43 research outputs found

    Exacerbation of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in prion protein (PrPc)-null mice: evidence for a critical role of the central nervous system

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The cellular prion protein (PrPc) is a host-encoded glycoprotein whose transconformation into PrP scrapie (PrPSc) initiates prion diseases. The role of PrPc in health is still obscure, but many candidate functions have been attributed to the protein, both in the immune and the nervous systems. Recent data show that experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is worsened in mice lacking PrPc. Disease exacerbation has been attributed to T cells that would differentiate into more aggressive effectors when deprived of PrPc. However, alternative interpretations such as reduced resistance of neurons to autoimmune insult and exacerbated gliosis leading to neuronal deficits were not considered.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>To better discriminate the contribution of immune cells versus neural cells, reciprocal bone marrow chimeras with differential expression of PrPc in the lymphoid or in the central nervous system (CNS) were generated. Mice were subsequently challenged with MOG<sub>35-55 </sub>peptide and clinical disease as well as histopathology were compared in both groups. Furthermore, to test directly the T cell hypothesis, we compared the encephalitogenicity of adoptively transferred PrPc-deficient versus PrPc-sufficient, anti-MOG T cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>First, EAE exacerbation in PrPc-deficient mice was confirmed. Irradiation exacerbated EAE in all the chimeras and controls, but disease was more severe in mice with a PrPc-deleted CNS and a normal immune system than in the reciprocal construction. Moreover, there was no indication that anti-MOG responses were different in PrPc-sufficient and PrPc-deficient mice. Paradoxically, PrPc-deficient anti-MOG 2D2 T cells were less pathogenic than PrPc-expressing 2D2 T cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In view of the present data, it can be concluded that the origin of EAE exacerbation in PrPc-ablated mice resides in the absence of the prion protein in the CNS. Furthermore, the absence of PrPc on both neural and immune cells does not synergize for disease worsening. These conclusions highlight the critical role of PrPc in maintaining the integrity of the CNS in situations of stress, especially during a neuroinflammatory insult.</p

    Calcium Homeostasis and Cone Signaling Are Regulated by Interactions between Calcium Stores and Plasma Membrane Ion Channels

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    Calcium is a messenger ion that controls all aspects of cone photoreceptor function, including synaptic release. The dynamic range of the cone output extends beyond the activation threshold for voltage-operated calcium entry, suggesting another calcium influx mechanism operates in cones hyperpolarized by light. We have used optical imaging and whole-cell voltage clamp to measure the contribution of store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) to Ca2+ homeostasis and its role in regulation of neurotransmission at cone synapses. Mn2+ quenching of Fura-2 revealed sustained divalent cation entry in hyperpolarized cones. Ca2+ influx into cone inner segments was potentiated by hyperpolarization, facilitated by depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores, unaffected by pharmacological manipulation of voltage-operated or cyclic nucleotide-gated Ca2+ channels and suppressed by lanthanides, 2-APB, MRS 1845 and SKF 96365. However, cation influx through store-operated channels crossed the threshold for activation of voltage-operated Ca2+ entry in a subset of cones, indicating that the operating range of inner segment signals is set by interactions between store- and voltage-operated Ca2+ channels. Exposure to MRS 1845 resulted in ∼40% reduction of light-evoked postsynaptic currents in photopic horizontal cells without affecting the light responses or voltage-operated Ca2+ currents in simultaneously recorded cones. The spatial pattern of store-operated calcium entry in cones matched immunolocalization of the store-operated sensor STIM1. These findings show that store-operated channels regulate spatial and temporal properties of Ca2+ homeostasis in vertebrate cones and demonstrate their role in generation of sustained excitatory signals across the first retinal synapse

    The management of environmental performance in the supply chain: an overview

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    The Environmental Supply Chain Management (ESCM) has become a buzz-word nowadays. This is in part due to the increasing awareness of companies that the environmental performances need to be managed beyond the organizational boundaries. The ESCM is derived from the integration of environmental management and supply chain management concepts (Srivastava 2007;Thun and Muller 2010; Head and Iraldo 2010). The environmental management is based on the principles of prevention, environmental protection, transparency and participation. Its basic goals are the identification of environmental issues at the enterprise level, the adoption of best environmental technologies, the reduction of environmental impacts and the use of prevention systems to avoid and/or treat adequately the potential environmental hazards due to specific production activities processes. the ESCM needs to be integrated with the other managerial systems and in particular the performance measurement system. This is relevant in order to support managers in the decision-making, the evaluation of performance and to assess the efficacy and coherence of output with the strategy. In the literature ESCM and the performance measurement tend to be studied in a separate way, despite having several contact points and calls are made to study them in conjunction (Melnyk et al. 2014). The present paper aims at contributing to the extant literature through a comparative analysis of some frameworks that attempted to connect the performance measurement with the ESCM. From a methodological point of view, the paper is based on a literature review using as keywords the environmental performance management system and supply chain. Three main framework for the performance measurement ESCM, in details: the Beamon Model (1991), the Hervani et al. (2007) and the Balanced Scorecard variation proposed by Espstein and Wisner (2001). In so doing, we suggest possible commonalities and differences, arguing the need for further research to develop and understand the way companies manage the environmental performance of their supply chain

    Lethal recessive myelin toxicity of prion protein lacking its central domain

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    PrP(C)-deficient mice expressing prion protein variants with large amino-proximal deletions (termed PrP(ΔF)) suffer from neurodegeneration, which is rescued by full-length PrP(C). We now report that expression of PrP(ΔCD), a PrP variant lacking 40 central residues (94–134), induces a rapidly progressive, lethal phenotype with extensive central and peripheral myelin degeneration. This phenotype was rescued dose-dependently by coexpression of full-length PrP(C) or PrP(C) lacking all octarepeats. Expression of a PrP(C) variant lacking eight residues (114–121) was innocuous in the presence or absence of full-length PrP(C), yet enhanced the toxicity of PrP(ΔCD) and diminished that of PrP(ΔF). Therefore, deletion of the entire central domain generates a strong recessive-negative mutant of PrP(C), whereas removal of residues 114–121 creates a partial agonist with context-dependent action. These findings suggest that myelin integrity is maintained by a constitutively active neurotrophic protein complex involving PrP(C), whose effector domain encompasses residues 94–134