1,459 research outputs found

    Two-stage sequential tests for proportions and means with follow-up period

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    AbstractThis paper extends a procedure, based on [1], wherein a sequential probability ration test (SPRT) is combined with a likelihood ratio test that incorporate both sequential observations and additional delayed observations. Two two-sample sequential tests are considered: one for binomial parameters and the other for the means of normal distributions. The essential feature of the method enables us to construct a SPRT with the risk probabilities set greater than the desired level, depending on a number of delayed observations. The terminal decision based on a likelihood ratio test can be made with the desired risk level. The adequacy and advantage of the procedure are discussed and a number of computational formulas is presented to facilitate its applications

    Antioxidant activity and contents of total phenolic compounds and anthocyanins according to grain colour in several varieties of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench

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    Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench contains various phenolic compounds such as anthocyanin. Eleven sorghum accessions were classified into five groups by grain colour and their antioxidant activities were measured as well as the contents of total phenolic compounds (TPC) and anthocyanins in sorghum grains. The grain colour was related to TPC content, but not to monomelic anthocyanin content. Moreover, the overall patterns of antioxidant activity levels in 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) or 2,2′-Azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) assay were similar to those of the TPC content. Correlations between TPC and anthocyanin contents were statistically significant and positive (P < 0.05). TPC content showed also a strong positive correlation to DPPH and ABTS antioxidant activities. The results provide the basic data for breeding of sorghum varieties containing large amounts of antioxidants

    Finite temperature behaviour of the ISS-uplifted KKLT model

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    We study the static phase structure of the ISS-KKLT model for moduli stabilisation and uplifting to a zero cosmological constant. Since the supersymmetry breaking sector and the moduli sector are only gravitationally coupled, we expect negligible quantum effects of the modulus upon the ISS sector, and the other way around. Under this assumption, we show that the ISS fields end up in the metastable vacua. The reason is not only that it is thermally favoured (second order phase transition) compared to the phase transition towards the supersymmetric vacua, but rather that the metastable vacua form before the supersymmetric ones. This nice feature is exclusively due to the presence of the KKLT sector. We also show that supergravity effects are negligible around the origin of the field space. Finally, we turn to the modulus sector and show that there is no destabilisation effect coming from the ISS sector.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, mistake corrected, one plot updated, physical conclusions unchange

    Thermoelectric power of MgB2x_{2-x}Bex_x

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    We investigated thermoelectric power S(T)S(T) of MgB2x_{2-x}Bex_{x} (x=0x=0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.6). S(T)S(T) decreases systematically with xx, suggesting that the hole density increases. Our band calculation shows that the increase occurs in the σ\sigma -band. With the hole-doping, TcT_{c} decreases. Implication of this phenomenon is discussed within the BCS framework. While the Mott formula explains only the linear part of S(T)S(T) at low temperature, incorporation of electron-phonon interaction enables us to explain S(T)S(T) over wide temperature range including the anomalous behavior at high temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Neutron beam test of CsI crystal for dark matter search

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    We have studied the response of Tl-doped and Na-doped CsI crystals to nuclear recoils and γ\gamma's below 10 keV. The response of CsI crystals to nuclear recoil was studied with mono-energetic neutrons produced by the 3^3H(p,n)3^3He reaction. This was compared to the response to Compton electrons scattered by 662 keV γ\gamma-ray. Pulse shape discrimination between the response to these γ\gamma's and nuclear recoils was studied, and quality factors were estimated. The quenching factors for nuclear recoils were derived for both CsI(Na) and CsI(Tl) crystals.Comment: 21pages, 14figures, submitted to NIM

    Spin swap gate in the presence of qubit inhomogeneity in a double quantum dot

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    We study theoretically the effects of qubit inhomogeneity on the quantum logic gate of qubit swap, which is an integral part of the operations of a quantum computer. Our focus here is to construct a robust pulse sequence for swap operation in the simultaneous presence of Zeeman inhomogeneity for quantum dot trapped electron spins and the finite-time ramp-up of exchange coupling in a double dot. We first present a geometric explanation of spin swap operation, mapping the two-qubit operation onto a single-qubit rotation. We then show that in this geometric picture a square-pulse-sequence can be easily designed to perform swap in the presence of Zeeman inhomogeneity. Finally, we investigate how finite ramp-up times for the exchange coupling JJ negatively affect the performance of the swap gate sequence, and show how to correct the problems numerically.Comment: published versio

    Penetration depth anisotropy in two-band superconductors

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    The anisotropy of the London penetration depth is evaluated for two-band superconductors with arbitrary inter- and intra-band scattering times. If one of the bands is clean and the other is dirty in the absence of inter-band scattering, the anisotropy is dominated by the Fermi surface of the clean band and is weakly temperature dependent. The inter-band scattering also suppress the temperature dependence of the anisotropy

    Cognitive Ability and Cardiovascular Control in Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled People

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    Earlier, we examined positive effects of hyperoxic air on the cognitive ability of intellectually and developmentally disabled people (IDDP). In this study, correlation between cognitive performance in the visual matching task and heart rate (HR) was investigated under normal air conditions. Eighteen men (mean age 28.7 ± 5.0 year) and 22 women (mean age 35.5 ± 6.9 year) with an assessed disability level of 2.3 ± 0.6 participated. The experiment consisted of three phases, a total of 7 min, including the rest (3 min), control (2 min), and visual matching task 2 min phases. The HR in visual matching task phase increased, compared to those in the rest and control phases. The cognitive ability in the visual matching task correlated with the HR values; the response time showed a negative correlation with HR, while the accuracy rate showed a positive correlation. Thus, adaptive changes in cardiovascular regulation probably related to cognitive efforts and emotional excitation should be considered a noticeable factor influencing brain supply with oxygen in IDDP (similarly to healthy people). The result of this study agrees with the earlier obtained indications that hyperoxic air can positively affect the cognitive performance in IDDP.Раніше ми вивчали позитивні впливи повітря, збагаченого киснем, на когнітивні здатності людей з недостатнім інтелектуальним розвитком (НІР). У нашій роботі ми досліджували кореляцію між показниками когнітивної активності в тесті візуальної відповідності та частотою серцевих скорочень (ЧСС) у таких суб’єктів в умовах дихання нормальним повітрям. У тестах брали участь 18 чоловіків (середній вік 28.7 ± 5.0 року) та 22 жінки (35.5 ± 6.9 року) з оцінкою рівня інтелектуального розвитку 2.3 ± 0.6. Експеримент (загальна тривалість 7 хв) складався з трьох фаз: стан розслаблення (3 хв), контроль (2 хв) та тест візуальної відповідності (2 хв). Величини ЧСС у межах цього тесту порівняно з величинами в умовах розслаблення й контролю зростали. Показники когнітивних здібностей корелювали з величинами ЧСС; кореляція часу відповіді була негативною, а точності відповіді – позитивною. Отже, адаптивні зміни регуляції серцево-судинної системи, мабуть, пов’язані з когнітивними зусиллями та емоційним збудженням, є істотним фактором, який впливає на постачання мозку киснем у людей із НІР (як і у здорових людей). Результати нашої роботи узгоджуються з отриманими раніше свідоцтвами про те, що дихання повітрям, збагаченим киснем, позитивно впливає на когнітивні можливості людей із НІР

    The Effect of Ion Implanting on Hydrogen Entry into Metals

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    The effectiveness of platinum ion implanting in mitigating hydrogen entry into 4340 steel is measured and quantified. Data are presented to compare the extent of hydrogen absorption by the substrate during electrolytic hydrogen charging of platinum ion-implanted and unimplanted 4340 steel substrates. Several implanting conditions were used in processing the samples, and the surface-limited mass-transfer coefficient was calculated for each case and used to quantify the effectiveness of each treatment in reducing hydrogen absorption. It is shown that the underlying mechanism for reducing hydrogen absorption by platinum ion-implanted substrates is the catalytic effect of platinum that favors hydrogen evolution at the steel\u27s surface over hydrogen absorption by the metal. Although scattering experiments with low energy helium ions suggest that the platinum content in the first monolayer of platinum-implanted steels is small, the ability of Pt to catalyze the hydrogen evolution reaction is still strong enough to significantly reduce the quantity of hydrogen that enters the metal