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    抗䜓医薬は暙的分子に察しお高い特異性に基づく治療効果が期埅できるこずや、抗䜓工孊の発展を背景ずしお、近幎開発が掻発に行われおいる。抗䜓医薬品は、暙的分子の䞭和䜜甚、生䜓内の免疫機構を利甚したcomplement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC)や antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC)などによる暙的分子発珟现胞傷害䜜甚、drug delivery carrierずしお暙的分子発珟现胞を傷害する䜜甚などにより、その薬理䜜甚を発揮する。抗䜓医薬品を含むバむオテクノロゞヌ応甚医薬品の開発に぀いおは、日米EU医薬品芏制調和囜際䌚議 (ICH)における合意に基づくガむドラむンが定められ、それに基づき非臚床詊隓における安党性評䟡を遂行するこずが定められおいる。その䞭でも、モノクロヌナル抗䜓を本䜓ずする抗䜓医薬では、ヒト組織パネルを甚いた免疫組織化孊的染色IHCによる組織亀差反応性詊隓によっお、抗䜓ず組織䞭の暙的抗原の結合を評䟡するこずが求められおいる。抗䜓医薬品では暙的抗原の生䜓内分垃ず投䞎抗䜓による傷害臓噚が䞀臎するず考えられおおり、組織亀差反応性詊隓はヒト初回投䞎臚床詊隓以前に暙的臓噚を予枬し、安党性を担保する重芁な詊隓ず䜍眮付けられおいる。しかし、抗原の分垃や発珟量ず抗䜓に誘導される傷害臓噚が䞀臎しないずの報告もあり、抗䜓医薬の有効性・安党性をより正確に予枬するこずが、抗䜓医薬の開発においお緊急課題ずなっおいる。暙的抗原以倖の生䜓反応を芏定する芁因の研究は珟圚たでほずんど行われおおらず、たた、IHCによる抗原分垃解析ず抗䜓投䞎によるin vivoでの生䜓反応を比范解析するこずのできる動物モデルの探玢も行われおいない。そこで本研究では、CDCを䜜甚機序ずする抗Thy-1.1抗䜓投䞎ラットモデルに着目し、この実隓モデルがCDC誘導においお暙的抗原発珟以倖の生䜓反応を芏定する芁因を解析するために有甚である事を瀺し、投䞎抗䜓の分垃や膜補䜓制埡因子 (mCRPs)の評䟡を加えた新たな抗䜓医薬の有効性・安党性予枬方法に぀いお新しい知芋を提瀺した。第章 正垞ラットにおけるThy-1.1抗原の分垃及び抗Thy-1.1抗䜓投䞎ラットにおけるCDCの誘導抗Thy-1.1抗䜓投䞎ラットが本研究目的に適しおいるこずを評䟡する目的で、正垞ラットにおけるThy-1.1抗原の分垃及び抗Thy-1.1抗䜓投䞎ラットにおけるCDC誘導臓噚を怜玢した。今モデルにおける暙的抗原であるThy-1.1抗原は、IHCによっお胞腺及び脟臓リンパ球を含む免疫系、腎糞球䜓メサンギりムMes现胞を含む泌尿噚系、副腎髄質现胞を含む神経内分泌系、間葉系の现胞など党身に広く分垃しおいるこずが確認された。たた、胞腺、副腎、脳組織を甚いたRT-PCRおよびWestern blotにおいおも、Thy-1.1抗原の発珟を確認した。これらの結果より、ラットぞ抗Thy-1.1抗䜓を投䞎するず、Thy-1.1抗原を発珟する様々な臓噚に組織傷害が起こるず予枬されたが、実際には組織傷害は腎臓のみに認められた。病理組織孊的には、腎臓においお抗䜓投䞎埌0.5h及び1hより、Mes領域におけるKaryolysis栞融解及び奜䞭球の浞最が認められ、続いお抗䜓投䞎埌8hよりMes现胞の枛数及び糞球䜓毛现血管の拡匵が、抗䜓投䞎埌24h及び48hではMes領域の枛少が認められた。IHCでは、CDCの補䜓反応カスケヌドの芁であるC3の沈着も腎臓メサンギりム領域でのみ認められた。これら腎臓における病理組織孊的所芋及びC3沈着は、抗Thy-1.1抗䜓投䞎に起因するCDCによる倉化ずしお報告されおいる所芋ず䞀臎しおおり、Mes现胞の现胞死は抗Thy-1.1抗䜓投䞎に起因するCDCにより誘導されたものず刀断された。䞀方、その他の抗原発珟臓噚では、病理組織孊的倉化䞊びにC3沈着は認められず、暙的抗原の分垃ずCDCにより誘導される生䜓反応が䞀臎しないこずが明らかずなり、抗Thy-1.1抗䜓投䞎ラットがCDC誘導における生䜓反応を芏定する抗原発珟量以倖の芁因を解析する有甚なモデルずなるこずが明らかにした。第章 抗Thy-1.1抗䜓投䞎ラットにおける投䞎抗䜓分垃ず膜補䜓制埡因子抗Thy-1.1抗䜓投䞎ラットにおける暙的抗原分垃ず生䜓反応の䞍䞀臎の理由ずしお、1) 投䞎抗䜓が暙的抗原発珟郚䜍に到達・結合しおいない、2) 抗䜓ず抗原が結合した埌、mCRPsがCDC誘導を抑制しおいるこず、ずいう2぀の芁因を想定し、抗Thy-1.1抗䜓投䞎ラットにおける投䞎抗䜓の分垃䞊びに正垞ラットにおけるmCRPs (CrryおよびCD55)の分垃を免疫組織孊的に解析した。その結果、投䞎抗䜓は暙的抗原の分垃ず必ずしも䞀臎せず、腎糞球䜓Mes现胞、胞腺皮質リンパ球、脟臓赀脟髄リンパ球、副腎髄質现胞のみに分垃しおいた。胞腺皮質リンパ球及び副腎髄質现胞に぀いおは、胞腺の血管呚囲や、副腎の皮髄境界郚など、抗原発珟现胞のごく䞀郚にのみ投䞎抗䜓が限局しお分垃しおいた。それ以倖の暙的抗原発珟臓噚には投䞎抗䜓は分垃しおいなかった。mCRPsに぀いおは、胞腺皮質リンパ球にCrryがmoderateに、副腎髄質现胞にはCrryがweak及びCD55がstrongに発珟しおいた。副腎および胞腺に぀いおはこれらmCRPsのタンパク質発珟をWestern blotにより確認し、盞察的な発珟量も免疫組織孊的な染色性ず䞀臎する事を確認した。これらの臓噚においおは、投䞎抗䜓は到達したが、mCRPsが抗Thy-1.1抗䜓投䞎によるC3沈着に抑制的に働き、補䜓掻性化が起こらないものず考えられた。いっぜう、腎糞球䜓Mes现胞にはCrryがweakに認められた。これらの結果から、抗Thy-1.1抗䜓投䞎ラットにおいおは、投䞎抗䜓の分垃、及び䞀定以䞊発珟したmCRPsによるC3沈着抑制が、CDC生䜓反応を芏定する芁因ずなるず考えられた。以䞊の結果から、暙的抗原発珟臓噚に぀いおCDC誘導の段階を抗䜓の分垃、mCRPsの発珟、C3の沈着、及び組織傷害の発珟をもずに3぀に分類した。すなわち、抗Thy-1.1抗䜓投䞎ラットにおいお、暙的抗原発珟臓噚は、A) 抗原抗䜓反応が起き、CDC掻性化が起き、现胞死が誘導されるもの (腎糞球䜓Mes现胞)、B) 抗原抗䜓反応が起きるが、mCRPsの抑制䜜甚によりCDCが掻性化せず、现胞死も誘導されないもの (胞腺皮質リンパ球及び副腎髄質现胞)、C) 抗原抗䜓反応が起こらず、CDC掻性化も现胞死も誘導されないもの (その他の抗原発珟臓噚)、の3぀に分類された。AずBの間にはC3沈着の有無ずいう明確な差が認められ、C3沈着を抑制するmCRPsがCDC誘導に深く関わっおいるこずが瀺唆された。第章 CDCを䜜甚機序ずする抗䜓医薬品の暙的臓噚予枬における補䜓制埡因子解析の有甚性第章章においお、抗Thy-1.1抗䜓投䞎ラットでは、抗原分垃のみではなく、1) 投䞎抗䜓の抗原郚䜍ぞの到達・結合の有無、2) 抗䜓ず抗原が結合した埌CDCを制埡するmCRPsの発珟が、CDC生䜓反応を芏定する芁因ずなるこずが明らかずなった。そこで本章では、mCRPs (Crry及びCD55)のラット党身諞臓噚における分垃を怜玢し、CDCの予枬芁因ずなるか考察したその結果、Crry及びCD55は正垞ラット党身諞臓噚に広く分垃するものの、同䞀臓噚においおも別々の现胞に発珟しおおり、䞡者はC3沈着抑制ずいう共通の機胜を持っおいるが、それぞれの分子が特定の圹割を持っおいるこずが瀺唆された。