67,342 research outputs found

    Diastereoselective three-component synthesis of beta-amino carbonyl compounds using diazo compounds, boranes, and acyl imines under catalyst-free conditions

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    Diazo compounds, boranes, and acyl imines undergo a three-component Mannich condensation reaction under catalyst-free conditions to give the anti β-amino carbonyl compounds in high diastereoselectivity. The reaction tolerates a variety of functional groups, and an asymmetric variant was achieved using the (−)-phenylmenthol as chiral auxiliary in good yield and selectivity. These β-amino carbonyl compounds are valuable intermediates, which can be transformed to many potential bioactive molecules.We gratefully acknowledge Philip N. Moquist for editorial review of the manuscript. Preliminary experiments were performed by Y.L. at Boston University. Completion of the work was accomplished under the direction of G.W. at the University of Science and Technology Beijing, China. S.E.S. and Y.L. gratefully acknowledge the NIH for support (NIGMS R01 GM078240). Y.L., J.Y., and G.W. thank the Innovative Foundation from China National Petroleum Corporation (Grant No. 2012D-5006-0504) for financial support. Y.L. also thanks the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 2144052) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2013M540859) for financial support. (NIGMS R01 GM078240 - NIH; 2012D-5006-0504 - Innovative Foundation from China National Petroleum Corporation; 2144052 - Beijing Natural Science Foundation; 2013M540859 - China Postdoctoral Science Foundation)Published versio

    Mixing process of two miscible fluids in a lid-driven cavity

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    The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the National and Key Research and Development Program of China (No.2016YFB0302801), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.21676007) and Scientific Research and Technology Development Projects of China National Petroleum Corporation (No. 2016B-2605).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Deformation and breakup of single drop in laminar and transitional jet flows

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    The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFB0306701), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.21676007),the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (XK1802-1), and Scientific Research and Technology Development Projects of China National Petroleum Corporation (No. 2016B-2605).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Suspension of a Single Sphere in a Stirred Tank with Transitional Flow

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from Scientific Research and Technology Development Projects of China National Petroleum Corporation (No.2020B-2512).Peer reviewe

    Corporate Social Responsibility in the Oil Industry: A Comparison of the CSR Disclosure Behavior in BP and CNPC

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    In this paper, we discuss the corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in UK and China by exploring the main differences of the CSR disclosure behavior between British Petroleum (BP) and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC). We find that the CSR disclosure reporting of CNPC needs to be improved in many aspects such as the disclosure form, the disclosure content quality, and the negative information disclosure, compared to that of BP. The lack of CNPC’s CSR disclosure could be attributed to poor CSR awareness of the public and companies in China, the inexperienced CSR development in China, and the defective legislation of Chinese laws and regulations on CSR reporting

    Is the Rule of Capture countenanced in the South China Sea? The policy and practice of China, the Philippines and Vietnam

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    This article examines the petroleum regimes of China, the Philippines and Vietnam to ascertain whether they countenance the rule of capture in the South China Sea. It concludes that the policy and practice of Vietnam clearly and absolutely do not countenance the application of the rule of capture in regard to potential or actual transboundary petroleum deposits in the South China Sea. On the other hand, China has maintained a 1996 secrecy regulation, which authorises China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) to undertake unilateral activities involving transboundary deposits in disputed areas of the South China Sea. At the same time, China has adopted bilateral declarations and agreements that preclude the application of the rule of capture in both delimited and undelimited areas of the South China Sea. As for Philippine policy and practice, there is ambivalence towards the potential or actual presence of transboundary deposits.published_or_final_versio

    Institutional Insecurity

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    Already the world's second biggest energy consumer, China is presently on track to become the world's largest user of energy by the year 2030. This phenomenon has kindled a profusion of literature to address how China will meet this demand and the affect it will have on global energy security. Current analyses overwhelmingly focus on the notion that energy security is based on the assurance of reliable energy supply at a reasonable price, invoking a disproportionate emphasis on the security of China's oil supply. This is largely a result of the psychological elements arising from the uncertainty of guaranteed oil supplies for China. In reality, however, oil imports are merely one dimension of China's energy security concerns and not even the most important. Far less attention has been given to the more obscure though imperative factor of China's domestic energy institutions and their role in meeting the country's energy security challenges both at home and abroad

