4 research outputs found
Optimization of the Extrusion Process in the Production of Compound Feeds for Dairy Cows
The paper proposes a way of enriching the composition of mixed fodder by combining two promising technologies with known effects: inclusion of germinated grain in the composition and extrusion. Crude and digestible protein, fiber, fat, and mineral elements Ca, K, Na, and P were studied. Inclusion of sprouted grain into mixed fodder and subsequent extrusion contribute to improvements in taste qualities, increased edibility, and assimilation of mixed fodder, as well as nutritive value. Taking into account the obtained knowledge about the influence of temperature regime and content of germinated triticale grain in mixed fodder production, it is advisable to continue research to adapt the technology and develop formulations for different types of animals and farm birds. The purpose of the study was to optimize the process of extrusion of sprouted triticale grain in order to reduce energy consumption and obtain high-quality extrudates. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: to analyze the regime factors affecting the fat content based on the optimization of technological modes of extrusion. To optimize the technology of extrusion of triticale grain of the Kozha variety, the fat content was chosen as the target function. Optimization of the technology of extrusion of triticale grain of the Kozha variety was carried out by the method of nonlinear programming. The following optimal technological modes of grain extrusion were obtained: The content of sprouted triticale grain is 15%, and the extrusion temperature is 140°C. With these optimal grain processing modes, the target function was 1.12%. The practical significance of the technology of the production of compound feeds with the use of extrusion in order to improve the quality and increase the shelf life. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-05-08 Full Text: PD
Nutritive Profile of Canned Goat Meat Food with Added Carrot
This study describes the effect of adding carrot on the nutritional and biological value of canned goat meat. Four batches of canned goat meat were produced: control (without carrot), and three experimental treatments T10, T20, and T30 that was canned goat meat with the addition of 10, 20, and 30% carrot, respectively. Canned goat meat with 30% added carrot had the lowest fat (5.76%) and protein (17.08%) content. The mass fraction of fiber was significantly increased, up to 1.96% in T10, 2.33% in T20, and 2.71% in T30. The same trend was observed for β-carotene content (from 0.78 mg/100 g in the control sample to 1.91 mg/100 g in T30). Among the amino acids, histidine was significantly increased in T30 (p p 6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), and B5 (pantothenic acid) content in experimental samples than in the control sample. Among the minerals, the most significant increase was in potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus levels in samples with carrot. Organoleptic evaluation showed differences in color, taste, consistency, and odor. Thus, the addition of carrots increases the nutritive value and improves the palatability of canned goat meat
Nutritive Profile of Canned Goat Meat Food with Added Carrot
This study describes the effect of adding carrot on the nutritional and biological value of canned goat meat. Four batches of canned goat meat were produced: control (without carrot), and three experimental treatments T10, T20, and T30 that was canned goat meat with the addition of 10, 20, and 30% carrot, respectively. Canned goat meat with 30% added carrot had the lowest fat (5.76%) and protein (17.08%) content. The mass fraction of fiber was significantly increased, up to 1.96% in T10, 2.33% in T20, and 2.71% in T30. The same trend was observed for β-carotene content (from 0.78 mg/100 g in the control sample to 1.91 mg/100 g in T30). Among the amino acids, histidine was significantly increased in T30 (p < 0.05), and lysine in T20 and T30 (p < 0.05). There was also evidence of increased vitamin A, B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), and B5 (pantothenic acid) content in experimental samples than in the control sample. Among the minerals, the most significant increase was in potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus levels in samples with carrot. Organoleptic evaluation showed differences in color, taste, consistency, and odor. Thus, the addition of carrots increases the nutritive value and improves the palatability of canned goat meat
Виявлення закономірностей жирно-кислотного складу сафлору від агрокліматичних умов
The object of the study reported in this paper is to establish a dependence of the fatty acid composition of the fast-growing annual plant safflower on the agroclimatic cultivating conditions. The growth rate of safflower and the characteristics of the extracted oil are highly dependent on external temperature and moisture. At low temperatures, for example, the growth of safflower is significantly inhibited. With an increase in temperature and the length of daylight, the central stem begins to branch while growing faster. Flowering is mainly affected by the length of daylight. The period from the end of flowering to maturity is typically 28‒30 days. However, the total ripening period of the crop depends on the variety, location, sowing time, and agro-climatic cultivating conditions. The need for water increases significantly during the flowering period of safflower, which ultimately affects the indicators of the fatty acid composition and yield. At the same time, safflower is sensitive to moisture in terms of disease. In case of excess water, it is subject to root rot. In addition, frequent rains and high humidity after ripening can provoke the germination of seeds on the head. Hence, it follows that in order to obtain a high yield with the specified characteristics of the fatty acid composition of safflower oil, it is necessary to take into consideration the quantitative indicators of moisture and its seasonality, as well as the temperature regime during the growing season.
The study was conducted using arid or semi-arid, sharply continental Central Asia with its hot summers and cold winters as an example. The dependence of the physicochemical parameters of plant-derived oils on agroclimatic indicators has been established. The reported results and conclusions will allow farmers to predict the yield of oilseeds with specified characteristics depending on the changing climatic parametersОб’єктом дослідження є виявлення закономірностей жирно-кислотного складу швидкоростучої однорічної рослини – сафлор від агрокліматичних умов проростання. Темпи зростання сафлору та характеристики олії, що видобувається, значною мірою залежать від зовнішньої температури та вологи. Наприклад, при низьких температурах ріст сафлори значно сповільнюється. При збільшенні температури та тривалості світлового дня центральне стебло починає розгалужуватися, збільшуючись швидше. На цвітіння переважно впливає тривалість світлового дня. Період, від закінчення цвітіння до дозрівання, зазвичай, становить 28–30 днів. Проте загальний період дозрівання врожаю залежить від сорту, розташування, часу посіву та агрокліматичних умов вирощування. Потреба у воді значно зростає в період цвітіння сафлору, що зрештою позначається на показниках жирно-кислотного складу та врожайності. Разом з тим, сафлор чутливий до вологи з точки зору хвороб. У випадку надлишку води він схильний до кореневої гнилі. Також, часті дощі та висока вологість після дозрівання можуть спровокувати проростання насіння на головці. З вищевикладеного випливає, що для отримання високого врожаю, із заданими характеристиками жирно-кислотного складу сафлорової олії, необхідно враховувати кількісні показники вологи та її сезонність, а також температурний режим у вегетаційний період зростання.
Дослідження проводилися на прикладі посушливої або напівзасушливої, різко континентальної, зі спекотним літом та холодною зимою, Центральної Азії. Встановлено залежності фізико-хімічних показників рослинних олій від агрокліматичних показників. Отримані результати та висновки дозволять аграріям прогнозувати отримання продукції олійних культур із заданими характеристиками залежно від параметрів клімату, що змінюютьс