16 research outputs found

    The role of hypoxia signalling pathways in normal and leukaemic haemopoiesis

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    Although haemopoietic stem cells (HSCs) represent one of the best-defined stem cell systems, the pathways regulating HSC development and maintenance are not fully understood. HSCs reside in the hypoxic niche and maintain intracellular hypoxia. Hypoxia and hypoxia signalling pathways are thought to play a vital role in HSC maintenance. Hypoxia inducible factors (Hifs) are evolutionarily conserved and are the key regulators of hypoxia. Hifs consist of an unstable, oxygen-dependent α-subunit and an oxygen-independent stable β-subunit. The two main isoforms of Hif-α, namely Hif-1α and Hif-2α, are critical for the response to hypoxia. Hif-mediated pathways have been extensively studied and have been shown to regulate metabolic adaptation and to influence various cellular mechanisms, including cell growth, survival, differentiation and apoptosis, erythropoiesis and angiogenesis. Hif-1α has been shown to be essential for maintenance of HSC functions under stressful conditions of serial transplantation and aging, but the role of Hif-2α and the interplay between Hif-1α and Hif-2α in regulating HSC functions and their niche is not known. Hence, in this study, I have investigated the role of Hif-α in HSC functions. Furthermore, published evidence suggested that leukaemic stem cells (LSC) share the hypoxic properties with HSCs. Cited2, a hypoxia-inducible Hif-1α and Hif-2α target gene, is critical for embryonic and adult haemopoiesis and possesses oncogenic properties. I have investigated the role of Cited2 in AML generation. The results demonstrate that Hif-2α is not essential for maintenance of HSC functions in a cell-autonomous manner under steady state and stressful conditions of serial transplantation and aging. It is also evident that HSCs lacking Hif-2α together with Hif-1α successfully maintain normal haemopoiesis. However, the data in this thesis show that Hif-2α is essential for non-cell-autonomous maintenance of HSC functions, particularly in males and current work also indicate that a previously unappreciated complex interplay between Hif-1α- and Hif-2α-dependent signalling is required for adult HSC maintenance in a non-cell-autonomous manner. Additionally, the data demonstrate that haemopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) lacking Cited2 display reduced transformation potential and failure to generate transplantable AML in vivo. Overexpression of Mcl-1 (an anti-apoptotic gene), in Cited2Δ/Δ cells bypassed their defective transformation potential forming transformed colonies in vitro. Hence, the data in this thesis provide evidence that Cited2 is essential for leukaemic transformation at least in part via Mcl-1 regulation

    The cytotoxcity activity of in vitro isolated and expanded cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells in bladder cancer

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    The expanding roles of the immune system in tumourigenesis have established immunotherapy as a potential mainstream cancer therapeutic modality. Ex vivo expanded and activated cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs) and natural killer (NK) cells have been found to be efficacious in the treatment of various types of cancers. One of the biggest limitations is the ability to generate and store cytotoxic immune cells in larger numbers without losing its cytotoxicity. Consequently, we evaluated the in vitro cytotoxic activity of freshly cultured and cryopreserved CTLs and NK cells that were expanded in vitro. We also compared the synergistic cytotoxic activity of CTLs and NK cells in combination. The cytotoxic activity was measured in bladder cancer cell lines, EJ28 (invasive) and RT112 (minimally-invasive). All experiments were run in three replicates. The cellular phenotype of the isolated and expanded effector cells was characterised using flow cytometry. MTT assay was performed to assess the dose- and time-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxic activity in the bladder cancer cells. An effector to target ratio of 1:1, 2:1, 5:1, 10:1 and 20:1 was tested after 4 h, 12 h and 24 h incubation. The fresh in vitro expanded effector cells had a high percentage of cell viability and expressed cytotoxic markers CD8+ and CD56+ in the CTL and NK cell cultures, respectively. Although the expansion capacity of the cryopreserved cells was limited, the expression of the functional markers and cytotoxic activity of these effector cells were maintained. All the effector cells exhibited significant cytotoxic activity at the effector to target ratio of 5:1 at 4 hours of co-culture. This was confirmed through the real-time observation of the morphological changes of the cells using an inverted phase contrast and time-lapse confocal microscope. The ex vivo generated CTLs and NK cells appear to retain their functionality, especially in recognizing their allogeneic target and thus, serve as a foundation to build on for future therapeutic applications

