190 research outputs found

    El descubrimiento de la Imagen en el entorno de los 3 años. Estrategias didácticas

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    El presente trabajo, pretende profundizar en el proceso de adquisición por el Niño de la capacidad de realizar Imágenes de representación, en la etapa de Educación Infantil, y más concretamente, en la fase de adquisición final de la capacidad de reproducir cualquier tipo de imagen, que culmina un recorrido que va de la realización de las primeras imágenes "de identificación nominal", vinculadas a elementos referenciales del entorno del Niño (Papá, mamá, el sol...) a la realización de imágenes "descriptivo-operativas" de cualquier elemento de la realidad; alcanzando por adquirir así un instrumento, el dibujo de "definición preconceptual", fundamental a la hora de la estructuración de los modos de conocimiento en la Etapa Infantil El trabajo concretamente se centra en esta última fase, donde la imagen adquiere autonomía propia como elemento independiente del motivo que representa, detallando las estrategias didácticas necesarias para alcanzar un objetivo que significa la superación del Niño de la fase animista, donde las imágenes son todavía la cosa representada, iniciando así el camino de la conquista del saber operativo, que constituye la base de la articulación de la facultad de la Razón.Abstract The aim of this work is deeping in the process of acquisition the capacity to realize Representation images by the Child, in the stage of Early Chilhood Education, and more concretely in the phase of final acquisition of the capacity to reproduce any type of image, that culminates a journey that goes from the realization of the first "nominal identification" images, linked to referential elements of the environment of the Child (Dad, mom, sun ...) to the realization of "descriptive-operative" images of any element of reality; reaching by acquiring this way an instrument, the drawing of "preconceptual definition", fundamental at the time of the structuring of the ways of knowledge in the Infantile Stage This work specifically focuses on this last phase, where the image acquires its own autonomy as an independent element of the motive it represents, detailing the didactic strategies necessary to achieve an objective that means the overcoming of the Child of the animistic phase, where the images are still the represented thing, thus initiating the path of the conquest of operational knowledge, which forms the basis of the articulation of the faculty of Reason.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Fighting climate change: international attitudes towards climate policies

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    Using new surveys on more than 40,000 respondents in twenty countries that account for 72% of global CO2 emissions, we study the understanding of and attitudes toward climate change and climate policies. We show that, across countries, support for climate policies hinges on three key perceptions centered around the effectiveness o f the policies in reducing emissions (effectiveness c concerns), t heir distributional impacts on lower-income households (inequality concerns), and their impact on the respondents’ household (self-interest). We show experimentally that information specifically addressing these key concerns can substantially increase the support for climate policies in many countries. Explaining how policies work and who can benefit f rom t hem is critical to foster policy support, whereas simply informing people about the impacts of climate change is not effective. Furthermore, we identify several socioeconomic and lifestyle factors – most notably education, political leanings, and availability of public transportation – that are significantly correlated with both policy views and overall reasoning and beliefs about climate policies. However, it is difficult to predict beliefs or policy views based on these characteristics only

    Fighting climate change: international attitudes towards climate policies

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    Using new surveys on more than 40,000 respondents in twenty countries that account for 72% of global CO2 emissions, we study the understanding of and attitudes toward climate change and climate policies. We show that, across countries, support for climate policies hinges on three key perceptions centered around the effectiveness o f the policies in reducing emissions (effectiveness c concerns), t heir distributional impacts on lower-income households (inequality concerns), and their impact on the respondents’ household (self-interest). We show experimentally that information specifically addressing these key concerns can substantially increase the support for climate policies in many countries. Explaining how policies work and who can benefit f rom t hem is critical to foster policy support, whereas simply informing people about the impacts of climate change is not effective. Furthermore, we identify several socioeconomic and lifestyle factors – most notably education, political leanings, and availability of public transportation – that are significantly correlated with both policy views and overall reasoning and beliefs about climate policies. However, it is difficult to predict beliefs or policy views based on these characteristics only

