8 research outputs found


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    Cleft palate is a congenital deformity that causes a multitude of problems and represents a special challenge to the medical community. Speech production, feeding, maxillofacial growth, and dentition are just a few important developmental stages that may be affected. Beside that, these children and their families often experience serious psychological problems. A broad spectrum of variations in clinical presentation exists. Several subtypes of cleft palate can be diagnosed based on severity. The correct diagnosis of a cleft anomaly is fundamental for treatment, for further genetic and etiopathological studies, and for preventive measures correctly targeting the category of preventable orofacial clefts. These article reviews the embriology, etiology, pathophysiology, and classification of the cleft palat

    Distribusi Pencabutan Gigi Berdasarkan Karakteristik Sosiodemografi pada Pasien RSGM Universitas Jember Periode Januari-Desember 2014 (Distribution of Tooth Extraction Based on Sociodemographic Characteristic of Dental Hospital of University of Jember Pat

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    Background: The number of tooth extraction in Dental Hospital of Unversity ofJember increased on 2014. It might be caused by inapropriate dental health program.Information about distribution of tooth extraction by sociodemographic characteristic isneeded to make apropriate dental health program to decrease the number ofextraction in Dental Hospital of University of Jember. Purpose: To find out thedistribution of tooth extraction by sociodemographic characteristic in Dental Hospitalof University of Jember patients on January-December 2014. Methods: A descriptiveresearch used medical records from new Dental Hospital of University of Jemberpatients experienced tooth extraction on January-December 2014 with completemedical record and were ≥17 years old. The data were divided into groups based onsociodemographic characteristic (age, sex, education level). The data of tooth type,number, and reason of tooth extraction were collected from each sociodemographiccharacteristic groups. The results were presented in graphics and tabels. Result andConclusion: Female, elderly, and basic education level had higher number of toothextraction. Periodontal disease was the main reason of tooth extraction in all groups.Posterior teeth, especially mandibular first molar, were more frequently extracted inthe most groups.Keywords: dental health program, sociodemographic, tooth extractio

    Perbedaan Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Berdasarkan Usia, Jenis Kelamin, Tingkat Pendidikan dan Pengalaman Pencabutan Gigi Di RSGM FKG Universitas Jember (The Differences Patients Anxiety Level Based on Age, Sex, Education level and Tooth Extraction Experience at Dental Hospital, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Jember)

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    Tooth extraction is a surgery treatment which involves bone tissue dan soft-tissue structure of oral cavity. The procedure of the tooth extraction causes the highest dental anxiety. Among the factors to affect one’s anxiety level are age, sex, education level, as well as the experience of taking tooth extraction. The objective of this research is to find out the variance of the degree of patient’s anxiety level based on age, sex, education level and tooth extraction experience at Dental Hospital, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Jember. This research used analytical survey design with retrospective approach. The subject of this research is the entire patients who visit the Oral Surgery section toperform tooth extraction during the period of January to March 2016. This research employed consecutive sampling as its sampling collection technique. As many as 86 respondents are taken as the sample of this research. Sample is measured using questionnaire regarding the anxiety level prior the extraction. Results of this research reveal that 49 patients experience anxiety prior to the tooth extraction treatment. Analysis is performed using Mann-Whitney statistics, resulting in the value of 0,903 and 0,334 (p>0,05), while the Kruskall Wallis testing demonstrates the value of 0,004 and 0,001 (p<0,005). The conclusion of this research states that the variance among the patients’ anxiety level based on age and education level exist. Meanwhile, regarding similar level of anxiety, sex and the experience of tooth extraction at the Dental Hospital University of Jember do not exist, respectively.Keywords: Tooth extraction, dental anxiet

    Perpanjangan Waktu Perdarahan pada Pemberian Perasan Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum) (The Effect of Red Onion Juice (Allium ascalonicum) to Prolongation of Bleeding Time)

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    Bleeding is one of many deathscauses. In the dentistry, bleeding can be encountered such as post-surgery. Excessive bleeding may be caused by the consumption of drugs or certain foods. Red onion (Allium ascalonicum) is one of vegetables that isconsumed by people. It wasestimated to be able to affect bleeding because containedquercetinwhich effected on adhesion, aggregation, and platelet secretion. This study aimedto determine whether redonion juice couldcause prolongation of bleeding time in wistar rats. This study wasan experimental research laboratory. The researchsampleswere 28 wistar rats,divided into 4 groups. Samples were adapted for 1 week, then they were given the treatment each group, the group I was given distilled water, group II was given red onion juice 0,562 mg/g BB, group III was given red onion juice 1,125 mg/g BB, and the fourth group was given 2,25 mg/g BBred onion juice orally. Then we cut edge 1 cm long rat tail and every 30 seconds the blood that dripped out on absorbent paper until the bleeding stops, so we got the bleeding time in each sample. The results showed that there were significant differences between the four groups of samples. The conclusion of this study wasredonion juice couldcause prolongation of bleeding time in wistar rats, with the greatest prolongation of bleeding time at dosage of 2,25 mg/g BB, then the dosage of 1,125 mg/g BB, and the smallest at 0,562 mg/g BB of dosage. Keywords: bleeding time, platelet, quercetin, red onio

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Kulit Buah Naga Merah (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) terhadap Waktu Perdarahan (Bleeding Time) Pada Mencit Strain Balb-C