    Impaired redox environment modulates cardiogenic and ion-channel gene expression in cardiac-resident and non-resident mesenchymal stem cells

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    Redox homeostasis plays a crucial role in the regulation of self-renewal and differentiation of stem cells. However, the behavioral actions of mesenchymal stem cells in redox imbalance state remain elusive. In the present study, the effect of redox imbalance that was induced by either hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or ascorbic acid on human cardiac-resident (hC-MSCs) and non-resident (umbilical cord) mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSCs) was evaluated. Both cells were sensitive and responsive when exposed to either H2O2 or ascorbic acid at a concentration of 400 µmol/L. Ascorbic acid pre-treated cells remarkably ameliorated the reactive oxygen species level when treated with H2O2. The endogenous antioxidative enzyme gene (Sod1, Sod2, TRXR1 and Gpx1) expressions were escalated in both MSCs in response to reactive oxygen species elevation. In contrast, ascorbic acid pre-treated hUC-MSCs attenuated considerable anti-oxidative gene (TRXR1 and Gpx1) expressions, but not the hC-MSCs. Similarly, the cardiogenic gene (Nkx 2.5, Gata4, Mlc2a and β-MHC) and ion-channel gene (IKDR, IKCa, Ito and INa.TTX) expressions were significantly increased in both MSCs on the oxidative state. On the contrary, reduced environment could not alter the ion-channel gene expression and negatively regulated the cardiogenic gene expressions except for troponin-1 in both cells. In conclusion, redox imbalance potently alters the cardiac-resident and non-resident MSCs stemness, cardiogenic, and ion-channel gene expressions. In comparison with cardiac-resident MSC, non-resident umbilical cord-MSC has great potential to tolerate the redox imbalance and positively respond to cardiac regeneration

    Acute Loss of Cited2 Impairs Nanog Expression and Decreases Self-Renewal of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells

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    Identifying novel players of the pluripotency gene regulatory network centered on Oct4, Sox2, and Nanog as well as delineating the interactions within the complex network is key to understanding self-renewal and early cell fate commitment of embryonic stem cells (ESC). While overexpression of the transcriptional regulator Cited2 sustains ESC pluripotency, its role in ESC functions remains unclear. Here, we show that Cited2 is important for proliferation, survival, and self-renewal of mouse ESC. We position Cited2 within the pluripotency gene regulatory network by defining Nanog, Tbx3, and Klf4 as its direct targets. We also demonstrate that the defects caused by Cited2 depletion are, at least in part, rescued by Nanog constitutive expression. Finally, we demonstrate that Cited2 is required for and enhances reprogramming of mouse embryonic fibroblasts to induced pluripotent stem cells.National Portuguese through FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia [PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013, PTDC/SAU-ENB/111702/2009]; Camara Municipal de Oeiras; Merck Sharp & Dhome Foundation-Portugal; CRUK; Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research; Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund; Wellcome Trust; Medical Research Council; Cancer Research UK [12796, 14633]; Great Ormond Street Hospital Childrens Charity [W1062]; Medical Research Council [MC_U137973817, G1000801g, MC_qA137913

    Generation and characterization of human cardiac resident and non-resident mesenchymal stem cell

