12 research outputs found

    Visualisation Method Toolkit: a shared vocabulary to face complexity

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    With companies, universities, individuals or entire departments, promoting open dialogue, constant interdisciplinary collaboration is a challenge that still meets some resistance. Learning to deal with complexity, with the coexistence of different points of view, learning to work in more heterogeneous teams, in relation to know-how combined in new, sometimes original and challenging formulations, brings particular needs. From the importance of language and a shared vocabulary to the ever-increasing need to work on tools and not just applications, from the constant promotion of collaboration and contamination between different backgrounds and disciplines to the guarantee of a continuous training process through laboratory activities and workshop, this contribution - through the Visualisation Method Toolkit project and its experimentation - investigates the potential of data visualization as a medium to bring design closer to a company's core business as well as support students, institutions and other organizations in communication, both in the analysis and/or scenario phase and in support of dissemination actions towards a more informed quanti/qualitative collective decision making with the aim of enabling new innovative and sustainable good practices

    Silver Linings: Design Strategies and Projects for Packages Born in Times of Crisis and Analyzed with a Systemic Approach

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    La emergencia de salud Covid-19 ha cambiado nuestros hábitos y comportamientos de compras, hábitos alimentarios y también la relación con los embalajes. Para muchos modelos de negocios la pandemia representa un punto de inflexión; para otros, la crisis ha sido la prueba de vulnerabilidades ocultas y de una potencial insuficiencia para el mundo contemporáneo. Sin embargo, el sector del embalaje no se ha detenido. Fue necesario organizar, coordinar y planificar nuevos métodos de distribución, y al mismo tiempo se abrió a nuevas oportunidades para la innovación. La industria del embalaje ha demostrado una actitud proactiva y resolutiva, y ha podido lidiar inconscientemente con problemas que van más allá del Diseño de un contenedor. El análisis de las estrategias y prácticas adoptadas por el sector del embalaje en la gestión de emergencias nos ha permitido definir el marco de investigación. Esta contribución investiga los cambios no sólo a nivel económico, sino también a nivel cognitivo-conductual y ambiental, hacia el cual el Diseño está llamado a actuar con responsabilidad cada vez mayor. Un Diseño que necesariamente debe cambiar la visión de lineal a sistémica, a partir de la formación.The Covid-19 health emergency has changed buying habits and behaviour, eating habits, as well as the relationship with packaging. For many business models, the pandemic represents a turning point; for others, the crisis, reveals hidden vulnerabilities and a potential inadequacy for the contemporary world. However, the packaging sector has not stopped. It had to organize, coordinate, find new ways of distribution, and at the same time, it opened to new opportunities in terms of innovation. The packaging industry has shown a proactive and resolute attitude, and unconsciously has been able to deal with problems that go beyond the Design of a container. The analysis of strategies and practices adopted by the packaging sector in managing the emergency allowed us to define the research framework. This contribution investigates the changes not only at an economic level but also at a cognitive-behavioural and environmental level, towards which Design is called to act with increasing responsibility. A Design that will necessarily have to shift the vision from linear to systemic, starting from education

    Onboarding Future Systemic Innovation Designers Through Informal and Collaborative Activities

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    The contribution presents a collective learning system developed by the Innovation Design Lab team within the Innovation Module of the Master’s Degree in Systemic Design of the Politecnico di Torino. A strategy aimed at the development of all those soft skills useful to bring out the potential of the individual’s contribution in projects of entrepreneurial, innovative, and sustainable impact. The research shows the results of educational methodology that integrates digital ecosystems and collaborative tools, highlighting how, from the students’ visions, emerges the urgency to design new future-oriented teaching-learning practices

    Sostenibilità e vino, una questione di etichetta

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    Wine & spirits have always been one of the most representative sectors of Made in Italy agri-food. However, today much more than others, this sector allows us to glimpse a future open to continuous innovation in communication design. The contribution explores and defines, starting from a precise research framework, the opportunities from a creative and narrative point of view of one of the most lively sectors on the market today. A sector that finds itself having to deal with a new level of future spenders, which daily demonstrates the urgent need to feel represented, as well as the will to regain interest in quality

    Un designer sui generis

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    Siamo entrati in quella che si può definire “età ibrida”, sostengono A. e P. Khanna (Khanna, 2013). Un momento in cui i rapporti interpersonali, i repentini avanzamenti in ambito tecnologico, la natura transdisciplinare e performativa del contesto socio/culturale, non permettono più una semplice co-abitazione con il cambiamento, bensì presuppongono, con sempre maggior urgenza, una vera e propria co-evoluzione. Per questo è, e sarà sempre meno possibile essere progettisti, o esseri umani più semplicemente, senza considerare come ogni elemento possa influenzare gli altri, ne venga influenzato e si relazioni. Questo complesso scenario socio-tecnico richiede, quindi, al progettista nello specifico, e alle formazione nell’ambito del design in generale, la capacità di rinnovare continuamente la propria offerta, i propri metodi, i propri strumenti. Il proprio senso critico nella gestione del cambiamento.Il presente contributo, indaga e qualifica il ruolo dell’educazione al progetto, quale sottile equilibrio tra occasioni di metabolizzazione e riflessione lenta, attività altamente esperienziali e transdisciplinari e strumenti digitali oltre il tradizionale concetto di spazio-tempo. Presenta e sistematizza una possibile strategia formativa utile al superamento della tradizionale dimensione autoreferenziale del progettista, per promuovere nuovi atteggiamenti, metodi, modelli e approcci rivolti alla complessità. Un modello basato sulla contaminazione di saperi differenti, aperto quanto inclusivo. Un primo passo verso una progettualità maggiormente consapevole