    Finanční analýza společnosti China National Petroleum

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    The objective of this thesis is to analyze the financial position of China national petroleum corporation in the selected period. Especially we will concentrate on CNPC’s running situation. Because according to report of CNPC we can basically tell that there are lot of changes of CNPC. The whole thesis includes five parts to describe different information about CNPC and some theories. In the first chapter, it will be an introduction about the whole thesis. This chapter is going to show the whole structure of the thesis. Moreover, it will inform the reader about the basic information and headline about the thesis. In chapter 2, it will describe the theoretical methods of financial analysis which include financial analysis, financial statement (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement), Common-size analysis (horizontal common-size analysis, vertical common-size analysis), financial ratio analysis (profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, assets management ratios), and pyramidal decomposition. It will be extremely useful to introduce this theory. And the following calculation will all base on chapter 2. In chapter 3, we will introduce characterization of China national petroleum corporation which means all kinds of basic information about CNPC will be mentioned in this chapter. The details will include overview of CNPC, organization structure of CNPC, major events of recent years, some profile of CNPC (mission, values, strategy, goal) and technology and innovation of CNPC. It will be a fulfilling information for readers to get known deeper about CNPC. In chapter 4, there will be a lot of financial ratios calculation according to theories of chapter 2.we will calculate different financial ratios and make the result into a table and figure. So, we can easily compare the situation in different years. we will explain why this ratio is increasing or decreasing as well. And it will be a small analysis after each calculation. Hence, we can see more details about the financial situation of CNPC. Finally, in chapter 5, it will be a conclusion in the end of this thesis. We will summarize what we found about CNPC. Also, we will summarize the main work about this thesis.The objective of this thesis is to analyze the financial position of China national petroleum corporation in the selected period. Especially we will concentrate on CNPC’s running situation. Because according to report of CNPC we can basically tell that there are lot of changes of CNPC. The whole thesis includes five parts to describe different information about CNPC and some theories. In the first chapter, it will be an introduction about the whole thesis. This chapter is going to show the whole structure of the thesis. Moreover, it will inform the reader about the basic information and headline about the thesis. In chapter 2, it will describe the theoretical methods of financial analysis which include financial analysis, financial statement (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement), Common-size analysis (horizontal common-size analysis, vertical common-size analysis), financial ratio analysis (profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, assets management ratios), and pyramidal decomposition. It will be extremely useful to introduce this theory. And the following calculation will all base on chapter 2. In chapter 3, we will introduce characterization of China national petroleum corporation which means all kinds of basic information about CNPC will be mentioned in this chapter. The details will include overview of CNPC, organization structure of CNPC, major events of recent years, some profile of CNPC (mission, values, strategy, goal) and technology and innovation of CNPC. It will be a fulfilling information for readers to get known deeper about CNPC. In chapter 4, there will be a lot of financial ratios calculation according to theories of chapter 2.we will calculate different financial ratios and make the result into a table and figure. So, we can easily compare the situation in different years. we will explain why this ratio is increasing or decreasing as well. And it will be a small analysis after each calculation. Hence, we can see more details about the financial situation of CNPC. Finally, in chapter 5, it will be a conclusion in the end of this thesis. We will summarize what we found about CNPC. Also, we will summarize the main work about this thesis.154 - Katedra financídobř

    Analyse géographique des investissements internationaux de la China National Petroleum Corporation