    Los multiservicios rurales en la provincia de Teruel. Diagnóstico y propuestas

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    Mi trabajo final de grado trata sobre los multiservicios rurales en la provincia de Teruel. Los multiservicios son un tipo de establecimientos que se encuentran en los municipios que necesitan de un negocio que proporcione las necesidades básicas para la población que vive en ellos, estos pueden ser tiendas, bares o restaurantes. Lo primero es hacer una introducción de la situación de estos municipios. Son municipios pequeños, con poca población y a su vez esta está envejecida. En su momento debido a esta despoblación las tiendas y establecimientos de los pueblos fueron desapareciendo y en ese momento los multiservicios rurales se ponen en marcha para cubrir estas necesidades que tienen los habitantes de estos territorios. Los objetivos de los multiservicios son los de dar un servicio pero también se pretenden conseguir otras objetivos, como frenar la despoblación en la zona, atrayendo a gente, frenar ese envejecimiento de la población e intentar dinamizar la economía de la zona abriendo otras posibilidades al sector servicios por ejemplo. Tienen ventajas tanto para los clientes como para los proveedores. Se trata de negocios con un trato más personal, no hay competencia, se ahorra en tiempo y costes económicos. La iniciativa comienza en el año 2001 de la mano de la diputación de Teruel y la cámara de comercio de Teruel, empieza a establecerse en un par de municipios hasta que va creciendo hasta nuestros días. A día de hoy es el gobierno de Aragón el encargado de aprobar las ayudas para cada año en materia de reformas, nueva apertura o necesidad de material. Los municipios necesitan de los multiservicios rurales puesto que es un inconveniente para su población que tengan que desplazarse a otros municipios de mayor tamaño o hay parte de la población que no puede desplazarse y las comunicaciones por carretera no son las mejores. En el trabajo he realizado encuestas que recogen todos estos datos y las opiniones que tienen los ayuntamientos y los propios gestores de los multiservicios sobre esta iniciativa y en general son buenas aunque con algunos matices. En conclusión diría que esta iniciativa fue una buena idea pero que a veces no es suficiente y se requiere un poco más de ayuda de las instituciones públicas y hacer más propaganda sobre ellas ya que mucha población no las conoce

    Endocannabinoid signaling in brain diseases: Emerging relevance of glial cells

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    The discovery of cannabinoid receptors as the primary molecular targets of psychotropic cannabinoid Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta(9)-THC) in late 1980s paved the way for investigations on the effects of cannabis-based therapeutics in brain pathology. Ever since, a wealth of results obtained from studies on human tissue samples and animal models have highlighted a promising therapeutic potential of cannabinoids and endocannabinoids in a variety of neurological disorders. However, clinical success has been limited and major questions concerning endocannabinoid signaling need to be satisfactorily addressed, particularly with regard to their role as modulators of glial cells in neurodegenerative diseases. Indeed, recent studies have brought into the limelight diverse, often unexpected functions of astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglia in brain injury and disease, thus providing scientific basis for targeting glial cells to treat brain disorders. This Review summarizes the current knowledge on the molecular and cellular hallmarks of endocannabinoid signaling in glial cells and its clinical relevance in neurodegenerative and chronic inflammatory disorders.CIBERNED, Grant/Award Number: CB06/05/0076; ARSEP Foundation; European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Grant/Award Number: PI18/00513; Basque Government, Grant/Award Numbers: PIBA19-0059, IT1203-19; Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grant/Award Number: SAF2016-75292-

    Defective involuntary attention to novelty in type 1 diabetes and impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia

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    Altres ajuts: Sociedad Española de DiabetesAim: To determine if there are differences in terms of neurophysiology and neurocognitive functioning in a group of type 1 diabetes (T1D) patients regarding hypoglycaemia awareness. Methods: 27 patients with T1D were classified according to Clarke score as having impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia (IAH; n = 11) or normal awareness to hypoglycaemia (NAH; n = 16). We measured several clinical and sociodemographic variables and cognitive performance using neuropsychological tests. Electroencephalography was assessed during an auditory oddball task. We compared the groups in terms of clinical/sociodemographic variables as well as two event-related brain potentials (ERPs): The P3a which is associated with automatic orientation of attention to novelty, and the P3b which is associated with target detection and processing. Results: The IAH group performed significantly worse on the Trail Making Test part A (TMT-A) (p = 0.05). Compared to the NAH group, P3a and P3b amplitudes in the frontal-central sites were significantly lower in the IAH group (p < 0.05). The P3a was strongly associated with worse performance on the TMT-A in the IAH group (r = 0.540; p < 0.005) Conclusion: IAH is accompanied by decreased neurophysiological activity in ERPs associated with information processing and with the automatic orientation of attention to novelty and environmental changes. These findings suggest a possible framework to better understand the cognitive origin of IAH in this patient population

    The continuous glucose monitoring system is useful for detecting unrecognized hypoglycemias in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes but is not better than frequent capillary glucose measurements for improving metabolic control

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    WSTĘP. Celem pracy było określenie przydatności systemu ciągłego monitorowania glikemii (CGMS, continuous glucose monitoring system) w wykrywaniu częstości nierozpoznawalnych niedocukrzeń u chorych na cukrzycę typu 1 i 2 oraz jako metody umożliwiającej uzyskanie poprawy wyrównania metabolicznego u chorych na cukrzycę typu 1. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badaniu poddano 70 chorych na cukrzycę (typu 1 &#8212; 40 osób i typu 2 &#8212; 30 osób), u których zastosowano CGMS. Rejestracji podlegały nierozpoznane epizody hipoglikemii. W badaniu wzięła również udział grupa 40 chorych na cukrzycę typu 1, u których zmodyfikowano leczenie na podstawie pomiarów za pomocą CGMS. Pacjentów tych porównano z grupą kontrolną &#8212; chorych na cukrzycę typu 1 prowadzących intensywną samokontrolę. Wartością mierzoną było stężenie hemoglobiny glikowanej (HbA1c) przed rozpoczęciem badania i po 3 miesiącach. WYNIKI. U 62,5% chorych na cukrzycę typu 1 i u 46,4% chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 metoda CGMS umożliwiła wykrycie nierozpoznawalnych niedocukrzeń. Do 73,7% wszystkich epizodów hipoglikemii doszło w godzinach nocnych. Zarówno w grupie pacjentów stosujących CGMS, jak i w grupie kontrolnej stężenie HbA1c istotnie się obniżyło (odpowiednio z 8,3 &plusmn; 1,6 do 7,5 &plusmn; 1,2%, p < 0,01 i z 8,0 &plusmn; 1,4 do 7,5 &plusmn; 0,8%, p < 0,01). Największą redukcję stężenia HbA1c obserwowano w podgrupie, która rozpoczęła leczenie ciągłym podskórnym wlewem insuliny &#8212; także w grupach badanej i kontrolnej (odpowiednio z 9,4 &plusmn; 2 do 7,2 &plusmn; 1,4% i z 8,1 &plusmn; 1,8 do 7,1 &plusmn; 0,6%). WNIOSKI. System stałego monitorowania glikemii jest przydatny w wykrywaniu nierozpoznawalnych niedocukrzeń u chorych na cukrzycę typu 1 i 2. Niezależnie od metody leczenia nie stwierdzono jednak jego przewagi nad metodą standardowej samokontroli w zakresie poprawy wyrównania metabolicznego u chorych na cukrzycę typu 1.INTRODUCTION. To evaluate whether the continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS; MiniMed, Sylmar, CA) is useful for investigating the incidence of unrecognized hypoglycemias in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients and for improving metabolic control in type 1 diabetic patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS. A total of 70 diabetic subjects (40 type 1 and 30 type 2 subjects) were monitored using the CGMS. The number of unrecognized hypoglycemias was registered. Furthermore, the 40 type 1 diabetic patients whose treatment was modified in accordance with the information obtained from the CGMS were compared with a control group of 35 different type 1 diabetic patients using intensive capillary glucose measurements. HbA1c levels were measured before the monitoring period and 3 months later. RESULTS. The CGMS detected unrecognized hypoglycemias in 62.5% of the type 1 diabetic patients and in 46.6% of the type 2 diabetic patients. We found that 73.7% of all events occurred at night. HbA1c concentrations decreased significantly in both the group of type 1 diabetic subjects monitored with the CGMS (from 8.3 &#177; 1.6 to 7.5 &#177; 1.2%, P < 0.01) and the control group (from 8.0 &#177; 1.4 to 7.5 &#177; 0.8%, P < 0.01). The greatest reduction was observed in the subgroup of patients who started continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy, both in the CGMSmonitored and control groups (from 9.4 &#177; 2 to 7.2 &#177; &#177; 1.4% and from 8.1 &#177; 1.8 to 7.1 &#177; 0.6%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS. The CGMS is useful for detecting unrecognized hypoglycemias in type 1 and type 2 diabetic subjects; however, it is not better than standard capillary glucose measurements for improving metabolic control of type 1 diabetic subjects, regardless of the therapeutic regimen