    Un designer sui generis

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    Siamo entrati in quella che si può definire “età ibrida”, sostengono A. e P. Khanna (Khanna, 2013). Un momento in cui i rapporti interpersonali, i repentini avanzamenti in ambito tecnologico, la natura transdisciplinare e performativa del contesto socio/culturale, non permettono più una semplice co-abitazione con il cambiamento, bensì presuppongono, con sempre maggior urgenza, una vera e propria co-evoluzione. Per questo è, e sarà sempre meno possibile essere progettisti, o esseri umani più semplicemente, senza considerare come ogni elemento possa influenzare gli altri, ne venga influenzato e si relazioni. Questo complesso scenario socio-tecnico richiede, quindi, al progettista nello specifico, e alle formazione nell’ambito del design in generale, la capacità di rinnovare continuamente la propria offerta, i propri metodi, i propri strumenti. Il proprio senso critico nella gestione del cambiamento.Il presente contributo, indaga e qualifica il ruolo dell’educazione al progetto, quale sottile equilibrio tra occasioni di metabolizzazione e riflessione lenta, attività altamente esperienziali e transdisciplinari e strumenti digitali oltre il tradizionale concetto di spazio-tempo. Presenta e sistematizza una possibile strategia formativa utile al superamento della tradizionale dimensione autoreferenziale del progettista, per promuovere nuovi atteggiamenti, metodi, modelli e approcci rivolti alla complessità. Un modello basato sulla contaminazione di saperi differenti, aperto quanto inclusivo. Un primo passo verso una progettualità maggiormente consapevole

    Visualisation Method Toolkit: a shared vocabulary to face complexity

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    With companies, universities, individuals or entire departments, promoting open dialogue, constant interdisciplinary collaboration is a challenge that still meets some resistance. Learning to deal with complexity, with the coexistence of different points of view, learning to work in more heterogeneous teams, in relation to know-how combined in new, sometimes original and challenging formulations, brings particular needs. From the importance of language and a shared vocabulary to the ever-increasing need to work on tools and not just applications, from the constant promotion of collaboration and contamination between different backgrounds and disciplines to the guarantee of a continuous training process through laboratory activities and workshop, this contribution - through the Visualisation Method Toolkit project and its experimentation - investigates the potential of data visualization as a medium to bring design closer to a company's core business as well as support students, institutions and other organizations in communication, both in the analysis and/or scenario phase and in support of dissemination actions towards a more informed quanti/qualitative collective decision making with the aim of enabling new innovative and sustainable good practices

    Silver Linings: Design Strategies and Projects for Packages Born in Times of Crisis and Analyzed with a Systemic Approach

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    La emergencia de salud Covid-19 ha cambiado nuestros hábitos y comportamientos de compras, hábitos alimentarios y también la relación con los embalajes. Para muchos modelos de negocios la pandemia representa un punto de inflexión; para otros, la crisis ha sido la prueba de vulnerabilidades ocultas y de una potencial insuficiencia para el mundo contemporáneo. Sin embargo, el sector del embalaje no se ha detenido. Fue necesario organizar, coordinar y planificar nuevos métodos de distribución, y al mismo tiempo se abrió a nuevas oportunidades para la innovación. La industria del embalaje ha demostrado una actitud proactiva y resolutiva, y ha podido lidiar inconscientemente con problemas que van más allá del Diseño de un contenedor. El análisis de las estrategias y prácticas adoptadas por el sector del embalaje en la gestión de emergencias nos ha permitido definir el marco de investigación. Esta contribución investiga los cambios no sólo a nivel económico, sino también a nivel cognitivo-conductual y ambiental, hacia el cual el Diseño está llamado a actuar con responsabilidad cada vez mayor. Un Diseño que necesariamente debe cambiar la visión de lineal a sistémica, a partir de la formación.The Covid-19 health emergency has changed buying habits and behaviour, eating habits, as well as the relationship with packaging. For many business models, the pandemic represents a turning point; for others, the crisis, reveals hidden vulnerabilities and a potential inadequacy for the contemporary world. However, the packaging sector has not stopped. It had to organize, coordinate, find new ways of distribution, and at the same time, it opened to new opportunities in terms of innovation. The packaging industry has shown a proactive and resolute attitude, and unconsciously has been able to deal with problems that go beyond the Design of a container. The analysis of strategies and practices adopted by the packaging sector in managing the emergency allowed us to define the research framework. This contribution investigates the changes not only at an economic level but also at a cognitive-behavioural and environmental level, towards which Design is called to act with increasing responsibility. A Design that will necessarily have to shift the vision from linear to systemic, starting from education