13 research outputs found

    Coarse-grained meandering distributive fluvial system of the Basal Cedar mountain formation, U.S.A.

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    Funding Information: We thank the following for reviews of this manuscript: Associate Editor Tobi Payenberg, Matt Joeckel, two anonymous reviewers, and John Southard. This work was funded by the SAFARI group. We are deeply grateful to Joe Phillips, Sean Kelly, James Mullins, Ryan King, and Jostein Myking Kjærefjord for help in the field.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Evolution of foreland basin fluvial systems in the mid-Cretaceous of Utah, USA (upper Cedar Mountain and Naturita formations)

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was funded by the SAFARI group. We are deeply grateful to Joe Phillips, Sean Kelly, James Mullins, Ryan King and Jostein Myking Kjærefjord for help in the field. We would also like to thank Associate Editor, Christopher Fielding, for handling the review of this paper. Additionally we thank reviewers Benjamin Cardenas and Brian Currie for their comments and suggested revisions which have greatly enhanced this paper. Open Access via the Jisc Wiley AgreementPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Embryonic and adult isoforms of XLAP2 form microdomains associated with chromatin and the nuclear envelope

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    Laminin-associated polypeptide 2 (LAP2) proteins are alternatively spliced products of a single gene; they belong to the LEM domain family and, in mammals, locate to the nuclear envelope (NE) and nuclear lamina. Isoforms lacking the transmembrane domain also locate to the nucleoplasm. We used new specific antibodies against the N-terminal domain of Xenopus LAP2 to perform immunoprecipitation, identification and localization studies during Xenopus development. By immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), we identified the embryonic isoform XLAP2γ, which was downregulated during development similarly to XLAP2ω. Embryonic isoforms XLAP2ω and XLAP2γ were located in close association with chromatin up to the blastula stage. Later in development, both embryonic isoforms and the adult isoform XLAP2β were localized in a similar way at the NE. All isoforms colocalized with lamin B2/B3 during development, whereas XLAP2β was colocalized with lamin B2 and apparently with the F/G repeat nucleoporins throughout the cell cycle in adult tissues and culture cells. XLAP2β was localized in clusters on chromatin, both at the NE and inside the nucleus. Embryonic isoforms were also localized in clusters at the NE of oocytes. Our results suggest that XLAP2 isoforms participate in the maintenance and anchoring of chromatin domains to the NE and in the formation of lamin B microdomains

    The Different Function of Single Phosphorylation Sites of Drosophila melanogaster Lamin Dm and Lamin C

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    Lamins' functions are regulated by phosphorylation at specific sites but our understanding of the role of such modifications is practically limited to the function of cdc 2 (cdk1) kinase sites in depolymerization of the nuclear lamina during mitosis. In our study we used Drosophila lamin Dm (B-type) to examine the function of particular phosphorylation sites using pseudophosphorylated mutants mimicking single phosphorylation at experimentally confirmed in vivo phosphosites (S25E, S45E, T435E, S595E). We also analyzed lamin C (A-type) and its mutant S37E representing the N-terminal cdc2 (mitotic) site as well as lamin Dm R64H mutant as a control, non-polymerizing lamin. In the polymerization assay we could observe different effects of N-terminal cdc2 site pseudophosphorylation on A- and B-type lamins: lamin Dm S45E mutant was insoluble, in contrast to lamin C S37E. Lamin Dm T435E (C-terminal cdc2 site) and R64H were soluble in vitro. We also confirmed that none of the single phosphorylation site modifications affected the chromatin binding of lamin Dm, in contrast to the lamin C N-terminal cdc2 site. In vivo, all lamin Dm mutants were incorporated efficiently into the nuclear lamina in transfected Drosophila S2 and HeLa cells, although significant amounts of S45E and T435E were also located in cytoplasm. When farnesylation incompetent mutants were expressed in HeLa cells, lamin Dm T435E was cytoplasmic and showed higher mobility in FRAP assay

    The rapid course of small cell lung cancer and treatment options - case report

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     Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is a disease with an unfavorable prognosis. Factors contributing to losing prognosis include: systemic disease, many comorbidities, smoking and the patient's low performance status (PS). Early diagnosis and treatment initiation seem to be the most significant in the diagnostic and therapeutic process. However, most of patients are diagnosed in metastatic stage. The basic method of metastatic SCLC treatment is chemotherapy, which, according to the latest research (CASPIAN, IMPower133), can be linked to immunotherapy, which is associated with a major improvement in therapeutic efficiency. We present a case of 64-year-old man with a rapidly progressive course of small cell lung cancer, where the fulminant course of the disease led to death within about one month of the first imaging examinations, equally preventing the initiation of systemic treatment. The presented case shows how important is paying attention to the first symptoms, timely diagnosis of the disease and initiation of effective and targeted therapy in patients with SCLC

    Shared Space practices self-interviewing

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    Przestrzeń Wspólna jest non-profitową inicjatywą o charakterze seminaryjno-warsztatowym. Zapoczątkowana w maju 2020 roku rozwija się w niehierarchicznie współdzielonej przestrzeni online podczas spotkań raz na dwa tygodnie. Metoda naszej pracy opiera się na lekturze i moderowanej dyskusji wokół tekstów praktyczek i praktyków i badaczek i badaczy ruchu. Towarzyszą jej zaproponowane przez uczestniczki i uczestników autorskie praktyki choreograficzne, praca z wyobraźnią, rysunkiem, uważnością i słowem. Aktywność grupy jest dokumentowana w formie zbiorowych notatek. Kluczowe cele PW: budowanie pozainstytucjonalnej wspólnoty twórczyń i twórców opartej na trosce i zaufaniu; możliwość eksploracji indywidualnych i kolektywnych praktyk artystycznych; wytwarzanie języka teorii na styku z praktyką. Do powstania Przestrzeni Wspólnej przyczyniła się potrzeba środowiskowej solidarności i przejścia od jednostkowego do zespołowego poszukiwania narzędzi współpracy twórczej, wytwarzania wiedzy i dyskursu wokół tańca, sztuki performance i oddolnego organizowania się, co jest jedną z dobrych praktyk choreografii. Twórcza wymiana doświadczeń nienastawiona na uzyskanie materialnego dzieła sytuuje nas w opozycji do zjawiska nadprodukcji w kulturze i ma potencjał artystyczno-badawczy funkcjonujący również poza kontekstem pandemii. Inicjatywa skupia się na rozmowie, krytyce, inspiracji i konfrontacji różnych opinii. Towarzyszy nam przekonanie, że twórczość to również budowanie i podtrzymywanie więzi, które wymagają czasu, uwagi i energii. Sytuacja zamknięcia (lockdown) i narzuconego społecznego dystansu oraz przeniesienie aktywności do przestrzeni wirtualnej pozwoliła na spotkanie się poza dotychczasowymi strukturami. Konceptualna, kolektywna praca nad badaniem ruchu (movement research) w sytuacji pandemii umożliwia nam rozwój praktyk w okresie utrudnionego kontaktu i prekarnego funkcjonowania artystek i artystów. Różnorodność naszych wrażliwości, doświadczeń zdobywanych w wielu środowiskach twórczych i miejscach na świecie uważamy za atut wzbogacający dynamikę spotkań i samoorganizację grupy. Pięć słów kluczowych: budowanie relacji; choreografia; kolektyw; wspólnota; Zoom

    Virtual field trips utilizing virtual outcrop : construction, delivery and implications for the future

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    Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank all IPG MSc participants for contributing their perceptions and thoughts on the VFTs. The VOG group is acknowledged for their extensive work on virtual outcrops, as is the LIME team for developing the software and providing support through all VFTs. V3Geo is also acknowledged as a useful cloud-based platform to host many of the 3D models used within the VFTs, and the SAFARI consortium (https://safaridb.com/home, last access: 4 September 2021) is thanked for hosting the remaining virtual outcrops and the support. Harry Johnson, a demonstrator on the first Utah 2020 VFT, is thanked for his participation in the course and assistance in questionnaire design. Finally, we thank the editors John Hillier and Steven Whitmeyer and reviewers Glenn Dolphin, David M. Hodgson, Paul Nesbit and Ryan Petterson for their insight.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    V3Geo: A cloud-based repository for virtual 3D models in geoscience

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    V3Geo is a cloud-based repository for publishing virtual 3D models in geoscience. The system allows storage, search and visualisation of mesh models typically acquired using techniques such as photogrammetry and laser scanning. The platform has been developed to handle models at the range of scales typically used by geoscientists from microscopic, hand samples and fossils through to outcrop sections or terrain covering metres to tens of kilometres. The cloud storage system serves the models to a purpose-built 3D web viewer. Models are tiled to ensure efficient streaming over the Internet. The web viewer allows 3D models to be interactively explored without the need for specialist software to be installed. A measurement tool enables users to gauge simple dimensions, such as widths, thicknesses, and fault throws. V3Geo allows very large models comprising multiple sections and is designed to include additional interpretation layers. The specific focus on geoscience data is supported by defined metadata and a classification schema. Public and private storage is available, and public models are assigned Creative Commons licenses to govern content usage. This paper presents V3Geo as a sustainable resource for the geoscience community, including the motivation and main characteristics and features. Example usage scenarios are highlighted: from undergraduate geology teaching, supporting virtual geoscience education and preparing virtual field trips based on V3Geo models. Finally, best practice guidelines for preparing 3D model contributions for publication on V3Geo are included as the Appendix