6 research outputs found

    Children’s Speech Development at the Age of 5–6 Years Old: A Longitudinal Study

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    Our longitudinal study is devoted to the study of the mutual influence of speech development and regulatory functions in children aged 5–7 years. It has been shown that the relationship between the development of regulatory functions and speech exists, but remains different for various aspects of both regulatory functions and speech. In general, it can be argued that in the case of an improvement in regulatory functions in the period of 5–6 years, the child’s performance of speech tasks improves. The data obtained allow a new approach to the development of children 5–6 years old and create complex methods for both the development of speech and regulatory functions.Представленное лонгитюдное исследование посвящено изучению взаимного влияния развития речи и регуляторных функций у детей в возрасте 5–7 лет. Показано, что связь между развитием регулятор‑ ных функций и речи существует, однако выражена в разной степени для различных аспектов как регуляторных функций, так и речи. В целом можно утверждать, что в случае улучшения регуляторных функций в период 5–6 лет у ребенка улучшается выполнение заданий на развитие речи. Полученные данные позволяют по-новому подойти к проблеме развития детей 5–6 лет и создавать комплексные методики развития речи и регуляторных функций.Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РФФИ № 17-29-09112

    A review of a quarter century of International Workshops on Seismic Anisotropy in the crust (0IWSA–12IWSA)

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    A review of a quarter century of International Workshops on seismic anisotropy in the crust (01WSA-121WSA)

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    In 25 years, the presence of azimuthally varying seismic anisotropy throughout the Earth’s crust has progressed from general denial to universal acceptance, so that many international geophysical meetings now have sessions on seismic anisotropy. Over this period, the proceedings of the biennial series of International Workshops in Seismic Anisotropy (IWSAs) have captured many of the notable advances in the theory, calculation, observation and interpretation of particularly shear-wave splitting (seismic birefringence) in the Earth’s crust. Shear-wave splitting is the almost-infallible indicator of seismic anisotropy along the ray path. This paper reviews 13 IWSA meetings (0IWSA–12IWSA) as a catalogue of 25 years of progress in seismic anisotropy. The evidence now suggests that shear-wave splitting monitors the low-level pre-fracturing deformation of the stress-aligned fluid-saturated microcracks pervading almost all in situ rocks in the crust. Shear-wave splitting indicates that microcracks are so closely spaced they are critical systems with all the universality, calculability, predictability, “butterfly wing’s” sensitivity, and deterministic chaos that that implies. This leads to a New Geophysics, where low-level deformation can be monitored with shear-wave splitting, future behaviour calculated–predicted with the anisotropic poro-elastic model of rock evolution, and in some circumstances even potentially controlled by feedback. We anticipate the New Geophysics will greatly invigorate IWSA