209 research outputs found


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    Attrattori e strutture frattali nel De anima di Aristotele

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    Comparative analysis of design and control strategies for Three-Phase Four-Legs Power Converters

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    Studio e analisi comparativa di un convertitore trifase a quattro rami, con diverse strategie di controlloopenEmbargo temporaneo per motivi di priorità  nella ricerca previo accordo con terze part

    Flow distortion measurements in convoluted aero engine intakes

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    The unsteady flowfields generated by convoluted aero engine intakes are major sources of instabilities that can compromise the performance of the downstream turbomachinery components. Hence, there exists a need for high spatial and temporal resolution measurements that will allow a greater understanding of the aerodynamics. Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry is capable of providing such fidelity but its application has been limited previously as the optical access through cylindrical ducts for air flow measurements constitutes a notable pitfall for this type of measurements. This paper presents a suite of S-PIV measurements and flow field analysis in terms of snapshot, statistical and time-averaged measurements for two S-duct configurations across a range of inlet Mach numbers. The flow assessments comprise effects of inlet Mach number and S-duct centerline offset distance. Overall, the work demonstrates the feasibility of using S-PIV techniques for determining the complex flow field at the exit of convoluted intakes with at least two orders of magnitude higher spatial resolution than the traditional pressure rake measurements allow. Analysis of the conventional distortion descriptors quantifies the dependency upon the S-duct configuration and highlights that the more aggressive duct generates twice the levels of swirl distortion than the low offset one. The analysis also shows a weak dependency of the distortion descriptor magnitude upon the inlet Mach number across the entire range of Mach numbers tested. A statistical assessment of the unsteady distortion history over the data acquisition time highlights the dominant swirl patterns of the two configurations. Such an advancement in measurement capability enables a significantly more substantial steady and unsteady flow analyses and highlights the benefits of synchronous high resolution three component velocity measurements to unlock the aerodynamics of complex engine-intake systems

    Compounding Transient Airfoil Motions and the Effectiveness of Linear Superposition

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    Cmv-specific cell-mediated immunity in immunocompetent adults with primary cmv infection: A case series and review of the literature

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    Cytomegalovirus-specific cell-mediated immunity (CMV-CMI) in actively infected healthy immunocompetent hosts has been poorly investigated. Conversely, correlates of maternal protective immunity for the fetus after primary infection in pregnancy continue to be studied. The kinetics and magnitude of CMV-specific CMI in immunocompetent primary CMV-infected adults are described. A literature review on CMV-CMI in primarily infected pregnant women and its correlation to the risk of vertical virus transmission is included. Immunological measurements after infection were performed by enzyme-linked ImmunoSPOT assay enumerating IFN-Îł secreting CMV-specific T cells, at a single cell level, upon in vitro stimulation with viral antigens. Simultaneously, serological and virological profiles of infected patients were investigated. Patients displayed mild-to-moderate clinical and laboratory profiles for infection, and all showed positive EliSpot results in the early stage of infection (<20 days after onset). The virus-CMI was strong in the majority of patients (58.8%) in which the lowest CMV-DNAemia levels (<300 copies/mL) were detected. Significantly higher viral loads were observed in patients with weak CMV-CMI at the same time-point post-infection (up to 15,104 copies/mL; p < 0.001). T cell response magnitudes to IE-1 and pp65-UL83 peptides were overlapping and stable over time. In these case series, the early presence of CMV-CMI was probably pivotal in controlling viral replication and led to spontaneous viral clearance

    Dynamic flow distortion investigation in an S-duct using DDES and SPIV data

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    The dynamic flow distortion generated within convoluted aero-engine intakes can affect the performance and operability of the engine. There is a need for a better understanding of the main flow mechanisms which promote flow distortion at the exit of S-shaped intakes. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the main coherent structures in an S-duct flow field based on a Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation (DDES). The DDES capability to capture the characteristics of the highly unsteady flow field is demonstrated against high resolution, synchronous Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry (SPIV) measurements at the Aerodynamic Interface Plane (AIP). The flow field mechanisms responsible for the main AIP perturbations are identified. Clockwise and counter-clockwise stream-wise vortices are alternately generated around the separation region at a frequency of St=0.53, which promotes the swirl switching at the AIP. Spanwise vortices are also shed from the separation region at a frequency of St=1.06, and convect downstream along the separated centreline shear layer. This results in a vertical modulation of the main loss region and a fluctuation of the velocity gradient between the high and low velocity flow at the AIP

    La coscienza: un ritardato mentale?

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    During recent decades, Benjamin Libet’s experiments on awareness of voluntary acts have been a focus of the interest of neuroscientists and philosophers. As is well known, Libet has shown that awareness of intending to act “here and now” (for example, the free and spontaneous decision to bend the wrist) is preceded by about a half a second of measurable electric change of the motor cortex. More recent experiments have even shifted the neural anticipation to 10 seconds. The current paper has two main aims. Firstly, it presents a comparison between the results of these experiments and what Aristotle and Kant have argued about the role played by the arational element in conscious voluntary acts. Secondly, it provides an analysis of the limits of the peculiar condition in which the experiments have been carried out as well as of the interpretation of their results

    Three-dimensionality of leading-edge vortices on high aspect ratio plunging wings

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