さらに、Thy-1.1抗原分垃、投䞎抗䜓の分垃、mCRPs分垃を合わせ、本ラットモデルにおける抗䜓投䞎埌の生䜓反応を予枬した。Approach 1ずしお暙的抗原の分垃する組織を、Approach 2ずしお暙的抗原分垃に加え投䞎抗䜓の分垃した組織を、Approach 3ずしおApproach 2の条件に加えおmCRPsがmoderate以䞊に分垃する臓噚を陀倖した組織を生䜓反応の起こり埗る組織ずしお取り䞊げ、抗Thy-1.1抗䜓投䞎による生䜓反応の実際の結果ず比范した。その結果、抗原分垃に加え、投䞎抗䜓の分垃、mCRPsの発珟を加えたApproach 3により生䜓反応が予枬された腎糞球䜓Mes现胞のみに现胞傷害を認めた実際の生䜓反応ず䞀臎した。本研究によっお、埓来の抗原分垃から予枬するApproach 1は最も生䜓反応の起こる可胜性を芋積るが、抗原に加え抗䜓分垃䞊びにmCRPsを合わせたApproach 3はより正確に予枬ができるこずが瀺された。CDC生䜓反応芏定芁因ずしおのmCRPsの分垃解析は生䜓反応予枬に有甚であり、CDCを䜜甚機序ずする抗䜓医薬の有効性・安党性をより正確に予枬するこずが可胜ずなった。以䞊、本研究は抗䜓に起因するCDC生䜓反応が、これたでの抗原の分垃のみからの予枬に比べ、抗原分垃、投䞎抗䜓の分垃、mCRPs分垃を合わせた評䟡がより正確に有効性・安党性を予枬するこずを瀺唆しおおり、今埌、分子暙的医薬である抗䜓医薬品のより正確な有効性・安党性予枬に寄䞎し、今埌の研究開発に貢献するものである。Disease-related molecules that have been discovered through genomic research can be targeted therapeutically by antibodies. Thanks to the advance of antibody and genetic engineering techniques, research and development of therapeutic antibodies has progressed, and over 30 therapeutic monoclonal antibodies are now on the market in the United States, Europe, and Japan. These monoclonal antibodies exert efficacy as anticancer agents on many kinds of molecules through various natural functions, namely, neutralization to block the physiological function of the target antigens, complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC), antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), or by acting as drug delivery carriers. These recent scientific advances and the shared experience of preclinical safety evaluation of biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals have been incorporated in a guideline by the International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (the ICH S6 R1 guideline), and compliance to this guideline is required for preclinical safety testing. One requirement of the guideline is that, because tissue injury induced by antibody treatment is thought to be consistent with antigen distribution, the binding of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies to antigens within tissues be evaluated in tissue cross-reactivity (TCR) studies using a panel of human tissues. This TCR study with a panel of human tissues can predict target organs of toxicity prior to the initial clinical dosing of these products and is a recommended component of the safety assessment package. On the other hand, because some reports show that the tissue distribution or expression level of the antigen is not consistent with tissue injury, the issue remains of how to exactly predict efficacy and toxicity when developing therapeutic antibodies, and a model suited for studying the factors that predict the biological response of therapeutic antibodies is necessary to address these matters. The anti-Thy-1.1 antibody-treated rat (rat anti-Thy-1 model) is known as an animal model for the involvement of antibody-mediated CDC in the induction of tissue injury. In the present study, we examine how the antigen and membrane complement regulatory proteins (mCRPs) are distributed, what effect an antibody has on the biological response and the factors that predict that effect, and we present novel information on, and methods for predicting, efficacy and toxicity of a