65 research outputs found

    A Study of Emission Power and Spectrum of LT-GaAs Based THz Photoconductive Antennas

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    AbstractEmission spectra of LT-GaAs photoconductive antennas based on epitaxial films of “low-temperature” gallium arsenide (LT-GaAs) are measured in the terahertz frequency region by the Fourier transform spectroscopy

    A Study of Emission Power and Spectrum of LT-GaAs Based THz Photoconductive Antennas

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    AbstractEmission spectra of LT-GaAs photoconductive antennas based on epitaxial films of “low-temperature” gallium arsenide (LT-GaAs) are measured in the terahertz frequency region by the Fourier transform spectroscopy

    Research the phytoplankton dynamics regimes depending on nutrient transformation processes in coastal systems

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    The paper describes the construction of a three-dimensional mathematical model of biogeochemical processes, considering the salinity and temperature influence on the phytoplankton populations’ development. The paper proposes a new difference scheme for solving convection-diffusion-reaction problems at large values of the Peclet grid number (2<Pe≤20), which is a linear combination of the central and the upwind leapfrog difference schemes. The three-layer difference scheme is more accurate than the traditional upwind leapfrog difference scheme for problems where convection prevails over diffusion. The construction of discrete equations for solving the problem of biogeochemical cycles on the basis of the scheme considering the filling of cells is described. The stationary regimes of phytoplankton dynamics problem were researched considering the transformation of phosphorus, nitrogen and silicon forms. Results of software complex, which allows to simulate biogeochemical processes in the Azov Sea, were described. The software package allows to forecast the dynamics of the Azov Sea ecosystem development in the conditions of modern salinization.The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-01-00421

    Subcarrier Wave Quantum Key Distribution in Telecommunication Network with Bitrate 800 kbit/s

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    In the course of work on creating the first quantum communication network in Russia we demonstrated quantum key distribution in metropolitan optical network infrastructure. A single-pass subcarrier wave quantum cryptography scheme was used in the experiments. BB84 protocol with strong reference was chosen for performing key distribution. The registered sifted key rate in an optical cable with 1.5 dB loss was 800 Kbit/s. Signal visibility exceeded 98%, and quantum bit error rate value was 1%. The achieved result is a record for this type of systems

    Marx generator GIN-1000 with 1 MV output voltage and 80 kJ stored energy

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    The results of development and study of Marx generator with output voltage of 1 MV and stored energy of 80 kJ are reported. The measured value of generator inductance is ~1.3 µH, the measured effective ohmic resistance ~ 1 Ohm.Приведены результаты разработки и исследования генератора Маркса с выходным напряжением 1 МВ, запасаемой энергией 80 кДж. Измеренное значение индуктивности генератора составляет ~1,3 мкГн, измеренное эффективное омическое сопротивление ~1 Ом.Наведено результати розробки і дослідження генератора Маркса з вихідною напругою 1 МВ, що запасає енергією 80 кДж. Виміряне значення індуктивності генератора становить ~1,3 мкГн, виміряний ефективний омічний опір ~1 Ом


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    The issues concerning the criminal-legal assessment of the features of fraud using electronic means of payment are considered.Рассматриваются вопросы, касающиеся уголовно-правовой оценки особенностей мошенничества с использованием электронных средств платежа

    Differentiation and Integration of the Norms of Executive Law

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    Introduction This paper is concerned with the study of the issues of differentiation and integration in criminal and penal law. Criminal and penal law, being a multilevel system, is characterized by the presence of differentiating and integrative qualities. The differentiation is manifested in the presence of nuanced norms of criminal and penal law, distinguished with account of the specifics of its subject, sectoral methods of legal regulation, functions. The integration in criminal and penal law is noticeable in distinguishing “special-purpose norms” - general norms of criminal and penal law: norms-goals, norms-objectives, norms-principles, norm-definitions. The identification of new social relations emerging at the stage of implementation of criminal responsibility necessitates redistribution of amended and new norms of criminal and penal law, taking into account the logic and the rules of the internal structure of this branch. The goal of this paper is to identify the grounds for differentiation and integration in the legal regulation of penal relations, conducting a scientific analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of peculiarities of public relations emerging in the field of the execution of criminal penalties, as well as developing proposals for improving the existing penal legislation. Methodology: dialectical, formally logical, functional, system structural, comparative legal, as well forecasting methods. Results: The characteristic of division of norms of criminal and penal law – “degree of generality of content” – allows observing the dialectical processes of differentiation and integration in criminal and penal law. Differentiation and integration processes contribute to the formation of amended and new norms of criminal and penal law, new institutions, associations of institutions, and create opportunities for the formation of bigger structural entities – sub-branches. Conclusions/Recommendations: integration processes, as well as differentiating ones, and norms of criminal and penal law at the lowest level of the system are not distinguished by constancy and identity, leading to the development of penal relations. Differentiation and integration of criminal and penal law and the process of reflecting newly emerged or transformed penal relations in the penal legislation should be considered in a dialectical relationship. Special emphasis is placed on the need for the harmonization of newly-created or amended norms of criminal and penal law with current norms for the avoidance of inconsistencies, collisions and gaps. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG