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    Ce mémoire propose une analyse de l’expansion internationale de la China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) et des impacts de cette expansion sur la sécurité énergétique de la Chine. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, l’approvisionnement énergétique d’un pays est jugé sécuritaire lorsqu’une quantité suffisante de ressources nécessaires pour combler sa demande en énergie sont présentes, disponibles et accessibles et que son approvisionnement en services énergétiques demeure fiable et abordable. La recherche comporte quatre volets. Le premier volet porte sur les étapes de la restructuration de l’industrie pétrolière chinoise depuis 1949. Celle-ci est analysée au travers des changements dans les modes de gestion des compagnies pétrolières nationales et dans leurs relations avec le gouvernement chinois. Le deuxième volet traite de la diversification et des nouvelles spécialisations de CNPC. Ces aspects sont étudiés dans le cadre d’une analyse du pourcentage de ses actifs dans chaque segment industriel (aval, intermédiaire et amont) obtenus grâce à ses rapports annuels. Le troisième volet aborde la répartition géographique des activités de la compagnie que l’on étudie à l’aide d’une analyse approfondie de près de 150 investissements, acquisitions et contrats réalisés à l’étranger entre 1992 et 2014. Le quatrième volet aborde les impacts des investissements à l’étranger de la compagnie sur la sécurité énergétique de la Chine. Ces impacts sont mesurés par l’entremise d’une analyse des flux pétroliers internationaux vers la Chine que l’on compare à la production de CNPC par pays. Ce mémoire permet de déterminer que l’expansion internationale de CNPC sert d’abord et avant tout les intérêts économiques de la compagnie. Ce sont surtout ses investissements dans la construction d’infrastructures de transport (oléoducs, gazoducs ainsi que les usines et terminaux de liquéfaction de gaz naturel liquéfié) qui apportent des bénéfices directs à la sécurité énergétique de la Chine. La contribution des investissements dans les autres secteurs est beaucoup moins systématique et dépend largement de la période au cours de laquelle ils ont été effectués.This thesis proposes an analysis of the international expansion of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and of the impacts of this expansion on China’s energy security. In this research, a country’s energy supply is considered secure when sufficient resources needed to meet its energy demands are present, available and accessible while the supply of energy services remains affordable and reliable. The analysis is done in four sections. The first section focuses on the various stages of the restructuring of the Chinese oil industry since 1949. This subject is studied through an analysis of both the changes in the management methods of the Chinese national oil companies and the evolution of their relationship with the Chinese government. The second section deals with the diversification and the evolution of CNPC’s specializations. These are studied through an analysis of the percentage of the company’s assets in each sector of the oil industry (downstream, midstream, and upstream), which are obtained through its annual reports. The third section looks at the geographical distribution of the company’s overseas operations. This is done through an in-depth analysis of nearly 150 investments, acquisitions, and contracts made abroad by CNPC between 1992 and 2014. Finally, the fourth section focuses on the impacts of the overseas investments of the company on China’s energy security. These impacts are examined by measuring CNPC’s overseas production and comparing the total per country to the oil and gas flows going from these countries to China. This thesis allows us to determine that by engaging in international activities, CNPC aims above all to satisfy its economic interests. It is mostly the investments it made for the construction of transportation infrastructure (oil and gas pipelines or liquefied natural gas terminals) that directly benefits to China’s energy security. The company’s investments in other sectors do sometimes bring some benefits to the country’s energy security, but their contribution is much less systematic and depends largely on the period during which they were made

    Security enhanced sentence similarity computing model based on convolutional neural network

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    Deep learning model shows great advantages in various fields. However, researchers pay attention to how to improve the accuracy of the model, while ignoring the security considerations. The problem of controlling the judgment result of deep learning model by attack examples and then affecting the system decision-making is gradually exposed. In order to improve the security of sentence similarity analysis model, we propose a convolution neural network model based on attention mechanism. First of all, the mutual information between sentences is correlated by attention weighting. Then, it is input into improved convolutional neural network. In addition, we add attack examples to the input, which is generated by the firefly algorithm. In the attack example, we replace the words in the sentence to some extent, which results in the adversarial data with great semantic change but slight sentence structure change. To a certain extent, the addition of attack example increases the ability of model to identify adversarial data and improves the robustness of the model. Experimental results show that the accuracy, recall rate and F1 value of the model are due to other baseline models.This work was supported in part by the Major Scientific and Technological Projects of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) under Grant ZD2019-183-006, in part by the Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation, China, under Grant ZR2020MF006, in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China University of Petroleum (East China) under Grant 20CX05017A, and in part by the Open Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications) under Grant SKLNST-2021-1-17.Postprint (author's final draft