23 research outputs found

    Unravelling factors associated with malaria parasitaemia among children 6–24 months to inform malaria interventions in Nigeria: evidence from 2021 Malaria Indicator Survey

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    Abstract Background As an additional two million malaria cases were reported in 2021 compared to the previous year, concerted efforts toward achieving a steady decline in malaria cases are needed to achieve malaria elimination goals. This work aimed at determining the factors associated with malaria parasitaemia among children 6–24 months for better targeting of malaria interventions. Methods A cross-sectional study analysed 2021 Nigeria Malaria Indicator Survey dataset. Data from 3058 children 6–24 months were analyzed. The outcome variable was children 6–24 months whose parasitaemia was determined using a rapid diagnostic test (RDT). Independent variables include child age in months, mothers’ age, mothers’ education, region, place of residence, household ownership and child use of insecticide-treated net (ITN), exposure to malaria messages and knowledge of ways to prevent malaria. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine possible factors associated with malaria parasitaemia in children 6–24 months. Results Findings revealed that 28.7% of the 3058 children aged 6–24 months tested positive for malaria by RDT. About 63% of children 12–17 months (aOR = 1.63, 95% CI 1.31–2.03) and 91% of children 18 to 24 months (aOR = 1.91, 95% CI 1.51–2.42) were more likely to have a positive malaria test result. Positive malaria test result was also more likely in rural areas (aOR = 1.79, 95% CI 2.02–24.46), northeast (aOR = 1.54, 95% CI 1.02–2.31) and northwest (aOR = 1.63, 95% CI 1.10–2.40) region. In addition, about 39% of children who slept under ITN had a positive malaria test result (aOR = 1.39 95% CI 1.01–1.90). While children of mothers with secondary (aOR = 0.40, 95% CI 0.29–0.56) and higher (aOR = 0.26, 95% CI 0.16–0.43) levels of education and mothers who were aware of ways of avoiding malaria (aOR = 0.69, 95% CI 0.53–0.90) were less likely to have a malaria positive test result. Conclusion As older children 12 to 24 months, children residing in the rural, northeast, and northwest region are more likely to have malaria, additional intervention should target them in an effort to end malaria

    When it just won\u27t go away: oral artemisinin monotherapy in Nigeria, threatening lives, threatening progress.

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    BACKGROUND: Oral artemisinin monotherapy (AMT), an important contributor to multi-drug resistant malaria, has been banned in Nigeria. While oral AMT has scarcely been found for several years now in other malaria-endemic countries, availability has persisted in Nigeria\u27s private sector. In 2015, the ACTwatch project conducted a nationally representative outlet survey. Results from the outlet survey show the extent to which oral AMT prevails in Nigeria\u27s anti-malarial market, and provide key product information to guide strategies for removal. RESULTS: Between August 10th and October 3rd, 2015 a total of 13,480 outlets were screened for availability of anti-malarials and/or malaria blood testing services. Among the 3624 anti-malarial outlets, 33,539 anti-malarial products were audited, of which 1740 were oral AMT products, primarily artesunate (n = 1731). Oral AMT was imported from three different countries (Vietnam, China and India), representing six different manufacturers and 11 different brands. Availability of oral AMT was highest among pharmacies (84.0%) and Patent Propriety Medicine Vendors (drug stores, PPMVs) (38.7%), and rarely found in the public sector (2.0%). Oral AMT consisted of 2.5% of the national anti-malarial market share. Of all oral AMT sold or distributed, 52.3% of the market share comprised of a Vietnamese product, Artesunat CONCLUSION: Oral AMT is commonly available in Nigeria\u27s private sector. Cessation of oral AMT registration and enforcement of the oral AMT ban for removal from the private sector are needed in Nigeria. Strategies to effectively halt production and export are needed in Vietnam, China and India

    Misuse of Artemisinin Combination Therapies by Clients of Medicine Retailers Suspected to Have Malaria Without Prior Parasitological Confirmation in Nigeria

