98,836 research outputs found

    The tenth order mock theta functions revisited

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    In this paper we consider the first four of the eight identities between the tenth order mock theta functions, found in Ramanujan's lost notebook. These were originally proved by Choi. Here we give an alternative (much shorter) proof.Comment: 11 pages; preprint, submitted for publicatio


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    In this issue of Literacy and Numeracy Studies, Theres Bellander and Zoe Nikolaidou examine the online health literacy practices of parents whose child or unborn foetus has been diagnosed with a heart defect, and Julie Choi and Ulrike Najar report on their study of the authors’ English language teaching of immigrant and refugee women in Australia


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    Nurkholis 202220390211016. Productivity and Cost Analysis of Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa) in Hidroponic Wick System Based on Liquid Organic Nutrient (LON) Formula.. Supervised by Assc. Prof. Dr.Ir. Anas Tain, M.M, And Assc. Prof. Dr. Ir. Adi Sutanto, M.M. Abstract Organic fertilizers have emerged as a vital alternative to address the environmental and human health concerns associated with the use of inorganic fertilizers. This research aims to develop the right nutrient formula for cultivating Pak Choi (Chinese cabbage) using the Wick hydroponic system. Considering factors such as variety selection, cultivation system, and nutrient requirements, this study explores the productivity of Pak Choi plants and the cost structure of cultivation. The research methodology involves testing various nutrient formulas and observing post-harvest plant metrics like wet weight, leaf width, leaf count, and plant height. Descriptive analysis and ANOVA tests reveal significant differences among treatments in plant morphology. Furthermore, cost analysis highlights the efficiency and profitability of each treatment, with Treatment F3 emerging as a cost-effective option with low expenses and good gross profit. These findings offer practical guidance for farmers to enhance vegetable production economically and sustainably in hydroponic cultivation

    Scaling of Coulomb pseudo-potential in s-wave narrow-band superconductors

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    The Coulomb pseudo-potential μ\mu^* is extracted by fitting the numerically calculated transition temperature TcT_c of the Eliashberg-Nambu equation which is extended to incorporate the narrow-band effects, that is, the vertex correction and the frequency dependence of the screened Coulomb interaction. It is shown that even for narrow-band superconductors, where the fermi energy ϵF \epsilon_F is comparable with the phonon frequency ωph \omega_{ph}, the Coulomb pseudo-potential is a pertinent parameter, and is still given by μ=μ/[1+μln(ϵF/ωph)]\mu^* = \mu/[1+\mu \ln(\epsilon_F/\omega_{ph})] , provided ωph\omega_{ph} is appropriately scaled.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication by Phys. Rev.

    Transition to farming more likely for small, conservative groups with property rights, but increased productivity is not essential

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    Theories for the origins of agriculture are still debated, with a range of different explanations offered. Computational models can be used to test these theories and explore new hypotheses; Bowles and Choi [Bowles S, Choi J-K (2013) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110(22):8830–8835] have developed one such model. Their model shows the coevolution of farming and farming-friendly property rights, and by including climate variability, replicates the timings for the emergence of these events seen in the archaeological record. Because the processes modeled occurred a long time ago, it can be difficult to justify exact parameter values; hence, we propose a fitting to idealized outcomes (FIO) method to explore the model’s parameter space in more detail. We have replicated the model of Bowles and Choi, and used the FIO method to identify complexities and interactions of the model previously unidentified. Our results indicate that the key parameters for the emergence of farming are group structuring, group size, conservatism, and farming-friendly property rights (lending further support to Bowles and Choi’s original proposal). We also find that although advantageous, it is not essential that farming productivity be greater than foraging productivity for farming to emerge. In addition, we highlight how model behaviors can be missed when gauging parameter sensitivity via a fix-all-but-one variation approach

    Growth and Yield of Pak Choi (Brassica rapa Subsp. Chinensis) in Responses to Leucaena Leaf-based Liquid Organic Fertilizer

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    The uses of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) have been increasingly practiced in organic vegetable to increase the effectiveness of solid organic fertilizer application. Farmers can produce LOF by using locally available green biomass in the surrounding production areas, including leaves of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de Wit. This experiment aimed to determine the best concentration of Leucaena leaf-based LOF on growth and yield of Pak Choi (Brassica rapa Subsp. Chinensis). An experiment was arranged in Randomized Complete Design with seven replicates. Treatments are several concentrations of Leucaena leaf-based LOF, 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%.  Although, the concentration of 50% was likely able to increase shoot length, leaf area and leaf greenness of Pak Choi, but the effects of Leucaena leaf-based LOF on leaf numbers, shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root fresh weight and root dry weight of Pak Choi were insignificant.  Consistency effects of Leucaena leaf-based LOF in the production of Pak Choi should be re-evaluate

    Impact of Low and Moderate Salinity Water on Plant Performance of Leafy Vegetables in a Recirculating NFT System

