4 research outputs found

    History of Science and Technology. Textbook for students of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics

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    Educational and methodological materials contain a summary of the lecture course “History of Science and Technology” and are designed to help students during preparation for seminar classes, independent work, and preparation for semester control. The publication describes the history of the development of world scientific thought, examines the history of the development of technology, presents the main stages of the development of engineering education

    Improvement of Human Capital Development: A Factor in Increasing the Mobilisation Potential of Ukraine

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    Based on historical, legal, and sociological research conducted within a research project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine titled "Improvement of human capital development: a factor in increasing the mobilisation potential of Ukraine", theoretical and methodological principles for improving the mobilisation potential of Ukraine through human capital formation mechanisms are substantiated in this paper. An overview of the main approaches to the recruitment of armies in the context of historical evolution is conducted, and a list of actual and potential threats to a reduction of Ukraine's mobilisation potential is updated. Factors of motivation and demotivation influencing the participation or otherwise of Ukrainian youth in military mobilisation are defined. Optimal legal models for military mobilisation in a democratic constitutional state are also proposed. A general strategy whereby the policy of formation of patriotism through education and media for the actualisation of the mobilisation potential of Ukraine may be realised is also outlined. The article aims to develop conceptual bases for improving the mobilisation potential of Ukraine based on optimising the mechanisms of human capital formation. It also aims to enhance the mobilisation potential of Ukraine as a system-forming factor in ensuring the state's defence capabilities

    Keiserlik-kuningliku armee mitmekesistest vormipükstest (1867–1918). Sõjaväeline ühtlustamine ja territoriaalse koostöö võimalused [On the Diversity of Pants in the Imperial and Royal Army (1867–1918). Dichotomy of Regional Traditions and State Centralism]

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    Th is article deals with the process of army reformation during the late Habsburg Monarchy and discusses the role of local military privileges in the state structure, governance and territorial cooperation of the Empire.The late Habsburg Monarchy was a country of permanent modernization that could easily be traced in many aspects of life, the military among them. Starting in 1868, the Habsburgs applied universal conscription for their army and began a long-term programme of reformation and improvement in their armed forces. Th e main architect of the programme was archduke Albrecht and his main ideas were realized in the army until 1914. Among the most important components of the military reform was following the unifi cation and centralization of the army, cancellation of local military privileges and creation of a single governing body for all the soldiers of the Empire – k. u. k. Ministry of War in Vienna. At the same time, we could see that even after 1868 there were several territories with local military privileges at diff erent levels. The main task of this article is to discuss the real role of such privileges in the imperial military structure and fi gure out the main reasons for their existence, often in contradiction to the centralistic attempts of the Empire. By 1914, the Habsburgs cancelled the military privileges of Fiume, Catarro, Trieste, Dalmatia and Military Frontier, but at the same time kept them for Tirol and Vorarlberg, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slavonia to say nothing of Hungary. In each case there the Habsburgs had their own reasons why they refused to unify the whole military system of the Monarchy and retained military autonomy for some territories. At the same time, this situation brought to life diff erent forms of cohesion and coherence at diff erent levels – from community self-defence organizations in Tirol and Vorarlberg to the Ministry of Territorial Defence and Territorial Army (Honvéd) in Hungary.The realities of the Great War demonstrated further development of the above listed processes, when on the one hand, the army was very much unifi ed in its organization and governing structure, on the other, the separate administrative status of Hungary gave it the right to discuss its role in the war and oppose attempts by Vienna to mobilize huge military contingents for the front

    Military Desertion as a Counter-Modernization Response in Austro-Hungarian Society, 1868-1914

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    Este texto aborda el fenómeno de la deserción militar durante la última parte de la Edad Moderna, el cual es descrito como una respuesta contraria a la modernización y a la violencia estatal por parte de las periferias europeas. El proceso de modernización europea de los siglos XVIII y XIX transformó prácticamente todas las esferas de la vida, incluyendo la transición de sociedades agrarias a otras de tipo industrial. Esta modernización tuvo diferentes protagonistas, siendo el Estado el factor de cambio más pertinaz. Durante el último tercio del siglo XIX, la mayoría de los regímenes europeos comenzaron a poner en marcha procesos de conscripción, en tanto que la más moderna tecnología militar, con el objetivo de protegerse ante posibles enemigos. Del mismo modo, la idea del ciudadano-soldado fue empleada para dar forma al proceso de construcción nacional, así como para educar a los ciudadanos y canalizar la propaganda de los éxitos de la modernidad, como la alfabetización o la extensión de la educación y la higiene, entre otros. Así, el servicio militar se convirtió en un importante periodo en la vida de muchos varones europeos, una etapa de transición entre la adolescencia y la madurez en todo el sentido de la palabra. No obstante, la modernización también tuvo sus perdedores. En comparación con lo sucedido en las áreas urbanas, en las periferias europeas la modernización fue percibida una serie de obligaciones añadidas, y no tanto como un beneficio. El proceso se vio a menudo complejizado por la existencia de reservorios patriarcales en contextos cerrados que, en líneas generales, se mostraron hostiles a la transformación de unos estilos de vida que habían perdurado inalterados durante siglos. Los ejemplos que ofrecen las deserciones a territorio ruso de individuos encuadrados en el ejército del imperio Habsburgo y oriundos de regiones como Bukovina, Galitzia o el Este de Hungría ponen de manifiesto la escala de esas reacciones contrarias a la modernización y al cambio existentes en esta región periférica. Aquellos jóvenes que no podían aceptar dichas transformaciones tendieron a evitar el servicio militar huyendo del país, convirtiéndose así en desertores perpetuos, es decir, individuos que buscaban permanecer a toda costa en una sociedad tradicional. De hecho, en no pocas ocasiones migraron de Austria-Hungría a Rusia, y viceversa. El análisis de estos casos evidencia las necesidades militares de los ejércitos modernos, así como el carácter irreversible de la modernización y el poco halagüeño destino de aquellos que no pudieron adaptarse a un mundo en proceso de cambio.This article is devoted to an investigation of the military desertion phenomenon during the Late Modern period; in particular, it is described as counter-modernization response of European peripheries to state-led violence and modernization. The European Modernization of the 18th and 19th centuries was the process that changed practically all spheres of life, including the transition from agrarian to industrial societies. This modernization had different actors, with the state as the most significant pertinacious factor of change. During the last third of the 19thcentury, most European regimes began to implement conscription as the most modern military technology in order to protect against possible enemies. The idea of citizen-soldiers was also used for the shaping of nation-building, and the educating of citizens and the propaganda of the achievements of Modernity like literacy, education, hygiene, etc. Military service became an important period of life for most European men, a transition from teenage to maturity in all meanings of this word. Modernization also had its losers. In contrast to metropolitan areas, in European peripheries modernization often was perceived in the form of additional obligations, not benefits. The process was sometimes complicated by the existence of patriarchal reservations in closed locations that in general were hostile towards changing their centuries-old lifestyle. The examples of military desertion from the Habsburg empire’s Northeast (Bukovina, Galicia, Eastern Hungary) to Russia demonstrate the scale of counter-modernization reactions of this peripheral region to imposed modernization and change. Those young men who could not accept the changes often had to avoid the military by leaving their own country. These people became perpetual deserters, i.e. persons, who were trying to stay in the traditional society at any price. Several times they migrated from Austria-Hungary to Russia and vice versa. The case studies of such people demonstrate the military necessities as related to modern armies, the same as the irreversibility of modernization and unenviable fate for those who could not adapt to the changing world