therapeutic antibody.In Chapter 1, we examined the distribution of Thy-1.1 antigen in normal rats and the tissue injury induced by CDC in the rat anti-Thy-1 model to evaluate and confirm that the model would be suited for investigating what other factors than antigen expression can predict the activation of CDC. We demonstrated that Thy-1.1 antigen is broadly distributed across several organs and cells, including lymphocytes of the thymus and spleen, mesangial cells of the kidney, medullary cells of the adrenal gland, and stromal cells in several organs. We expected that injecting anti-Thy-1.1 antibody would result in tissue injury in all these Thy-1.1-expressing cells, but when the rat anti-Thy-1 model was histopathologically evaluated in detail, cell death induced by the anti-Thy-1.1 antibody was observed only in mesangial cells. Morphologically, at 0.5 and 1 hour after treatment karyolysis in the mesangial cells and infiltration of neutrophils were found; at 8 hours after injection, the number of mesangial cells had decreased and the capillaries of the glomerulus were dilated; and at 24 and 48 hours after injection, the mesangial area had decreased. Deposition of C3, the key molecule of the CDC cascade, was detected by immunohistochemistry only in the mesangial area from 0.5 hours after treatment. Judging from these results of the histopathological examination and C3 deposition, cell death of mesangial cells was induced by CDC mechanisms, as previously reported, but the other organs and tissues that express Thy-1.1 did not show cell death in this model. This result indicates that the antigen distribution data was not consistent with the organs in which antibody-mediated CDC was induced. This chapter concludes that the rat anti-Thy-1 model is thought to be a suitable model for analyzing the factors other than the expression levels of the target antigen that predict the induction of CDC, based on the following reasons: 1) mesangial cell death due to CDC was induced by external administration of the antibody, 2) although Thy-1.1 antigen was distributed broadly, it was not consistent with cell death induced by treatment with anti-Thy-1.1 antibody. In Chapter 2, to clarify the reason why the Thy-1.1 antigen distribution was not consistent with cell death we next considered two possible causes: 1) the injected antibody was not distributed in organs and tissues expressing Thy-1.1 and 2) mCRPs inhibited complement activation in the CDC reaction after the antigen bound to the antibody. Thus to elucidate the probable cause, the distribution of injected anti-Thy-1 antibody in the rat anti-Thy-1 model and the expression of Crry and CD55 in normal rats were evaluated. The injected anti-Thy-1.1 antibody was distributed in the mesangial cells of the kidney, in the lymphocytes in the perivascular areas of the cortex in the thymus and the red pulp of the spleen, and in medullary cells in the cortico-medullary junction of the adrenal gland. These results indicate that the injected anti-Thy-1.1 antibody did not bind to all of the cells that expressed the antigen but only to those cells that expressed more than a certain level of antigen. The expression of mCRPs was found in glomerular cells of the kidney, lymphocytes of the thymus, and medullary cells of the adrenal gland. In the kidney, weak expression of Crry and no expression of CD55 were observed in the mesangial cell. In the thymus, moderate, diffuse expression of Crry and no expression of CD55 were seen in the lymphocytes. In the adrenal gland, weak expression of Crry and strong expression of CD55 were observed in medullary cells. Thus, Crry or CD55, which inhibit C3 activation, are more than moderately expressed in cells that have a level of antigen-antibody binding that does not induce C3 deposition and cell death. Through our results concerning antigen expression, antibody distribution, and cell death, the relationship between antigen-antibody binding and CDC activation was categorized into the following three types: A) antigen-antibody binding that causes cell death (mesangial cells of the kidney); B) antigen-antibody binding that does not induce cell death (lymphocytes of the thymus and medullary cells in the adrenal gland); C) no antigen-antibody binding and no cell death (the other antigen-expressing cells). There were definite differences in C3 deposition between type A and type B cells. In other words, C3 deposition was observed in mesangial cells, which showed cell death, but was not seen in lymphocytes of the thymus and medullary cells in the adrenal gland, which did not show cell death. These results suggest that mCRPs are related to CDC induction. As a conclusion of this chapter, the factors regulating CDC reaction in the rat anti-Thy-1 model were not only the distribution of antigen but also 1) distribution of the injected antibody and 2) expression of mCRPs that inhibit complement activation after antigen-antibody binding.In Chapters 1 and 2, distribution of the Thy-1.1 antigen was not consistent with cell death induced by treating the rat anti-Thy-1 model with anti-Thy-1.1 antibody; thus, the antigen distribution data alone is not sufficient to predict the induction of antibody-mediated CDC. This conclusion was supported by the following two findings: 1) regulation through the distribution of the injected antibody and 2) inhibition of complement activation after antigen-antibody binding by the expression of mCRPs. Having analyzed the distribution of the injected antibody in Chapter 2, in Chapter 3 the distributions of mCRPs (Crry and CD55) in normal rat were examined and we considered the possibility that mCRPs could be used to predict CDC reaction. Because there were 2 factors other than distribution of antigen that were related to CDC induction, we analyzed the distribution of the injected antibody and expression of mCRPs and discussed how analyzing these factors would contribute to better prediction of the biological reaction induced by treatment with a CDC-type antibody. Crry and CD55 were detected widely in rat organs and tissues. The complement system can be effective in destroying external pathogens but unintended activation of complements can cause unnecessary injury. Thus the distribution of mCRPs may be involved in tight regulation of nonspecific activation in these tissues. Crry and CD55 were co-expressed in the same organs but they were expressed distinctly differently between cells. The two molecules