207 research outputs found

    Rate of Return Parity in Experimental Asset Markets

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    This paper applies experimental methods to evaluate the completeness of arbitrage and rate of return parity in simultaneous asset markets in which the assets are denominated in different currencies. Two assets, which return uncertain, but known, dividends in each trading period, are traded over twenty periods, after which the asset has no value. Results indicate that risk neutral rate of return parity is a strong predictor of relative asset prices when assets have common expected dividends and the expected dividends have common variances. The predictive power of risk neutral rate of return parity is reduced as the assets become differentiated.

    A Model to Predict the Effect of Salinity on Crop Growth

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    A model is developed to predict the effects of soil salinity on crop growth. As an outgrowth and extension of the modelling efforts of Nimah and Hanks (1973a) and Gupta (1972), this model makes these principal assumptions in order to arrive at a quantitative relationship: 1) relative yield for a growing season is directly related to the ratio of actual and potential transpiration. 2) Water uptake by plants is in response to the water potential gradient between the plant at the soil surface and the soil surrounding the plant roots. 3) the effect of salinity on crop growth is solely due to the effect of osmotic potential in decreasing the water potential gradient. In addition, minor assumptions are made regarding plant cover growth, plant root growth, and separation of E and T from ET. The model was tested to assess its accuracy and was then used to make calculations regarding the relationships of plant growth, irrigation amount and water quality, initial soil salinity, and crop type. Due to the presence of a water table at two meters in the simulations, deep rooted crops showed the best growth under most conditions. Decreases in irrigation and increases in soil salinity were detrimental to crop growth. Irrigation water quality was not effective in decreasing crop growth in one season but was shown to be a factor in long term calculations. Simulations of ten-year management schemes are shown in order to demonstrate long term effects. Finally, a method is presented to evaluate different irrigation systems and calculations are made which compare a flood irrigation system and a sprinkler system

    Studies relating to Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (PUFA) Supplementation and Fertility in Cattle

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    End of project reportReproductive inefficiency has a significant impact on the economic performance of both dairy and beef herds, particularly in seasonal calving systems. Nutrition plays a fundamental role in reproduction. Furthermore, there is emerging evidence that supplemental dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) may increase cow fertility independent of their role as energy substrates. A number of studies have reported enhanced reproductive performance in dairy cows following dietary supplementation with sources of n-3 PUFA. However the possible mechanisms involved have not been identified and there is some inconsistency in the published literature on this topic. The objective of the research reported was to conduct a holistic examination of the effects of dietary long-chain n-3 PUFA supplementation on metabolic and reproductive responses in cattle. Such information is essential for the appropriate formulation of diets to enhance cow reproductive performance and in particular embryo survival

    Seed Reserves of Desert Soils

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    Methodological and Validation Study of Seed Reserves in Desert Soils

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    The development of a method for separating seeds from desert soils, and enumerating them, is described. In the Great Basin desert, species differed greatly in their depth distribution, some having a peak at or just below the surface, while others were still abundant below 5 cm. Much higher seed densities were found beneath the canopies of shrubs and of tussock grasses than in the inter-spaces; no consistent differences were found, however, associated with the species of the canopy plant, or with distance from its center. Tentative estimates are given of the seed population in the four validation sites in Curlew Valley

    Science teachers in northern Scotland : their perceptions of opportunities for effective professional learning

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    This research investigates the perceptions of a group of secondary science teachers (26) from six schools in a remote part of northern Scotland of the opportunities afforded to them for effective professional learning. Focus groups of science teachers were conducted, and the findings identified a number of key areas they perceived as effective professional learning, including the availability of a wide range of opportunities for professional learning from a number of providers, the professional learning in their own schools and collaboration with colleagues. However, they also identified a number of key barriers including their remote location from the Central Belt of Scotland, which they perceived to be the key source of effective professional learning in Scotland. They also identified lack of time, workload and initiative overload as key barriers. Finally, implications for further research are explored

