and paralleled by poor clinical translation and efficacy. We have now begun to unravel how different DC subsets develop within a complex multilayered system. These findings open up exciting possibilities for targeted manipulation of DC subsets. Furthermore, ground-breaking developments overcoming a major translational obstacle – identification of similar DC populations in mouse and man – now sets the stage for significant advances in the field. Here we explore the determinants that underpin cellular and transcriptional heterogeneity within the DC network, how these influence DC distribution and localization at steady-state, and the capacity of DCs to present antigens via direct or cross-presentation during pathogen infection

    Quantum Gravity and Inflation

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    Using the Ashtekar-Sen variables of loop quantum gravity, a new class of exact solutions to the equations of quantum cosmology is found for gravity coupled to a scalar field, that corresponds to inflating universes. The scalar field, which has an arbitrary potential, is treated as a time variable, reducing the hamiltonian constraint to a time-dependent Schroedinger equation. When reduced to the homogeneous and isotropic case, this is solved exactly by a set of solutions that extend the Kodama state, taking into account the time dependence of the vacuum energy. Each quantum state corresponds to a classical solution of the Hamiltonian-Jacobi equation. The study of the latter shows evidence for an attractor, suggesting a universality in the phenomena of inflation. Finally, wavepackets can be constructed by superposing solutions with different ratios of kinetic to potential scalar field energy, resolving, at least in this case, the issue of normalizability of the Kodama state.Comment: 18 Pages, 2 Figures; major corrections to equations but prior results still hold, updated reference

    Generalized Painleve-Gullstrand descriptions of Kerr-Newman black holes

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    Generalized Painleve-Gullstrand metrics are explicitly constructed for the Kerr-Newman family of charged rotating black holes. These descriptions are free of all coordinate singularities; moreover, unlike the Doran and other proposed metrics, an extra tunable function is introduced to ensure all variables in the metrics remain real for all values of the mass M, charge Q, angular momentum aM, and cosmological constant \Lambda > - 3/(a^2). To describe fermions in Kerr-Newman spacetimes, the stronger requirement of non-singular vierbein one-forms at the horizon(s) is imposed and coordinate singularities are eliminated by local Lorentz boosts. Other known vierbein fields of Kerr-Newman black holes are analysed and discussed; and it is revealed that some of these descriptions are actually not related by physical Lorentz transformations to the original Kerr-Newman expression in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates - which is the reason complex components appear (for certain ranges of the radial coordinate) in these metrics. As an application of our constructions the correct effective Hawking temperature for Kerr black holes is derived with the method of Parikh and Wilczek.Comment: 5 pages; extended to include application to derivation of Hawking radiation for Kerr black holes with Parikh-Wilczek metho

    The Standard Model with gravity couplings

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    In this paper, we examine the coupling of matter fields to gravity within the framework of the Standard Model of particle physics. The coupling is described in terms of Weyl fermions of a definite chirality, and employs only (anti)self-dual or left-handed spin connection fields. It is known from the work of Ashtekar and others that such fields can furnish a complete description of gravity without matter. We show that conditions ensuring the cancellation of perturbative chiral gauge anomalies are not disturbed. We also explore a global anomaly associated with the theory, and argue that its removal requires that the number of fundamental fermions in the theory must be multiples of 16. In addition, we investigate the behavior of the theory under discrete transformations P, C and T; and discuss possible violations of these discrete symmetries, including CPT, in the presence of instantons and the Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly.Comment: Extended, and replaced with LaTex file. 25 Page

    Invariant Regularization of Anomaly-Free Chiral Theories

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    We present a generalization of the Frolov-Slavnov invariant regularization scheme for chiral fermion theories in curved spacetimes. local gauge symmetries of the theory, including local Lorentz invariance. The perturbative scheme works for arbitrary representations which satisfy the chiral gauge anomaly and the mixed Lorentz-gauge anomaly cancellation conditions. Anomalous theories on the other hand manifest themselves by having divergent fermion loops which remain unregularized by the scheme. Since the invariant scheme is promoted to also include local Lorentz invariance, spectator fields which do not couple to gravity cannot be, and are not, introduced. Furthermore, the scheme is truly chiral (Weyl) in that all fields, including the regulators, are left-handed; and only the left-handed spin connection is needed. The scheme is, therefore, well suited for the study of the interaction of matter with all four known forces in a completely chiral fashion. In contrast with the vectorlike formulation, the degeneracy between the Adler-Bell-Jackiw current and the fermion number current in the bare action is preserved by the chiral regularization scheme.Comment: 28pgs, LaTeX. Typos corrected. Further remarks on singlet current

    Massive torsion modes, chiral gravity, and the Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly

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    Regularization of quantum field theories introduces a mass scale which breaks axial rotational and scaling invariances. We demonstrate from first principles that axial torsion and torsion trace modes have non-transverse vacuum polarization tensors, and become massive as a result. The underlying reasons are similar to those responsible for the Adler-Bell-Jackiw (ABJ) and scaling anomalies. Since these are the only torsion components that can couple minimally to spin 1/2 particles, the anomalous generation of masses for these modes, naturally of the order of the regulator scale, may help to explain why torsion and its associated effects, including CPT violation in chiral gravity, have so far escaped detection. As a simpler manifestation of the reasons underpinning the ABJ anomaly than triangle diagrams, the vacuum polarization demonstration is also pedagogically useful. In addition it is shown that the teleparallel limit of a Weyl fermion theory coupled only to the left-handed spin connection leads to a counter term which is the Samuel-Jacobson-Smolin action of chiral gravity in four dimensions.Comment: 7 pages, RevTeX fil

    Sampling constrained probability distributions using Spherical Augmentation

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    Statistical models with constrained probability distributions are abundant in machine learning. Some examples include regression models with norm constraints (e.g., Lasso), probit, many copula models, and latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). Bayesian inference involving probability distributions confined to constrained domains could be quite challenging for commonly used sampling algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel augmentation technique that handles a wide range of constraints by mapping the constrained domain to a sphere in the augmented space. By moving freely on the surface of this sphere, sampling algorithms handle constraints implicitly and generate proposals that remain within boundaries when mapped back to the original space. Our proposed method, called {Spherical Augmentation}, provides a mathematically natural and computationally efficient framework for sampling from constrained probability distributions. We show the advantages of our method over state-of-the-art sampling algorithms, such as exact Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, using several examples including truncated Gaussian distributions, Bayesian Lasso, Bayesian bridge regression, reconstruction of quantized stationary Gaussian process, and LDA for topic modeling.Comment: 41 pages, 13 figure

    A DFT study of addition reaction between fragment ion (CH2) units and fullerene (C60) molecule

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    The theoretical study of the interaction between CH2 and fullerene (C60) suggests the existence of an addition reaction mechanism; this feature is studied by applying an analysis of electronic properties. Several different effects are evident in this interaction as a consequence of the particular electronic transfer which occurs during the procedure. The addition or insertion of the methylene group results in a process, where the inclusion of CH2 into a fullerene bond produces the formation of several geometric deformations. A simulation of these procedures was carried out, taking advantage of the dynamic semi-classical Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Dynamic aspects were analyzed at different speeds, for the interaction between the CH2 group and the two bonds: CC (6, 6) and CC (6, 5) respectively on the fullerene (C60) rings. All calculations which involved electrons employed DFT as well as exchange and functional correlation. The results indicate a tendency for the CH2 fragment to attack the CC (6, 5) bond