37 research outputs found

    Stable sulforaphane protects against gait anomalies and modifies bone microarchitecture in the spontaneous STR/Ort model of osteoarthritis

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    Osteoarthritis (OA), affecting joints and bone, causes physical gait disability with huge socio-economic burden; treatment remains palliative. Roles for antioxidants in protecting against such chronic disorders have been examined previously. Sulforaphane is a naturally occurring antioxidant. Herein, we explore whether SFX-01®, a stable synthetic form of sulforaphane, modifies gait, bone architecture and slows/reverses articular cartilage destruction in a spontaneous OA model in STR/Ort mice. Sixteen mice (n = 8/group) were orally treated for 3 months with either 100 mg/kg SFX-01® or vehicle. Gait was recorded, tibiae were microCT scanned and analysed. OA lesion severity was graded histologically. The effect of SFX-01® on bone turnover markers in vivo was complemented by in vitro bone formation and resorption assays. Analysis revealed development of OA-related gait asymmetry in vehicle-treated STR/Ort mice, which did not emerge in SFX-01®-treated mice. We found significant improvements in trabecular and cortical bone. Despite these marked improvements, we found that histologically-graded OA severity in articular cartilage was unmodified in treated mice. These changes are also reflected in anabolic and anti-catabolic actions of SFX-01® treatment as reflected by alteration in serum markers as well as changes in primary osteoblast and osteoclast-like cells in vitro. We report that SFX-01® improves bone microarchitecture in vivo, produces corresponding changes in bone cell behaviour in vitro and leads to greater symmetry in gait, without marked effects on cartilage lesion severity in STR/Ort osteoarthritic mice. Our findings support both osteotrophic roles and novel beneficial gait effects for SFX-01® in this model of spontaneous OA

    The Architecture of the Adhesive Apparatus of Cultured Osteoclasts: From Podosome Formation to Sealing Zone Assembly

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    BACKGROUND: Osteoclasts are bone-degrading cells, which play a central role in physiological bone remodeling. Unbalanced osteoclast activity is largely responsible for pathological conditions such as osteoporosis. Osteoclasts develop specialized adhesion structures, the so-called podosomes, which subsequently undergo dramatic reorganization into sealing zones. These ring-like adhesion structures, which delimit the resorption site, effectively seal the cell to the substrate forming a diffusion barrier. The structural integrity of the sealing zone is essential for the cell ability to degrade bone, yet its structural organization is poorly understood. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Combining high-resolution scanning electron microscopy with fluorescence microscopy performed on the same sample, we mapped the molecular architecture of the osteoclast resorptive apparatus from individual podosomes to the sealing zone, at an unprecedented resolution. Podosomes are composed of an actin-bundle core, flanked by a ring containing adhesion proteins connected to the core via dome-like radial actin fibers. The sealing zone, hallmark of bone-resorbing osteoclasts, consists of a dense array of podosomes communicating through a network of actin filaments, parallel to the substrate and anchored to the adhesive plaque domain via radial actin fibers. SIGNIFICANCE: The sealing zone of osteoclasts cultured on bone is made of structural units clearly related to individual podosomes. It differs from individual or clustered podosomes in the higher density and degree of inter-connectivity of its building blocks, thus forming a unique continuous functional structure connecting the cell to its extracellular milieu. Through this continuous structure, signals reporting on the substrate condition may be transmitted to the whole cell, modulating the cell response under physiological and pathological conditions

    Identification and Expression of the Family of Classical Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatases in Zebrafish

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    Protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) have an important role in cell survival, differentiation, proliferation, migration and other cellular processes in conjunction with protein-tyrosine kinases. Still relatively little is known about the function of PTPs in vivo. We set out to systematically identify all classical PTPs in the zebrafish genome and characterize their expression patterns during zebrafish development. We identified 48 PTP genes in the zebrafish genome by BLASTing of human PTP sequences. We verified all in silico hits by sequencing and established the spatio-temporal expression patterns of all PTPs by in situ hybridization of zebrafish embryos at six distinct developmental stages. The zebrafish genome encodes 48 PTP genes. 14 human orthologs are duplicated in the zebrafish genome and 3 human orthologs were not identified. Based on sequence conservation, most zebrafish orthologues of human PTP genes were readily assigned. Interestingly, the duplicated form of ptpn23, a catalytically inactive PTP, has lost its PTP domain, indicating that PTP activity is not required for its function, or that ptpn23b has lost its PTP domain in the course of evolution. All 48 PTPs are expressed in zebrafish embryos. Most PTPs are maternally provided and are broadly expressed early on. PTP expression becomes progressively restricted during development. Interestingly, some duplicated genes retained their expression pattern, whereas expression of other duplicated genes was distinct or even mutually exclusive, suggesting that the function of the latter PTPs has diverged. In conclusion, we have identified all members of the family of classical PTPs in the zebrafish genome and established their expression patterns. This is the first time the expression patterns of all members of the large family of PTP genes have been established in a vertebrate. Our results provide the first step towards elucidation of the function of the family of classical PTPs

    Abrogation of Cbl–PI3K Interaction Increases Bone Formation and Osteoblast Proliferation