    The impact of neurological disorders on healthcare for children and young people

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    Introduction Neurological conditions are a major and increasing cause of hospitalisation among children and young people, but little is known about the impact of neurological conditions on hospital services in England, nor the factors that influence length of stay and bed days per year. Objectives To quantify the hospital usage in children and young people related to neurological conditions, trends over time and variation by ethnicity and deprivation status. Methods An ICD10 coding framework identified a cohort of individuals aged 0-19 years with neurological conditions from linked routinely collected healthcare data from England (The Hospital Episode Statistics Admitted Patient Care dataset), from 1 April 2003 to 31 March 2015. Linked outpatient and accident and emergency data were used to supplement missing demographic data. Length of stay and bed days per year per person were calculated. These were separately modelled using random intercept multivariable negative binomial regressions with gender, age, ethnic group, diagnostic group, region of residence and deprivation category as predictors. Results 524,442 individuals were identified over the study period, increasing from 49,928 in 2003/04 to 102,840 in 2014/15. Neurological conditions account for 8.8% of inpatient bed days in the 0-14 year old age group. Length of stay and bed days per year vary primarily by age group – e.g. Under 1 year olds had 1.85 times (95%CI 1.83-1.86%) longer stays and over double (2.36 times, 95%CI 2.34-2.37 times) the number of bed days per person per year compared to 5 to 9 year olds – and main diagnostic group, with smaller variations by ethnic group, deprivation and region. Conclusions Neurological conditions in children and young people have a significant and increasing impact on the NHS in England. Falls in length of stay and bed days per person are more than offset by increasing numbers of children and young people with neurological diagnoses. Variations in length of stay and bed days per year by diagnostic group, ethnic group, age group, deprivation category and region should be taken into account in resource planning

    Effects of the Orion Launch Abort Vehicle Plumes on Aerodynamics and Controllability

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    Characterization of the launch abort system of the Multi-purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) for control design and accurate simulation has provided a significant challenge to aerodynamicists and design engineers. The design space of the launch abort vehicle (LAV) includes operational altitudes from ground level to approximately 300,000 feet, Mach numbers from 0-9, and peak dynamic pressure near 1300psf during transonic flight. Further complicating the characterization of the aerodynamics and the resultant vehicle controllability is the interaction of the vehicle flowfield with the plumes of the two solid propellant motors that provide attitude control and the main propulsive impulse for the LAV. These interactions are a function of flight parameters such as Mach number, altitude, dynamic pressure, vehicle attitude, as well as parameters relating to the operation of the motors themselves - either as a function of time for the AM, or as a result of the flight control system requests for control torque from the ACM. This paper discusses the computational aerodynamic modeling of the aerodynamic interaction caused by main abort motor and the attitude control motor of the MPCV LAV, showing the effects of these interactions on vehicle controllability

    Assessment journey : a programme to provide a seamless and improved assessment experience for staff and students

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    The Assessment Journey Programme at Sheffield Hallam University (UK) is continuing its progress towards delivering the changes needed to provide a seamless, improved and effective assessment experience for students and staff. Within this session we will present on the changes needed in order to shape our institutional vision for assessment and the technology required within it. We will share our experiences of exploiting Blackboard solutions (including the Grades Journey) to implement the technological future state for online management of assessment, and report on the lessons learned and the challenges faced around merged enrolments, extension management, and reassessment. Keywords: Assessment, online submission, online feedbac

    Assessing tropical cyclone damage using moderate spatial resolution satellite imagery: Cyclone Sidr, Bangladesh 2007

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    Tropical cyclones are a common natural disaster, and are predicted to increase in intensity and frequency under future climate change scenarios in many coastal areas across the world. Satellite remote sensing can provide a capability for large area (10,000’s km2) coverage and derivation of essential map products at high to moderate spatial resolution (5 – 30 m pixels) on a regular basis weekly to monthly. These data are ideal for assessing damage produced by the cyclone and can be used to derive appropriate information for planning and directing relief efforts in a short time frames. This study developed and tested approaches for assessing multiple damages caused in 2007 by tropical Cyclone Sidr in Sarankhola upazila (151.24 km2) in Bangladesh from moderate spatial resolution satellite imagery. Object based image classification techniques were applied to map cover types in preand post-cyclone SPOT 5 satellite imagery. Post classification change detection techniques identified types of land cover changes. Our results indicate that around 60% of the study area was significantly damaged by Sidr. About 31% of croplands were flooded by storm surges and with vegetation, settlements and infrastructure of the area all being fully or partially damaged. The methods developed may be used in future to assess the damages caused by tropical cyclones in Bangladesh and other countries
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