46,396 research outputs found

    Strong and Electromagnetic Decays of Two New Lambdac∗Lambda_c^* Baryons

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    Two recently discovered excited charm baryons are studied within the framework of Heavy Hadron Chiral Perturbation Theory. We interpret these new baryons which lie 308 \MeV and 340 \MeV above the Λc\Lambda_c as I=0I=0 members of a P-wave spin doublet. Differential and total decay rates for their double pion transitions down to the Λc\Lambda_c ground state are calculated. Estimates for their radiative decay rates are also discussed. We find that the experimentally determined characteristics of the Λc∗\Lambda_c^* baryons may be simply understood in the effective theory.Comment: 16 pages with 4 figures not included but available upon request, CALT-68-191

    Comment on Ds∗→Dsπ0D_s^* \to D_s \pi^0 Decay

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    We calculate the rate for Ds∗→Dsπ0D_s^* \rightarrow D_s \pi^0 decay using Chiral Perturbation Theory. This isospin violating process results from π0\pi^0 - η\eta mixing, and its amplitude is proportional to (md−mu)/(ms−(mu+md)/2)(m_d - m_u)/\bigl(m_s-(m_u+m_d)/2 \bigr). Experimental information on the branching ratio for Ds∗→Dsπ0D_s^* \rightarrow D_s \pi^0 can provide insight into the pattern of SU(3)SU(3) violation in radiative D∗D^* decays.Comment: 7 pages with 2 figures not included but available upon request, CALT-68-191

    Compressible Sub-Alfvenic MHD turbulence in Low-beta Plasmas

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    We present a model for compressible sub-Alfvenic isothermal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in low-beta plasmas and numerically test it. We separate MHD fluctuations into 3 distinct families - Alfven, slow, and fast modes. We find that, production of slow and fast modes by Alfvenic turbulence is suppressed. As a result, Alfven modes in compressible regime exhibit scalings and anisotropy similar to those in incompressible regime. Slow modes passively mimic Alfven modes. However, fast modes show isotropy and a scaling similar to acoustic turbulence.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figures, Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Magnetic Moments of Heavy Baryons

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    First non-trivial chiral corrections to the magnetic moments of triplet (T) and sextet (S^(*)) heavy baryons are calculated using Heavy Hadron Chiral Perturbation Theory. Since magnetic moments of the T-hadrons vanish in the limit of infinite heavy quark mass (m_Q->infinity), these corrections occur at order O(1/(m_Q \Lambda_\chi^2)) for T-baryons while for S^(*)-baryons they are of order O(1/\Lambda_\chi^2). The renormalization of the chiral loops is discussed and relations among the magnetic moments of different hadrons are provided. Previous results for T-baryons are revised.Comment: 11 Latex pages, 2 figures, to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Classical Strongly Coupled QGP: VII. Shear Viscosity and Self Diffusion

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    We construct the Liouville operator for the SU(2) classical colored Coulomb plasma (cQGP) for arbitrary values of the Coulomb coupling Γ=V/K\Gamma=V/K, the ratio of the mean Coulomb to kinetic energy. We show that its resolvent in the classical colored phase space obeys a hierarchy of equations. We use a free streaming approximation to close the hierarchy and derive an integral equation for the time-dependent structure factor. Its reduction by projection yields hydrodynamical equations in the long-wavelength limit. We discuss the character of the hydrodynamical modes at strong coupling. The shear viscosity is shown to exhibit a minimum at Γ≈8\Gamma\approx 8 near the liquid point. This minimum follows from the cross-over between the single particle collisional regime which drops as 1/Γ5/21/\Gamma^{5/2} and the hydrodynamical collisional regime which rises as Γ1/2\Gamma^{1/2}. The self-diffusion constant drops as 1/Γ3/21/\Gamma^{3/2} irrespective of the regime. We compare our results to molecular dynamics simulations of the SU(2) colored Coulomb plasma. We also discuss the relevance of our results for the quantum and strongly coupled quark gluon plasma (sQGP)Comment: 36 pages, 14 figure

    The Anisotropy of MHD Alfv\'{e}nic Turbulence

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    We perform direct 3-dimensional numerical simulations for magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in a periodic box of size 2π2\pi threaded by strong uniform magnetic fields. We use a pseudo-spectral code with hyperviscosity and hyperdiffusivity to solve the incompressible MHD equations. We analyze the structure of the eddies as a function of scale. A straightforward calculation of anisotropy in wavevector space shows that the anisotropy is scale-{\it independent}. We discuss why this is {\it not} the true scaling law and how the curvature of large-scale magnetic fields affects the power spectrum and leads to the wrong conclusion. When we correct for this effect, we find that the anisotropy of eddies depends on their size: smaller eddies are more elongated than larger ones along {\it local} magnetic field lines. The results are consistent with the scaling law k~∥∼k~⊥2/3\tilde{k}_{\parallel} \sim \tilde{k}_{\perp}^{2/3} proposed by Goldreich and Sridhar (1995, 1997). Here k~∥\tilde{k}_{\|} (and k~⊥\tilde{k}_{\perp}) are wavenumbers measured relative to the local magnetic field direction. However, we see some systematic deviations which may be a sign of limitations to the model, or our inability to fully resolve the inertial range of turbulence in our simulations.Comment: 13 pages (11 NEW figures), ApJ, in press (Aug 10, 2000?

    Strong Decays of Strange Charmed P-Wave Mesons

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    Goldstone boson decays of P-wave Ds∗∗D_s^{**} mesons are studied within the framework of Heavy Hadron Chiral Perturbation Theory. We first analyze the simplest single kaon decays of these strange charmed mesons. We derive a model independent prediction for the width of Ds2D_{s2} and use experimental information on Ds1D_{s1} to constrain the S-wave contribution to D10D_1^0 decay. Single and double pion decay modes are then discussed and shown to be significantly restricted by isospin conservation. We conclude that the pion channels may offer the best hope for detecting one strange member of an otherwise invisible P-wave flavor multiplet.Comment: 16 pages, 2 updated figures not included but available upon request, CALT-68-1902. (Revised estimates for error on Ds2D_{s2} width and for isospin violating neutral pion decay of Ds1′D'_{s1}.

    Dilaton as a Dark Matter Candidate and its Detection

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    Assuming that the dilaton is the dark matter of the universe, we propose an experiment to detect the relic dilaton using the electromagnetic resonant cavity, based on the dilaton-photon conversion in strong electromagnetic background. We calculate the density of the relic dilaton, and estimate the dilaton mass for which the dilaton becomes the dark matter of the universe. With this we calculate the dilaton detection power in the resonant cavity, and compare it with the axion detection power in similar resonant cavity experiment.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Transverse Bragg-reflector injection lasers

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    A GaAs-GaAlAs injection laser has been tested that confines light in the lateral dimension (normal to junction plane) by a multilayer Bragg reflector. In the past, light has been confined as a result of the higher-index guiding region and resulting evanescent fields

    Refinements of Some Reverses of Schwarz's Inequality in 2-Inner Product Spaces and Applications for Integrals

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    Refinements of some recent reverse inequalities for the celebrated Cauchy-Bunyakovsky-Schwarz inequality in 2-inner product spaces are given. Using this framework, applications for determinantal integral inequalities are also provided
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