10 research outputs found

    Determination of location factor on the rental value of business lot in shopping mall using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) technique

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    Shopping mall is one of the commercial properties which had a high rental value. This happen because of various factors and one of them is location. In Sabah, there are many shopping malls that have been developed. Among them are Wisma Merdeka, which is one of the oldest shopping malls in Kota Kinabalu city. However, Wisma Merdeka has a relatively high rental value when compared to other shopping complexes around Kota Kinabalu. Therefore, this study aims to identify factors in assessing the rental value by using GIS technology and spatial statistical model. Location factor has always been the main reason influencing the rental value of commercial properties. To get a precise valuation of store rental, it can be determine using the spatial statistics method. This paper aims to study the relationship between the rental value of business lot in a mall and the influence of internal location factor in a mall using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) technique. OLS technique has been used in this paper where OLS is a multiple regression method that is widely used for viewing the spatial relationship globally. OLS able to show the correlation between the rental value and the variable of location factor through the results of the analysis shown. Furthermore, the network analysis is applied using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology to obtain the business lot distances with the independent variables needed. Among the independent variables studied are the position of the business lot, business lot level, distance from the main entrance, distance from the second entrance, distance from the escalator, distance from the lifting machine, distance from the toilet and the distance from the main tenant. The results show that the position and the placement level of a business lot have a significant effect on the change in rental value with p-value less than 0.05. Meanwhile, other factors such as the distance from the lifts, eskalator, toilets, main entrance, second entrance and distance from the anchor tenant do not show a significant relationship in affecting the rental value at Wisma Merdeka. In conclusion, generally the OLS technique can indicate the influence of location on the rental value of a business lot. However, there are other spatial statistics method can be use for future evaluation purposes

    Keberkesanan Program Imunisasi COVID-19 Kebangsaan di Malaysia Timur

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    Program Imunisasi COVID-19 Kebangsaan (PICK) telah diperkenalkan bermula pada Febuari 2021 lagi. Sehubungan dengan itu, semua rakyat Malaysia secara sukarela diseru untuk menyertai program tersebut. Namun demikian, kadar pendaftaran PICK diperingkat awal khususnya di bahagian Timur Malaysia (Sabah) kurang mendapat sambutan. Bertitik tolak daripada permasalahan tersebut, kajian ini ingin mengenalpasti tahap keberkesanan PICK di Sabah. Dalam pada itu, kajian ini turut meneliti faktor penolak dan penarik yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan program terbabit. Maka dengan itu, seramai 1024 responden telah ditemubual secara dalam talian (google form) dan secara bersemuka menggunakan borang soal selidik. Data mentah yang diperolehi dianalisis secara diskriptif menggunakan Min dan frekuensi. Analisis kajian mendapati tahap Keberkesanan Program Imunisasi COVID-19 Kebangsaan di Sabah adalah pada tahap sederhana dengan nilai indeks petunjuk keberkesanan sebanyak 66.67 peratus. Selain itu, analisis kajian turut mendapati kelemahan media perdana merupakan salah satu faktor utama menyebabkan wujudnya ketidakyakinan masyarakat Sabah menyertai PICK. Walaupun begitu, proses pendaftaran yang mudah dan jaminan terhadap kehalalan vaksin merupakan faktor pendorong (penarik) kepada keberhasilan program tersebut

    Perception of youth in East Malaysia (Sabah) towards the Malaysia national Covid-19 immunisation programme (PICK)