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    In accordance with part 1 of Clause 223 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation illegal production, alteration and repair of firearms and their major parts are considered as criminal offences. In turn, according to part 2 of Clause 233 of the Criminal law of the Republic of Latvia the manufacture and repair of firearms without a special permission are considered as criminal offences. The Disposition of part 2 of Clause 233 ofthe Criminal law of the Republic of Latvia also contains other forms of illegal trafficking of the objects of this crime.The illegal production, alteration and repair of firearms and their essential parts are more socially dangerous than other forms of illegal trafficking of these objects. Comparative legal analysis of the legislative definition of the illegal production, alteration and repair of firearms and their main parts under the criminal law of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Latvia suggests that the Russian legislator used a better version defining the illegal manufacture, alteration and repair of firearms and their main parts as an independent part of the crime.Illegal alteration of firearms and their main parts according to the Russian legislation is a criminal law category. Under Latvian criminal law the illegal alteration of them is covered by their unlawful production.At the present the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation does not disclose the definition of illegal repair of firearms and their main parts. Criminal legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Latvia does not provide for liability for illegal actions concerning the marking on the main parts of firearms.The subject of these offences should be considered manufacture of tools for the change of fire modes in a firearm.In the article the authors propose the definitions of illegal manufacturing, alteration and repair of firearms and their main parts, as well as devices for changing the fire modes in firearms taking into account the provisions of the criminal laws of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Latvia and international law.В соответствии с ч. 1 ст. 223 Уголовного кодекса Российской Федерации уголовно наказуемыми признаются незаконные изготовление, переделка и ремонт огнестрельного оружия и его основных частей. В свою очередь, в ч. 2 ст. 233 Уголовного закона Латвийской Республики предусмотрена уголовная ответственность за изготовление и ремонт огнестрельного оружия без соответствующего разрешения. Диспозиция ч. 2 ст. 233 Уголовного закона Латвийской Республики содержит также другие формы незаконного оборота предметов данного преступления. Незаконные изготовление, переделка и ремонт огнестрельного оружия и его основных частей более общественно опасны, чем иные формы незаконного оборота рассматриваемых предметов. Сравнительно-правовой анализ законодательной формулировки незаконных изготовления, переделки и ремонта огнестрельного оружия и его основных частей по уголовному законодательству Российской Федерации и Латвийской Республики позволяет сделать вывод о том, что российский законодатель использовал более удачный вариант, предусмотрев незаконные изготовление, переделку и ремонт огнестрельного оружия и его основных частей в качестве самостоятельного состава преступления. Незаконная переделка огнестрельного оружия и его основных частей по российскому законодательству является уголовно-правовой категорией. Согласно латвийскому уголовному законодательству незаконная переделка рассматриваемых предметов преступления охватывается их незаконным изготовлением.На данный момент в уголовном законодательстве Российской Федерации не раскрыто определение незаконного ремонта огнестрельного оружия и его основных частей. Уголовное законодательство Российской Федерации и Латвийской Республики не предусматривает ответственности за незаконные действия с маркировкой на основных частях огнестрельного оружия. В качестве предмета указанных составов преступлений необходимо считать приспособления для изменения режимов огня в огнестрельном оружии. Предложены определения незаконных изготовления, переделки и ремонта огнестрельного оружия и его основных частей, а также приспособлений для изменения режимов огня в огнестрельном оружии, учитывая уголовное законодательство Российской Федерации и Латвийской Республики, международное право