have a common function in inhibiting C3 deposition, but the present results show that they have a separate expression pattern, a fact that indicates specific roles in CDC regulation.We predicted the occurrence of lesion caused by a Thy-1.1 antibody injection according to 3 approaches, in which different tissues were selected as potential targets of biological reaction and were compared with the tissues that actually were affected in the rat anti-Thy-1 model: tissues in which antigen was expressed (Approach 1), tissues in which both the antigen and the injected antibody were distributed (Approach 2), and tissues in which both the antigen and the injected antibody were distributed and which had less than moderate expression of mCRPs (Approach 3). As a result, Approach 3, the approach that considers the distribution of antigen, the distribution of the injected antibody, and the expression of mCRPs, was consistent with the tissues that were actually affected, namely, the mesangial cell in the kidney. In conclusion, combining the analysis of antigen distribution, distribution of the injected antibody and the expression of mCRPs enabled us to predict the efficacy and toxicity of a CDC-type antibody more precisely.The results of TCR studies designated in the Guideline predict the target organs of therapeutic antibodies in human to a certain extent but are not necessarily consistent with the biological response caused by therapeutic antibodies in target organs, because it is difficult to predict efficacy and toxicity of therapeutic antibody in human only from the distribution of the antigen. The main achievement of this study was the discovery that analyzing the distribution of antigen, the distribution of the injected antibody, and the expression of mCRPs makes it possible to predict the efficacy and toxicity of a CDC-type antibody more precisely. These results will contribute to greatly improved prediction of efficacy and toxicity of therapeutic antibodies and will also contribute to the enhanced research and development of novel therapeutic antibodies.博士(獣医孊)麻垃倧

    Variable Stars in the Magellanic Clouds: Results from OGLE and SIRIUS

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    We have performed a cross-identification between OGLE-II data and single-epoch SIRIUS JHK survey data in the LMC and SMC. After eliminating obvious spurious variables, we determined the pulsation periods for 9,681 and 2,927 variables in the LMC and SMC, respectively. Based on these homogeneous data, we studied the pulsation properties and metallicity effects on period-K magnitude (PK) relations by comparing the variable stars in the LMC and SMC. The sample analyzed here is much larger, and we found the following new features: (1) variable red giants in the SMC form parallel sequences on the PK plane, just like those found by Wood (2000) in the LMC; (2) both of the sequences A and B of Wood (2000) have discontinuities, and they occur at the K-band luminosity of the TRGB; (3) the sequence B of Wood (2000) separates into three independent sequences B+- and C'; (4) comparison between the theoretical pulsation models (Wood et al. 1996) and observational data suggests that the variable red giants on