47 research outputs found

    The complex architecture of the 2009 MW 6.1 L’Aquila normal fault system (Central Italy) as imaged by 64,000 high-resolution aftershock locations.

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    On April 6th 2009, a MW 6.1 normal faulting earthquake struck the axial area of the Abruzzo region in Central Italy. We present high-precision hypocenter locations of an extraordinary dataset composed by 64,000 earthquakes recorded at a very dense seismic network of 60 stations operating for 9 months after the main event. Events span in magnitude (ML) between -0.9 to 5.9, reaching a completeness magnitude of 0.7. The dataset has been processed by integrating an accurate automatic picking procedure together with cross-correlation and double-difference relative location methods. The combined use of these procedures results in earthquake relative location uncertainties in the range of a few meters to tens of meters, comparable/lower than the spatial dimension of the earthquakes themselves). This data set allows us to image the complex inner geometry of individual faults from the kilometre to meter scale. The aftershock distribution illuminates the anatomy of the en-echelon fault system composed of two major faults. The mainshock breaks the entire upper crust from 10 km depth to the surface along a 14-km long normal fault. A second segment, located north of the normal fault and activated by two Mw>5 events, shows a striking listric geometry completely blind. We focus on the analysis of about 300 clusters of co-located events to characterize the mechanical behavior of the different portions of the fault system. The number of events in each cluster ranges from 4 to 24 events and they exhibit strongly correlated seismograms at common stations. They mostly occur where secondary structures join the main fault planes and along unfavorably oriented segments. Moreover, larger clusters nucleate on secondary faults located in the overlapping area between the two main segments, where the rate of earthquake production is very high with a long-lasting seismic decay


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    Shear-wave splitting is measured at 17 seismic stations deployed in the Val DAgri by INGV, which recorded local back-ground seismicity from May 2005 to June 2006 . The splitting results suggest the presence of an anisotropic upper crust (max hypocentral depth 15.5 km). The dominant fast polarisation direction strikes NW-SE parallel to the Apennines orogen and is approximately parallel to the maximum horizontal stress in the region and also parallel to the strike of the main normal faults in the Val DAgri. The size of the delay times, average is 0.1 second suggests 4.5% shear-wave velocity anisotropy. At stations located at the North West portion of the deployment average delay times are larger on the order of 0.2s. These parameters agree with an interpretation of seismic anisotropy in terms of the Extensive-Dilatancy Anisotropy model which considers the rock volume to be pervaded by fluid-saturated microcracks aligned by the active stress field. We cannot completely rule out the contribution of aligned macroscopic fractures as the cause of the shear wave anisotropy even if the parallel shear-wave polarisations we found are diagnostic of transverse isotropy with a horizontal axis of symmetry. This symmetry is commonly explained by parallel stress-aligned microcracks

    Aseismic deformation associated with an earthquake swarm in the northern Apennines (Italy)

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    Analyzing the displacement time series from continuous GPS (cGPS) with an Independent Component Analysis, we detect a transient deformation signal that correlates both in space and time with a seismic swarm activity (maximum Mw=3.69 \ub1 0.09) occurred in the hanging wall of the Altotiberina normal fault (Northern Apennines, Italy) in 2013\u20132014. The geodetic transient lasted 3c6 months and produced a NW-SE trending extension of 3c5.3 mm, consistent with the regional tectonic regime. The seismicity and the geodetic signal are consistent with slip on two splay faults in the Altotiberina fault (ATF) hanging wall. Comparing the seismic moment associated with the geodetic transient and the seismic events, we observe that seismicity accounts for only a fraction of the measured geodetic deformation. The combined seismic and aseismic slip decreased the Coulomb stress on the locked shallow portion of the ATF, while the transition region to the creeping section has been loaded

    The influence of subsurface geology on the distribution of earthquakes during the 2016‐-2017 Central Italy seismic sequence

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    Abstract In 2016–2017, a destructive sequence of earthquakes affected a wide portion of Central Italy, activating a complex, 80-km long system of SW-dipping normal faults and causing impressive surface faulting and widespread damage. Former studies providing reconstructions of the fault systems activated during this sequence, are mostly based on high-resolution seismological and geodetic data. In this paper, we integrate surface and subsurface geological data with the ones obtained by an irregular network of seismic reflection profiles, aimed at providing a comprehensive reconstruction of the subsurface lithologies and structures in this area. We have constructed a set of five geological cross-sections, passing through the mainshock epicentral areas (Mw > 5.5) of the seismic sequence. The cross-sections are extrapolated down to a depth of ca. 12 km, along which we have plotted relocated seismicity. Combined geological and seismological data support a new 3D seismotectonic model, illustrating the propagation through time and space of the seismic ruptures during the sequence. Our results show that the litho-mechanical stratigraphy exerted a primary control on the distribution of seismicity, as it is mostly hosted in the more competent lithologies (i.e. the Late Triassic-Paleogene succession, consisting of carbonates and evaporites). In addition, we illustrate the crucial role played by the inherited compressional structures in determining the lateral and vertical variations of the rheological properties of the upper crust and, eventually, the overall geometry and segmentation of the seismogenic extensional system. The workflow proposed here can be applied to other seismogenic zones throughout the world, since reliable seismotectonic models require an accurate reconstruction of the subsurface geological setting, based on a close integration of geological, geophysical and seismological data

