148 research outputs found

    Acciones de fomento de la adopción de tecnologías Industria 4.0 en empresas manufactureras de regiones europeas

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    Industry 4.0, a concept comprising a range of promising innovations enabled by the recent advancements in digital technologies, has become a priority of industrial policy in many European countries and regions. In this paper, we present actions undertaken by regional organisations (including the so-called Digital Innovation Hubs), fostering the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing companies. Using examples from Germany, Italy and Poland, we show actions that enable the creation of general conditions for such implementations and help companies develop an individual strategy for adopting Industry 4.0 innovations.La Industria 4.0, un concepto que comprende una serie de prometedoras innovaciones posibilitadas por los recientes avances en las tecnologías digitales, se ha convertido en una prioridad de la política industrial de muchos países y regiones europeos. En este documento presentamos las acciones emprendidas por organizaciones regionales (incluidos los denominados Centros de Innovación Digital) para fomentar la adopción de las tecnologías de la Industria 4.0 en las empresas manufactureras. Utilizando ejemplos de Alemania, Italia y Polonia, mostramos acciones que permiten crear condiciones generales para tales implementaciones a nivel regional, pero también ayudan a las empresas individuales a crear una estrategia individual para la adopción de las innovaciones de la Industria 4.0

    Network Technologies an Local Networks: Evidence from a Three Year Survey in North East Italy

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    Industrial districts as local networks of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) rooted their competitiveness in a mix of economic relationships and social ties. Recently, network technologies (ICT) have promised gains of efficiency through a reduction in transaction costs and showed new commercial opportunities for small firms. Despite the attention given to transactions managed electronically, an analysis of ICT diffusion within Italian industrial districts highlights that SMEs use electronic networks mainly to manage knowledge-sharing processes. The paper discusses the results of the past three years of an annual survey focused on the diffusion of ICT within 12 industrial districts based in North East of Italy specialising in the three main macro-industries of the Italian economy: home furnishings (furniture, glass, ceramics), engineering, fashion (textiles, eyewear, shoes, and sportswear). The aim is to study the coherence between economic and technological variables of the district path of development and how SMEs are exploiting opportunities arising from ICT. Results are particularly interesting because they cover the most dynamic period of time that shows the rise and fall of the new economy paradigm

    Innovare il modello di business per entrare nei mercati emergenti. Il caso Stark

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    In relativamente pochi decenni \u2013 e in particolare a partire dalla caduta del muro di Berlino (1989) e dall\u2019ingresso della Cina nel WTO (2001) \u2013 i mercati emergenti hanno conquistato una centralit\ue0 considerevole nello scenario economico globa- le. Una centralit\ue0 che \ue8 andata rafforzandosi negli ultimi anni, grazie al fatto che tali mercati sono stati solamente sfiorati dalla crisi economica globale iniziata nel 2008 che ha mandato in recessione gran parte, se non la totalit\ue0, dei mercati europei e del Nord America..

    From local networks of SMEs to virtual districts?

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    Industrial districts as local networks of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) rooted their competitiveness in a mix of economic relationships and social ties. Recently, network technologies have promised gains of efficiency through a reduction in transaction costs and showed new commercial opportunities for small firms. Despite the morphological similarities between industrial districts and network technologies, a longitudinal analysis of ICT diffusion within Italian districts shows that the foreseen convergence between the district economic model and new technologies should not be taken for granted. The observed specific evolutionary paths concerning technology innovation in local systems also opens-up issues of economic policy

    ¿De la deslocalización al "backshoring"? Evidencia de los distritos industriales italianos

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    In recent decades, industrial districts (ID) have experienced intense delocalisation to low-cost countries, with implications for IDs’ internal structure. Recent studies, however, highlight the advantages of relocalising manufacturing in home countries. This paper investigates ID firms’ production-location strategies and backshoring decisions. The results from a survey of 259 firms in eight Italian IDs show that firms that delocalise production do not change their strategies over time and make limited recourse to backshoring. ID production is still important to guarantee product quality and access to specialised know-how.En las últimas décadas, los distritos industriales experimentaron una deslocalización intensa hacia países de bajo costo, con implicaciones en la estructura interna del distrito. Estudios recientes destacan las ventajas de volver a localizar la producción en el mercado nacional. Este artículo analiza las estrategias de localización de las empresas del distrito de producción y las decisiones de “backshoring”. El trabajo empírico consiste en un análisis descriptivo de 259 empresas ubicadas en 8 distritos industriales en Italia. Los resultados muestran que las empresas que deslocalizaron la producción no han cambiado sus estrategias con el tiempo, con un limitado recurso al “back-shoring”. No obstante, la producción del distrito es todavía importante para garantizar la calidad del producto y el acceso a un “know-how” especializado

    Actions fostering the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing companies in European regions

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    Industry 4.0, a concept comprising a range of promising innovations enabled by the recent advancements in digital technologies, has become a priority of industrial policy in many European countries and regions. In this paper, we present actions undertaken by regional organisations (including the so-called Digital Innovation Hubs), fostering the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing companies. Using examples from Germany, Italy and Poland, we show actions that enable the creation of general conditions for such implementations and help companies develop an individual strategy for adopting Industry 4.0 innovations

    Servitisation and performance in the business-to-business context: the moderating role of Industry 4.0 technologies

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    Purpose: This article aims to contribute to the digital servitisation literature by investigating the interrelations amongst Industry 4.0 technologies, servitisation and the performance of manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Design/methodology/approach: The research uses survey data drawn from 200 manufacturing SMEs operating in the metals and machinery sector in Italy. Findings: The study shows that Industry 4.0 technologies – Internet of Things (IoT), advanced simulation, cloud computing and Big Data Analytics (BDA) – positively moderate the relationship between servitisation and the performance of SMEs. Research limitations/implications: The study supports the need for firm managers of manufacturing SMEs to align servitisation and technological investments, suggesting that the synergic deployment of Industry 4.0 technologies supports servitisation performance. Practical implications: The study supports the need for firm managers operating in business-to-business contexts to align their technological investments and servitisation strategies, suggesting that the synergic deployment of these Industry 4.0 technologies empower the effectiveness of servitisation strategies in terms of performance achieved. Originality/value: The study highlights the moderating role played by specific Industry 4.0 technologies in the servitisation–performance relationship, opening avenues for future research exploring the mechanisms that underpin this complex relationship

    Produrre valore attraverso le nuove tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione: strategie di disintermediazione e di condivisione

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    Dottorato di ricerca in economia aziendale. 10. ciclo. A.a 1996-97. Tutore Enzo RullaniConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal