87 research outputs found

    Adsorbents for iron removal obtained from vermiculite

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    In presented work, raw, expanded and acid treated vermiculites were used as low-cost and active adsorbents for reducing o f environmental pollution with heavy metals. Acid treatment was performed at elevated temperature (95°C) for 2 and 24 h in solution of HNO 3 . Adsorption capacity towards Fe 3+ was studied in column, semi- b atch and batch mode. It was shown that all samples are effective in removal of heavy metals; however adsorption mechanism is based not only on ion exchange o f interlayer cations but also precipitation/ deposition processes. Starting material a nd modified samples as well as spent adsorbents were characterized with respect to the vermic ulite structure using X-ray diffraction metho

    Vermiculite-based catalysts for oxidation of organic pollutants in water and wastewater

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    In presented work natural expanded vermiculite was used as a starting material for synthesis of Fe-doped cataly sts. Material was modified with increasing amount of Fe by ion-exchange and precipitation of iron oxide. Composite materials were characterized with respect to their stru cture (X-ray diffraction, Infrared spectra using Diffuse Reflectance), agglomeratio n state of Fe (Ultraviolet-Visible spectra using Diffuse Reflectance) and chemical composition. Activity in H 2 O 2 decomposition as well as in phenol oxidation was studied in liquid phase at atmosphe ric pressure and temperature up to 70 °C. It was shown that doping with Fe increases ca talytic activity. However, excess of iron result ed in formation of undesired side-products

    The non-modifiable risk factors for breast cancer development in women

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    Introduction   Breasts are organs found in both male and female representatives. The main building blocks of the breast are fatty tissue and glandular tissue. As far as women are concerned, breast cancer is most commonly found in the upper outer quadrant. It is one of the most common cancers among women worldwide and is therefore an important public health issue. The latest data indicate that the problem of breast cancer currently affects more than 10% of women from all over the world. Importantly, it is the second most common cause of cancer-related death among women, after lung cancer. There are many factors that influence the prevalence rate of breast cancer. In general, they might be divided into modifiable and non-modifiable factors. In the following review, the emphasis will be put on the impact of non-modifiable factors on breast cancer risk and the strength of their impact. Factors that will be discussed include age, gender, ethnic and racial background, family history and genetic factors, pregnancy and breastfeeding.  Material and Methods  This review was based on available data collected in the PubMed and Google Scholar database, using following keywords: “Breast Cancer”, “Risk factors of Breast Cancer” and “Epidemiology of Breast Cancer”.  Conclusion  Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women worldwide. In recent years, we have observed an increase in the incidence of this cancer among female representatives. The development of this cancer is influenced by many factors, which can be divided into two main groups: modifiable factors and non-modifiable factors. Importantly, it is advisable to undertake new research and initiatives to better understand the etiology of this disease and the factors affecting its development.&nbsp

    Cryopreservation of Plant Tissues in Poland: Research Contributions, Current Status, and Applications

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    Cryopreservation of vegetatively propagated plant material is an increasingly widely used method for the efficient and safe storage of germplasm resources around the world. In Poland, there are currently four cryobanks in use for long-term plant protection programs. However, plant tissues propagated in vitro constitute only a small portion of the accessions stored in them. To date, cryogenic storage techniques have been developed and adopted in this country for ornamental plants (roses, chrysanthemums, and geophytes), crop species (potato and garlic), forest tree species (the genera Quercus and Fraxinus), and some ferns. Polish researchers have used suspension cultures of Gentiana spp. and shoot tips of Lamprocapnos spectabilis to improve cryopreservation knowledge. A better understanding of the benefits of cryopreservation and its widespread implementation in plant biodiversity conservation programs is required. The objective of this review is to provide a concise synthesis of the scientific contributions, current status, and applications of cryogenic techniques for the conservation of in vitro culture-derived plant tissues in Poland. First, the results contributing to research that has been achieved using cell suspensions and advances related to the use of nanoparticles and plant extracts to improve cryopreservation efficiency are discussed. Then, the applications and advances in cryopreservation of ornamental plants (roses, radiomutants, plant chimeras, Lamprocapnos spp., and geophytes), crop species (potato and garlic), forest trees, and ferns are summarized

    Synthesis and characterisation of coating polyurethane cationomers containing fluorine built-in hard urethane segments

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    Polyurethane cationomers were synthesised in the reaction of 4,4’-methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) with polyoxyethylene glycol (M = 2,000) or poly(tetrafluoroethyleneoxide-co-difluoromethylene oxide) α,ω-diisocyanate and N-methyl diethanolamine. Amine segments were built-in to the urethane-isocyanate prepolymer in the reaction with 1-bromobutane or formic acid, and then they were converted to alkylammonium cations. The obtained isocyanate prepolymers were then extended in the aqueous medium that yielded stable aqueous dispersions which were applied on the surfaces of test poly(tetrafluoroethylene) plates. After evaporation of water, the dispersions formed thin polymer coatings. 1H, 13C NMR and IR spectral methods were employed to confirm chemical structures of synthesised cationomers. Based on 1H NMR and IR spectra, the factors κ and α were calculated, which represented the polarity level of the obtained cationomers. The DSC, wide angle X-ray scattering and atom force microscopy methods were employed for the microstructural assessment of the obtained materials. Changes were discussed in the surface free energy and its components, as calculated independently according to the method suggested by van Oss–Good, in relation to chemical and physical structures of cationomers as well as morphology of coating surfaces obtained from those cationomers. Fluorine incorporated into cationomers (about 30%) contributed to lower surface free energy values, down to about 15 mJ/m2. That was caused by gradual weakening of long-range interactions within which the highest share is taken by dispersion interactions