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    Two greenhouse experiments were conducted to examine the growth and mineral nutrition of four leafy vegetables in a nutrient film technique (NFT) system with water with low to moderate salinity. In Expt. 1, a nutrient solution was prepared using reverse osmosis (RO) water and treatments consisted of supplementing with RO water, tap water, or nutrient solution. In Expt. 2, nutrient solution was prepared using three different water sources (treatments), namely, RO water, tap water, or tap water, plus sodium chloride (NaCl), and supplementing solution was prepared using the same three water sources at one third strength. For both of the experiments, seeds of pac choi ‘Tokyo Bekana’, ‘Mei Qing Choi’, and ‘Rosie’ (Brassica rapa var. chinensis) and leaf lettuce ‘Tropicana’ (Lactuca sativa) were sown and were grown in a growth chamber. Two weeks after sowing, seedlings were transplanted to the NFT systems. Expt. 1 was conducted from 19 April to 19 May 2016 and Expt. 2 from 6 September to 12 October 2016. In Expt. 1, nitrate (NO3−) and phosphorus (P) levels in the tanks decreased, and potassium (K+) levels reached almost zero at the end of the experiment when supplemented with RO or tap water. However, calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), and sulfate (SO42−) either did not decrease or increased over time. Supplementing water type did not affect the growth of leaf lettuce and ‘Mei Qing Choi’ pac choi; however, fresh weight of ‘Rosie’ pac choi and both fresh and dry weight of ‘Tokyo Bekana’ pac choi were reduced when supplemented with RO water. Leaf sap NO3− was reduced in ‘Tokyo Bekana’ pac choi, but not in other varieties, when supplemented with RO or tap water. Leaf sap K+ decreased in ‘Tokyo Bekana’, but not in other varieties. The supplementing water type did not impact leaf sap Ca2+, regardless of vegetable varieties. In Expt. 2, NO3− in all of the treatments, P in RO water, and K+ in RO or tap water decreased in the last week of the experiment. Other macronutrients did not change substantially over time. The addition of NaCl significantly reduced the growth of all the vegetables. ‘Tropicana’ leaf lettuce was the least tolerant to NaCl, followed by ‘Rosie’ pac choi. Water source did not affect leaf Ca2+, K+, P, SO42−, and Mg2+ except for ‘Tokyo Bekana’ where NaCl addition decreased Ca2+ and Mg2+. Our results indicated that the tested leafy vegetables differed in response to various types of water used as supplementing or as source water. N, P, and especially K, should be supplemented in the late stage of the experiment, while replacing the whole tank nutrient solution is only necessary when Na+ and/Cl− build up to harmful levels

    Letter to the editor on "Stents and surgical interventions in the palliation of gastric outlet obstruction. A systematic review"

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    We read with interest the paper, “Stents and surgical interventions in the palliation of gastric outlet obstruction: a systematic review” by Minata MK et al, which appeared in Endoscopy International Open (2016; 4: E1158 – 1170) [1]. The Authors should be congratulated for an extensive and careful review. In recent studies, we prospectively analyzed the clinical outcomes of 72 patients [2, 3] and we came to similar conclusions. We have abandoned the use of covered stents. Distal migration of a covered stent can lead to serious consequences and a stent rarely can be retrieved endoscopically [4]. Endoscopic stenting offers many advantages in comparison to surgery: shorter hospital stay, faster return to oral intake, a less invasive procedure. However, life expectance may be longer than 1 year in some patients with malignant gastric outlet obstruction, particularly those with distal gastric cancer or gastric obstruction from metastatic disease. In this selected group of patients, food obstruction is common. The reason for it in rare cases derives from tumor ingrowth within the stent; in the majority of patients, food obstruction is secondary to dismotility of the pyloric region. The dismotility depends on many factors, including nerve infiltration by the tumor. Food obstruction is not easily diagnosed. The stomach can enlarge significantly before vomiting occurs. Stomach dilation can lead to nausea, discomfort, and dyspnea, symptoms that easily can be attributed to the cancer itself. For all these reasons, patients who have endoscopic stenting in this clinical setting should have a very careful follow-up with repeated endoscopies and computed tomography scan. This careful follow-up may not be well tolerated by a patient whose general condition is slowly deteriorating or for his or her family. Laparoscopic surgery can be performed with minimal discomfort for patients and it should be seriously considered in patients whose conditions are generally acceptable. Before such a procedure, the patient and family should be consulted and all positive and negative aspects of the surgery should be thoroughly explained, leaving them to choose the preferred treatment

    Pengaruh Daya Lampu Neon Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Pak Choi (Brassica Rapa L.) Pada Sistem Hidroponik Indoor

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    The purpose of this research was to observe the influence of neon lamp power (watt) on the growth of Pak Choiin an indoor hydroponic system. This research was done by implementing several pots of Pak Choi planting undersome different treatments of lighting. The treatment consisted of neon lamp 20 watt (N1), neon 2 x 20 watt (N2),neon 40 watt (N3), neon 2 x 40 watt (N4) in a growth chamber and one treatment under the sun lighting (N0).The result of the research showed that the treatment of 2 x 40 watt neon lamp (N4) turned out to have the bestresult at all variables measured. Then, it was followed by treatment of neon 40 watt (N3) and the lowest result wasin neon 20 watt (N1). The highest biomass harvested was 35 g in N4, followed by 18 g in N3, then the 15 g in N2and 4 g in N1. However, the highest ash content was in the treatment of 20 watt neon lamp (N1), and followed byN2 (neon 2 x 20 watt). Although, Pak Choi grown under the sun ray has the highest biomass harvested, but it hadthe lowest mineral content