    ABHD6-aren inhibizioaren azterketa birmielinizazioa bultzatzeko kuprizonaren desmielinizazio primarioaren aniamalia-ereduan

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    Esklerosi anizkoitza (EA) nerbio-sistema zentralaren (NSZ) hanturazko gaixotasun desmielinizatzailea da. Gaixotasunaren etiologia zehatza ezagutzen ez den arren, jakina da oligodendrozitoen heriotzarekin eta neuronen endekapenarekin erlazionatutako hantura-lesioak agertzen direla. Gertaera horiek dira, hain zuzen ere, ezgaitasuna eragiten dituztenak pazienteengan. Hala ere, mielinaren birsortze partziala gertatzen da, eta hobekuntza hori bultzatzeko estrategiak dira gaur egun bilatzen direnak. Endokanabinoide-sistemak EAren sintomatologia murrizteko potentziala duela frogatu dute urteetan zehar egindako ikerketek. Zentzu horretan, 2-arakidonoilglizerolaren (2-AG) degradazioa inhibitzeak dirudi estrategia terapeutikorik onena. Monoazilglizerol lipasa (MAGL) entzimak 2-AG-aren proportzio handiena degradatzen du NSZn. Entzima horren inhibizioak, bai desmielinizazioan bai konponketan onurak sustatzen dituen arren, CB1 hartzaileen desentsibilizazioa ere eragiten du. Nahiz eta ABHD familiako hidrolasa 6-k (ABHD6) 2-AG-aren kopuru txikiagoa degradatzen duen egoera basaletan, hantura-egoeretan proportzio handiagoa degradatu egiten du. Horregatik, hanturazko testuinguruetan ABHD6-aren inhibizioa proposatzen da 2-AG mailak igotzeko efektu ez desiragarriak ekiditen diren bitartean. Asmo horrekin, ABHD6-aren inhibitzaile espezifiko baten (KT182) birmielinizazio ahalmena aztertu dugu EA-ren animalia-eredu batean.; Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the nervouse central system (CNS). Although the ethiology of the disease remains unknown, of the main hallmarks is the appearance of inflammatory lesions related to the death of oligodendrocytes and neurodegeneration. Those events are, indeed, the cause of disability in the patients. However, there is a partial recovery of the myelin, and nowadays the efforts are focused on finding strategies to enhance this repair. During the last years, numerous researches have shown the potential of the endocannabinoid system to reduce the symptomatology of MS. In this sense, the inhibition of the degradation of 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) seems the most promising strategy. Monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) degrades the majority of the 2-AG in the CNS. Although the blockade of this enzyme protects against demyelination and promotes remyelination, it also induces desensitization of CB1 receptors. Even though in basal conditions alpha/beta-Hydrolase containing domain 6 (ABHD6) hydrolyses a small quantity of 2-AG, it degrades a bigger amount under inflammatory conditions. Thus, ABHD6 inhibition is proposed in inflammatory contexts in order to increase 2-AG levels while avoiding side effects. With this aim, we study the remyelination potential of KT182, a specific ABHD6 inhibitor, in an animal model of MS

