268 research outputs found

    Carlo Bo lettore di Giacomo Leopardi

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    miRNA expression is increased in serum from patients with semantic variant primary progressive aphasia

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    Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) damages the parts of the brain that control speech and language. There are three clinical PPA variants: nonfluent/agrammatic (nfvPPA), logopenic (lvPPA) and semantic (svPPA). The pathophysiology underlying PPA variants is not fully understood, including the role of micro (mi)RNAs which were previously shown to play a role in several neurodegenerative diseases. Using a two-step analysis (array and validation through real-time PCR), we investigated the miRNA expression pattern in serum from 54 PPA patients and 18 controls. In the svPPA cohort, we observed a generalized upregulation of miRNAs with miR-106b-5p and miR-133a-3p reaching statistical significance (miR-106b-5p: 2.69 ± 0.89 mean ± SD vs. 1.18 ± 0.28

    More atypical than atypical Alzheimer's disease phenotypes: a Treviso Dementia (TREDEM) registry case report

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    Background: A 57-year-old right-handed man was admitted to the Treviso Memory Clinic due to the presence of memory forgetfulness, repetition of the same questions, episodes of confusion, initial difficulties in performing complex tasks and easy distraction over the past two years, as well as recurrent and never-happened-before car accidents.Objective: We report a peculiar case of an early onset Alzheimer's disease (AD) with an unusual symptomatology, apparently not fitting in any of the categorized atypical forms of AD nor being representative of a typical amnestic AD.Methods: The patient underwent a neuropsychological, structural, and metabolic cerebral evaluation by MRI and F-18-FDG PET, together with the search for cerebral amyloid (amyloid PET), a genetic testing for dementia related genes and the dosage of CSF protein biomarkers of neurodegenerative conditions.Results: We observed a convergence of predominant frontal (dysexecutive, verbal disinhibition) and posterior (visuospatial) features of cognitive impairment. Structural MRI sequences showed subarachnoid spaces of the vault enlarged in the frontoparietal region with anterior and posterior cortical atrophy. The hippocampus appeared preserved. The 18F-FDG PET scans showed hypometabolism in the prefrontal, lateral temporal, posterior parietal, and occipital regions bilaterally. The F-18-Flutemetamol scan showed a diffused uptake of the amyloid tracer at the cerebral cortex. CSF biomarkers were compatible with Alzheimer's disease (AD).Conclusion: This case report presented with clinical phenotypic aspects atypical of AD, both frontal and posterior, never described as concomitant in the most accredited criteria for atypical AD, and appeared therefore more atypical than each of the atypical AD phenotypes already reported

    Pro- and anti-oxidant properties of near-infrared (NIR) light responsive carbon nanoparticles

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    Elemental carbon nanomaterials (ECNMs) are redox active agents that can be exploited to purposely modify the redox balance of cells. Both pro- or antioxidant properties have been reported. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are not comprehensive studies exploring both properties on the same material in view of a potential application in medicine. At the same time, the effect of the bulk structure on the pro/antioxidant properties is poorly known. Here, carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) derived by glucose with definite size and shape have been prepared, and their redox properties evaluated in cell free systems in the dark or following activation with a Near Infrared (NIR) laser beam (945 nm, 1.3 W/cm2). We found that, when irradiated with NIR, CNPs efficiently generate heat and singlet oxygen (1O2), a property that can be exploited for dual photo-thermal (PT)/photodynamic (PD) therapy in cancer. On the other hand, in the absence of photo-activation, CNPs react with both oxidant (hydroxyl radicals) and antioxidant (glutathione) species. When tested on a murine macrophages cell line (RAW 264.7) CNPs were clearly antioxidant. Furthermore, albeit efficiently internalized, CNPs do not exert cytotoxic effect up to 80 µg/ml and do not exacerbate TNF-α-mediated inflammation. Overall, the results reported herein suggest that CNPs may represent a new class of safe nanomaterials with potential applications in medicine

    A Biomonitoring Pilot Study in Workers from a Paints Production Plant Exposed to Pigment-Grade Titanium Dioxide (TiO2)

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    Among particulate matter composing paints, titanium dioxide (TiO2) forms about 20% of the final suspension. Although TiO2 is broadly used in many applications, TiO2 powders represent an established respiratory hazard for workers with long-term exposure. In 35 workers of a paints production plant (15 exposed and 20 not exposed), we assessed pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-10, IL-17), surfactant protein D (SP-D) and Krebs von den Lungen-6 glycoprotein (KL-6) in exhaled breath condensate (EBC). In urine samples, we measured 8-isoprostane (Isop) and Malondialdehyde (MDA) as biomarkers of oxidative stress, and Titanium (Ti-U) as a biomarker of exposure. Health status, habits and occupational history were recorded. Airborne respirable dusts and Ti were quantified. Particle number concentration and average diameter (nm) were detected by a NanoTracer™ monitoring device. Ti was measurable in filters collected at the respiratory breathing zone (0.11–0.44 µg/m3 8-h TWA). IL-1β and IL-10 values were significantly higher in exposed workers, whereas SP-D was significantly lower (p p 2 in paint production is associated with the subtle alterations of lung pathobiology. These findings suggest the need for an integrated approach relying on both personal exposure and biomarker assessment to improve the hazard characterisation in occupational settings
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