144 research outputs found

    Phenomenological study on the significance of the scalar potential and Lamb shift

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    We indicated in our previous work that for QED the contributions of the scalar potential which appears at the loop level is much smaller than that of the vector potential and in fact negligible. But the situation may be different for QCD, one reason is that the loop effects are more significant because αs\alpha_s is much larger than α\alpha, and secondly the non-perturbative QCD effects may induce the scalar potential. In this work, we phenomenologically study the contribution of the scalar potential to the spectra of charmonia. Taking into account both vector and scalar potentials, by fitting the well measured charmonia spectra, we re-fix the relevant parameters and test them by calculating other states of the charmonia family. We also consider the role of the Lamb shift and present the numerical results with and without involving the Lamb shift

    ‘Zhengmei’: A new early-ripening table grape

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    The effect of different baryons impurities

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    We demonstrate the different effect of different baryons impurities on the static properties of nuclei within the framework of the relativistic mean-field model. Systematic calculations show that Λc+\Lambda_c^+ and Λb\Lambda_b has the same attracting role as Λ\Lambda hyperon does in lighter hypernuclei. Ξ−\Xi^- and Ξc0\Xi_c^0 hyperon has the attracting role only for the protons distribution, and has a repulsive role for the neutrons distribution. On the contrary, Ξ0\Xi^0 and Ξc+\Xi^+_c hyperon attracts surrounding neutrons and reveals a repulsive force to the protons. We find that the different effect of different baryons impurities on the nuclear core is due to the different third component of their isospin.Comment: 9 page

    Identifying long-term stable refugia for dominant Castanopsis species of evergreen broad-leaved forests in East Asia: A tool for ensuring their conservation

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    Identifying and protecting refugia is a priority for conservation management under projected anthropogenic climate change. We have two main objectives: the first is to explore the spatial (East Asia) and temporal (Last Glacial Maximum to year 2070) distribution patterns of dominant Castanopsis species of evergreen broad-leaved forests, also the relation with their niche breadths; the second is to identify long-term stable refugia for preserving these species and provide a framework of conservation strategies. We find that there is an extraordinary richness with 32 dominant Castanopsis species, and they form both a geographically and climatically almost unbroken connection from ca. 5°N to 38°N, having thus ecological significance. During the Mid-Holocene and, particularly, the Last Glacial Maximum, the predicted suitable areas of the species as a whole were larger than those in the present. By 2070, potentially suitable areas with high richness of dominant Castanopsis species will be reduced by 94.5 % on average. No correlation between species niche breadths and distribution ranges is found, which could be due to regional climate stability. Mountains of southwestern and southern Yunnan in China are identified as climatically long-term stable refugia for 7¿9 Castanopsis species. We recommend that these refugia have the highest priority of conservation to prevent their extinction. Our suggested urgent measures include improving the effectiveness of currently protected Castanopsis species and expanding the network of protected areas to cover a larger fraction of the refugia, as well as ensuring Castanopsis species natural regeneration potential in fragmented and natural secondary forest areas.This study received financial support from the Major Program for Basic Research Project of Yunnan Province, China (202101BC070002), the Science and Technology Department of Yunnan University, China (2019YNU002), the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2015FY210200-15), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant PID2020-119163GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency of Japan (JPMEERF20202002), and the Northeastern Research Institute of Petrified Wood and Mineral Resources, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University, Thailand.Keywords 1. Introduction 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Data collection and notations 2.2. Ecological niche modeling 2.3. Data analyses 3. Results 3.1. Dominant Castanopsis species in East Asia today: richness and distribution patterns 3.2. Richness of dominant Castanopsis species shaped by climate change 3.3. Niche groups and niche breadths of dominant Castanopsis species 3.4. Climatically long-term stable refugia 4. Discussion 4.1. Richness of dominant Castanopsis species shaped by climate change 4.2. Niche groups and niche breadths of dominant Castanopsis species 4.3. Long-term stable refugia and conservation strategies 5. Conclusions CRediT authorship contribution statement Declaration of competing interest Acknowledgements Appendix A. Supplementary material Reference

    Spatial distribution and environmental significance of phytoliths in the surface soil of the Xilingol Grassland in Inner Mongolia, China

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    Reconstruction of grassland ecosystems and their vegetation succession is an important issue in palaeoenvironmental research. Phytoliths and pollen are two common proxies for palaeovegetation reconstruction, and their importance can be evaluated based on investigations of the relationships between modern vegetation and phytolith/pollen assemblages in surface-soil samples. The correlations between phytolith assemblages and environmental variables were analysed based on 34 surface-soil samples from the Xilingol Grassland, Inner Mongolia, North China, and a palynological analysis was carried out on the same samples, enabling a comparison between their sensitivity to vegetation and climate change. The results show that the phytolith assemblages mainly consist of blocky and rondel phytoliths, while other short-cell phytolith types, such as saddle and bilobate types, are scarce. The pollen assemblages were characterised by a high abundance of Artemisia and Amaranthaceae. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that the most important environmental factors affecting the distribution of phytoliths are altitude and latitude, while the mean warmest monthly temperature (MWMT) and altitude were the most significant environmental factors affecting the distribution of the pollen assemblages. CCA of the phytoliths and pollen assemblages separated both samples into two groups: broadleaf forest/scrub and steppe/meadow groups, but it appeared that phytoliths were more sensitive in arid grasslands. This case study could be used as a baseline for interpreting fossil phytolith/pollen assemblages from the grasslands of Inner Mongolia and indicates that multiproxy analysis of the same samples can provide reliable information on palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate reconstruction
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