220 research outputs found

    Inheritance of resistance to peanut mottle virus in Phaseolus vulgaris

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    One-hundred-and-eleven bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivars of domestic and foreign origin reacted identically to the N and the M strains of peanut mottle virus (PMV). Seventy-eight cultivars (70 percent) developed chlorotic or necrotlc local lesions, without systemic infection (resistant). Thirty cultivars (27 percent) were infected with local chlorotic or necrotic lesions followed by systemic necrosis and death (susceptible). Three cultivars (3 percent) yielded resistant and susceptible plants (heterogeneous populations). In F1, F2, and reciprocal backcross populations derived from crosses between PMV-resistant and -susceptible selections of the cultivar Royalty Purple Pod, resistance to the N strain was conferred by a single, but incompletely dominant gene, designated Pmv. No seed transmission of PMV could be demonstrated in progenies of susceptible cultivars because of premature death. The virus was not transmitted in seed of F2 Intermediate resistant plant

    Gedanken experiments on nearly extremal black holes and the Third Law

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    A gedanken experiment in which a black hole is pushed to spin at its maximal rate by tossing into it a test body is considered. After demonstrating that this is kinematically possible for a test body made of reasonable matter, we focus on its implications for black hole thermodynamics and the apparent violation of the third law (unattainability of the extremal black hole). We argue that this is not an actual violation, due to subtleties in the absorption process of the test body by the black hole, which are not captured by the purely kinematic considerations.Comment: v2: minor edits, references added; v3: minor edits to match published versio

    An optimal control method for fluid structure interaction systems via adjoint boundary pressure

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    In recent year, in spite of the computational complexity, Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems have been widely studied due to their applicability in science and engineering. Fluid-structure interaction systems consist of one or more solid structures that deform by interacting with a surrounding fluid flow. FSI simulations evaluate the tensional state of the mechanical component and take into account the effects of the solid deformations on the motion of the interior fluids. The inverse FSI problem can be described as the achievement of a certain objective by changing some design parameters such as forces, boundary conditions and geometrical domain shapes. In this paper we would like to study the inverse FSI problem by using an optimal control approach. In particular we propose a pressure boundary optimal control method based on Lagrangian multipliers and adjoint variables. The objective is the minimization of a solid domain displacement matching functional obtained by finding the optimal pressure on the inlet boundary. The optimality system is derived from the first order necessary conditions by taking the Fréchet derivatives of the Lagrangian with respect to all the variables involved. The optimal solution is then obtained through a standard steepest descent algorithm applied to the optimality system. The approach presented in this work is general and could be used to assess other objective functionals and controls. In order to support the proposed approach we perform a few numerical tests where the fluid pressure on the domain inlet controls the displacement that occurs in a well defined region of the solid domain

    Higher Curvature Gravity and the Holographic fluid dual to flat spacetime

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    Recent works have demonstrated that one can construct a (d+2) dimensional solution of the vacuum Einstein equations that is dual to a (d+1) dimensional fluid satisfying the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. In one important example, the fluid lives on a fixed timelike surface in the flat Rindler spacetime associated with an accelerated observer. In this paper, we show that the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio of the fluid takes the universal value 1/4\pi in a wide class of higher curvature generalizations to Einstein gravity. Unlike the fluid dual to asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes, here the choice of gravitational dynamics only affects the second order transport coefficients. We explicitly calculate these in five-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity and discuss the implications of our results.Comment: 13 pages; v2: modified abstract, added references; v3: added clarifying comments, modified discussio

    Reversible and Irreversible Spacetime Thermodynamics for General Brans-Dicke Theories

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    We derive the equations of motion for Palatini F(R) gravity by applying an entropy balance law T dS= \delta Q+\delta N to the local Rindler wedge that can be constructed at each point of spacetime. Unlike previous results for metric F(R), there is no bulk viscosity term in the irreversible flux \delta N. Both theories are equivalent to particular cases of Brans-Dicke scalar-tensor gravity. We show that the thermodynamical approach can be used ab initio also for this class of gravitational theories and it is able to provide both the metric and scalar equations of motion. In this case, the presence of an additional scalar degree of freedom and the requirement for it to be dynamical naturally imply a separate contribution from the scalar field to the heat flux \delta Q. Therefore, the gravitational flux previously associated to a bulk viscosity term in metric F(R) turns out to be actually part of the reversible thermodynamics. Hence we conjecture that only the shear viscosity associated with Hartle-Hawking dissipation should be associated with irreversible thermodynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; v2: minor editing to clarify Section III, fixed typos; v3: fixed typo