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    As a measure to curb the deadly Covid-19 virus, the Malaysian government has implemented the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK) in early February 2021 to achieve herd immunity by February 2022. However, several factors have influenced the success of the programme, including accessibility, the role of social media, religious concerns and a variety of other reasons. Therefore, this paper determines the factors that influence the perceptions of the youth in East Malaysia (Sabah) towards PICK. This study uses a self-administered questionnaire through social media applications. A total of 814 respondents consisting of youths in Sabah aged between 18-40 years have been sampled. The raw data have been descriptively analysed (K-Means Clustering, Mean & frequency) and inferentially examined (Mann-Whitney U Test). The respondents’ perceptions are grouped into two clusters: Cluster 1 (54.3%) who exhibited vaccine hesitancy, and Cluster 2 (45.7%), who demonstrated positive perceptions towards the programme. Based on the cluster analysis, this study discovered that most of the respondents in Cluster 1 are inclined to not participate in PICK due to several factors, such as Safety (M=3.25, SD=0.578), Communication (M=3.37, SD=0.441), Psychology (M=3.40, SD=0.568) and Milieu (M=3.32, SD=0.545). The cluster analysis is important to determine different patterns of perceptions of youth in Sabah. This paper argues that if vaccine hesitancy, as indicated in the cluster 1 is not properly addressed, the government’s target to achieve herd immunity will not be successful. Apparently, information issues and management through the mainstream media are extremely important, especially in handling critical matters. As a result, there is a need to revisit the mainstream media's role and determine the causes that contribute to the youths’ rejection of government-sponsored initiatives. The findings will be useful for the government so as to implement the necessary policies, adjustments and improvements to future health regulations or campaigns, especially in addressing issues of misinformation related to health management in the digital era

    Flood Risk Assessment in Beaufort, Sabah, Malaysia

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    Risk is defined as the probability or expectation of loss resulting in the form of death, injury, property damage, economic disruption, disease, relocation, and disruption of community activities caused by a disaster. Having awareness concerning risk levels in an area will expedite all planning on disaster management to be carried out more efficiently and effectively. This is because every area that has a different level of disaster risk should also be managed in different ways. Security and mitigation measures should be emphasized in areas with high levels of disaster risk compared to areas with low levels of disaster risk. Therefore, this study would like to identify the level of flood risk in Beaufort, Sabah. This is because Beaufort one of the areas that often experience floods every year. The level of risk is obtained based on the following model or equation, risk = hazard + exposure + vulnerability. To obtain the results of the study, the application of Geographic Information System or its acronym Geographic Information System (GIS) and fuzzy analysis were used. The results of the analysis found that 3.9% of the total area of Beaufort was categorized as areas with very high-risk levels while another 4.4% and 26.4% were categorized as areas with high and moderate risk levels. The remaining 65.3% are categorized as areas with low and very low-risk levels. Although the percentage of the area that has a very high level of flood risk is only 3.9%, it was found that the area has a town, two small towns, and seven villages. This study is expected to have significant implications in terms of the development of flood disaster management in the Beaufort district in particular and Malaysia in general

    Readiness and Challenges of E-Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic Era: A Space Analysis in Peninsular Malaysia

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    During the COVID-19 era, most countries, including Malaysia, have shifted from face-to-face teaching systems to online teaching programs. The aim of this study is to identify the main challenges that higher education students face during e-learning based on their residential location throughout Peninsular Malaysia. This study further examines the readiness of higher education students to apply e-learning. Therefore, a cross-sectional survey approach is used to fulfill the outlined objectives. Accordingly, 761 public (95.3%) and private (4.7%) higher education students residing in Peninsular Malaysia are sampled in this study. The survey was administered online for 37 days, from 21 October 21 to 6 December 2021, using either WhatsApp or Facebook. The raw data is inferentially (Principal Component Analysis, K-Means Clustering, Kruskal Wallis, and spatial analysis) and descriptively (mean, standard deviation & percentage) analyzed. It has been revealed that six clusters of students in Peninsular Malaysia face various challenges while following the e-learning program. Most states in Peninsular Malaysia are dominated by students in Cluster D (Terengganu, Perlis, Penang, Selangor, WP Kuala Lumpur, and WP Putrajaya) and Cluster B categories (Melaka, Johor, Kelantan, and Kedah). Students in the Cluster D category tend to suffer from physical health disorders and social isolation, while students in the Cluster B category face problems with a decreased focus on learning, mental health disorders, and social isolation. The outcomes further indicate that the more challenges students face during e-learning programs, the lower their willingness to continue with the program. The results of this study are significant in addressing the challenges of e-learning, which will help stakeholders address and strengthen student abilities

    Penentuan nilai sewa lot perniagaan pusat membeli-belah menggunakan model statistik ruangan di Wisma Merdeka Kota Kinabalu