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    Despite the surgical and other insertional interventions, the complete recuperation of myocardial disorders is still elusive due to the insufficiency of functioning myocardiocytes. Thus, the use of stem cells to regenerate the affected region of heart becomes a prime important. In line with this human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSCs) have gained considerable interest due to their potential use for mesodermal cell based replacement therapy and tissue engineering. Since MSCs are harvested from various organs and anatomical locations of same organism, thus the cardiac regenerative potential of human cardiac-derived MSCs (hC-MSCs) and human umbilical cord Wharton’s Jelly derived MSC (hUC-MSCs) were tested concurrently. At in vitro culture, both hUC-MSCs and hC-MSCs assumed spindle shape morphology with expression of typical MSC markers namely CD105, CD73, CD90 and CD44. Although, hUC-MSCs and hC-MSCs are identical in term of morphology and immunophenotype, yet hUC-MSCs harbored a higher cell growth as compared to the hC-MSCs. The inherent cardiac regenerative potential of both cells were further investigated with mRNA expression of ion channels. The RT-PCR results demonstrated that both MSCs were expressing a notable level of delayed rectifier-like K+ current (I KDR ) ion channel, yet the relative expression level was considerably varied between hUC-MSCs and hC-MSCs that Kv1.1(39 ± 0.6 vs 31 ± 0.8), Kv2.1 (6 ± 0.2 vs 21 ± 0.12), Kv1.5 (7.4 ± 0.1 vs 6.8 ± 0.06) and Kv7.3 (27 ± 0.8 vs 13.8 ± 0.6). Similarly, the Ca2+-activated K+ current (I KCa ) channel encoding gene, transient outward K+ current (I to ) and TTX-sensitive transient inward sodium current (I Na.TTX ) encoding gene (Kv4.2, Kv4.3 and hNE-Na) expressions were detected in both groups as well. Despite the morphological and phenotypical similarity, the present study also confirms the existence of multiple functional ion channel currents IKDR, IKCa, Ito, and INa.TTX in undifferentiated hUC-MSCs as of hC-MSCs. Thus, the hUC-MSCs can be exploited as a potential candidate for future cardiac regeneration

    Adult haematopoietic stem cells lacking Hif-1α self-renew normally

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    The haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) pool is maintained under hypoxic conditions within the bone marrow (BM) microenvironment. Cellular responses to hypoxia are largely mediated by hypoxia-inducible factors, Hif-1 and Hif-2. The oxygen-regulated alpha subunits of Hif-1 and Hif-2 (namely, Hif-1α and Hif-2α) form dimers with their stably expressed beta subunits, and control the transcription of downstream hypoxia-responsive genes to facilitate adaptation to low oxygen tension. An initial study concluded that Hif-1α is essential for HSC maintenance, whereby Hif-1α-deficient HSCs lost their ability to self-renew in serial transplantation assays. In another study, we demonstrated that Hif-2α is dispensable for cell-autonomous HSC maintenance, both under steady-state conditions and following transplantation. Given these unexpected findings, we set out to revisit the role of Hif-1α in cell-autonomous HSC functions. Here we demonstrate that inducible acute deletion of Hif-1α has no impact on HSC survival. Notably, unstressed HSCs lacking Hif-1α efficiently self-renew and sustain long-term multilineage haematopoiesis upon serial transplantation. Finally, Hif-1α-deficient HSCs recover normally after hematopoietic injury induced by serial administration of 5-fluorouracil. We therefore conclude that despite the hypoxic nature of the BM microenvironment, Hif-1α is dispensable for cell-autonomous HSC maintenance

    TGFβ pathway limits dedifferentiation following WNT and MAPK pathway activation to suppress intestinal tumourigenesis