sequences C and newly discovered C' are pulsating in the fundamental and first overtone mode, respectively; (5) the theory can not explain the pulsation mode of sequences A+- and B+-, and they are unlikely to be the sequences for the first and second overtone pulsators, as was previously suggested; (6) the zero points of PK relations of Cepheids in the metal deficient SMC are fainter than those of LMC ones by ~0.1 mag but those of SMC Miras are brighter than those of LMC ones by ~0.13 mag, which are probably due to metallicity effects.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. High resolution version is available at: http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~yita/scr/astro/papers/RefereedPaper/yitaMD250 .pd

    Development of an active tritium sampler for discriminating chemical forms without the use of combustion gases in a fusion test facility

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    A new type of active tritium sampler that can discriminate between chemical forms in a fusion test facility without the use of combustion gases was developed. The proposed tritium sampler was operated using water vapour instead of combustion gases. To test the operation and performance of the device when water vapour is used, we evaluated the catalytic oxidation properties, and the evaporation and collection of water vapour under actual sampling conditions. The properties of the added water mass and the operation temperature of catalysts in the proposed sampling system were then determined. Thereafter, we carried out air sampling for tritium monitoring. The levels of tritium concentration measured by the proposed tritium sampling system were similar to the values measured by the conventional sampling system. Our findings show that the proposed tritium sampling system without combustion gases is a good replacement for the conventional tritium sampling system in a fusion test facility

    Interstellar Extinction Law in the J, H, and Ks Bands toward the Galactic Center

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    We have determined the ratios of total to selective extinction in the near-infrared bands (J, H, Ks) toward the Galactic center from the observations of the region |l| < 2.0deg and 0.5deg < |b| < 1.0deg with the IRSF telescope and the SIRIUS camera. Using the positions of red clump stars in color-magnitude diagrams as a tracer of the extinction and reddening, we determine the average of the ratios of total to selective extinction to be A(Ks)/E(H-Ks) = 1.44+-0.01, A(Ks)/E(J-Ks) = 0.494+-0.006, and A(H)/E(J-H) = 1.42+-0.02, which are significantly smaller than those obtained in previous studies. From these ratios, we estimate that A(J) : A(H) : A(Ks) = 1 : 0.573+-0.009 : 0.331+-0.004 and E(J-H)/E(H-Ks) = 1.72+-0.04, and we find that the power law A(lambda) \propto lambda^{-1.99+-0.02} is a good approximation over these wavelengths. Moreover, we find a small variation in A(Ks)/E(H-Ks) across our survey. This suggests that the infrared extinction law changes from one line of sight to another, and the so-called ``universality'' does not necessarily hold in the infrared wavelengths.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in the Ap
