635 research outputs found

    Impact of diabetes mellitus on ventricular structure, arterial stiffness, and pulsatile hemodynamics in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

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    Background-Heterogeneity in the underlying processes that contribute to heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is increasingly recognized. Diabetes mellitus is a frequent comorbidity in HFpEF, but its impact on left ventricular and arterial structure and function in HFpEF is unknown. Methods and Results-Weassessed the impact of diabetesmellitus on left ventricular cellular and interstitial hypertrophy (assessedwith cardiacmagnetic resonance imaging, including T1mapping pregadolinium and postgadolinium administration), arterial stiffness (assessed with arterial tonometry), and pulsatile arterial hemodynamics (assessed with in-office pressure-flow analyses and 24-hour ambulatory monitoring) among 53 subjects with HFpEF (32 diabetic and 21 nondiabetic subjects). Despite few differences in clinical characteristics, diabetic subjects with HFpEF exhibited a markedly greater left ventricular mass index (78.1 [95% CI, 70.4-85.9] g versus 63.6 [95% CI, 55.8-71.3] g; P=0.0093) and indexed extracellular volume (23.6 [95% CI, 21.2-26.1] mL/m(2) versus 16.2 [95% CI, 13.1-19.4] mL/m(2); P=0.0008). Pronounced aortic stiffening was also observed in the diabetic group (carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity, 11.86 [95% CI, 10.4-13.1] m/s versus 8.8 [95% CI, 7.5-10.1] m/s; P=0.0027), with an adverse pulsatile hemodynamic profile characterized by increased oscillatory power (315 [95% CI, 258-373] mWversus 190 [95% CI, 144-236] mW; P=0.0007), aortic characteristic impedance (0.154 [95% CI, 0.124-0.183] mmHg/mL per second versus 0.096 [95% CI, 0.072-0.121] mm Hg/mL per second; P=0.0024), and forward (59.5 [95% CI, 52.8-66.1] mm Hg versus 40.1 [95% CI, 31.6-48.6] mm Hg; P=0.0010) and backward (19.6 [95% CI, 16.2-22.9] mm Hg versus 14.1 [95% CI, 10.9-17.3] mm Hg; P=0.0169) wave amplitude. Abnormal pulsatile hemodynamics were also evident in 24-hour ambulatory monitoring, despite the absence of significant differences in 24-hour systolic blood pressure between the groups. Conclusions-Diabetes mellitus is a key determinant of left ventricular remodeling, arterial stiffness, adverse pulsatile hemodynamics, and ventricular-arterial interactions in HFpEF

    A unified mechanism for the water hammer pulse and pulsus bisferiens in severe aortic regurgitation: Insights from wave intensity analysis

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    The carotid bisferiens pulse and the radial water hammer pulse are typical of severe chronic aortic regurgitation. Little is known about the mechanism of these classic cardiovascular signs identified on physical examination. We report the first characterization of these abnormal pulse patterns using wave intensity analysis (WIA) in a patient with severe aortic regurgitation. We demonstrate that an abnormally pronounced forward-traveling mid-systolic suction wave, which immediately followed the initial forward-traveling compression wave from ventricular contraction, explained these pulse patterns. This suction wave likely resulted from blood inertia, arising from a ventricle ejecting a very large stroke volume into a vasodilated arterial tree. Our report demonstrates a novel pulsatile hemodynamic mechanism that unifies the pathogenesis of the bisferiens pulse and the water-hammer pulse in severe aortic regurgitation. (C) 2017 Association for Research into Arterial Structure and Physiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Late systolic central hypertension as a predictor of incident heart failure : the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis

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    Background: Experimental studies demonstrate that high aortic pressure in late systole relative to early systole causes greater myocardial remodeling and dysfunction, for any given absolute peak systolic pressure. Methods and Results: We tested the hypothesis that late systolic hypertension, defined as the ratio of late (last one third of systole) to early (first two thirds of systole) pressure-time integrals (PTI) of the aortic pressure waveform, independently predicts incident heart failure (HF) in the general population. Aortic pressure waveforms were derived from a generalized transfer function applied to the radial pressure waveform recorded noninvasively from 6124 adults. The late/early systolic PTI ratio (L/ESPTI) was assessed as a predictor of incident HF during median 8.5 years of follow-up. The L/ESPTI was predictive of incident HF (hazard ratio per 1% increase= 1.22; 95% CI= 1.15 to 1.29; P58.38%) was more predictive of HF than the presence of hypertension. After adjustment for each other and various predictors of HF, the HR associated with hypertension was 1.39 (95% CI= 0.86 to 2.23; P=0.18), whereas the HR associated with a high L/E was 2.31 (95% CI=1.52 to 3.49; P<0.0001). Conclusions: Independently of the absolute level of peak pressure, late systolic hypertension is strongly associated with incident HF in the general population

    Isosorbide dinitrate, with or without hydralazine, does not reduce wave reflections, left ventricular hypertrophy, or myocardial fibrosis in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

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    Background-Wave reflections, which are increased in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, impair diastolic function and promote pathologic myocardial remodeling. Organic nitrates reduce wave reflections acutely, but whether this is sustained chronically or affected by hydralazine coadministration is unknown. Methods and Results-We randomized 44 patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in a double-blinded fashion to isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN; n=13), ISDN+hydralazine (ISDN+hydral; n=15), or placebo (n=16) for 6months. The primary end point was the change in reflection magnitude (RM; assessed with arterial tonometry and Doppler echocardiography). Secondary end points included change in left ventricular mass and fibrosis, measured with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, and the 6-minute walk distance. ISDN reduced aortic characteristic impedance (mean baseline=0.15 [95% CI, 0.14-0.17], 3 months=0.11 [95% CI, 0.10-0.13], 6 months=0.10 [95% CI, 0.08-0.12] mmHg/mL per second; P=0.003) and forward wave amplitude (P-f, mean baseline=54.8 [95% CI, 47.6-62.0], 3 months=42.2 [95% CI, 33.2-51.3]; 6 months=37.0 [95% CI, 27.2-46.8] mmHg, P=0.04), but had no effect on RM (P=0.64), left ventricular mass (P=0.33), or fibrosis (P=0.63). ISDN+hydral increased RM (mean baseline=0.39 [95% CI, 0.35-0.43]; 3 months=0.31 [95% CI, 0.25-0.36]; 6 months=0.44 [95% CI, 0.37-0.51], P=0.03), reduced 6-minute walk distance (mean baseline=343.3 [95% CI, 319.2-367.4]; 6 months=277.0 [95% CI, 242.7-311.4] meters, P=0.022), and increased native myocardial T1 (mean baseline=1016.2 [95% CI, 1002.7-1029.7]; 6 months=1054.5 [95% CI, 1036.5-1072.3], P=0.021). A high proportion of patients experienced adverse events with active therapy (ISDN=61.5%, ISDN+hydral=60.0%; placebo=12.5%; P=0.007). Conclusions-ISDN, with or without hydralazine, does not exert beneficial effects on RM, left ventricular remodeling, or submaximal exercise and is poorly tolerated. ISDN+hydral appears to have deleterious effects on RM, myocardial remodeling, and submaximal exercise. Our findings do not support the routine use of these vasodilators in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

    Aging is associated with an earlier arrival of reflected waves without a distal shift in reflection sites

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    Background-Despite pronounced increases in central pulse wave velocity (PWV) with aging, reflected wave transit time (RWTT), traditionally defined as the timing of the inflection point (T-INF) in the central pressure waveform, does not appreciably decrease, leading to the controversial proposition of a "distal-shift" of reflection sites. T-INF, however, is exceptionally prone to measurement error and is also affected by ejection pattern and not only by wave reflection. We assessed whether RWTT, assessed by advanced pressure-flow analysis, demonstrates the expected decline with aging. Methods and Results-We studied a sample of unselected adults without cardiovascular disease (n=48; median age 48 years) and a clinical population of older adults with suspected/established cardiovascular disease (n=164; 61 years). We measured central pressure and flow with carotid tonometry and phase-contrast MRI, respectively. We assessed RWTT using wave-separation analysis (RWTTWSA) and partially distributed tube-load (TL) modeling (RWTTTL). Consistent with previous reports, T-INF did not appreciably decrease with age despite pronounced increases in PWV in both populations. However, aging was associated with pronounced decreases in RWTTWSA (general population -15.0 ms/decade, P<0.001; clinical population -9.07 ms/decade, P=0.003) and RWTTTL (general -15.8 ms/decade, P<0.001; clinical -11.8 ms/decade, P<0.001). There was no evidence of an increased effective reflecting distance by either method. TINF was shown to reliably represent RWTT only under highly unrealistic assumptions about input impedance. Conclusions-RWTT declines with age in parallel with increased PWV, with earlier effects of wave reflections and without a distal shift in reflecting sites. These findings have important implications for our understanding of the role of wave reflections with aging

