16 research outputs found

    Adaptation of Technological Methods to Climatic Conditions in Agrotechnologies in South Ural

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    This study aimed to define an optimal sowing date of winter wheat in the steppe zone of South Ural and West Siberia. The effects of climatic factors were determined by analyzing modern climatic resources and experimentally testing in the conditions of the central zone in Orenburgskaya oblast. Research from the All-Russian ScientificResearch Institute of Hydro-meteorological Information – World Data Center (RSRIHIWDC) served as a source of archival meteorological data for 2009-2019. Experimental data were collected through field work on the south chernozem in the Central zone of Orenburgskaya oblast for 2019-2020. Digital material was processed using statistical analysis. It was confirmed that in the Central zone of Orenburgskaya oblast under modern climatic conditions, the period between 25-30 August is the most acceptable date to sow winter wheat. If sowing occurs at later dates, there is a risk of not obtaining the required amount of effective temperatures, which can result in disunited sparse shoots, bushes that are not fully formed, and low phytometric parameters, and therefore a low realization of climatically secured productivity. These results could be more widely tested in other steppe regions of Ural and West Siberia with a prospect to introduce the results into zonal recommendations for production. Keywords: climatic resources, productivity reserves, winter whea

    Dynamics of the bioclimatic potential of agroecological zones of the Altai Territory in the conditions of modern climatic and anthropogenic changes

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    The steppe zone is characterized by high dynamism of environmental conditions including sharp climatic fluctuations that affect both the possibilities of agriculture and the state of steppe landscapes. Further development of agriculture without taking into account changing climatic and environmental factors increases risks both for steppe ecosystems and for the sustainability of agriculture. The field production of the agro-climatic zones of the Altai Territory is characterized by the high variability of gross yields associated with the dynamics of precipitation, air temperature, and soil fertility. Under the current conditions, the analysis of the temporal and spatial dynamics of bioclimatic potential is of high practical importance for the development and implementation of adaptive agricultural technologies. A retrospective analysis was carried out and a modern bio-climatic characteristic of model territories representing various agroecological zones was compiled for this purpose. The object of research was data on average daily, average monthly, and average annual air temperatures, the level of precipitation, the water vapor pressure, and relative humidity. Statistical processing of analytical data was carried out in Excel. Calculations revealed significant temporal and spatial dynamics of the BCP. Spatially, it is characterized by a significant decrease in a north-western orientation. The lowest average values, 1.71-1.81 units, were observed in the Kulunda and Rubtsovskaya agroecological zones, with a coefficient of variation of more than 20.0%. The Zarinskaya and Aleyskaya agroecological zones were characterized by the highest values of BCP, and the Predgornaya zone presented maximum values of BCP, at the level of 2.70 units with high stability. Temporally, the BCP of the Zarinskaya, Kulunda, and Priobskaya agroclimatic zones is characterized by a negative trend; in other zones, its almost zero balance is noted. A sufficiently expressed difference in the BCP of various agroecological zones has an impact on the realization of the biological potential of cultivated crops. Analysis of the level of development of the vegetative mass of spring wheat by determining NDVI confirmed this assumption. For a systematic assessment of the influence of climatic and anthropogenic factors on the production process of field crops and the development of measures for the rational use of agricultural landscapes, it is advisable to determine the potential yield according to the BCP, determine the degree of its implementation in the economic harvest and justify techniques for leveling limiting factors in agrotechnology of individual agroecological zones


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    Aim. The aim of the study is to assess the current state of the elements of the naturalecological framework of the steppe regions of European Russia and the peculiarities of its spatial distribution.Discussion. The most important component of the environmental framework of the steppe regions of European Russia is the system of relatively large zonal landscape areas of the nature reserve fund which contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, the functional integrity of landscapes and the development of ecological networks. As of January 1, 2018, the natural reserve fund of the federal level in the territory of the considered mezoregion is represented by 22 specially protected natural territories (10 reserves, 5 national parks and 7 wildlife sanctuaries) with a total area of 16.1 thousand km2. The share of the area of specially protected natural reservation is about 2% of the area of the considered mezoregion. Practically for all the regions under consideration, there is a situation where numerous natural territories with “prospective” status are considered for integration into the nature reserve fund; however, the efforts of the scientific community, environmental services and relevant ministries are not very active in implementing projects to give them corresponding status.Conclusion. For the territory stretching from the northern border of the Saratov region to the central part of the Krasnodar Territory, the problem of the absence of cores and key elements constituting the framework of the nature reserve fund is most acute. In six territorial subjects of the Mesoregion, there are no specially protected natural steppe reservations of the federal level. The analysis of modern territorial planning schemes of the steppe regions indicates that the environmental framework of European Russia has not yet become the basis for the adoption of urban planning decisions. At the same time, its structural elements (preserved zonal landscapes, natural and derived landscape complexes), along with autonomously functioning nature-like territorial complexes, will help create a favorable environment for the population

    Reserves for the Increase of Yield and Quality of Winter Wheat Grain and Their Dependence on the Heterogeneity of Crops in the Conditions of the Steppe Zone of the Orenburg Urals, Russia

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    Aim. Verification of scientific concepts regarding the spatial heterogeneity of field agrocenoses. Identification of the variability of phytometric and structural crop ndicators and determination of the degree of their influence on the yield and quality of winter wheat grain in the steppe zone of the Orenburg Urals.Material and Methods. Establishment of field experiments, related observations and counts in accordance with the methodology of state variety crops testing and B.A.Dospekhov's guidelin. Monitoring of winter wheat crops was carried by measuring the vegetation index (NDVI) with a Green Seeker Handheld Crop Sensor, Model HCS‐100 (Trimble, USA). Determination of grain quality indicators was conducted according to GOST 9353‐2016 Wheat – Technical Conditions. Microsoft Office Excel was employed for the correlation and regression analysis of experimental data. Results. Analysis of the intra‐field heterogeneity of winter wheat agrocenoses in terms of yield and grain quality was conducted. The dependences of yield and grain quality on the principal crop phytometric and structural parameters were defined and expressed in the form of regression equations.Сonclusion. The results of the studies attest to the growth of reserves of grain yield to 3.0 t/ha and grain quality to class I‐II class in zonal climatic conditions of optimization of environmental factors to the level of the best basic plots by levelling out field soil heterogeneity. This is possible by restoring the fertility of anthropogenically‐degraded soil through the introduction of landscape‐adaptive and resource saving farming systems, soil protective and soil restorative crop rotation, differentiated application of organic and mineral fertilizers and selection of the most adaptive varieties. We also advise the introduction of intelligent ‘digital technologies’ aimed at fuller implementation of the genetic potential of cultivated varieties with careful consideration of natural resources and the preservation of biological diversity


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    Aim. In this paper, we set out to analyse the problem of preservation of old‐growth relic pine forests under in the context of oil field development.Discussion. The Buzuluk pine forest is the largest natural island forest in the steppe zone of European Russia. Presenting a landscape isolate of old‐growth natural pine and pine‐broadleaved forests, this unique natural object received the status of a national natural park in 2007. In this territory, former oil and gas fields are currently being prepared for operation and maintenance. The Buzuluk pine forest has been a subject of intense scientific interest due to a number of preserved standards of old‐ growth pine forests. These standards were originally identified and described by G.V. Morozov and V.N. Sukachev, thus forming a basis for modern forest biogeocenosis classifications. The paper discusses the current problems of the Buzuluk pine forest associated with the need to preserve old‐growth pine trees serving as standards. The consequences of oil production are assessed, with environmental restrictions in the zones of oil field exploitation being formulated. Industrial development of oil and gas fields inevitably leads to negative consequences, includ‐ ing the loss of ecosystem stability, a decrease in biological diversity and landscape degradation.Conclusion. The preservation of old‐growth pine trees is a necessary condition for the existence, restoration and sustainable development of the Buzuluk pine forest as a single ecosystem

    Contemporary aeolian landforms and deposits in the Ural river basin (south Russia)

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    This paper presents main features of environment conditions of the steppe zone in southern Russia in Orenburg Region. These features make a background where contemporary aeolian landforms ot psammosteppes are discussed. Mechanical features of dune sediments (gram size distribution and sand abrasion) are also discussed and compared to the substratum sediments. The observations included the Iirtek river valley and the interfluve area of the IIek and Khobda rivers859

    The spatial analysis of landscape ecological stability and ecological security in the steppe regions of Russia

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    The ecological-economic security [EES] and the landscape-ecological stability of the steppe regions of Russia are the main factors of national security and indicators of the sustainability of socio-economic development. Therefore, it is advisable to consider them based on large-scale studies. The study territory is a mesoregion, including the steppe zone of Russia. A comprehensive analysis of the economic development, social sector, and ecological condition of the territory became the basis for assessing the EES of the regions. We assessed landscape-ecological stability by calculating the coefficient of ecological stability of the landscape. Based on reliable information, we formed a database that comprises 37 indicators for 18 steppe regions of Russia. Using the coefficients and integral indices, we compiled an integrated schematic map. As a result, we established that the level of stability of the ecological landscape increases to the northeast of the studied territory. We observed the maximum value of the ecological and economic security index (1.8) in Krasnodar Krai, the Republic of Bashkortostan, and Novosibirsk Krai. Furthermore, we characterized the regions where the coefficient of ecological landscape stability exceeded 1 by indicators of ecological and economic security, presented in the ratio 1/1.5/2

    Spatial assessment of the socio‐economic framework of the Russian steppe regions

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    Aim. The goal of the study is a spatial assessment of the socio-economic framework in the steppe regions of Russia. Characteristics of the density of the socio-ecological framework and the degree of development of its core cities were represented to achieve the goal.Material and Methods. A methodology is proposed for assessing the level of development of the socio-economic framework based on the conjugate analysis of 6 indicators of the density index of the socio-economic framework and 9 indicators of the developmental index of the core cities of the socio-economic framework for 18 steppe regions of Russia.Results. A schematic map representing the spatial distribution of the indices studied was produced. A range of urbanisation process features in the regions of the steppe zone of Russia was revealed. In the eastern part, the formation of megalopoli is difficult and the development of agglomeration processes is hampered by the considerable distance from each other of large core cities. Highly urbanised territories might be formed in the western part of the region studied in the course of advanced development. In this connection, disproportions in density indices of the socio-economic framework between the southwest and east regions are noted. Maximum values (4 and more) are recorded in the Belgorod Oblast, Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Adygea and the Republic of Crimea and minimum (less than 2.5) in border and remote regions (Altai Territory, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Kurgan, Orenburg Oblasts and the Republic of Kalmykia).Conclusion. The development of the socio-economic framework in the mezoregion studied is a mirror reflection of the spatial arrangement of economy and population in the steppe zone of Russia. It is confirmed by a close relation between the development index of core cities in the socio-economic framework and the value of gross regional product. According to the Chaddock scale, the coefficient of correlation between appropriate indicators is 0.94