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    Tooth extraction causes prolonged bleeding complications and the body will respond with hemostasis. Currently developing natural medicines to help the process of hemostasis. Red dragon fruit peel, which is generally a waste containing tannins, flavonoids, and saponins to stop bleeding. Purpose was to find out the effect of red dragon fruit peel extract on bleeding time in the tail of Balb-C strain mice. 16 mice samples were adapted for one week. Mice were divided into 2 groups subsquently fasted for 7 hours. The first group as a control (0.5% Na-CMC). The second group was given red dragon fruit peel extract which was divided into three sub-groups at a dose of 0.5 mg / g BW, mg / g BW, and 1.5 mg / g BW. All samples were waited for 45 minutes and cut along 2 cm from the tip of the tail. Blood is spilled on Whatman paper which has 30 seconds in each box. The number of blood spots on the box was calculated and multiplied by 30 seconds. The result showed that bleeding time in the group given red dragon fruit peel extract was significantly lower (p <0.05) than in the control group. The conclusion was red dragon fruit peel extract (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) has an effect on shortening the bleeding time in cutting the tail of bulb-c strain mice and the dose of red dragon fruit peel extract (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) which has the most significant effect is 1 mg / BB mice


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    Background: Tooth extraction is tooth removal procedure from the alveolar socket. Tooth extraction causes wounds in the form of exposed alveolar bone to the oral cavity where the treatment should be observed. Wound healing is begun by an inflammatory phase. The first defense cells that come to the wound tissue are neutrophils. The excessive post-traumatic inflammation can lead neutrophils to be overactivated. This condition may prolong and aggravate the inflammatory response. This study is to determine the effect of cocoa seed extract gel to the number of neutrophil. Method: This research was an experimental research laboratories with the post test control group design. 24 male Wistar rats were used to be the sample. The sample were divided into 2 groups which were control and treatment group. Cocoa seed extract gel was given to the treatment group, whereas the control group didnt given the cocoa seed extract gel. The treatment and control groups were performed decaputation on the 1st, 3rd, and 7th days after tooth extraction. After decaputation was performed, socket tissue was taken to make histological preparation which was stained by Hematoxylin Eosin. Result: The neutrophils average of the treatment group is lower than control group in the 1st, 3rd, and 7th day. Conclusion: The result of the study showed that the 8% cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) bean gel extract could reduce the neutrophils in rat post-extraction tooth socket

    Happiness dalam perspektif psikologi positif dan Islam (Eksplorasi term kebahagiaan dalam Alquran Hadist dan pemikiran Islam)

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    Kebahagiaan telah menjadi fokus utama dalam penelitian psikologi positif, mencari pemahaman mendalam tentang faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap kesejahteraan subjektif individu. Di sisi lain, pemikiran Islam memberikan pandangan holistik tentang kebahagiaan, dengan Alquran dan Hadis sebagai sumber utama pengetahuan. Penelitian ini menggabungkan perspektif psikologi positif dan Islam untuk mengeksplorasi konsep kebahagiaan dari dua sudut pandang tersebut. Pertama, penelitian ini menganalisis pandangan psikologi positif terkait kebahagiaan, termasuk faktor-faktor seperti optimisme, rasa syukur, keterhubungan sosial, dan pencapaian tujuan. Pendekatan ini melibatkan penelitian empiris dan teoritis untuk memahami kontribusi faktor-faktor psikologis terhadap kebahagiaan individu. Kedua, penelitian ini menyelidiki konsep kebahagiaan dalam perspektif Islam, dengan fokus pada Alquran, Hadis, dan pemikiran ulama. Melalui analisis teks dan interpretasi, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai, ajaran, dan praktik yang dianggap memperkaya kehidupan yang bahagia menurut ajaran Islam. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini menyatukan kedua perspektif tersebut untuk menemukan titik-titik persamaan dan perbedaan antara konsep kebahagiaan dalam psikologi positif dan Islam. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang kebahagiaan sebagai fenomena manusia yang kompleks dan multidimensional. Dengan mengintegrasikan pandangan psikologi positif dan Islam, penelitian ini berpotensi memberikan kontribusi signifikan bagi pengembangan teori dan praktik yang mempromosikan kesejahteraan holistik individu dan masyarakat. Temuan penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar untuk pengembangan intervensi psikologis yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai dan ajaran Islam dalam mempromosikan kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan umat manusia secara keseluruhan

    The role of purple leaves extract (Graptophyllum Pictum (L.) Griff) on the number of fibroblasts and blood vessels in the socket after tooth extraction

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    Background: Tooth extraction is the process of removing teeth from the alveolus. It will leave a mark on the socket and surrounding soft tissue. One of the cells that plays an important role in the wound healing process after tooth extraction is fibroblasts. When an injury occurs, some blood vessels are damaged; therefore, new blood vessels need to form. Purple leaves extract could be an alternative treatment for wound healing after tooth extraction as it contains flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, steroids, and tannins. Purpose: The study aimed to analyze the role of purple leaves extract on the increase in fibroblasts and blood vessels in the socket after tooth extraction in Wistar rats. Methods: The method used was a laboratory experiment with a post-test-only control group design. The samples used were 24 rats divided into two groups: the control group, which was given aquadest, and the treatment group, which was given 1.5 mL of purple leaves extract with 10% concentration by sondage. Tissue preparations were used to count fibroblasts, and blood vessels were counted and observed on the 3rd, 5th, and 7th days. Results: Statistical tests showed a significant difference in the number of fibroblasts and blood vessels between the control and treatment groups on days 3, 5, and 7. Conclusion: Purple leaves extract could increase the number of fibroblasts and blood vessels in the tooth socket after tooth extraction of Wistar rats