455 research outputs found

    Sphingolipids and neuronal degeneration in lysosomal storage disorders

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    Ceramide, sphingomyelin, and glycosphingolipids (both neutral and acidic) are characterized by the presence in the lipid moiety of an aliphatic base known as sphingosine. Altogether, they are called sphingolipids and are particularly abundant in neuronal plasma membranes, where, via interactions with the other membrane lipids and membrane proteins, they play a specific role in modulating the cell signaling processes. The metabolic pathways determining the plasma membrane sphingolipid composition are thus the key point for functional changes of the cell properties. Unnatural changes of the neuronal properties are observed in sphingolipidoses, lysosomal storage diseases occurring when a lysosomal sphingolipid hydrolase is not working, leading to the accumulation of the substrate and to its distribution to all the cell membranes interacting with lysosomes. Moreover, secondary accumulation of sphingolipids is a common trait of other lysosomal storage diseases

    Overview of Atopic Dermatitis in Different Ethnic Groups

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease with a high prevalence worldwide, including countries from Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and in different ethnic groups. In recent years, more attention has been placed on the heterogeneity of AD associated with multiple factors, including a patient’s ethnic background, resulting in an increasing body of clinical, genetic, epidemiologic, and immune-phenotypic evidence that delineates differences in AD among racial groups. Filaggrin (FLG) mutations, the strongest genetic risk factor for the development of AD, are detected in up to 50% of European and 27% of Asian AD patients, but very rarely in Africans. Th2 hyperactivation is a common attribute of all ethnic groups, though the Asian endotype of AD is also characterized by an increased Th17-mediated signal, whereas African Americans show a strong Th2/Th22 signature and an absence of Th1/Th17 skewing. In addition, the ethnic heterogeneity of AD may hold important therapeutic implications as a patient’s genetic predisposition may affect treatment response and, thereby, a tailored strategy that better targets the dominant immunologic pathways in each ethnic subgroup may be envisaged. Nevertheless, white patients with AD represent the largest ethnicity enrolled and tested in clinical trials and the most treated in a real-world setting, limiting investigations about safety and efficacy across different ethnicities. The purpose of this review is to describe the heterogeneity in the pathophysiology of AD across ethnicities and its potential therapeutic implications

    Novel Therapeutic Strategies in the Topical Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis

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    Topical agents that are currently available for the treatment of atopic dermatitis may represent a valid approach in the management of mild or mild–moderate cases, whereas they are often supplemented with systemic therapies for handling more complex or unresponsive cases. The most used compounds include topical corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors, although their use might be burdened by side effects, poor response, and low patient compliance. Consequently, new innovative drugs with higher efficacy and safety both in the short and long term need to be integrated into clinical practice. A deeper understanding of the complex pathogenesis of the disease has led to identifying new therapeutic targets and to the development of innovative therapeutics. This narrative review aims to collect data on selected promising topical drugs that are in an advanced stage of development

    Investigational systemic drugs for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: What’s new?

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    Introduction: The therapeutic armamentarium for the treatment of psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory skin disease, is now reasonably broad and structured, with several therapeutic agents that demonstrated a successful long-term control of this condition. However, there are still unfulfilled gaps resulting from the inherent limitations of existing therapies, which have paved the way for the identification of new therapeutic strategies or the improvement of the existing ones. Areas covered: The aim of this review is to thoroughly explore new therapeutic strategies and novel drugs that are currently in the pipeline for the treatment of psoriasis, focusing primarily on agents that are currently in phase I/II of clinical development. Some of which retrace already existing therapeutic approaches, such as the IL23/Th17 pathway inhibition, while others unveil new and yet unexplored ones. Expert opinion: Since the therapeutic landscape of psoriasis is wide, it is not yet clear whether novel agents will fill the remaining gaps in the context of a broader and more diversified set of oral and biologic therapies. Nevertheless, with the development of precision medicine approaches, the development of innovative targeted drugs will still have a therapeutic rationale in psoriasis

    Complete Resolution of Erythrodermic Psoriasis in an HIV and HCV Patient Unresponsive to Antipsoriatic Treatments after Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (Ritonavir, Atazanavir, Emtricitabine, Tenofovir).

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    Background: Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory disease affecting 2–3% of the worldwide population, and it may worsen with HIV or be detected as HIV cutaneous manifestation. HIV-related psoriasis shows a severe and prolonged clinical course with more frequent exacerbations. The management of this condition is challenging because immunomodulating and immunosuppressant agents may have variable and partial efficacy, and therefore, antiretroviral treatment represents a potential adjunctive therapeutic option. Results: In the case we report, the HIV test was shown to be crucial for driving the therapeutic approach. Indeed, antiretroviral agents have been proven to be effective in the treatment of HIV+ psoriasis as first-line therapy. Conclusion: The HIV test should be considered in high-risk patients affected by severe psoriasis and resistant to conventional and biological treatments

    Hidradenitis suppurativa: guidelines of the Italian Society of Dermatology and Venereology (SIDeMaST) for the use of anti-TNF-α agents.