    Evaluación de genotipos ecuatorianos de Capsicum spp. ante infestaciones de Bemisia tabaci

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    The genus Capsicum, native to tropical and subtropical America, belongs to the Solanaceae family, which includes commercially important vegetables such as chilies and green peppers. The silverleaf whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), causes losses to vegetables including Capsicum species. Among the alternatives of pest control, an effective, economical, and environmentally compatible method is the resistance of the host plant. Infestation by B. tabaci was evaluated in 73 Capsicum genotypes, corresponding to the species C. annuum, C. baccatum, C. sinense, C. frutescens and C. pubescens from an Ecuadorian genebank. Eighty-four percent of the C. baccatum genotypes evaluated showed the highest population densities of B. tabaci, while all the genotypes of C. sinense and C. frutescens had the lowest values (p &lt; 0.05). The non-preference of adults and the scarce oviposition of B. tabaci on genotypes of C. sinense and C. frutescens suggests resistance due to antixenosis. These results could guide breeding programs for the resistance of Capsicum species to B. tabaci infestations.El género Capsicum es nativo de América tropical y subtropical, pertenece a la familia Solanaceae e incluye ajíes y pimientos, que son hortalizas comercialmente importantes. La mosca blanca Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) ocasiona pérdidas en hortalizas incluyendo especies de Capsicum. Entre las alternativas de control de plagas, un método eficaz, económico y ambientemente compatible es la resistencia de la planta hospedera. Se evaluó la infestación por B. tabaci en 73 genotipos de Capsicum nativos de Ecuador, correspondientes a las especies C. annuum, C. baccatum, C. chinense, C. frutescens y C. pubescens, provenientes de un banco de germoplasma ecuatoriano. El 84% de los genotipos de C. baccatum evaluados mostraron las mayores densidades poblacionales de B. tabaci, mientras que los menores valores los tuvieron todos los genotipos de C. sinense y C. frutescens (p &lt; 0.05). La no preferencia de adultos y la escasa oviposición de B. tabaci sobre genotipos de C. sinense y C. frutescens sugiere resistencia por antixenosis. Estos resultados podrían orientar programas de mejoramiento genético para la resistencia de especies de Capsicum ante infestaciones por B. tabaci

    Motivación, autoestima y rendimiento académico

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    This exposfact, explanatory field research analyzes the effects that motivation and sefl-esteem has over academic performance. The sample is composed of 30 college students from 4th semester at Escuela de Informática del Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Antonio José de Sucre. This study is based on Branden (1995), Woolfolk (1996) and Reeve's (1998) theories. Two multiple choice scales have been used to collect data. The results show the following, 1) Intrinsic motivation expressed in two levels: intermediate and very low; 2) A relevant correlation of 0.448 at 0.05 between motivation and academic performance and a relevant correlation of 0.495 at 0.01 between motivation and self-esteem; 3) the R2 from the "motivation" variable explains the 20.07% of the variance of "academicEl propósito de esta investigación de campo, exposfacto y de carácter explicativo, consistió en analizar los efectos por separado y en conjunto de la Motivación y la Autoestima sobre el Rendimiento Académico de 30 alumnos del IV Semestre de la Escuela de Informática del Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Antonio José de Sucre. Teóricamente el estudio se sustentó en Branden (1995), Woolfolk (1996), y Reeve (1998). La recolección de datos se realizó mediante dos escalas de opciones múltiples. Los resultados revelaron: 1) Una Motivación Intrínseca expresada en dos niveles: Mediano y Muy Bajo; 2) Una correlación de 0,448 significativa al nivel del 0,05 entre Motivación y Rendimiento Académico y una correlación 0,495 significativa al nivel del 0,01 entre Motivación y la Autoestima; 3) El R2 de la variable Motivación explica el 20,07