    The universal viscosity to entropy density ratio from entanglement

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    We present evidence that the universal Kovtun-Son-Starinets shear viscosity to entropy density ratio of 1/4\pi can be associated with a Rindler causal horizon in flat spacetime. Since there is no known holographic (gauge/gravity) duality for this spacetime, a natural microscopic explanation for this viscosity is in the peculiar properties of quantum entanglement. In particular, it is well-known that the Minkowski vacuum state is a thermal state and carries an area entanglement entropy density in the Rindler spacetime. Based on the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, we expect a similar notion of viscosity arising from vacuum fluctuations. Therefore, we propose a holographic Kubo formula in terms of a two-point function of the stress tensor of matter fields in the bulk. We calculate this viscosity assuming a minimally coupled scalar field theory and find that the ratio with respect to the entanglement entropy density is exactly 1/4\pi in four dimensions. The issues that arise in extending this result to non-minimally coupled scalar fields, higher spins, and higher dimensions provide interesting hints about the relationship between entanglement entropy and black hole entropy.Comment: 30 pages; v2: footnote added, minor editin

    Gravity from Quantum Information

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    It is suggested that the Einstein equation can be derived from Landauer's principle applied to an information erasing process at a local Rindler horizon and Jacobson's idea linking the Einstein equation with thermodynamics. When matter crosses the horizon, the information of the matter disappears and the horizon entanglement entropy increases to compensate the entropy reduction. The Einstein equation describes an information-energy relation during this process, which implies that entropic gravity is related to the quantum entanglement of the vacuum and has a quantum information theoretic origin.Comment: 7 pages, revtex4-1, 2 figures, recent supporting results adde

    The relativistic fluid dual to vacuum Einstein gravity

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    We present a construction of a (d+2)-dimensional Ricci-flat metric corresponding to a (d+1)-dimensional relativistic fluid, representing holographically the hydrodynamic regime of a (putative) dual theory. We show how to obtain the metric to arbitrarily high order using a relativistic gradient expansion, and explicitly carry out the computation to second order. The fluid has zero energy density in equilibrium, which implies incompressibility at first order in gradients, and its stress tensor (both at and away from equilibrium) satisfies a quadratic constraint, which determines its energy density away from equilibrium. The entire dynamics to second order is encoded in one first order and six second order transport coefficients, which we compute. We classify entropy currents with non-negative divergence at second order in relativistic gradients. We then verify that the entropy current obtained by pulling back to the fluid surface the area form at the null horizon indeed has a non-negative divergence. We show that there are distinct near-horizon scaling limits that are equivalent either to the relativistic gradient expansion we discuss here, or to the non-relativistic expansion associated with the Navier-Stokes equations discussed in previous works. The latter expansion may be recovered from the present relativistic expansion upon taking a specific non-relativistic limit.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure; v2: added comments and references, published versio

    Conservative entropic forces

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    Entropic forces have recently attracted considerable attention as ways to reformulate, retrodict, and perhaps even "explain'" classical Newtonian gravity from a rather specific thermodynamic perspective. In this article I point out that if one wishes to reformulate classical Newtonian gravity in terms of an entropic force, then the fact that Newtonian gravity is described by a conservative force places significant constraints on the form of the entropy and temperature functions. (These constraints also apply to entropic reinterpretations of electromagnetism, and indeed to any conservative force derivable from a potential.) The constraints I will establish are sufficient to present real and significant problems for any reasonable variant of Verlinde's entropic gravity proposal, though for technical reasons the constraints established herein do not directly impact on either Jacobson's or Padmanabhan's versions of entropic gravity. In an attempt to resolve these issues, I will extend the usual notion of entropic force to multiple heat baths with multiple "temperatures'" and multiple "entropies".Comment: V1: 21 pages; no figures. V2: now 24 pages. Two new sections (reduced mass formulation, decoherence). Many small clarifying comments added throughout the text. Several references added. V3: Three more references added. V4: now 25 pages. Some extra discussion on the relation between Verlinde's scenario and the Jacobson and Padmanabhan scenarios. This version accepted for publication in JHE

    f(R) theories

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    Over the past decade, f(R) theories have been extensively studied as one of the simplest modifications to General Relativity. In this article we review various applications of f(R) theories to cosmology and gravity - such as inflation, dark energy, local gravity constraints, cosmological perturbations, and spherically symmetric solutions in weak and strong gravitational backgrounds. We present a number of ways to distinguish those theories from General Relativity observationally and experimentally. We also discuss the extension to other modified gravity theories such as Brans-Dicke theory and Gauss-Bonnet gravity, and address models that can satisfy both cosmological and local gravity constraints.Comment: 156 pages, 14 figures, Invited review article in Living Reviews in Relativity, Published version, Comments are welcom