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    Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by nodules, abscesses and sinus tracts, primarily affecting the intertriginous areas. The occlusion of the upper part of the folliculopilosebaceous unit, leading to rupture of the sebofollicular canal with the consequent development of perifollicular lympho-histiocytic inflammation, is believed to be the initial pathogenic event in HS. Giving the chronic nature of HS, its destructive impact on social, working and daily life of patients, its management is often frustrating both for patients and physicians. The HS treatment choices are influenced by disease severity and its individual subjective impact. In this article, the Board of the Italian Society of Dermatology and Venereology (SIDeMaST) on HS has prepared a document focusing on the role of biologic drugs (anti-TNF-α) in HS management, providing also a flow-chart for HS handling and the inclusion and exclusion criteria for HS treatment with anti-TNF-α

    Crosstalk between skin inflammation and adipose tissue-derived products: pathogenic evidence linking psoriasis to increased adiposity.

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    INTRODUCTION: Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder associated with several comorbid conditions. In psoriasis pathogenesis, the role of some cytokines, including TNF-α and IL-17, has been elucidated. Beside their pro-inflammatory activity, they may also affect glucose and lipid metabolism, possibly promoting insulin resistance and obesity. On the other hand, adipose tissue, secreting adipokines such as chemerin, visfatin, leptin, and adiponectin, not only regulates glucose and lipid metabolism, and endothelial cell function regulation, but it may contribute to inflammation. AREAS COVERED: This review provides an updated 'state-of-the-art' about the reciprocal contribution of a small subset of conventional cytokines and adipokines involved in chronic inflammatory pathways, upregulated in both psoriasis and increased adiposity. A systematic search was conducted using the PubMed Medline database for primary articles. Expert commentary: Because psoriasis is associated with increased adiposity, it would be important to define the contribution of chronic skin inflammation to the onset of obesity and vice versa. Clarifying the pathogenic mechanism underlying this association, a therapeutic strategy having favorable effects on both psoriasis and increased adiposity could be identified

    Disease Severity Is Associated with Alexithymia in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis

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    Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that is associated with higher rates of psychological disorders, but limited evidence supported the association with alexithymia, a psychoaffective dysfunction. Objectives: This study was aimed to investigate the occurrence of alexithymia in AD patients, compared to healthy subjects. Methods: This cross-sectional study assessed AD severity by the Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) score, sleeplessness and itch by a numeric rating scale (NRS), and alexithymia by the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) score. The association between disease characteristics and alexithymia was evaluated through several logistic regression models. Results: 202 AD patients and 240 healthy subjects were included in this study. The alexithymic personality trait (TAS-20 >= 51) was more frequently observed among AD patients compared to the control group (62.4% [126/202] vs. 29.2% [70/240], p < 0.0001). In particular, alexithymia (TAS-20 score >= 61) was detected in a significantly higher number of AD patients than in the controls (27.7% [56/202] vs. 7.5% [18/240]; p < 0.0001), whereas borderline alexithymia was detected in 34.6% (70/202) of AD patients compared to 21.7% of healthy controls. Alexithymia was more common among severe AD patients (43.6%) compared to mild AD patients (15.6%) and correlated with itch intensity and sleep disturbances. Among clinical variables, ordered logistic regression analyses revealed disease severity as predictor of alexithymia. Indeed, univariate analysis showed EASI score, sleep NRS, and itch NRS being significantly associated with alexithymia, while a multivariate model identified increased EASI score values as predicting factor. Conclusion: This study described alexithymia in AD patients correlating its occurrence with clinical AD severity markers (EASI score, itch, and sleeplessness) and identifying the increase in EASI score as predicting factor. (c) 2020 S. Karger AG, Base

    Therapeutic Impact and Management of Persistent Head and Neck Atopic Dermatitis in Dupilumab-Treated Patients

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    Background: Localization of atopic dermatitis (AD) in exposed areas such as the hands, head, and neck has been considered as a negative factor impacting on dupilumab response, although a comparison of exposed versus unexposed areas is not currently available. Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical response to dupilumab depending on the presence or persistency of AD skin manifestations in specific body areas. Methods: The study retrospectively collected clinical and demographic data of adult patients affected by moderate to severe AD. Based on the anatomical sites involved, 5 subcohorts of patients were identified. Results: A total of 41 patients were included in the study. Disease amelioration was detected during the study period, although baseline head/neck and hand localization was associated with a significantly lower likelihood of achieving an Eczema Area Severity Index (EASI) ≤1. In addition, patients with head/neck persistency showed a significantly lower response when compared to patients without persistency of head/neck AD in terms of both mean EASI and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) reduction. Conclusion: AD localization in exposed areas at the baseline and AD persistency at the head/neck may have a negative impact on certain treatment response parameters to dupilumab therapy
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