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    Penilaian hartanah merupakan satu proses yang penting dalam sektor hartanah. Hal ini demikian kerana, penilaian hartanah akan menentukan kedudukan sesebuah hartanah dari segi sewaan, belian, dan percukaian. Penilaian hartanah meliputi penilaian hartanah kediaman dan komersial. Di Sabah, terdapat banyak hartanah komersial yang telah dibangunkan. Antaranya adalah Wisma Merdeka, yang merupakan salah satu kompleks perniagaan yang telah lama dibangunkan. Namum, Wisma Merdeka mempunyai nilai sewaan yang agak tinggi di sekitar Kota Kinabalu yang dipengaruhi oleh pelbagai faktor. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mencari pendekatan yang terbaik dalam melakukan penilaian nilai sewa dengan menggunakan teknologi GIS dan model statistik ruangan. Kajian ini menggariskan tiga objektif utama iaitu untuk mengenal pasti corak nilai sewa, di samping menilai faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai sewa di Wisma Merdeka. Akhir sekali, kajian ini bermatlamat menentukan satu model penilaian yang sesuai dalam melakukan penilaian di Wisma Merdeka. Model statistik ruangan yang digunakan dalam kajian ini terdiri daripada model Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) dan Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) dengan integrasi GIS. Disamping itu, analisis jaringan dan analisis Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) turut digunakan dalam kajian ini. Hasil analisis dan penemuan kajian mendapati faktor kedudukan aras dan faktor kedudukan lot perniagaan adalah faktor yang signifikan mempengaruhi nilai sewa di Wisma Merdeka. Selain itu, hasil kajian juga mendapati model GWR adalah model yang sesuai untuk penilaian nila sewa di Wisma Merdeka. Ini kerana nilai Adjusted R² model GWR adalah lebih tinggi iaitu 0.944897 berbanding 0.934941 bagi model OLS. Akhir sekali, penilaian nilai sewa menggunakan model statistik ruangan dapat memberikan pernilaian sewa yang adil dan menjimatkan masa berbanding dengan penilaian secara manual

    Penentuan pengaruh lokasi terhadap nilai sewa lot peniagaan di pusat beli-belah menggunakan teknik ordinary least squares (ols)

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    Pusat beli-belah merupakan salah satu harta tanah komersial yang mempunyai nilai sewa yang tinggi. Keadaan ini dipengaruhi oleh pelbagai faktor antaranya faktor lokasi. Faktor lokasi sering menjadi faktor utama dalam mempengaruhi nilai sewa harta tanah komersial. Penilaian sewa kedai dapat ditentukan dengan lebih tepat dengan menggunakan kaedah statistik ruangan. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan mengkaji hubungan antara nilai sewa lot perniagaan di pusat beli-belah dengan pengaruh lokasi menggunakan teknik Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). Teknik OLS telah digunakan dalam kertas kerja ini, yang mana OLS merupakan satu kaedah regresi berganda yang sering digunakan untuk melihat hubungan spatial secara global. OLS dapat menunjukkan hubungkait nilai sewa dengan pembolehubah faktor lokasi melalui paparan nilai hasil analisis. Selain itu, analisis jaringan menggunakan teknologi sistem maklumat geografi (GIS) juga digunakan bagi memperoleh jarak lot perniagaan dengan pembolehubah bebas yang diperlukan. Antara pembolehubah bebas yang diteliti adalah kedudukan lot perniagaan, aras lot perniagaan, jarak dari pintu utama, jarak dari pintu kedua, jarak dari eskalator, jarak dari mesin angkat, jarak dari tandas dan jarak dari penyewa utama. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan faktor aras kedai memberikan pengaruh yang paling signifikan iaitu p-value kurang dari 0.05 berbanding dengan faktor lain. Kesimpulannya, teknik OLS secara umum dapat menunjukkan pengaruh lokasi terhadap nilai sewa lot perniagaan. Namun, terdapat kaedah statistik ruangan lain dapat digunakan bagi tujuan penilaian yang lebih mendalam pada masa akan datang

    Vaccine hesitancy in East Malaysia (Sabah): A survey of the national covid-19 immunisation programme

