81 research outputs found

    The Resolved Asteroid Program - Size, shape, and pole of (52) Europa

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    With the adaptive optics (AO) system on the 10 m Keck-II telescope, we acquired a high quality set of 84 images at 14 epochs of asteroid (52) Europa on 2005 January 20. The epochs covered its rotation period and, by following its changing shape and orientation on the plane of sky, we obtained its triaxial ellipsoid dimensions and spin pole location. An independent determination from images at three epochs obtained in 2007 is in good agreement with these results. By combining these two data sets, along with a single epoch data set obtained in 2003, we have derived a global fit for (52) Europa of diameters (379x330x249) +/- (16x8x10) km, yielding a volume-equivalent spherical-diameter of 315 +/- 7 km, and a rotational pole within 7 deg of [RA; Dec] = [257,+12] in an Equatorial J2000 reference frame (ECJ2000: 255,+35). Using the average of all mass determinations available forEuropa, we derive a density of 1.5 +/- 0.4, typical of C-type asteroids. Comparing our images with the shape model of Michalowski et al. (A&A 416, 2004), derived from optical lightcurves, illustrates excellent agreement, although several edge features visible in the images are not rendered by the model. We therefore derived a complete 3-D description of Europa's shape using the KOALA algorithm by combining our imaging epochs with 4 stellar occultations and 49 lightcurves. We use this 3-D shape model to assess these departures from ellipsoidal shape. Flat facets (possible giant craters) appear to be less distinct on (52) Europa than on other C-types that have been imaged in detail. We show that fewer giant craters, or smaller craters, is consistent with its expected impact history. Overall, asteroid (52) Europa is still well modeled as a smooth triaxial ellipsoid with dimensions constrained by observations obtained over several apparitions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Icaru

    Informes da avaliação de genótipos de girassol 2011/2012 e 2012.

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    Características gerais da Rede de Ensaios de Avaliação de Genótipos de Girassol. Resultados dos Ensaios Finais de Primeiro e Segundo Ano ? safra 2011/2012: Encruzilhada do Sul (RS), Vacaria (RS), Hulha Negra (RS), Caxias do Sul (RS), Londrina (PR), Curitiba (RS). Locais não considerados na análise conjunta. Análise conjunta. Resultados dos Ensaios Finais de Primeiro e Segundo Ano ? safra 2011/2012: Passo Fundo (RS), Rio Pardo (RS), São Gabriel (RS), Veranópolis (RS), Londrina (PR), Campo Mourão (PR), Umuarama (PR). Locais não considerados na análise conjunta . Análise conjunta. Resultados do Ensaios Finais de Segundo Ano ? safrinha 2012: Projeto Jaíba (MG), Planaltina (DF), Rio Verde (GO), Vilhena (RO) Ensaio A, Vilhena (RO) Ensaio B, Teresina (PI), Uruçuí (PI), São João do Piauí (PI), Mata Roma (MA), Colinas (MA). Locais não considerados na análise conjunta. Análise conjunta. Resultados dos Ensaios Finais de Primeiro Ano ? safrinha 2012: Nova Porteirinha (MG), Uberlândia (MG), Planaltina (DF), Palmas (TO), Vilhena (RO) Ensaio A, Vilhena (RO) Ensaio B, Vilhena (RO) Ensaio C. Locais não considerados na análise conjunta. Análise conjunta. Lista dos genótipos de girassol avaliados e registrados no Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento ? MAPA.bitstream/item/97782/1/Ana-Doc-340-baixa.pd

    A focus on selected perspectives of the NUMEN project

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    The use of double charge exchange reactions is discussed in view of their application to extract information that may be helpful to determinate the nuclear matrix elements entering in the expression of neutrinoless double beta decay half-life. The strategy adopted in the experimental campaigns performed at INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud and in the analysis methods within the NUMEN project is briefly described, emphasizing the advantages of the multi-channel approach to nuclear reaction data analysis. An overview on the research and development activities on the MAGNEX magnetic spectrometer is also given, with a focus on the chosen technological solutions for the focal plane detector which will guarantee the performances at high-rate conditions