    How we can improve ARGET ATRP in an aqueous system: Honey as an unusual solution for polymerization of (meth)acrylates

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    I. Zaborniak, P. Chmielarz, How we can improve ARGET ATRP in an aqueous system: Honey as an unusual solution for polymerization of (meth)acrylates, European Polymer Journal, Volume 183, 2023, 111735, ISSN 0014-3057, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2022.111735. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001430572200739X) Abstract: Aqueous solutions of various types of honey as a source of reducing sugars – glucose and fructose, were used to accelerate or control activators regeneration by electron transfer atom transfer radical polymerization (ARGET ATRP) in a homogeneous or heterogeneous environment. The aqueous or alcoholic-aqueous solution was applied for the polymerization of hydrophilic methacrylates i.e. 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA), glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), while the polymerization of a hydrophobic monomer – n-butyl acrylate (nBA) was conducted in miniemulsion under ion-pair and interfacial catalysis. The polymerization of DMAEMA in a honey solution accelerated the polymerization rate up to 30-fold with a significant improvement in the control over the structure of the product, namely, the polymers were characterized by narrow molecular weight distribution (Mw/Mn = 1.33), and initiation efficiency up to 98 %. Controlled polymerization of nBA was conducted in a honey-contained miniemulsion. Honey-based miniemulsion was successfully checked for the synthesis of both linear and branched polymers. The use of chemical reducing agents found in commercially available food products for polymerization is an economic concept that eliminates the need for high purity laboratory reagents, moreover, food products are widely available and therefore much cheaper. The proposed concept has great potential for industrial applications. Keywords: Honey; Reducing sugars; ARGET ATRP; Aqueous environment; Miniemulsio

    Cryopreservation of dormant orthodox seeds of forest trees: mazzard cherry (Prunus avium L.)

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    • The sensitivity of dormant seeds of mazzard cherry (Prunus avium L.) of Polish provenances to extreme desiccation and/or the ultra-low temperature of liquid nitrogen, LN (196-196 °C), was investigated to identify the optimum seed water content (w.c.) at this temperature. • Germination and seedling emergence tests in this study showed that there is no critical seed w.c. for deeply desiccated seeds (stone w.c. 1.6%), although such desiccated seeds were sensitive to the temperature of LN in the seedling emergence test. For seeds frozen in LN, the highest germinability was observed at w.c. of 9.0–16.9%, but seedling emergence was then significantly lower than in nonfrozen seeds. The 2-year of storage in LN of seeds desiccated to 7.8% w.c. did not decrease germinability after thawing, in comparison with 2-year of storage at 3-3 °C. Storage in LN showed that if seeds were stored after breaking of their dormancy, germinability after storage was lower because of the necessity of seed desiccation to the lower level (~ 8%) of w.c. after stratification (before storage). Secondary dormancy was induced in seeds desiccated after stratification. • The results of this study demonstrate the potential for long-term cryopreservation of mazzard cherry seeds in forest gene banks.La cryoconservation des semences dormantes orthodoxes des arbres forestiers : le merisier (Prunus avium L.). • La sensibilité des semences dormantes de merisier (Prunus avium L.) de provenances polonaise à l'extrême dessiccation et/ou à l'ultra-basse température de l'azote liquide, LN (196-196 °C), a été étudiée afin d'identifier l'optimum de teneur en eau (w.c.) des semences à cette température. • Les tests de germination et émergence des plantules dans cette étude ont montré qu'il n'y a pas de teneur en eau critique (w.c.) pour les semences profondément déshydratées (teneur en eau 1,6 %), bien que ces graines desséchées soient sensibles à la température de la LN dans le test d'émergence des plantules. Pour les semences congelées dans LN, la plus forte capacité de germination a été observée à une teneur en eau de 9,016,99,0{-}16,9 %, mais l'émergence des semis a ensuite été beaucoup plus faible que dans les semences non congelées. Deux ans de stockage LN pour les semences déshydraté à une teneur en eau de 7,8 % n'a pas diminué la capacité de germination après décongélation, en comparaison avec 2 ans de stockage à 3 °C. Le stockage en LN a montré que si les semences ont été stockées après la levée de leur dormance, leur capacité de germination après stockage a été plus faible en raison de la nécessité d'une dessiccation à un faible teneur en eau (~ 8%) après stratification (avant stockage). Une dormance secondaire a été induite chez des semences déshydratées après stratification. • Les résultats de cette étude démontrent le potentiel, pour une cryopréservation à long terme, des semences de merisier dans des banques forestières de gènes

    Coffee Beverage: A New Strategy for the Synthesis of Polymethacrylates via ATRP

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    Coffee, the most popular beverage in the 21st century society, was tested as a reaction environment for activators regenerated by electron transfer atom transfer radical polymerization (ARGET ATRP) without an additional reducing agent. Two blends were selected: pure Arabica beans and a proportional blend of Arabica and Robusta beans. The use of the solution received from the mixture with Robusta obtained a high molecular weight polymer product in a short time while maintaining a controlled structure of the synthesized product. Various monomers with hydrophilic characteristics, i.e., 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA), oligo(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate (OEGMA500), and glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), were polymerized. The proposed concept was carried out at different concentrations of coffee grounds, followed by the determination of the molar concentration of caffeine in applied beverages using DPV and HPLC techniques