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    The Malaysian government has introduced the National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK) as a new mechanism to address the transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Unfortunately, the number of PICK registrations is still unsatisfactory and is now even lower. The low level of participation of the Sabah (East Malaysia) population significantly impacts the PICK registrations. Therefore, this study aims to identify the factors that cause vaccine hesitancy among the people of Sabah. This study seeks to identify these trends based on zone and district boundaries. A total of 1024 respondents were sampled in this study. Raw data collected through the survey method were analysed using K-means clustering, principal component analysis (PCA), and spatial analysis. The study discovered that factors including confidence, authority, mainstream media, complacency, social media, and convenience are the top causes of vaccine hesitancy among respondents. This study also revealed that the Sabah population’s key variables causing vaccine hesitancy to vary by region (zones and districts). The conclusion is significant as a source of supporting data for stakeholders seeking to identify the Sabah population’s constraints in each region and therefore, it would help improve PICK management’s performance in Sabah

    Assessing the challenges of e-learning in Malaysia during the pandemic of Covid-19 using the geo-spatial approach

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    The outbreak of the pandemic Covid-19 has transformed the education system in most countries worldwide. Following the lockdown measures in Malaysia, the Malaysian education system has fully transformed from conventional learning to online learning or known as e-learning as an alternative to minimize social contacts and physical communication to curb the transmission of Covid-19. In this regard, this study aims to identify the challenges faced by students in higher learning institutions throughout Malaysia during the implementation of the e-learning program. This study is based on a large sampling consisting of 2394 students from both public and private universities. The result from this study is analyzed through inferential methods such as the Spatial Analysis, the Principal Component Analysis, and the Mann–Whitney U test and through descriptive methods using the frequency analysis and the percentage analysis. Findings from this study suggest that location significantly influenced the challenges faced by students throughout the implementation of e-learning in higher learning institutions. For example, students in rural areas which can be identified as “vulnerable groups” are more likely to face both technical and connection with the internet access, tend to have a declining focus on learning and are prone to physical health problems, facing social isolation and low digital literacy compared to students in urban areas. Based on geographical analysis, students in Sabah, Perlis, and Melaka are most at risk of facing e-learning challenges. An anomaly case of students in Kuala Lumpur, however, posed another different result compared to other cities as they confront similar challenges with students in rural areas. This study provides the nuances of location and its implications for vulnerable groups that may put them at disadvantage in the e-learning program. Findings from this study will help to inform the relevant authorities and policymakers in improving the implementation of e-learning in Malaysia, especially towards the vulnerable groups so that it can be delivered more systematically and efficiently

    Readiness and Challenges of E-Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic Era: A Space Analysis in Peninsular Malaysia

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    During the COVID-19 era, most countries, including Malaysia, have shifted from face-to-face teaching systems to online teaching programs. The aim of this study is to identify the main challenges that higher education students face during e-learning based on their residential location throughout Peninsular Malaysia. This study further examines the readiness of higher education students to apply e-learning. Therefore, a cross-sectional survey approach is used to fulfil the outlined objectives. Accordingly, 761 public (95.3%) and private (4.7%) higher education students residing in Peninsular Malaysia are sampled in this study. The survey was administered online for 37 days, from 21 October 21 to 6 December 2021, using either WhatsApp or Facebook. The raw data is inferentially (Principal Component Analysis, K-Means Clustering, Kruskal Wallis, and spatial analysis) and descriptively (mean, standard deviation & percentage) analyzed. It has been revealed that six clusters of students in Peninsular Malaysia face various challenges while following the e-learning program. Most states in Peninsular Malaysia are dominated by students in Cluster D (Terengganu, Perlis, Penang, Selangor, WP Kuala Lumpur, and WP Putrajaya) and Cluster B categories (Melaka, Johor, Kelantan, and Kedah). Students in the Cluster D category tend to suffer from physical health disorders and social isolation, while students in the Cluster B category face problems with decreased focus in learning, mental health disorders, and social isolation. The outcomes further indicate that the more challenges students face during e-learning programs, the lower their willingness to continue with the program. The results of this study are significant in addressing the challenges of e-learning, which will help stakeholders address and strengthen student abilities