    A novel infrastructure for the continuous monitoring of soil CO2 emissions: a case study at the alto Tiberina near fault observatory in Italy

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    Static and dynamic stress, along with earthquakes, can trigger the emission and migration of crustal fluids, as frequently observed on the surface and within the upper crust of tectonically active areas such as the northern Apennines of Italy. To investigate the origin of these fluids and their interconnection with the seismogenic process, we complemented The Alto Tiberina Near Fault Observatory (TABOO-NFO), a multidisciplinary monitoring infrastructure composed of a dense array of seismic, geodetic, strain, and radon sensors, with a proper geochemical network grounded on four soil CO2 flux monitoring stations and weather sensors, placed near the main vents of the superficial manifestations. The TABOO-NFO is a state-of-the-art monitoring infrastructure, which allows for studying various geophysical parameters connected to the deformation processes active along a crustal fault system dominated by the Alto Tiberina fault (ATF), which is a 60 km long normal fault dipping at a low angle (<15°–20°). The region is favourable for conducting geochemical studies, as it is characterised by the presence of over-pressurised fluids trapped at certain depths and superficial manifestations associated with the emission of large quantities of fluids. After describing the theoretical framework and the technological aspects based on which we developed the geochemical monitoring network, we described the data recorded in the first months. Over the studied period, the results showed that soil CO2 flux was primarily influenced by environmental parameters, and that the selected sites received a regular supply of deep-origin CO2

    Geophysical downhole logging analysis within the shallow depth ICDP STAR drilling project (Central Italy)

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    The ICDP STAR drilling project aims to study the seismic and aseismic fault slip behaviour of the active low-angle Alto Tiberina normal Fault (ATF) in the Northern Apennines, Central Italy, drilling and instrumenting six shallow boreholes with seismometers and strainmeters. During the STAR field work, a geophysical downhole logging campaign was carried on defining the optimal target depth for instrument deployment and formation rock characterization. In particular, the main objectives of this study were to define in situ physical properties of the rocks and the tectonic discontinuity geometry along the boreholes. The downhole logging data provide new findings and knowledge especially with regards to the physical properties such as resistivity, gamma ray and wave velocity. The collected parameters were compared to the results of literature data collected in similar lithologies, as well as with the results of logging performed in deeper wells drilled for commercial purposes. The physical properties of the Mesozoic-Early Tertiary calcareous formations show low Gamma Ray values and high compressional (Vp) and shear wave (Vs) velocities (up to 5.3 km/s and 2.9 km/s, respectively), whereas the overlying clay-rich Late Tertiary formations exhibit high Gamma Ray and low resistivity and relatively low Vp and Vs values (up to 3.5 km/s and 2.0 km/s, respectively). The results obtained from the analysis of the orientations of the tectonic structures, measured along the six boreholes, show a good agreement with the orientations of the present-day extensional stress field, NE-SW oriented. Our study allowed to bridge the gap between the physical properties obtained from literature data and those obtained from the deep wells measurements, representing a possible case history for future projects. These new data will contribute to the advancement of knowledge of the physical properties of the rocks at shallow depths, typically overlooked

    The Alto Tiberina Near Fault Observatory (northern Apennines, Italy)

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    The availability of multidisciplinary and high-resolution data is a fundamental requirement to understand the physics of earthquakes and faulting. We present the Alto Tiberina Near Fault Observatory (TABOO), a research infrastructure devoted to studying preparatory processes, slow and fast deformation along a fault system located in the upper Tiber Valley (northern Apennines), dominated by a 60 km long low-angle normal fault (Alto Tiberina, ATF) active since the Quaternary. TABOO consists of 50 permanent seismic stations covering an area of 120 × 120 km2. The surface seismic stations are equipped with 3-components seismometers, one third of them hosting accelerometers. We instrumented three shallow (250 m) boreholes with seismometers, creating a 3-dimensional antenna for studying micro-earthquakes sources (detection threshold is ML 0.5) and detecting transient signals. 24 of these sites are equipped with continuous geodetic GPS, forming two transects across the fault system. Geochemical and electromagnetic stations have been also deployed in the study area. In 36 months TABOO recorded 19,422 events with ML ≀ 3.8 corresponding to 23.36e-04 events per day per squared kilometres; one of the highest seismicity rate value observed in Italy. Seismicity distribution images the geometry of the ATF and its antithetic/synthetic structures located in the hanging-wall. TABOO can allow us to understand the seismogenic potential of the ATF and therefore contribute to the seismic hazard assessment of the area. The collected information on the geometry and deformation style of the fault will be used to elaborate ground shaking scenarios adopting diverse slip distributions and rupture directivity models.PublishedS03275T. Sismologia, geofisica e geologia per l'ingegneria sismicaJCR Journa

