57 research outputs found

    Distintos canales para distintos servicios: fuentes de información en servicios de búsqueda, experiencia y creencia

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    Este trabajo compara los canales de información utilizados por los consumidores de servicios de búsqueda, experiencia y creencia con el fin de ayudar a los proveedores de servicios a diseñar su estrategia omnicanal. Se derivan las diferencias en el proceso de búsqueda de información entre los tres tipos de servicio y, tras recoger datos de una muestra de 492 consumidores de 9 servicios diferentes (tres de cada tipo) mediante un panel online, se contrastan las hipótesis mediante modelos de regresión mixtos. Los resultados permiten concluir cómo en los procesos de compra de servicios de búsqueda, la amplitud de las búsqueda es menor que en servicios de experiencia y creencia. En servicios de experiencia, la profundidad de la búsqueda de información es la mayor de todas. En los servicios de creencia, principalmente se acude a fuentes de información personales y offline.This paper compares the information channels used by consumers of search, experience and credence services in order to help service providers in the design their overall omni-channel strategy.We present the expected differences in the information search process between the three types of service and, after collecting data from a sample of 492 consumers of 9 different services (three of each type) through an online panel, we check the hypotheses with six mixed regression models.The results allow us to conclude that in the processes of purchase of search services, there is lower the breadth of the search than in services of experience and credence. In experience services, the depth of information search is the greatest of all. In the credence services, sources of personal and offline information are the most used

    La importancia del atributo origen en la elección de productos agroalimentarios. El caso del espárrago de Navarra

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    [EN] In this research, we analyze the importance of the extrinsic attributes in the customer’s choice of the white asparagus category, paying special attention on the influence of the origin and in the asparagus designation of origin from Navarra. For this, an experiment was designed which included 18 choice screens’ with choices made with combinations of the attributes. The results are analyzed according to a logit multinomial model which allows evaluating the importance of the attributes. Due to a latent segmentation, heterogeneity is controlled and we detect different customer segments.[ES] En este trabajo se analiza la importancia de los atributos extrínsecos en la elección del consumidor para la categoría del espárrago blanco, prestando especial atención a la influencia del origen y a la de la denominación de origen espárrago de Navarra. Para ello, se diseña un experimento que incluye 18 pantallas de elección con alternativas formadas por combinaciones de dichos atributos. Los resultados se analizan mediante un modelo logit multinomial que permite valorar la importancia de los atributos. Mediante una segmentación latente se controla la heterogeneidad y detectamos segmentos diferenciados en el conjunto de los consumidores.Cortiñas, M.; Chocarro, R.; Elorz, M.; Villanueva, ML. (2007). The importance of origin in the choice of agricultural products. The case of Navarra asparagus. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 7(13):57-90. doi:10.7201/earn.2007.13.04SWORD579071

    Customer heterogeneity in the development of e-loyalty

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    This article is (c) Emerald Group Publishing and permission has been granted for this version to appear in http://www.unavarra.es/academica-e. Emerald does not grant permission for this article to be further copied/distributed or hosted elsewhere without the express permission from Emerald Group Publishing Limited.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify customer-specific differences in a general model of e-loyalty taking into account the existence of unobserved heterogeneity. Specifically, we aim to 1) test for the presence of customer heterogeneity 2) assess the impact of potential bias when there is no control for heterogeneity; 3) analyze the distinct customer segments that emerge from the empirical estimation of the model, and 4) describe the segments by their demographic and psychological characteristics. Design/methodology/approach: Panel data from a survey of online shoppers is used in a post hoc segmentation method, which will enable us to identify segments, while estimating the parameters by means of structural equation models; Findings. Three distinct consumer segments emerge. The relative importance of e-loyalty and e-satisfaction is significantly determined by consumers’ shopping styles. Originality/value This study highlights the need to consider unobserved customer heterogeneity when attempting to explain satisfaction and loyalty development processes in the retail context in general, and e-commerce in particular. To our knowledge, this is the first time this approach has been used to analyze the impact of customer heterogeneity on e-satisfaction and e-loyalty.This research has been partly financed by Gobierno de Navarra (Spain) through GN 228/2008

    Situational variables in online versus offline channel choice

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    Since the advent and rapid diffusion of the Internet, the subject of consumer channel choice has attracted a large amount of research, mainly focused on the influence of channel, consumer and product category characteristics as its drivers. The interaction between channel choice and the purchase situation has been largely ignored, however. This paper is an attempt to fill this gap by identifying the key purchase situation variables and conducting an experiment to assess their impact on the choice between the traditional retail outlet and the online store. The results show that the key determinants of channel choice relate to time and distance. Distance-to-store and time pressures are among the factors affecting the probability of online purchase. Using a conceptual framework to explore differences in the impact of situational variables across product categories (high/low involvement, search/experience good), we show that distance-to-store has more influence on the likelihood of online purchase in situations involving search goods, while social variables are found to play a role only in the context of high-involvement goods.This research has been partly financed by Gobierno de Navarra through Grant GN 228/2008