13,460 research outputs found

    Interaction augmenté entre un chien et son maître

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    Les animaux, en particulier les chiens ont des capacités que l'homme à tous de suite remarqué et dont il a su en tirer le meilleur partie. Nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement aux chiens de services. Les premiers ont été les chiens pour aveugle, entraînés après la première guerre mondiale pour les soldats rendus aveugles. Et dans les trente dernières années sont apparus les chiens d'assistances entraînés pour aider au quotidien les personnes handicapés. D'un autre coté la technologie évolue afin d'amener toujours plus de confort à la personne. Ce papier a pour but de présenter nos travaux, qui sont de voir dans quelle mesure est-il possible d'inclure un robot dans la relation homme/animal en particulier homme/chien afin de combiner les qualités du chien et les qualités d'un robot. Les trois questions principales sont les suivantes: * Comment chien et robot peuvent-ils coopérer ? * Quels sont les canaux de communications ? * Un chien peut-il obéir à un robot ? Les enjeux techniques sont la récupération des informations provenant du chien et l'envoi d'instructions en stimulant plusieurs de ses sens. Nos travaux se déroulent dans le cadre du projet Cochise ANR-12-BLAN-012. L'association Handi'Chien, qui entraîne des chiens d'assistance, a mis en évidence certains cas où l'ajout d'un robot serait profitable à l'interaction entre le maitre et le chien. Une de nos premières réalisations sera celle d'un harnais équipé de capteurs et d'actionneurs afin que le maitre puisse interagir avec son chien à longue distance. Les perspectives de ces travaux sont la généralisation à d'autre type de chiens (chien de recherche, chien policier, ...) et la généralisation à d'autre animaux afin de mieux comprendre les interactions entre animales et systèmes robotisés

    Les yeux de l’avant-garde cinématographique hispano – française : L’influence de Luis Buñuel sur la trilogie d’Orphée de Jean Cocteau

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    International audienceA través de esta comunicación intento constatar las influencias que las dos primeras películas de Luis Buñuel, Un chien andalou (1929) y l’Âge d’or (1930) han tenido sobre los comienzos de Jean Cocteau como cineasta, y a posteriori sobre su trilogía órfica. Compuesta por Le sang d’un poète (1930), Orphée (1950) y Le testament d’Orphée (1960), apela a los temas más apreciados por el poeta y representa su obra cinematográfica más personal.Dans cette communication je voudrais constater les influences que les deux premiers films de Luis Buñuel, Un chien andalou (1929) et l’Âge d’or (1930) ont eues sur les débuts de Jean Cocteau comme cinéaste, et à posteriori sur sa trilogie orphique. Composée des films Le sang d’un poète (1930), Orphée (1950) et Le testament d’Orphée (1960), l’ensemble correspond aux sujets les plus appréciés du poète et représente son œuvre la plus personnelle au cinéma

    MUTLIBLOT™: Western Blotting Device For Simultaneous Detection Of Several Proteins Species From A Single Electrophoretic Gel

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    poster abstractWestern blotting is a popular technique for examining expression levels of proteins using gel-based electrophoretic fractionation followed by blotting and antibody reactions. Since most analyses require the detection of multiple protein species, we developed an easy to use device that enables simultaneous detection of several proteins species from a single electrophoretic gel. The Western blotting procedure includes three critical steps: electrophoretic fractionation, blotting to a membrane, and antibody reactions. Although it has been well established for over 30 years, the procedure remains highly labor-and-resource intensive, using various chemical agents and solutions. Our device aims to dramatically improve the second of the three steps (blotting to a membrane). The device contributes to reduction in procedural time and sample amounts, as well as a removal of variations among multiple gels. The technique is so prominent that improving the cost and efficiency of such a widely used technique could have a significant impact on the time and costs of many projects, and such a project could prove to be an astute investment by the institute. A US patent for the technology is pending

    Western Multi-blotting Device - Improve the Productivity of Protein Transfer

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    poster abstractDr. Stanley Chien from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Dr. Hiroki Yokota from Department of Biomedical Engineering jointly formed an interdisciplinary research team for the development of new devices to improve the productivity in Biology lab experiments. Western blotting is a common procedure in many biomedical laboratories. The team has developed a novel Western blotting device that can significantly reduce the time and cost for protein transfer experiments. Specifically, it enables the transferring of proteins of various sizes simultaneously to five blotting membranes from a single gel. The other advantage of the device is the resulting membranes are not affected by the variations among gels. A US patent is pending and a company has been formed to attract funding for the commercialization of the device. A spin-off company, YCBioelectric LLC., was created with the support of IURTC for commercialization of the Western Multi-blotting device. A $300,000 NIH STTR phase I grant has been received to further develop the devi

    Building an environment model using depth information

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    Modeling the environment is one of the most crucial issues for the development and research of autonomous robot and tele-perception. Though the physical robot operates (navigates and performs various tasks) in the real world, any type of reasoning, such as situation assessment, planning or reasoning about action, is performed based on information in its internal world. Hence, the robot's intentional actions are inherently constrained by the models it has. These models may serve as interfaces between sensing modules and reasoning modules, or in the case of telerobots serve as interface between the human operator and the distant robot. A robot operating in a known restricted environment may have a priori knowledge of its whole possible work domain, which will be assimilated in its World Model. As the information in the World Model is relatively fixed, an Environment Model must be introduced to cope with the changes in the environment and to allow exploring entirely new domains. Introduced here is an algorithm that uses dense range data collected at various positions in the environment to refine and update or generate a 3-D volumetric model of an environment. The model, which is intended for autonomous robot navigation and tele-perception, consists of cubic voxels with the possible attributes: Void, Full, and Unknown. Experimental results from simulations of range data in synthetic environments are given. The quality of the results show great promise for dealing with noisy input data. The performance measures for the algorithm are defined, and quantitative results for noisy data and positional uncertainty are presented
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