    A comprehensive suite of earthquake catalogues for the 2016-2017 Central Italy seismic sequence

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    The protracted nature of the 2016-2017 central Italy seismic sequence, with multiple damaging earthquakes spaced over months, presented serious challenges for the duty seismologists and emergency managers as they assimilated the growing sequence to advise the local population. Uncertainty concerning where and when it was safe to occupy vulnerable structures highlighted the need for timely delivery of scientifically based understanding of the evolving hazard and risk. Seismic hazard assessment during complex sequences depends critically on up-to-date earthquake catalogues—i.e., data on locations, magnitudes, and activity of earthquakes—to characterize the ongoing seismicity and fuel earthquake forecasting models. Here we document six earthquake catalogues of this sequence that were developed using a variety of methods. The catalogues possess different levels of resolution and completeness resulting from progressive enhancements in the data availability, detection sensitivity, and hypocentral location accuracy. The catalogues range from real-time to advanced machine-learning procedures and highlight both the promises as well as the challenges of implementing advanced workflows in an operational environment

    Turning the rumor of the May 11, 2011, earthquake prediction in Rome, Italy, into an information day on earthquake hazard

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    A devastating earthquake was predicted to hit Rome on May 11, 2011. This prediction was never officially released, but it grew on the internet and was amplified by the media. It was erroneously ascribed to Raffaele Bendandi, an Italian self-taught natural scientist who studied planetary motions and related them to earthquakes. Indeed, around May 11, 2011, there was a planetary alignment, and this fed the credibility of the earthquake prediction. During the months preceding May 2011, the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) was overwhelmed with requests for information about this prediction, by the inhabitants of Rome and by tourists. Given the echo of this earthquake prediction, on May 11, 2011, the INGV decided to organize an Open Day at its headquarters in Rome, to inform the public about Italian seismicity and earthquake physics. The Open Day was preceded by a press conference two days before, to talk with journalists about this prediction, and to present the Open Day. During this 'Day', 13 new videos were also posted on our YouTube/INGVterremoti channel to explain earthquake processes and hazards, and to provide periodic updates on seismicity in Italy from the seismicity monitoring room. On May 11, 2011, the INGV headquarters was peacefully invaded by over 3,000 visitors, from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm: families, students with and without teachers, civil protection groups, and many journalists. This initiative that was built up in a few weeks has had very large feedback, and was a great opportunity to talk with journalists and people about earthquake prediction, and more in general about the seismic risk in Italy

    A microseismic study in a low seismicity area of Italy: the CittĂ  di Castello 2000-2001 experiment

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    Recent seismological studies contribute to better understand the first order characteristics of earthquake occurrence in Italy, identifying the potential sites for moderate to large size earthquakes. Ad hoc passive seismic experiments performed in these areas provide information to focus on the location and geometry of the active faults more closely. This information is relevant for assessing seismic hazard and for accurately constraining possible ground shaking scenarios. The area around the CittĂ  di Castello Basin, in the Northern Apennines (Central Italy), is characterized by the absence of instrumental seismicity (M > 2.5), it is adjacent to faults ruptured by recent and historical earthquakes. To better understand the tectonics of the area, we installed a dense network of seismic stations equipped with broadband and short period seismometers collecting data continuously for 8 months (October 2000-May 2001). The processing of ~ 900 Gbyte of data revealed a consistent background seismicity consisting of very low magnitude earthquakes (ML < 3.2). Preliminary locations of about 2200 local earthquakes show that the area can be divided into two regions with different seismic behaviour: an area to the NW, in between Sansepolcro and CittĂ  di Castello, where seismicity is not present. An area toward the SE, in between CittĂ  di Castello, Umbertide and Gubbio, where we detected a high microseismicity activity. These findings suggest a probable different mechanical behaviour of the two regions. In the latter area, the seismicity is confined between 0 and 8 km of depth revealing a rather well defined east-dipping, low angle fault 35 km wide that cuts through the entire upper crust down to 12-15 km depth. Beside an apparent structural complexity, fault plane solutions of background seismicity reveal a homogeneous pattern of deformation with a clear NE-SW extension