201 research outputs found
Reformulating SU(N) Yang-Mills theory based on change of variables
We propose a new version of SU(N) Yang-Mills theory reformulated in terms of
new field variables which are obtained by a nonlinear change of variables from
the original Yang-Mills gauge field. The reformulated Yang-Mills theory enables
us to study the low-energy dynamics by explicitly extracting the topological
degrees of freedom such as magnetic monopoles and vortices to clarify the
mechanism for quark confinement.
The dual superconductivity in Yang-Mills theory is understood in a
gauge-invariant manner, as demonstrated recently by a non-Abelian Stokes
theorem for the Wilson loop operator, although the basic idea of this
reformulation is based on the Cho-Faddeev-Niemi decomposition of the gauge
potential.Comment: 51 pages, 1 figure; version to be published in Prog. Theor. Phys.
Vol. 120, No.1 (2008
The exact decomposition of gauge variables in lattice Yang-Mills theory
In this paper, we consider lattice versions of the decomposition of the Yang-
Mills field a la Cho-Faddeev-Niemi, which was extended by Kondo, Shinohara and
Murakami in the continuum formulation. For the SU(N) gauge group, we propose a
set of defining equations for specifying the decomposition of the gauge link
variable and solve them exactly without using the ansatz adopted in the
previous studies for SU(2) and SU(3). As a result, we obtain the general form
of the decomposition for SU(N) gauge link variables and confirm the previous
results obtained for SU(2) and SU(3).Comment: 16 page
Magnetic condensation, Abelian dominance and instability of Savvidy vacuum
We show that a certain type of color magnetic condensation originating from
magnetic monopole configurations is sufficient to provide the mass for
off-diagonal gluons in the SU(2) Yang-Mills theory under the
Cho--Faddeev--Niemi decomposition. We point out that the generated gluon mass
can cure the instability of the Savvidy vacuum. In fact, such a novel type of
magnetic condensation is shown to occur by calculating the effective potential.
This enables us to explain the infrared Abelian dominance and monopole
dominance by way of a non-Abelian Stokes theorem, which suggests the dual
superconductivity picture of quark confinement. Finally, we discuss the
implication to the Faddeev-Skyrme model with knot soliton as a low-energy
effective theory of Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures; a version accepted in Phys. Lett. B, Main
changes in sections 2.5 and 2.6. in order to explain the crucial idea bette
Magnetic Field Decay Due to the Wave-Particle Resonances in the Outer Crust of the Neutron Star
Bearing in mind the application to the outer crust of the neutron stars
(NSs), we investigate the magnetic field decay by means of the fully
relativistic Particle-In-Cell simulations. Numerical computations are carried
out in 2-dimensions, in which the initial magnetic fields are set to be
composed both of the uniform magnetic fields that model the global fields
penetrating the NS and of the turbulent magnetic fields that would be
originated from the Hall cascade of the large-scale turbulence. Our results
show that the whistler cascade of the turbulence transports the magnetic energy
preferentially in the direction perpendicular to the uniform magnetic fields.