    Pulsatile load components, resistive load and incident heart failure : the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)

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    Background: Left ventricular (LV) afterload is composed of systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and components of pulsatile load, including total arterial compliance (TAC), and reflection magnitude (RM). RM, which affects the LV systolic loading sequence, has been shown to strongly predict HF. Effective arterial elastance (E-a) is a commonly used parameter initially proposed to be a lumped index of resistive and pulsatile afterload. We sought to assess how various LV afterload parameters predict heart failure (HF) risk and whether RM predicts HF independently from subclinical atherosclerosis. Methods: We studied 4345 MESA participants who underwent radial arterial tonometry and cardiac output (CO) measurements with the use of cardiac MRI. RM was computed as the ratio of the backward (P-b) to forward (P-f) waves. TAC was approximated as the ratio of stroke volume (SV) to central pulse pressure. SVR was computed as mean pressure/CO. E-a was computed as central end-systolic pressure/SV. Results: During 10.3 years of follow-up, 91 definite HF events occurred. SVR (P = .74), TAC (P = .81), and E-a (P = .81) were not predictive of HF risk. RM was associated with increased HF risk, even after adjustment for other parameters of arterial load, various confounders, and markers of subclinical atherosclerosis (standardized hazard ratio [HR] 1.49, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.18-1.88; P = .001). Pb was also associated with an increased risk of HF after adjustment for P-f (standardized HR 1.43, 95% CI 1.17-1.75; P = .001). Conclusions: RM is an important independent predictor of HF risk, whereas TAC, SVR, and E-a are not. Our findings support the importance of the systolic LV loading sequence on HF risk, independently from subclinical atherosclerosis

    Right ventricular outflow tract velocity time integral-to-pulmonary artery systolic pressure ratio: a non-invasive metric of pulmonary arterial compliance differs across the spectrum of pulmonary hypertension.

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    Pulmonary arterial compliance (PAC), invasively assessed by the ratio of stroke volume to pulmonary arterial (PA) pulse pressure, is a sensitive marker of right ventricular (RV)-PA coupling that differs across the spectrum of pulmonary hypertension (PH) and is predictive of outcomes. We assessed whether the echocardiographically derived ratio of RV outflow tract velocity time integral to PA systolic pressure (RVOT-VTI/PASP) (a) correlates with invasive PAC, (b) discriminates heart failure with preserved ejection-associated PH (HFpEF-PH) from pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), and (c) is associated with functional capacity. We performed a retrospective cohort study of patients with PAH (n = 70) and HFpEF-PH (n = 86), which was further dichotomized by diastolic pressure gradient (DPG) into isolated post-capillary PH (DPG \u3c 7 mmHg; Ipc-PH, n = 54), and combined post- and pre-capillary PH (DPG ≥ 7 mm Hg; Cpc-PH, n = 32). Of the 156 patients, 146 had measurable RVOT-VTI or PASP and were included in further analysis. RVOT-VTI/PASP correlated with invasive PAC overall (ρ = 0.61, P \u3c 0.001) and for the PAH (ρ = 0.38, P = 0.002) and HFpEF-PH (ρ = 0.63, P \u3c 0.001) groups individually. RVOT-VTI/PASP differed significantly across the PH spectrum (PAH: 0.13 [0.010-0.25] vs. Cpc-PH: 0.20 [0.12-0.25] vs. Ipc-PH: 0.35 [0.22-0.44]; P \u3c 0.001), distinguished HFpEF-PH from PAH (AUC = 0.72, 95% CI = 0.63-0.81) and Cpc-PH from Ipc-PH (AUC = 0.78, 95% CI = 0.68-0.88), and remained independently predictive of 6-min walk distance after multivariate analysis (standardized β-coefficient = 27.7, 95% CI = 9.2-46.3; P = 0.004). Echocardiographic RVOT-VTI/PASP is a novel non-invasive metric of PAC that differs across the spectrum of PH. It distinguishes the degree of pre-capillary disease within HFpEF-PH and is predictive of functional capacity