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    Abstract Background: Prompt and effective case detection and treatment are vital components of the malaria case management strategy as malaria-endemic countries implement the testing, treating and tracking policy. The implementation of this policy in public and formal private sectors continue to receive great attention while the informal private retail sector (mostly the patent and propriety medicine vendors [PPMVs]) where about 60% of patients with fever in Nigeria seek treatment is yet to be fully integrated. The PPMVs sell artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs) without prior testing and are highly patronized. Without prior testing, malaria is likely to be over-treated. The need to expand access to diagnosis in the huge informal private health sector among PPMVs is currently being explored to ensure that clients that patronize retail drug stores are tested before sales of ACTs. Methods: A cross-sectional multistage study was conducted among 1279 adult clients, 20 years and above, who purchased malaria medicines from 119 selected PPMVs in five administrative areas (States) of Nigeria, namely: Adamawa, Cross River, Enugu, Lagos and Kaduna, as well as the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Exit interviews using a standard case report questionnaire was conducted after the purchase of the antimalarial medicine and thick/thin blood smears from the clients’ finger-prick were prepared to confirm malaria by expert microscopy. Results: Of the 1279 clients who purchased malaria medicines from the PPMV outlets, 107 (8.4%) were confirmed to have malaria parasites. The malaria prevalence in the various study areas ranged from 3.5% to 16%. A high proportion of clients in the various study sites who had no need for malaria medicines (84%-96.5%) purchased and used antimalarial medicines from the PPMVs. This indicated a high level of over-treatment and misuse of antimalarials. Common symptoms that are widely used as indicators for malaria such as, fever, headache, and tiredness were not significantly associated with malaria. Nausea/vomiting, poor appetite, chills, bitter taste in the mouth and dark urine were symptoms that were significantly associated with malaria among the adult clients (P<.05) but not fever (P=.06). Conclusion: Misuse of ACTs following overtreatment of malaria based on clinical diagnosis occurs when suspected cases of malaria are not prior confirmed with a test. Non-testing before sales of malaria medicines by PPMVs will perpetuate ACT misuse with the patients not benefiting due to poor treatment outcomes, waste of medicines and financial loss from out-of-pocket payment for unneeded medicines

    Nigeria (2015): FPwatch Family Planning Outlet Survey

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    FP watch is a multi-country research project implemented by PSI with funding from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), UNITAID, and DFID. The objective of the FPwatch study in Nigeria is to provide information relevant for policy, strategy, and funding decisions about malaria and family planning markets

    Presumptive treatment of malaria from formal and informal drug vendors in Nigeria.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite policies that recommend parasitological testing before treatment for malaria, presumptive treatment remains widespread in Nigeria. The majority of Nigerians obtain antimalarial drugs from two types of for-profit drug vendors-formal and informal medicine shops-but little is known about the quality of malaria care services provided at these shops. AIMS: This study seeks to (1) describe the profile of patients who seek treatment at different types of drug outlets, (2) document the types of drugs purchased for treating malaria, (3) assess which patients are purchasing recommended drugs, and (4) estimate the extent of malaria over-treatment. METHODS: In urban, peri-urban, and rural areas in Oyo State, customers exiting proprietary and patent medicine vendor (PPMV) shops or pharmacies having purchased anti-malarial drugs were surveyed and tested with malaria rapid diagnostic test. A follow-up phone survey was conducted four days after to assess self-reported drug administration. Bivariate and multivariate regression analysis was conducted to determine the correlates of patronizing a PPMV versus pharmacy, and the likelihood of purchasing an artemisinin-combination therapy (ACT) drug. RESULTS: Of the 457 participants who sought malaria treatment in 49 enrolled outlets, nearly 92% had diagnosed their condition by themselves, a family member, or a friend. Nearly 60% pharmacy customers purchased an ACT compared to only 29% of PPMV customers, and pharmacy customers paid significantly more on average. Multivariate regression results show that patrons of PPMVs were younger, less wealthy, waited fewer days before seeking care, and were less likely to be diagnosed at a hospital, clinic, or laboratory. Only 3.9% of participants tested positive with a malaria rapid diagnostic test. CONCLUSIONS: Poorer individuals seeking care at PPMVs are more likely to receive inappropriate malaria treatment when compared to those who go to pharmacies. Increasing accessibility to reliable diagnosis should be explored to reduce malaria over-treatment

    Multilevel logistic regression on socio and demographic factors associated with ITN use in CU5 and children of school age in households owning at least one ITN.

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    Multilevel logistic regression on socio and demographic factors associated with ITN use in CU5 and children of school age in households owning at least one ITN.</p