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    Cbl is an adaptor protein and E3 ligase that plays both positive and negative roles in several signaling pathways that affect various cellular functions. Tyrosine 737 is unique to Cbl and phosphorylated by Src family kinases. Phosphorylated CblY737 creates a binding site for the p85 regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K) that also plays an important role in the regulation of bone homeostasis. To investigate the role of Cbl–PI3K interaction in bone homeostasis, we examined knock-in mice in which the PI3K binding site on Cbl was ablated due to the substitution of tyrosine 737 to phenylalanine (CblYF/YF, YF mice). We previously reported that bone volume in these mice is increased due to decreased osteoclast function (Adapala et al., J Biol Chem 285:36745–36758, 19). Here, we report that YF mice also have increased bone formation and osteoblast numbers. In ex vivo cultures bone marrow-derived YF osteoblasts showed increased Col1A expression and their proliferation was also significantly augmented. Moreover, proliferation of MC3T3-E1 cells was increased after treatment with conditioned medium generated by culturing YF bone marrow stromal cells. Expression of stromal derived factor-1 (SDF-1) was increased in YF bone marrow stromal cells compared to wild type. Increased immunostaining of SDF-1 and CXCR4 was observed in YF bone marrow stromal cells compared to wild type. Treatment of YF condition medium with neutralizing anti-SDF-1 and anti-CXCR4 antibodies attenuated MC3T3-E1 cell proliferation. Cumulatively, these results show that abrogation of Cbl–PI3K interaction perturbs bone homeostasis, affecting both osteoclast function and osteoblast proliferation

    On the predictive utility of animal models of osteoarthritis

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    Parole e luoghi in transito. L'Italia delle culture migranti.

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    Mostra documentaria multimediale curata per conto della Societ\ue0 Geografica Italiana in occasione della X Settimana della lingua italiana nel mondo (Ministero Affari Esteri, 2010),dedicata a \u201cUna lingua per amica: l\u2019italiano nostro e degli altri\u201d. La mostra illustra le dinamiche sociali e culturali che si evidenziano dalle descrizioni di luoghi e paesaggi del nostro Paese nei testi della letteratura migrante composti in lingua italiana. Questa produzione narrativa offre alcune chiavi di lettura utili alla definizione di categorie geografiche favorendo l\u2019adozione di uno sguardo \u2018cosmopolita\u2019, promuovendo visioni \u2018altre\u2019, offrendo strumenti per la costruzione di un \u2018senso del luogo\u2019 condiviso attraverso la lingua italiana quale comune strumento di espressione.I pannelli espositivi sono stati realizzati attraverso l\u2019ausilio di documenti letterari nonch\ue9 interviste a cinque "testimoni privilegiati": due tra i pi\uf9 importanti scrittori di questo ambito letterario, Amara Lakhous (Scontro di civilt\ue0 per un ascensore a Piazza Vittorio, 2006) e Komla-Ebri Kossi (Imbarazzismi, 2004); il parlamentare, accademico, scrittore e giornalista Jean-Leonard Touadi; la giornalista Alessandra Coppola, curatrice del blog "Nuovi italiani"; ed infine Nora Moll, autrice di "Immagini dell\u2019Altro: imagologia e studi interculturali". L'impianto, la strutturazione, le interviste sono di tutti i curatori. Sono a cura personale di F. Chiusaroli i testi dei pannelli IX: "Lingua e identit\ue0", X: "L'idea dell'altro nella lingua"; XI: "Lessico e ibridazione linguistica"

    Antipsychotic-like effects of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor modulator neboglamine: An immunohistochemical and behavioural study in the rat

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    Neboglamine is a functional modulator of the glycine site on the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor. Dysfunction of this receptor has been associated with negative and cognitive symptoms in schizophrenia. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that neboglamine behaves as a potential antipsychotic. We compared the effects of neboglamine, D-serine, clozapine, and haloperidol on the expression of Fos-like immunoreactivity (FLI), a marker of neuronal activation, in rat forebrain. We also studied the effects of these agents on phencyclidine (PCP)-induced behaviour in rats, a model predictive of potential antipsychotic activity. Neboglamine, like haloperidol and clozapine, significantly increased the number of FLI-positive cells in the prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens. and lateral septal nucleus (3.2-, 4.8-, and 4.5-fold over control, respectively). Haloperidol dramatically increased FLI (390-fold over control) in the dorsolateral striatum, a brain region in which neboglamine and clozapine had no effect. The pattern of FLI induced by neboglamine closely matched that of D-serine, an endogenous agonist at the glycine site of NMDA receptors. Consistent with this finding, neboglamine restored NMDA-mediated neurotransmitter release in frontal cortex punches exposed to the NMDA antagonist PCP. In the behavioural model, all test compounds significantly inhibited PCP-induced hyperlocomotion. Unlike haloperidol and clozapine, neither neboglamine nor D-serine affected the basal levels of locomotor activity. Moreover, oral neboglamine dose-dependently inhibited both the hyperlocomotion and the frequency of rearing behaviour induced by PCP. These results, while confirming that the NMDA glycine site is a feasible target for activating the frontostriatal system, support the clinical evaluation of neboglamine as a treatment for schizophrenia. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved