580 research outputs found

    1986 World Catholic Medical Congress: A Report

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    The unsaid : methodological reflection about research on art and feminism

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    En aquest article analitzarem els passos seguits en la investigació "Polítiques de gènere en l'art actual de Lleida", un treball d'investigació feminista portat a terme el 2008. Explorarem les possibilitats i dificultats dels relats de vida en un procés investigador sobre art i feminismes, i explicarem com la pròpia metodologia narrativa adoptada va situar l'escenari d'indagació en una tensió múltiple. Aspectes com la incertesa que va provocar el marc conceptual feminista, la meva pròpia implicació personal i la tensió entre allò que es desitjava explicar i el que no es va comptar perquè és privat, secret o perquè roman latent, van dificultar el procés, alhora que la varen desenvolupament i els resultats. Gràcies al concepte de la paradoxa del subjecte femení / feminista, que ens ofereixen els feminismes postestructuralistes, anirem desxifrant com aquestes tensions metodològiques van ser alhora la condició de possibilitat de la investigació.En este artículo analizaremos los pasos seguidos en la investigación “Políticas de género en el arte actual de Lleida”, un trabajo de investigación feminista llevado a cabo en 2008. Exploraremos las posibilidades y dificultades de los relatos de vida en un proceso investigador sobre arte y feminismos, y explicaremos cómo la propia metodología narrativa adoptada situó el escenario de indagación en una tensión múltiple. Aspectos como la incertidumbre que provocó el marco conceptual feminista, mi propia implicación personal y la tensión entre aquello que se deseaba contar y lo que no se contó porque es privado, secreto o porque permanece latente, dificultaron el proceso, a la vez que posibilitaron su desarrollo y los resultados. Gracias al concepto de la paradoja del sujeto femenino/feminista, que nos ofrecen los feminismos postestructuralistas, iremos descifrando cómo estas tensiones metodológicas fueron a la vez la condición de posibilidad de la investigación.In this article we will discuss the steps taken in the investigation "Gender policies in the current art of Lleida", a feminist research work carried out in 2008. We will explore the possibilities and difficulties of life stories in a research process on art and feminism, and we will explain how this narrative methodology situated the scenario of investigation in multiple tensions. Aspects such as the uncertainty that caused the feminist conceptual framework; my own personal involvement; and the tension between what is desired to be counted and what is not counted be - cause it is private, secret or because it lies dormant, hindered the process while at the time it enabled its development and results. Thanks to the concept of the paradox of the feminine/feminist subject offered to us by the poststructuralist feminisms, we will decipher the methodological tensions that were at the same time the condition of possibility for the investigation

    The Small index property for countable 1-transitive linear orders

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    It is shown that the countable saturated discrete linear ordering has the small index property, but that the countable 1-transitive linear orders which contain a convex subset isomorphic to Z2{\Bbb Z}^2 do not. Similar results are also proved in the coloured case

    Cr2C3–NiCr VPS thermal spray coatings as candidate for chromium replacement

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    The present investigation has been carried out with the aim of determining the tribological behavior of a VPS chromium carbide coating both in the as-deposited and heat-treated conditions. A commercial powder of Cr2C3–25% NiCr was sprayed employing a VPS system (Medicoat AG, Switzerland) onto plain low carbon steel coupons. The samples were subsequently annealed for 2 h at 600 °C, 800 °C and 900 °C in Ar. The microstructural characterization was carried out by using SEM and XRD before and after the heat treatment of the samples. SEM observations were employed for determining the degradation mechanisms that took place during the wear tests. When the coated systems rubbed against alumina under a 5 N normal load in air, a progressive change in the mechanism, from a mixed adhesive and abrasive, to a predominant abrasive was observed, as the heat treatment temperature increased. The wear constants were found to be of the order of approximately 10− 6 mm3/N.m, which indicates a wear resistance of nearly 4 times higher in comparison with the wear results reported in the literature for similar coating systems obtained by employing HVOF deposition. However, the heat treatment carried out at 900 °C brought about only 20% increase in the sliding wear resistance of the coated system

    Interplay of bonding and electronic properties at diamond interfaces

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    International audiencePotential discontinuities and spatial profiles govern the electronic properties of elementary devices like Schottky diodes and metal/insulator/semiconductor (MOS) structures. At interfaces between oxygenated diamond and other materials, two situations are examined: (1) Zr Schottky contact; (2) MOS capacitors, mainly using Al2O3 as an insulator.In the first case, we give two experimental evidences of potential barrier inhomogeneities and/or domains, which almost vanish after annealing at 450°C, with a simultaneous decrease of the homogeneous barrier height of 1.4 eV, analogous to the change in electronic affinity when the oxygen terminations disappear from the surface. This evolution is the same for 4 other metals. The model able to comply with these experimental facts relies on the Mott-Schottky linear relationship which links the barrier height and the electronic affinity at a zero order of approximation, and on a correction term proportional to the charge transfer in interface bonds. This last term is able to justify the reverted slope observed regarding the dependence of the barrier height on the metal work function.In the second case, a capacitance measurement method is developed in order to show the projected interface states density and Fermi level pinning at the Al2O3 /oxygenated diamond interface of MOS capacitors. Reasons for these results, based on bonding between carbon, adsorbates and insulator atoms, and possible routes to free the interface from this Fermi level pinning are discussed