53 research outputs found

    CO I Barcoding Reveals New Clades and Radiation Patterns of Indo-Pacific Sponges of the Family Irciniidae (Demospongiae: Dictyoceratida)

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    DNA barcoding is a promising tool to facilitate a rapid and unambiguous identification of sponge species. Demosponges of the order Dictyoceratida are particularly challenging to identify, but are of ecological as well as biochemical importance.Here we apply DNA barcoding with the standard CO1-barcoding marker on selected Indo-Pacific specimens of two genera, Ircinia and Psammocinia of the family Irciniidae. We show that the CO1 marker identifies several species new to science, reveals separate radiation patterns of deep-sea Ircinia sponges and indicates dispersal patterns of Psammocinia species. However, some species cannot be unambiguously barcoded by solely this marker due to low evolutionary rates.We support previous suggestions for a combination of the standard CO1 fragment with an additional fragment for sponge DNA barcoding

    Molecular Phylogeny of the Astrophorida (Porifera, Demospongiaep) Reveals an Unexpected High Level of Spicule Homoplasy

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    Background: The Astrophorida (Porifera, Demospongiae(rho)) is geographically and bathymetrically widely distributed. Systema Porifera currently includes five families in this order: Ancorinidae, Calthropellidae, Geodiidae, Pachastrellidae and Thrombidae. To date, molecular phylogenetic studies including Astrophorida species are scarce and offer limited sampling. Phylogenetic relationships within this order are therefore for the most part unknown and hypotheses based on morphology largely untested. Astrophorida taxa have very diverse spicule sets that make them a model of choice to investigate spicule evolution. Methodology/Principal Findings: With a sampling of 153 specimens (9 families, 29 genera, 89 species) covering the deep- and shallow-waters worldwide, this work presents the first comprehensive molecular phylogeny of the Astrophorida, using a cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene partial sequence and the 59 end terminal part of the 28S rDNA gene (C1-D2 domains). The resulting tree suggested that i) the Astrophorida included some lithistid families and some Alectonidae species, ii) the sub-orders Euastrophorida and Streptosclerophorida were both polyphyletic, iii) the Geodiidae, the Ancorinidae and the Pachastrellidae were not monophyletic, iv) the Calthropellidae was part of the Geodiidae clade (Calthropella at least), and finally that v) many genera were polyphyletic (Ecionemia, Erylus, Poecillastra, Penares, Rhabdastrella, Stelletta and Vulcanella). Conclusion: The Astrophorida is a larger order than previously considered, comprising ca. 820 species. Based on these results, we propose new classifications for the Astrophorida using both the classical rank-based nomenclature (i.e., Linnaean classification) and the phylogenetic nomenclature following the PhyloCode, independent of taxonomic rank. A key to the Astrophorida families, sub-families and genera incertae sedis is also included. Incongruences between our molecular tree and the current classification can be explained by the banality of convergent evolution and secondary loss in spicule evolution. These processes have taken place many times, in all the major clades, for megascleres and microscleres

    Good congruence between morphology and molecular phylogeny of Hadromerida, or how to bother sponge taxonomists

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    Volume: 44Start Page: 100End Page: 10

    Des dates et des lieux: les jumelages en Bourgogne, Languedoc-Roussillon et Limousin

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    A survey on twinning dates and on precise location of European partners allowed us to emphasize very different rythms of frequency depending on regions on the one hand, and significant polarisation in the choices of twin cities, on the other hand.Une enquête sur les dates des jumelages et sur les localisations précises des partenaires européens a permis de mettre en évidence d’une part des périodisations très différentes selon les régions, d’autre part des polarisations significatives dans les choix des communes jumelles.Un estudio sobre las fechas de los hermanamientos y sobre las localizaciones exactas de los miembros europeos, ha permitido poner de relieve por una parte las periodificaciones muy diversas según las regiones, y por otra parte las polarizaciones significativas en las elecciones de los municipios hermanados.Chombard Cécile. Des dates et des lieux: les jumelages en Bourgogne, Languedoc-Roussillon et Limousin. In: Mappemonde, 1995/4. pp. 11-16

    Fritsch-Bournazel Renata, L'Allemagne unie dans la nouvelle Europe

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    Chombard-Gaudin Cécile. Fritsch-Bournazel Renata, L'Allemagne unie dans la nouvelle Europe. In: Vingtième Siècle, revue d'histoire, n°35, juillet-septembre 1992. p. 118

    Les méandres de l’aménagement d’une boucle de la Seine

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    The closure of the Renault factory in Boulogne-Billancourt sparked a decade of projects for redeveloping a whole loop of the Seine. These projects reflect political and economic trends and the constraints generated by the privatisation of the company under European competition policy.Le départ des usines Renault de Boulogne-Billancourt a provoqué depuis dix ans de nombreux projets de réaménagement de toute une boucle de la Seine. Ces projets sont très liés aux évolutions politiques et économiques et aux contraintes nées de la privatisation de l’entreprise dans le cadre concurrentiel de l’Europe.La salida de las plantas industriales Renault de Boulogne-Billancourt ha generado los ultimos diez años numerosos proyectos de reorganización de toda el area de un meandro del Sena. Estos proyectos estan muy ligados a evoluciones políticas y económicas, asi como a las limitaciones que surgen a raiz de la privatización de la empresa en el marco competitivo europeo.Chombard Cécile. Les méandres de l’aménagement d’une boucle de la Seine. In: Mappemonde 56, 1999/4. pp. 31-36

    Berlin vu par les voyageurs français (1900-1939)

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    Berlin as seen by French travelers (1900-1939), Cécile Chombard-Gaudin. From 1909 to 1939, French travelers were both fascinated and frightened by Berlin. This city did not conform to the usual stereotypes of French representation of Germany, hovering between a Madame de Staël-type romanticism and a defensive attitude towards « Prussia ». Berlin, which had entered modernity with great assurance, already prefïgured a different Germany, young, dynamic, always wanting to outdo itself. These pre-1939 descriptions have taken on a certain topicality since the fall of 1989.Chombard-Gaudin Cécile. Berlin vu par les voyageurs français (1900-1939). In: Vingtième Siècle, revue d'histoire, n°27, juillet-septembre 1990. Dossier : La rue et la fête du Front Populaire. pp. 27-42

    Des dates et des lieux: les jumelages en Bourgogne, Languedoc-Roussillon et Limousin

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    Une enquête sur les dates des jumelages et sur les localisations précises des partenaires européens a permis de mettre en évidence d'une part des périodisations très différentes selon les régions, d'autre part des polarisations significatives dans les choix des communes jumelles

    Fritsch-Bournazel Renata, L'Allemagne unie dans la nouvelle Europe

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    Chombard-Gaudin Cécile. Fritsch-Bournazel Renata, L'Allemagne unie dans la nouvelle Europe. In: Vingtième Siècle, revue d'histoire, n°35, juillet-septembre 1992. p. 118
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