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    Recent studies have suggested increased plasticity of differentiated cells within the intestine to act both as intestinal stem cells (ISCs) and tumour-initiating cells. However, little is known of the processes that regulate this plasticity. Our previous work has shown that activating mutations of Kras or the NF-κB pathway can drive dedifferentiation of intestinal cells lacking Apc. To investigate this process further, we profiled both cells undergoing dedifferentiation in vitro and tumours generated from these cells in vivo by gene expression analysis. Remarkably, no clear differences were observed in the tumours; however, during dedifferentiation in vitro we found a marked upregulation of TGFβ signalling, a pathway commonly mutated in colorectal cancer (CRC). Genetic inactivation of TGFβ type 1 receptor (Tgfbr1/Alk5) enhanced the ability of KrasG12D/+ mutation to drive dedifferentiation and markedly accelerated tumourigenesis. Mechanistically this is associated with a marked activation of MAPK signalling. Tumourigenesis from differentiated compartments is potently inhibited by MEK inhibition. Taken together, we show that tumours arising in differentiated compartments will be exposed to different suppressive signals, for example, TGFβ and blockade of these makes tumourigenesis more efficient from this compartment

    Hif-1α and Hif-2α synergize to suppress AML development but are dispensable for disease maintenance

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    Leukemogenesis occurs under hypoxic conditions within the bone marrow (BM). Knockdown of key mediators of cellular responses to hypoxia with shRNA, namely hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) or HIF-2α, in human acute myeloid leukemia (AML) samples results in their apoptosis and inability to engraft, implicating HIF-1α or HIF-2α as therapeutic targets. However, genetic deletion of Hif-1α has no effect on mouse AML maintenance and may accelerate disease development. Here, we report the impact of conditional genetic deletion of Hif-2α or both Hif-1α and Hif-2α at different stages of leukemogenesis in mice. Deletion of Hif-2α accelerates development of leukemic stem cells (LSCs) and shortens AML latency initiated by Mll-AF9 and its downstream effectors Meis1 and Hoxa9. Notably, the accelerated initiation of AML caused by Hif-2α deletion is further potentiated by Hif-1α codeletion. However, established LSCs lacking Hif-2α or both Hif-1α and Hif-2α propagate AML with the same latency as wild-type LSCs. Furthermore, pharmacological inhibition of the HIF pathway or HIF-2α knockout using the lentiviral CRISPR-Cas9 system in human established leukemic cells with MLL-AF9 translocation have no impact on their functions. We therefore conclude that although Hif-1α and Hif-2α synergize to suppress the development of AML, they are not required for LSC maintenanc

    Sprouted Sorghum Extract Elicits Coleoptile Emergence, Enhances Shoot and Root Acclimatization, and Maintains Genetic Fidelity in indica Rice

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    The high growth-stimulating effect of plant extract has urged the plant biotechnologists to use natural supplements in the culture media instead of synthetic phytohormones. We advocated the effect of sprouted sorghum extract (SSE) on emergence, in vitro acclimatization, and genetic fidelity in coleoptile derived callus of indica rice variety ADT36. The use of SSE with Murashige Skoog medium efficiently acclimatized the root and shoot apical systems. A higher mat and seminal roots (3.4 g biomass) with an efficient shoot primordium elongation were observed with an increase in the concentration of SSE. Seeds treated with SSE medium showed higher germination and earlier coleoptile maturation about 48 h compared to untreated seeds, and there was a higher expression of eEF-1α with an increase in coleoptile length. B5 medium was effective on inducing embryogenic and nodular callus from 3-day-old coleoptile with 3.0 mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and further proliferated effectively with 0.8 mg/L kinetin with a fresh weight of 180 mg. Highly significant regeneration was observed with combination of 2.5 mg/L 6-benzylamino purine and 3.0 mg/L α-naphthaleneacetic acid. The metabolic and genetic profiles of in vitro and directly cultivated plants were the same, examined through Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and R-ISSR (combination of RAPD and ISSR) markers, respectively, and thus confirming the significant efficacy of the SSE incorporated medium. Disarmed T-DNA was transformed to coleoptile derived callus through Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404 and confirmed by GUS assay. The T-DNA integration was confirmed by DNA blot analysis using DNA from transient GUS-expressed explants. Thus, SSE can be used as a natural and organic supplement for organogenesis and efficient acclimatizations of shoot and root apical meristems in regenerated plants