    Risk factors for hyperglycemia in pregnancy in the DALI study differ by period of pregnancy and OGTT time point

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    Objective: Risk factors are widely used to identify women at risk for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) without clear distinction by pregnancy period or oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) time points. We aimed to assess the clinical risk factors for Hyperglycemia in pregnancy (HiP) differentiating by these two aspects. Design and methods: Nine hundred seventy-one overweight/obese pregnant women, enrolled in the DALI study for preventing GDM. OGTTs were performed at ≤19 + 6, 24–28 and 35–37 weeks (IADPSG/WHO2013 criteria). Women with GDM or overt diabetes at one time point did not proceed to further OGTTs. Potential independent variables included baseline maternal and current pregnancy characteristics. Statistical analysis: Multivariate logistic regression. Results: Clinical characteristics independently associated with GDM/overt diabetes were at ≤19 + 6 weeks, previous abnormal glucose tolerance (odds ratio (OR): 3.11; 95% CI: 1.41–6.85), previous GDM (OR: 2.22; 95% CI: 1.20–4.11), neck circumference (NC) (OR: 1.58; 95% CI: 1.06–2.36 for the upper tertile), resting heart rate (RHR, OR: 1.99; 95% CI: 1.31–3.00 for the upper tertile) and recruitment site; at 24–28 weeks, previous stillbirth (OR: 2.92; 95% CI: 1.18-7.22), RHR (OR: 3.32; 95% CI: 1.70-6.49 for the upper tertile) and recruitment site; at 35–37 weeks, maternal height (OR: 0.41; 95% CI: 0.20–0.87 for upper tertile). Clinical characteristics independently associated with GDM/overt diabetes differed by OGTT time point (e.g. at ≤19 + 6 weeks, NC was associated with abnormal fasting but not postchallenge glucose). Conclusion: In this population, most clinical characteristics associated with GDM/overt diabetes were non-modifiable and differed by pregnancy period and OGTT time point. The identified risk factors can help define the target population for future intervention trials

    Gene Expression Analysis of Astrocyte and Microglia Endocannabinoid Signaling during Autoimmune Demyelination

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    The endocannabinoid system is associated with protective effects in multiple sclerosis (MS) that involve attenuated innate immune cell responses. Astrocytes and microglia are modulated by endocannabinoids and participate in the biosynthesis and metabolism of these compounds. However, the role of neuroglial cells as targets and mediators of endocannabinoid signaling in MS is poorly understood. Here we used a microfluidic RT-qPCR screen to assess changes in the expression of the main endocannabinoid signaling genes in astrocytes and microglia purified from female mice during the time-course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). We show that astrocytes and microglia upregulate the expression of genes encoding neurotoxic A1 and pro-inflammatory molecules at the acute disease with many of these transcripts remaining elevated during the recovery phase. Both cell populations exhibited an early onset decrease in the gene expression levels of 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) hydrolytic enzymes that persisted during EAE progression as well as cell-type-specific changes in the transcript levels for genes encoding cannabinoid receptors and molecules involved in anandamide (AEA) signaling. Our results demonstrate that astrocytes and microglia responses to autoimmune demyelination involve alterations in the expression of multiple endocannabinoid signaling-associated genes and suggest that this system may regulate the induction of neurotoxic and pro-inflammatory transcriptional programs in both cell types during MS.This research was funded by FEDER and ISCIII (AES 2018—PI18/00513 to S.M. and A.R.-A.), the Basque Government (PIBA19-0059 to S.M. and IT1203-19 to C.M.), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF2016-75292-R to C.M.) and CIBERNED (CB06/0005/0076 to C.M.). A.M.-G. and A.B.-C. held fellowships from the UPV/EHU and the Basque Government, respectively