It is also found that the distribution function of electrons becomes
anisotropic because electrons with lower energies are predominantly heated in
the direction parallel to the uniform magnetic fields due to the Landau
resonance, while electrons with higher energies are heated mainly by the
cyclotron resonance that makes the distribution function isotropic for the high
energy tails. Furthermore we point out that the degree of anisotropy takes
maximum as a function of the initial turbulent magnetic energy. As an
alternative to the conventional ohmic dissipation, we propose that the magnetic
fields in the outer crust of NSs, cascading down to the electron inertial scale
via the whistler turbulence, would decay predominantly by the dissipation
processes through the Landau damping and the cyclotron resonance.Comment: 8pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
Welcome to Molecular Brain
We are delighted to announce the arrival of a brand new journal dedicated to the ever-expanding field of neuroscience. Molecular Brain is a peer-reviewed, open-access online journal that aims at publishing high quality articles as rapidly as possible. The journal will cover a broad spectrum of neuroscience ranging from molecular/cellular to behavioral/cognitive neuroscience and from basic to clinical research. Molecular Brain will publish not only research articles, but also methodology articles, editorials, reviews, and short reports. It will be a premier platform for neuroscientists to exchange their ideas with researchers from around the world to help improve our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of the brain and mind
A formulation of the Yang-Mills theory as a deformation of a topological field theory based on background field method and quark confinement problem
By making use of the background field method, we derive a novel reformulation
of the Yang-Mills theory which was proposed recently by the author to derive
quark confinement in QCD. This reformulation identifies the Yang-Mills theory
with a deformation of a topological quantum field theory. The relevant
background is given by the topologically non-trivial field configuration,
especially, the topological soliton which can be identified with the magnetic
monopole current in four dimensions. We argue that the gauge fixing term
becomes dynamical and that the gluon mass generation takes place by a
spontaneous breakdown of the hidden supersymmetry caused by the dimensional
reduction. We also propose a numerical simulation to confirm the validity of
the scheme we have proposed. Finally we point out that the gauge fixing part
may have a geometric meaning from the viewpoint of global topology where the
magnetic monopole solution represents the critical point of a Morse function in
the space of field configurations.Comment: 45 pages, 3 figures included in LaTe
Monopole Inflation in Brans-Dicke Theory
According to previous work, topological defects expand exponentially without
an end if the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field is of the order of
the Planck mass. We extend the study of inflating topological defects to the
Brans-Dicke gravity. With the help of numerical simulation we investigate the
dynamics and spacetime structure of a global monopole. Contrary to the case of
the Einstein gravity, any inflating monopole eventually shrinks and takes a
stable configuration. We also discuss cosmological constraints on the model
parameters.Comment: 17 pages, revtex, including figures, discussions in more general
theories are added, to appear in Phys. Rev.
Heliocentric Distance Dependence of Zodiacal Light Observed by Hayabusa2#
Zodiacal light (ZL) is sunlight scattered by interplanetary dust particles
(IDPs) at optical wavelengths. The spatial distribution of IDPs in the Solar
System may hold an important key to understanding the evolution of the Solar
System and material transportation within it. The number density of IDPs can be
expressed as , and the exponent was
obtained by previous observations from interplanetary space by Helios 1/2 and
Pioneer 10/11 in the 1970s and 1980s. However, no direct measurements of
based on ZL observations from interplanetary space outside Earth's
orbit have been performed since then. Here, we introduce initial results for
the radial profile of the ZL at optical wavelengths observed over the range
0.76-1.06 au by ONC-T aboard the Hayabusa2# mission in 2021-2022. The ZL
brightness we obtained is well reproduced by a model brightness, although there
is a small excess of the observed ZL brightness over the model brightness at
around 0.9 au. The radial power-law index we obtained is , which is consistent with previous results based on ZL observations. The
dominant source of uncertainty arises from the uncertainty in estimating the
diffuse Galactic light (DGL).Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication by Earth,
Planets and Spac
Ameliorating effect of Erxian decoction combined with Fructus Schisandrae chinensis (Wu Wei Zi) on menopausal sweating and serum hormone profiles in a rat model
Additional file 3. The animal studies were performed following the ARRIVE guideline
New descriptions of lattice SU(N) Yang-Mills theory towards quark confinement
We give new descriptions of lattice SU(N) Yang-Mills theory in terms of new
lattice variables. The validity of such descriptions has already been
demonstrated in the SU(2) Yang-Mills theory by our previous works from the
viewpoint of defining and extracting topological degrees of freedom such as
gauge-invariant magnetic monopoles and vortices which play the dominant role in
quark confinement. In particular, we have found that the SU(3) lattice
Yang-Mills theory has two possible options, maximal and minimal: The existence
of the minimal option has been overlooked so far, while the maximal option
reproduces the conventional SU(3) Cho-Faddeev-Niemi-Shabanov decomposition in
the naive continuum limit. The new description gives an important framework for
understanding the mechanism of quark confinement based on the dual
superconductivity.Comment: Cover+18 pages, 1 figure; version to appear in Phys. Lett.
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